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Personality Types


Everyone should know by now that the Fibonacci sequence controls everything in this Universe.  From the structure of our faces to the ways our planets rotate and the tallest building is built.  But, it even controls the structure of our body.  But, there can be some influences in our sphere that can make a difference:  blood type, environment, culture, the water we drink and the air we breath are a few items.  But, today we are going to talk about Blood Type.  And one of the best places to get information for that is from Dr. D’Amato’s website.

There are characteristics for all on the Dr.’s website.  He has done much research on the lectins in foods that go well with matching in individual blood types.  He has made a food list of which foods match best with your blood type.  It is imperative that you know YOU and that includes blood type.

Know YOUR Blood Type

There is a chemical reaction that occurs between your blood and the foods you eat says Dr.D’Adamo and his research.  We will continue.  This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. It is amazing but true that today, in the twenty-first century, your immune and digestive systems still maintain favoritism for foods that your blood type ancestors ate.

That is to say, that lectin in foods is incompatible with blood type antigen.  Type A person eats a plate of lima beans.  Here are some signs that you may experience problems from lectins in your diet:  Bloating and flatulence after meals, changes in bowel habits, achy joints, and muscles, hormonal fluctuations, skin eruptions, fatigue, and tiredness.  Lectins are different, the lectin found in wheat has a different shape from the lectin found in say.  Be careful and be aware of the foods you eat and your blood type.



Look at all the pictures above and notice that they all have the same pattern – the Fibonacci Sequence.  Notice the picture below it has the Fibonacci Sequence overlaid on some of the pictures.  And you can see how everything is has been created with this pattern.  The Divine Creator has created everything in the Universe is connected and yet everything in the Universe is Unique.

I have no idea how this has been done.  And I have not heard anyone say they know or that there is even any research how or why this was done like this.  And, then there is a vibration frequency that is also attached to everything in the Universe.  I do believe that we need to be positive in our thoughts and that intention has a lot to do with our development.  We are energy and have seen research on the Universe being energy, and the Schumann Resonance which is a vibration of the Universe.

I do believe that Love, Forgiveness, Joy, and all the positive words we can come up with have a lot to do with our development.  But, since we are each unique we grow into these words at different times in our lives.  Some when they are really young and others that go through trauma will develop later on.

Since we are all Unique, each of us has to remember that what we put into our MIND is what comes out of us.  If we put love, positive thoughts, and kindness then that is what we get in life.  I am a believer.  In the 1950s we had in our home Dr. Norman Vencent Peale’s book, “Positive Thinking”.  and had over the years little booklet from his church or from Unity.  I was raised Christian Scientist until Middle School, so my belief system is still, “Heal thyself”.  And over the years that has been a good thing and a not so good thing.

YOUR Mind is part of but most important.



Alzheimer’s disease is a very big concern for most people over 60 anymore.  They worry they will get Alzheimer’s.  There is a gene for the early-onset form of Alzheimer’s, that would arise before age 60.  

Research 20-30 Yrs before Alzheimer’s

There is a gene, called presenilin 1, which guarantees that you will get Alzheimer’s at a relatively young age.  But there could be less gray matter in parts of the brain affected by Alzheimer’s.  Brain plaques are a hallmark of Alzheimer’s and are formed levels increase and clump together to form hard deposits in the brain.  Plaques build up throughout the body is always an issue as we age.  I do several different things to help solve the plaque issue for myself.  And it may work for you.  I have flossed for over 30 years at least once a day.  I have juiced dark green vegetables about once a week, parsley, chard, kale, spinach should do the trick.  And I take 2 Vitamin E a day and L-Arginine once a day and have done that for years.  My blood pressure is 130/70 at 77 years of age.

A blood test given can detect the buildup of beta-amyloid proteins in the brain and this shows early detection.  Research may change over the years but one of the things that one team found was called tau proteins had significantly increased almost 35 years before symptoms developed.  So YOU need to pay attention to YOU.  The most common symptoms are mild cognitive impairment may occur.

Symptoms including serious memory loss, confusion, and mood changes that develop gradually and worsen with time.  I believe it is better to be Proactive than wait until those symptoms arrive in my brain.  But, who thinks of 30 or 4o that they will live to 75 to get Alzheimer’s?  Not many, and even I did not start being proactive until I was 40 and beyond.

Research 20-30 Yrs before Alzheimer’s

Start today being Brain wise.


How Intuitive Are YOU Spiritually?  I am not intuitive at all.  James Van Praagh can feel the energy of loved ones and there are many people who are very intuitive.  Sometimes, it is generational and from what I know from a Mother to Daughter.  But, I believe most people are like me.  And that over years and generations this is something that has gone away from our family lines.  Maybe, it is because these family lines have become accustomed to man-made reality and this takes organic intuition away.   You can see this in the American Indian tribes where the Sages have tried to keep the old ways alive and yet the younger generations have been westernized.  And what if the Sages and Priestly classes of the tribes all over the world have it right.  And being westernized and man-made reality is not the best thing for humans?   Westernized people are being sicker, mentally and physically.  There are nano-particles of plastic in human waste.  And has the plastic been changing humans?  It possibly has changed our Mind, Body, and Spirit.   It made us less individuals and more and more like each other.  And sort of like Education has been trying to indoctrinate us all to think alike?    But instead of sewing and making our own things we go to a store and buy off the rack that has 100 of the same thing.

How Intuitive Are YOU Spiritually?

Can we get that intuition back into our lives?  I do believe if we meditate or pray we can.  Having a quiet time each day where we have nothing thinking about is a good thing.   Have the belief that we know that our soul and consciousness never dies so it is close to us because we have the same energy patterns from our DNA and cell vibrations.  And is a possibility and of course the higher we each are developed in different ways.  Could be our alkaline that keeps our vibration high or Love, Forgiveness, Kindness?  It could be all of this.



All the images that I display here at are to show you how everything in each of these pictures is related through the Fibonacci sequence.  They show that we are all related through this sequence and vibration.  But, I am sure the Prime Creator has more than this but this is how I understand it at the present time.  Maybe, tomorrow I will learn more but today I know this much.

YOUR Mind and Trauma.

I have had trauma and you probably have had trauma but some people have had evil and terrible trauma in their childhood that I would have no idea how to deal with.  I hope yours was not evil and dark but if it was I hope you are in a better place and were able to get away from it.  Just the trauma that most of us go through is not the physical abuse or mental abuse, or sexual abuse that some of you have had.  Compared to those types my trauma was almost nothing.  But, my wish for everyone is to be able to become a whole person and be a productive citizen of the world.

The book, “Prisoner’s of Our Thoughts’, by Alex Pattakos, Ph.D. is a good book if you would like to read about trauma.  And the book by Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning.  These are both great books, and I am sure there are other books that are great.  Dr. Gabor Mate is also known for Treating Trauma.  He was born in Hungary, Jewish, and his mother gave him to a stranger when he was 1-year old that has to cause him life long trauma.  She was trying to protect him from being taken to gas chambers.

We each handle our trauma different.  And we each may get over it, or through it.  But not all of us do.  My sister never got over my grandmother dying when she was about 5.  I am sure she was very close to our grandmother but when she died there was absolutely no communication from my parents on this at all.

YOUR Mind and Trauma.


It is important for YOU to know that the Fibonacci sequence is in everything and everyone in the Universe.  There is vibration, whether it is YOUR 55 trillion cells that vibrate at 7.35-7.45 Hz or the Schumann Resonance of the vibration of the Universe.  We are all unique but all connected.  The Prime Creator did this.  No one knows how this was done but man-made religions have divided, gone to war, created we are better than you kind of attitude.  But, that is not true.

Love, Forgiveness, Joy, Kindness, a Smile, these are very important to feed your mind as you age.  It is part of your core beliefs.  Our minds need to be fed good positive stuff.  It helped me years ago to let go of negative feelings towards everyone, forgive everyone and myself.  It has helped me mentally to move forward with my own development and learning.  Here I am at 77 still doing researching and learning all I can.  It is important to me to be productive and to be positive and to learn all I can while I am on this plane and in this dimension.  I hope you like to learn and know about the Universe also.

As you look back on your life there will be times that you can say;  I would have, should have, could have, but do not do that to your mind.  From today on using your Core beliefs and Let go of any negatives about anything and anyone in your past.  We all have had trauma at some time in our life.  It does not serve you well if you hang on to that feeling.  Let it go and remember how much you have developed since that pain and hurt.  Be that giant and forgive.  I never say you need to talk directly to that person who hurt you but mentally forgive them and let your mind know you want to be about Love and Kindness and Joy only.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.




The one thing that you must remember is that everything in YOU, the mind, body, and spirit are all connected.  Treat each part well but treat YOUR whole self better than anyone.  YOU cannot take care of others in your life unless YOU are taking care of YOU the best.  My children are middle age right now and lots of parents are not aging well or passing over.  My goal for aging for myself has been to not have to die in Hospice or a diabetic.  Not that Hospice is not a great group and wonderful people and program I just do not want my children to have those last memories of me all drugged up and going through the illness and/or pain.

Meditate and Pray but there is so much more to the spirit because your bodies health and your mind all go into YOUR Spirit.  They cannot be separate or se[arted.  They are one and connected to everyone else and the Universe.  But, yet we each are distinctly unique but at the base of everything is where the Prime Creator connected everything.  I only know the basic’s here,  It is my belief system that believes the Prime Creator is the power behind the whole Universe and all of us.  Since everything is created with a vibration frequency why would not we all be connected?  And since we are all connected why would there be wars, or this religion is better than that religion.  And since everything is energy and energy never dies that makes sense to me that we are all connected at a level only the Prime Creator knows about.

Read all the ancient texts, starting with the Chaldean texts and Sumer and the BIble.  There are special things in all the ancient text.  Take what you can so you grow and learn.






YOUR Spirit and Mind and Body.



REMEMBER:  Everything in the Universe, including YOU and I, are formed from the Fibonacci sequence and vibration frequency.

The book I will talk about today is:  Alkalize or Die.  I first got this book about 20 years ago, it was first published in 1991 and is in it tqwlth printing that I have.  But, I used this book and read and re-read it for the wonderful information Dr. Theodore A. Baroody provdied.  It goes along with the 55 Trillion cells in every human’s body.  Of course, over the years from my childhood, I have had 3 broken arms, 2 hips replaced,  hysterectomy, cataract surgery and other bumps and bruises, and 3 children.  All this trauma to my body has affected those 55 Trillion cells that were not always kept in the Alkalized state like they should have been.

Alkalize or Die – it is YOUR Choice.

Plus over the last 70 + years the food, water, air, and soil around the world has changed drastically.  And not for the better.  My theory is to counter what I can by juicing, buying at the local farmers market,  and go with quality.  I try to stay away from boxed, canned, and bagged foods.  Now, I want you to know that for me that is not 100%.

Dr. Baroody has a page of credentials.  But I am going to give you his introduction to his book.  Please go out and buy it for your own library also.  Here is the following:

There are so many confusing theories about the way the body operates.  This not only applies to the orthodox medical community but also to the alternative health community as well.  Few systems have a workable philosophy that is more than a mass of disassociated pieces of body physiology compiled by “publish or perish” experiments.    My viewpoint is founded on ancient Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, and Greco-European healing philosophies and on the works of several great modern men in the field of health.

Alkalize or Die – it is YOUR Choice.


See how the Prime Creator made the hurricane is formed by the Fibronacci sequuence.  How impressive is that?  Only the Universal Creator could make everything connect by numbers, vibrations , love and consciouness.  On to today’s subject.  Th power the Now.

We have all had trauma in our lives.  And if you say you have not you are not dealing with reality.  But, it does help in our lives if we live in the now, letting go of anger and jeaulousy or any other negative feeling.

Mr. Tolle says “All you really need to do is accept this moment fully.  You are then at ease in the here and now and at ease with yourself.  Of course, for me some days are better than others to accept that.

Your mind has to pay attention to YOU, and your body.  Because as you age you need to know how your body is working and what is best for it.

Mr. Tolle says that unless and until you access the consciousness frequence of presence, all relationships , and particularly intimate relationships, are deeply flawed and ultimately dysfunctional.  They may seem perfect for awhile, such as when you are “in love,” but invariably that apparent perfetion gt disrupted as agruments, consflicts, dissatisfaction, and emotional or even physical violence occur with increamsing frequency.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

You never need to be in any situration where you feel comprimised.  And you certainly should never accept unpleasant life situations.

Mr. Tolle says that your cannot truly forgive yourself or others as long as you derive your sense of self from the past.  That I have found is so true.  I had a terrible thing years ago that 2 people did to me and I forgave both of them.  I cannot tell you how much peace and joy that gave me to forgive them.  I totally felt like a new person.  So rewarding.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.


Fibonacci Day is November 23rd.  Mr. Fibronacci deserves a day and almost no one knows him.  In this website we talk about him and how important it was when he translated the numbers so we would know the Fibonacci sequence or can be called the Golden Code, many things really.  Our Spirit is connected to our Higher Power, or the Prime Creator, of some people, call it God.  I like Prime Creator because lots of people call it God and that is fine.  We are all unique and we all have a unique way of connecting with this Higher Power.  I cannot understand how anyone can be an Atheist.  Because there is so much information about what this Prime Creator is the creator.  We each have 55 Trillion cells that vibrate at 7.35-7.45 and then there is the Schumann Resonance and the vibration of everything and frequency.  Man’s religion is much different than the Prime Creator’s religion.  Prime Creator does not do wars, evil, hateful jealous, envy.  Love, good thoughts, kind, joy, and all positive thoughts and deeds are from the Great One.

The higher we keep our cells vibrating as I wrote above, the higher we connect with everything and those in the Universe.  I have no idea how everything works, but I believe from just know about the vibration of our cells, the vibration of the Universe, and the Fibonacci numbers everything is connected.  I am sure there is more but I do not know about it.

Taking care of YOU is the most important thing you can do.  YOU cannot take care of others well if you are not well.  So make sure that your mind body and spirit is growing, learning and developing every day.  Exercising, eating quality and organic foods as much as possible.  These things help keep your body vibrating and your Spirit moving higher all the time.  Understanding that everyone and everything in the Universe is connected but we each are unique.

YOUR Spirit Mind and Body Connected.
