August 2018 -
Browsing Date

August 2018




YOU and YOUR Human Spirit


YOUR human spirit comes, again, from your yesterdays,

your family, your understanding, your learning and knowledge,

your developing into the person you are today BUT:


YOU have to keep developing, growing, learning and going

beyond where you are today.


YOU have to outgrow this SELF you are today.

I will give you a story that will make you see that you need to

outgrow where you are today.


My sister, I use her because I have learned a lot from her life

experiences on what I do not want to say at the end of my life.

So anyway, she was an alcoholic and did get sober 30 years


she died, but she mentally never developed beyond that getting

sober years because she accepted that she was sober and so

never went beyond that.  So that was why she had tremendous

regret at the end of her life.


She went to a psychiatrist for 30 years but yet never developed.

If YOU or I go to group, therapy for over 3 years – please move

beyond that group or therapy because it can become stagnant

She never matured and developed mentally

She never matured and developed spiritually

She never matured and developed body

And since early 1980s I have been maturing and developing on a

daily basis.










I learned at those early years:


To say and live the Serenity Prayer:

God grant the me the serenity

to accept the things, I cannot change;

courage to change the things I can;

and wisdom to know the difference.


What that prayers says to me and still speaks to me today is that

I cannot control anyone but myself.  Stay out of other people’s

business, and do not try solving problems that are not yours.

Take only care of SELF.  Everything else is someone else’s



Live and breath the Serenity Prayer everyday because it will take

all YOUR stress away if you live and breath and believe it.

Acceptance is not laziness

Have courage to change ourselves

Hardship can be good for you

Surrendering requires courage, too

Happiness is attainable


Here are some wonderful quotes from people who have lived



Start where you are. Use what you have.  Do what you can.

Arthur Ashe


It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop



A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the

Desire to beat others.

Ayn Rand


Believe in yourself!  Have faith in your abilities!  Without a humble

But reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be

Successful or happy.

Norman Vincent Peale

I have read Dr. Peale since the 1950 when we had his books in

Our home.


The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Mark Twain


Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of


George S. Patton


Another Confucius:

The will to win, the desire to succeed, the urge to reach your full

Potential… these are the keys that will unlock the door to

Personal excellence.


Another one of my favorite people is Wayne Dyer who said:

Go for it now.  The future is promised to no one.


And another one of my favorite people is Bo Jackson, the great

football and baseball sports star and he is living by his words:


Set your goals high, and do not stop until you get there.


I have not had TV for almost 15 years – and do not miss it or want

it again




MSM is Methyl-sulfonyl-methane powerful for YOUR body

Is an organolsulfur compound that features the sulfonyl functional

group and is considered relatively inert chemically.  It occurs

naturally in some primitive plants and is present in small amounts

in many foods and beverages.


I have powdered MBM that I bought 5 pounds at once and try to

use it daily.


I use it to detox individual cells and that the uptake of nutrients will

be more beneficial in my body. I like the benefits of MSM that

makes cells more permeable, releasing certain built-up minerals

that can cause problems, heavy metals, waste and toxins, while

also helping usher in nutrients and water.  These are the reason I

take MSM.   Listed below are some other

issues that can be helped by MSM:


Osteoarthritis and joint pain.

Improves digestive problems like leaky gut syndrome by

rebuilding the lining of the digestive tract and lower

inflammation/allergic reactions to certain feeds.


Repairs skin and treats skin problems

including rosacea, allergies.  I use to have rosacea but because I

have been making sure my body receives enough nutrition on a

daily basis I have not had rosacea in approximately 20 years.


Lowers muscle pain and muscle spasms.

Helps repair the rigid fibrous tissue cells in our muscles that

become broken down during exercise, therefore helping to

prevent them from swelling for prolong periods of time.


Restores hair growth

it helps boost collagen and keratin levels that are needed for

forming new hair strands.


Helps the body

adapt to stress, heal and bounce back from exercise, stressful

events, injuries and even surgeries.

There are 3 other uses that have gain notoriety:

Preventing the hardening/thickening of arteries; helps the body’s

natural free radical scavenging abilities by lowering oxidative

stress.  Effective anti-inflammatory because it blocks the release

of pro-inflammatory mediators and down regulates certain harmful



MSM supplies the body with extra sulfur for creating methionine,

which helps in important bodily processes like making other

chemicals, forming connective tissue, synthesizing/metabolizing

foods and absorbing nutrients to be used for energy.


Using MSM helps my body in better immune function, accelerated

healing and reduced pain and recovery time from exercises like



MBM’s sulfur plays an important role in the production of

glutathione, considered to be a ‘master antioxidant” and an

important agent for detoxification.  This is why I have used MSM

for years.


I use powdered MSM and puts it in water and drinking throughout

the day.  But you can also use cream form, capsule/tablet forms.


Take 500 milligrams 3 times a day-it may disrupte your bowel

movements so take it slowly until you reach the amount that

works best for YOU.  Increasing your intake as your body gets

used to it and you do not experience any digestive side effects.


Because YOUR environment, job, family water, among a dozen

other items YOUR body needs MSM


REMEMBER:  MSM is called one of the miracle supplement  that

can do so many things that are good for YOUR body.



Ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and

forgiveness.  I practice it often:    writing down one

of my children’s name or saying it out loud and

then praying:  I am sorry, please forgive me, I love

you, thank you.  I repeat it for at least 10-15 minutes

for that person.  I pray it before I go on auto trip –

touching my car.  I have prayed it in an airplane

when there has been turbulence.

It corrects, restores and maintains good

relationships among family members and their God

by getting to the causes and sources of trouble.

There was a Hawaiian psychiatrist that performed

this with inmates in prison for murder.  The ones

he performed this on were released from prison

because they became good citizens.


Ho’oponopono in 4 simple steps

  1. Repentance –  I AM SORRY
  1. Ask forgiveness  –  PLEASE FORGIVE ME
  1. Gratitude – THANK YOU
  1. Love  –  I LOVE YOU


I  have used Ho’oponopono for years plus I meditate and

Pray also.  I use all the tools I have in my Tool Box.

Deepen YOUR understanding of how the universe and especially

YOUR part of the universe


It is not always easy and can be very stressful on each of us

Individually but accept that we are the sum total of all past

thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our

present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory

bank of the past, then we begin to ssee how a process of

correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and

our society.


The above is from Momah Nalamaku Simeona that founded the

Foundation of I, Inc.












How happy are you?

The following are some ways to make SELF happy:

  1. Things cannot make you happy

People cannot make you happy

Only YOU can make YOU happy.

Do you want to be happy?

You may have to give up some of the negative thoughts

You may have to fill those spots with positive thoughts

As humans we are have childhood issues or life issues

No one can be happy 24/7 for life

What do you have to loose to be happy as much as you can?

  1. Take control of YOUR time

Research has shown that people who are able to take

control of their day are happier than people who have no

sense that they can control their day

Stop right now and sit and smile and be happy for 20

seconds.  That is controlling your time and smiling

YOU can control a lot of time throughout YOUR day

  1. Smile

I made it a rule for myself that when I am walking into any

store that I smile at anyone passing me by.

We are all connected – all because of our energy and

because we all are here at the time we are supposed to be

here at this time and in this space.

  1. Find work and activities that you are good at and that

will be meaningful to YOU, I have always done projects:

I have a 2,000 books library – love to read and do research.

I knit baby blankets, knitting my daughter a jacket, made the

boy’s blankets.  I have taken oil painting and have a couple

of nice painting I have done.  I write this blog and truly enjoy

sharing all my research with YOU.

I cannot stress enough but to turn OFF YOUR TV

Get off the phone or computer.  Stop gossiping.

Take classes for anything you enjoy.  I took an algebra class

When I was 65 and loved it and the teacher loved me.

Always learn more, always be happier, always smile.

YOUR peace and harmony as you age will help in

aging healthy and happy.

  1. invest in shared things; vacations, family time, friends

time.  It is sometimes hard not to collect stuff, but I have

accumulated my books, my fabric for sewing, my yard for

knitting, my research papers, so I try to get everything

organized and orderly.  To someone else it is stuff but to

me it is my projects that I am working on.

  1. Always have an exercise program you are working – not

Anything huge like a marathon – if you would like it – do it.

I have a rebounder (you have to order the good ones) and

A stationery bike for the winter months but I do swimming

In the summer to build up my leg muscles.

  1. Have to have enough sleep – 6 – 8 hours a night.
  1. If you have a “small” box – tear down the sides by learning

Something new or do a new project you have done before.

It will make more to your life in learning anything new;

a new thought or a new project.








Healthy Spices


Do you have a first aid kit in your home?

Keeping charcoal on hand for medicinal purposes

From emergency rooms to living rooms, dialysis machines to

kitchen water filters charcoal touches our lives everyday.  It goes

beyond that to YOU the individual who should keep charcoal on

hand in your home for your own emergencies to YOUR body

because it does so many good things.


YOU are responsible for your own health and to be responsible

you need knowledge on how to do that.  There are a lot of

variables knowing SELF and how to take care of issues but it is

basically simple.

One of the things you need in your first aid cabinet is the charcoal

as it heals many health issues that may come up during your



John Dinsley has written the definitive book on charcoal and it’s

many remedies.  Charcoal, the complete

handbook of medicinal charcoal and its applications.  We will be

learning from this book today in this blog.

Agatha M. Thrash, MD, Medical Examiner for the State of Georgia

said she trusts the efficacy and safety of charcoal as a simple yet

powerful home remedy.

Use the charcoal capsules or the powered charcoal to make


The following are some issues that may be helped with charcoal:

Learn how to help these with charcoal:

Chromes disease

Fire ant’s bites

Toxic liver



Sore throat

Ear infections

Poison ivy


Read the Charcoal book by John and learn all the remedies that

charcoal can help in.

One of the ways to take activated charcoal so it does not leave

all that black residue is use the following recipe:

Mix charcoal together with slippery elm powder four to one and

leave it dry in a sealed jar.  Whenever needed – it is instantly



In hospital emergency rooms whenever an overdose patient was

brought into the emergency room, the very first thing a doctor

would do was make the overdose patient who was conscious

drink a charcoal slurry.  And the doctor never saw an overdose

patient die who was conscious and could drink the slurry.


It is always best to work with your doctor but it is much better

when you know YOUR body and can help in curing the issue

instead of just controlling the issue.

My childhood family died by the time I was 63 – brother, sister,

and parents.  3 died of different cancers and 1 of heart disease.

My goal, along with YOUR goal is die of old age

and not of disease.  That is what this website and the blogs are

all about – dying of old age – being as healthy and happy and

productive until we cross over the bridge.

Being informed and having knowledge of SELF is what is going

to make that possible.

Get those charcoal capsules and activated charcoal so when

YOU get that scratch, that bite, that sore throat, any of those other

maladies you just grab the cure out of your first aid cupboard.



Are you willing to grow beyond TODAY?




The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not “the


The moment you start watching the thinker; a higher level of

consciousness becomes activated.

You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence

Beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that


You also realize that all the things that truly matter—–

Beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace —

Arise from beyond the mind.


YOUR mind has gone from 0 at birth to what it is today – but

Defining YOUR mind is not easy because it is YOUR mind-

And for the FREE mind to be defined it has to accept that

On a daily basis YOU define who you are;







They can be wonderful teachers but you are who you define.

Have a mission everyday, be in control of your day and not

your day controlling you.


Make it a habit to ask yourself:

What is going on inside of me at this very moment?

How am I feeling?

What am I thinking?

Know that you have a past and appreciate that past

And know that you have a future and be grateful for that future.

But in this moment in time; how are you feeling and what are

you thinking.

Remember that there are only 2 feelings:

Love and fear

I choose love

I choose forgiveness

I choose being proactive

I choose being in the NOW

I choose letting go

I choose to be the giant


Do not choose fear

Not forgiving brings disease, stress, and high blood pressure

And forgiving self MENTALLY first is beneficial to

a long and healthy life

Do not be reactive – always last one to the table

Do not hang onto yesterday’s issues.

Do not create a problem – because it creates pain.


Is there joy, ease, lightness, peace, and harmony in what

I am doing today?
See the picture I have posted in this blog?

Are you going into the fog or are you clearing a path as you go?


When you live in the moment, because you have let go of

any unhappiness from the past you begin to have JOY.

Never be concerned about the out come of what you are doing

because it will be JOY in the end with the practice of Love


Where ever you are being there totally – do not think of anything

else but where you are and what is going on that moment.

Breathing is so important to you living in the moment.  Take

some time each week to just sit and breathe.  Breath deeply

and you will know when you are breathing too shallow.

Shallow breathing is not healthy and your cells need the oxygen

That you are breathing in deeply.  Count to 10-20 breathing in

And hold that breathe and then breath out slowly.

All these are so good mentally for YOU and the moment.


white-1158166_1280Spiritual Peace


Life is difficult as Dr. Peck said but if we do not budget and control

our finances it is very, very stressful also and your spirit will not be

at peace.


Have you read George S. Clason’s book:?

“The Richest Man in Babylon”?

It is a fast read and will help you look within at your own

financial success, and financial success is different for

everyone and means different things for each of us.

I will just mention a couple of items from his book:

  1. Start the purse to fattening.
  1. Control your expenditures.
  1. Make your money multiply
  1. Guard your treasurers from loss.
  1. Make of your dwelling a profitable investment.
  1. Insure a future income.
  1. Increase your ability to earn.


Orin and DaBen:

The the spirit of abundance that is in each of you.  May you

recognize your greatness, discover your path, and make the

contribution you came to make.





Peace of mind, body and spirit is my daily mantra.  Being in

control of my day but with peace and harmony in all I do.

Read the following as a daily meditation:


Are the source

Will discover what you want

Can become abundant

Can magnetize what you want



Will follow your inner guidance

Can allow success

Can transform your beliefs

Let money flow

Can trust

Can have miracles


Can do what you love

Discover your life’s work

Have what it takes

Believe in yourself

Can move to your Higher Path



Have value and worth

Have joy and appreciation

Can give and receive

Have clarity and harmony

Have money


Be grateful and appreciative of everyday but:

Everyday work towards that Higher Path


Sometimes in life you may have a job that is not where you

really want to be so when those times come to each of us.


Be prepared to make the MOST of that time in YOUR

growth and development into that Higher Path you are

working towards.  Be especially kind to SELF during those

difficult times in life.


When I travel or taking an auto trip – that can be very stressful

But the best way I have found to make it as peaceful as possible

Is to take a deep breath, tell myself not to hurry, and of course,

Listen to some very good quitening music.


To keep YOUR spirit in harmony and at peace always remember


Viktor Frankl’s theory of YOUR life’s meaning is above everything.


To get to that Higher Path; to that balance of mind, body and


Spirit; to harmony and peace.    I have always had projects that I


have done since the children were little and I was a stay at home


mother;  sewing, garden, painting, and volunteering.  Dr. Frankl’s


story and his theory are very profound to my life and I hope you


can take the time to read his book:  “Man’s Search for Meaning”.


I think it will add to your life’s meaning also.






Iodine-rich pink salt


Do you know how much and what kind of SALT your body needs?


Over the years I realize how valuable salt is to my body and to YOUR

body also.


I use very good salt, Dr. Marshall’s Pink salt is one of my favorites

and since I have a water distiller I need more minerals additionally

than just on food.  So I use Dr. Marshall’s Pink Salt to add those

minerals to my body.  Also, that pink salt has helped my hands

shaking – almost have no shaking in hands if I take the additional

pink salt.  I also use Celtic Sea Salt – the flower of the ocean and very

expensive but delicious salt and very good for our bodies out of the

North Sea.  And I have Redmond’s Real Salt also at home-out of Utah

and very good also.  I keep all these salts because it is a necessary

item in the home and need to buy a “good” unrefined salt to use in

your home.

The “good” salt is called unrefined salt and contains over 80 essential

minerals.  Being low in minerals can affect your blood pressure and

many other body functions. 

I try not to eat refined salt which has no benefits and has all the

minerals removed.  If I am out to eat I am not going to worry about

eating their table salt because at home, I only have unrefined salt and

even have it at my workplace so I keep enough good salt in my body


Long shelf life for salt is when minerals have been removed and  

bleach has been added to obtain the white color.  These do not sound

good for one’s body – I am sure you do not want minerals removed

and bleach added. 


Celtic Sea Salt is harvested near coast of northwestern France and  

using almost the same method they used 2,000 years ago.  I always

will go to the natural way of growing or harvesting rather than man-

made machines taking out to really good and organic quality.


Refined salt and any refined foods can acidify the body.  Your body

should be pH neutral of 7.2 – if too many acidic foods most diseases

will start showing up – diabetes, cancer maybe.


To get to neutral 7.2 – one would have to know how to get there.  We

will talk about pH on another blog but start understanding what is

alkaline and what is acid in YOUR body.  Every Sunday I juice Chard

and add turmeric with little Bragg’s olive oil and grind black pepper

into it.  The olive oil and black pepper make the turmeric absorbent

into your body better.


There are other things that affect your adrenal glands but unrefined

salt is necessary for your adrenal glands to function correctly.  Dr.

Brownstein has a list in his book, “Salt, your way to health”.  I have all

of Dr. Brownstein’s books and have referenced all of them to my own

health issues over the years.  Add his books to your library – you will

use them for the rest of your life.


Organic Foods


Do you know that  the involvement of estrogen and its receptors in the development of cancer has been known for years?

However, the exact mechanism responsible is far from clear. The estrogen- mediated carcinogenic process is complicated but YOU need to know as much as possible and we will do that together here on the only website that will help you know about YOU.

Estrogens have multiple functions in cells and the effect of estrogen may be cell-type or organ dependent.

The estrogenic effect may be also greatly influenced by the state of two estrogen receptors, ERalpha and ERbeta.

There are endocrine-disruptors compounds that mimic the effects of estrogen in the body and throw off hormonal balances. These disruptors are everywhere today, in our food, our water, and the household products we use every day.

Children are reaching puberty younger than ever, hormonal imbalances are linked to a variety of cancers, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and depression.

The disruptors mimic the effects of true estrogen and lodge in fatcells and are resistant to breakdown. They affect sleep, stress, metabolism and mood.

The biggest source of disruptors is chemicals.

The following is a list of how to avoid disruptors as much as possible in YOUR life:

  • Avoid plastics
  • Use safe household cleaning products
  • Reduce antibiotics
  • Change your diet
  • Avoid pesticides and herbicides
  • Buy American grass-fed animal products
  • Go raw
  • Buy local
  • Avoid SOY

There are two previous unrecognized xenoestrogens:

  1. propyl gallate — a preservative used to prevent fats and oils from spoiling
  2. 4-hexylresorcinol —used to prevent discoloration in shrimp and other shellfish these are used in many consumer products and trying to avoid them is a struggle.

They are in:

  • Pasteurized dairy
  • Soy products
  • Plastics
  • Personal care products
  • Teflon Cookware

My solutions are that I do not buy any bagged, canned, boxed foods for my home. Now, am I every going to be free of these man-made products – no, and when I go out to eat – I try to eat in locally owned restaurants that serve more locally grown food.

Protect your family:

  • Store your food in glass containers as much as possible.
  • Use natural cleaning products
  • Buy and eat organic food
  • Avoid processed foods
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners and MSG
  • Use natural brands of toiletries’

12 Food additives to avoid and READ LABELS from now on

  1. Solium Nitrate — I love bacon – I buy my bacon at Whole Foods who have their own bacon without nitrates that are linked to various types of cancer. Ham, hot dogs, luncheon meats, corned beef, etc.
  2. BHA & BHT — a preserve common household foods and cereals, gum, potato chips and vegetable oils.
  3. Propyl gallate — another preservative, meat products, chicken sop base, gun and could be linked to cancer
  4. MSG – monosodium glutamate —a flavor enhancer in soups, salad dressings, chips, frozen entrees, restaurant food. Can cause headaches and nausea, damaged nerve cells in brains of infant mice.
  5. Trans fats — proven to cause heart disease-especially fast food
  6. Aspartame — may cause cancer or neurological problems
  7. Acesulfame-K — artificial sweetener found in baked goods, fun, gelatin desserts.
  8. Food coloring— Blue 1 & 2, Red 3,  Green 3 Yellow 6
  9. Olestra — synthetic fat found in many processed chip brands
  10. Potassium bromate — additive to increase volume in some white flours, breads and rolls.
  11. White sugar — unsafe for your health and promotes bad nutrition
  12. Sodium chloride — bad salt and good salt – learn the difference

I have used Dr. Marshall’s pink salt for years. Thera are other good salts available. Do not use off -the-shelf grocery store salt.





Rainbow on road less traveled

Some thoughts about Dr. M. Scott Peck’s book, “The Road Less Traveled”

Dr. Peck says he does not make any distinction between the mind and the spirit, and therefore no distinction between the process of achieving spiritual growth and achieving mental growth, and I can see that there certainly is a reason to believe in this process for myself.

I always encourage everyone to read all the books we talk about on this website because we all understand and accept anything with our own uniqueness.

I believe everyone has a different perspective on mind and spirit so it is an individual decision but maybe we should just accept the fact that the holistic whole person includes all this and more.

I read this book in the 1980s – and the first sentence in the book that will always be one of the most important 3 words to me is:

“Life is difficult.”

Things never change because that is the first of the Four Noble Truths which Buddha taught which is “Life is suffering”…and we all look at that from our own perspective.

I thought everyone lived like my family – and as I have developed and gained insight on my own awareness no one lived like us because we all are unique families.

Even every individual within a family does not have same spirituality as each other nor should they.

Dr. Peck does write that life is a series of problems and asks “Do we want to moan about them or solve them?” — “Do we want to teach our children to solve them?”

Solving OUR problems is very easy when YOU can make decisions but there may be two reasons YOU need to know for SELF:

  1. Only solve YOUR problems – not anyone else’s problems — not even your parents or children’s.
  2. The better you know SELF the better and faster you can solve YOUR problems.

Discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life’s problems. Without discipline, we can solve nothing. Looking in-depth and picking things apart we can solve life’s problem – talking to SELF, encouraging SELF, doing nice things for SELF, being kind to SELF also help solve problems. And what can be a small life’s problem to you may be a big life’s problem to me or the other way around.

Self-discipline is just one of the tools in our arsenal of how to deal with life’s problem and solve them.

And always remember that you only have to solve YOUR problems and not anyone else’s or take them on yourself, let go of other’s problems. Repeat the Serenity Prayer – forever and forever and be thankful every day, Let Go and Let God – love those Alanon sayings.

Do not avoid solving YOUR problems because will cause MORE problems and will cause YOU greater stress and be an inability to develop mentally and spiritually like YOU really want.

Cannot stress that the week you die — if you do not start today YOU will say the same thing my sister did when they gave her 2 weeks: “I know I could have done more with my life”







