July 2023 - MindBodySpir.it
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July 2023

Electrolytes for Brain and Body.  Electrolytes are substances that become ions in solution and acquire the capacity to conduct electricity.  They are present in the human body.   And the balance of the electrolytes in our bodies.  But are essential for the normal function of our cells and our organs.  Common electrolytes that are measured with blood testing.   They are sodium,  potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate.  I will tell you a little about each one.

Sodium is the major positive ion in fluid outside cells.  When combined with chloride, the result is table salt.  Sodium regulates the total amount of water in the body.  And the transmission of sodium into and out of cells also play a role in critical body functions.

Potassium is also a major positive ion found inside of cells.  It is essential for normal cell function.  But it regulates the heartbeat and the function of muscles.  However, an increase or decrease can affect the nervous system.   And increase the change of irregular heartbeats.

Chloride is the major anion found in the fluid outside of cells and in the blood.  And it plays a role in helping the body maintain a normal balance of fluids.  It is closely regulated by the body.  Increases or decreases in chloride can have deleterious or even fatal consequences.

Electrolytes for Brain and Body.

Bicarbonate ion acts as a buffer.  And try to maintain normal levels of acidity(pH) in blood and body.  I use Bob’s Red Mill soda in my water each day.  This keeps my body alkaline.  Not having a normal level may be due to diseases.  And that would interfere with respiratory function and kidney diseases and metabolic conditions.

I will say that for several years I took Emergency packets every day.  But this was before I knew how to get those electrolytes.  I believe that EMT’s carry those packets because of their importance.

Electrolytes for Brain and Body.


Spirit and Everything are Connected.

Our Spirit includes our Soul, our Consciousness,  I do not need to know How and Why the Prime Creator did all this but I am a Believer in God’s Religion.  God’s Religion includes the following and probably includes more that is beyond what I know on this day.  Tomorrow I may know another part or piece of what connects us all.  But today this is what I write about.

As you will notice today’s picture is just a bunch of stairs.  It is based on the Fibonacci sequence also. Everything is the Fibonacci sequence, even Architecture.  You will have to be a belief of just that so you can go to your Higher Self.  We are connected to each other, we are connected to all animals, people, and nature.  I have no idea but man’s religion has divided us and I hope you can see for yourself the Prime Creator has bonded everything in the Universe.

So when you look at the ancient people we are all connected back there.  And remember we are frequency vibrate and energy and energy is always there.  I love the book “My Brain is Open, by the late Paul Erdos, the world’s most prolific mathematician and said,   “It is not enough to be in the right place at the right time.  You should also have an open mind at the right time>’  Mr. Erds lived out of a bag and went from mathematician to mathematician around the world solving complicated math problems.  Never had a home after her Mother passed.  I encourage you to read these authors we talk about on this website.  Read, read and more reading will get you to your next level in this life.Mr. Erdos was talked about in the book,  “The Living Energy Universe.”  Read everything you can, turn off your radio and stay off your social network for a while.

Spirit and Everything are Connected.


Benefits of  Vitamin D3-Healthy Aging.  The following is from Natural News about Vitamin D.  Vitamin D intake reduces the risk of cancer by 30% among post-menopausal women.  Yet, “health experts” still, say that there is no conclusive link between vitamin D intake and reduced cancer risk.  However, there are scientific reviews show varying conclusions about the vitamins’ role in mitigating the risk.  And always do your own research.  But, there is always new research from many sources.

Benefits of Vitamin D3-Healthy Aging.

Benefits of Vitamin D3-Healthy Aging.  But, the data show that women who take vitamin D and calcium supplements have a 30% reduced risk of cancer compared with the control group. But for further analysis of blood samples also reveals that the women who developed cancer over the course of the study had significantly lower vitamin D levels than their healthier counterparts.

Benefits of Vitamin D3-Healthy Aging.   However, this does suggest that increasing vitamin D levels can substantially reduce the odds of cancer.  And researchers at Creighton University and the University of California San Diego examine 2,303 healthy post-menopausal women aged 55 years and older who.  The study indicates that vitamin D is a critical tool in fighting cancer.  And always take Vitamin D3 – not only for a decrease in cancer risk but for your overall health.

YOUR body needs D3 and here is a list of some of the wonderful.

But the Benefits of D3 not only for cancer but: nutrition for your brain, support for autoimmune disorders, immune system support, fights disease and depression, boost weight loss

Some food sources of D; salmon, sardines, egg yolk, shrimp, yogurt, orange juice.

I make sure I take the right portion of Vitamin D3 for my body.  Everyone’s body is different.  KNOW your body type.



Effects of TV on YOUR Brain.  YOU and effects of TV on the Brain.  The following is from eruptingmind.com.  Watching TV is something which virtually everyone does.  But did you know that TV can actually be harmful to you?  Television viewing can, for example, increase your risk of premature death.  And reduce your level of intelligence, completely obliterate your ability to concentrate.  May also physically impair the growing child brain.  But it can also increase your risk of developing brain disorders.  To top it off, TV is also addictive.

I have a background in biology, psychology, and business.   And have been interested in the effects of TV on the brain for the past several years.  I was shocked to find that something which I had previously considered being an innocent past time actually posed a threat to physical and mental well-being.

Furthermore, I discovered that television is also a very effective mind control technology that can have a big influence on how you feel about yourself.  And what you think is possible for yourself, and how you perceive the world you live in.  In this article, I present to you a brief summary of the main findings that I have come across with additional commentary of points of interest.

There is so much more that could be discussed, so, please consider this summary as a starting point from which you can use to direct your own future research.  For this purpose, I have provided a list of references which can be found at the bottom of this page.

Watching tv puts the viewer into a highly suggestible sleep-like hypnotic state.  This provides easy access to the subconscious and is one reason why it is easy to fall asleep whilst watching television.  The hypnotic effect is largely caused by screen flicker which lowers your brainwaves into an alpha state.  And a state of mind you would normally associate with meditation or deep relaxation.  In most people, this occurs within 30 seconds, or within 3 minutes for very light and infrequent TV viewers.

TV viewing reduces higher brain activity, promoting activity in lower brain regions. In other words, it makes you less intelligent and behave more like an animal.  Advertisers target a region of the brain known as the reptilian brain.  This is an ancient part of the brain which is responsible for primitive and primal urges such as sex, feeling, and power.  These themes are commonly used in advertising campaigns to make you think that you need a particular product.

We will over time continue talking about the effects of TV on the brain and YOU.  Be picky about your TV time
