November 2017 -
Browsing Date

November 2017


Mind is Infinate



Each of us have our own definition of the Human Spirit and

so today, in this blog, we are going to see what others have

had to say about the Human Spirit so YOU will know.


There are no constraints on the human mind, no walls

around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those

we ourselves erect

Ronald Reagan



Exploration is really the essence of the human spirit.

Frank Borman



Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of

the human spirit.  We are all the same in this notion; The

potential for greatness lives within each of us.

Wilma Rudolph



We are all different.  There is no such thing as a standard or run-

Of-the-mill human being, but we share the same human spirit.

Stephen Hawking



The main factor in any form of creativeness is the life of a human

spirit, that of the actor and his part, their joint feelings and

subconscious creation

Constantin Stanislavski



No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to

an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human


Helen Keller



Each warrior wants to leave the mark of his will, his signature, on

important acts he touches.  This is not the voice of ego but of

the human spirit, rising up and declaring that it has something

to contribute to the solution of the hardest problems, no matter

how vexing.

Pat Riley



The deepest desire of the human spirit is to be acknowledged.

Stephen Covey



Revolution is not something fixed in ideology, nor is it something

fixed in ideology, nor is it something fashioned to a particular

decade.  It is a perpetual process embedded in the human


Abbie Hoffman



I believe in the power of the human spirit.

Bob Harper



There are incalculable resources in the human spirit, once it has

been set free.

Hubert H. Humphrey



Within the soul of America is freedom of mind and spirit in man,

here alone are the open windows through which pours the

sunlight of the human spirit.  Here alone is human dignity not

a dream but an accomplishment.  Perhaps it is not perfect,

but it is more full in realization here than in realization here

than any other place in the world.

Herbert Hoover



Spirit is common to each of us – but it is hard to grasp for some.

Religion could play apart in YOUR thinking of Spirit – are not.

The human spirit – or YOUR spirit – offers YOU the capacity

to persevere in pursuit of truth.

Each of us were born to create, build on that thought.

Build confidence in YOUR beliefs and cultivate the

wherewithal to actualize them and we are born to contribute

by creating and then YOUR human spirit will be reaching the

level of YOUR human spirit is supposed to be.

In striving to realize our full potential we encounter the source of

our fulfillment and frustration to be the YOU that you are

supposed to be, but YOU will not stop until YOU go over the

bridge in this life.




Are you feeding your organs healthy enough to age healthy and









Are you feeding them enough nutrients?

Organ meats are wonderfully nutrition for YOUR body.  I buy

Fresh chicken livers to eat frequently, along with calf liver,

healthy chicken hearts are wonderful and very nutritious for

YOUR body.


meats from confined animals.


NOW – AND MY SKIN IS IN wonderful condition for my age.


Dr. Weston A. Price was a Cleveland dentist who traveled all over

the world studying dietary practices of healthy people from

traditional cultures

Dr. Price found that nearly every culture placed a high value on

consuming animals in their entirety, making use of the organs,

blood, bones, and everything else, a far cry from western culinary

snobbery, which pretty much limits animal foods to muscle tissue

and nothing else.

Organ meat is a nutritional powerhouse, loaded with vitamins,

minerals, amino acids and other compounds vital to your health.

Liver in particular is packed with nutrients, which is why predatory

animals eat it first and why it has been so highly prized throughout


Dr. Price, who studied this extensively, found that native cultures

who maintained traditional diets-whole foods from plants and

animals-had excellent teeth and were free of chronic diseases

plaguing society today.  They experienced very little cancer, heart

disease, diabetes, mental illness or even birth defects.  Maybe, it

would be best to start eating animal organ meats.


I buy mine at local farmer’s markets.  There are usually organic

animal farmer’s at every local farmer’s market.

There are several cook books that give wonderful recipes for

Organic animal organs:

The Whole Beat: Nose to Tail Eating by Fergus Henderson

Chef Chris Cosentino’s website – Offal Good

Liver is known to be one of the most concentrated sources of

vitamin A of any foods.  Also, Vitamin D and B12, along with

copper, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese

and iron.   As you can see each bite can almost give your daily

dosage of all things necessary for your organs and nutritious life.

Kidney high in vitamin B12, selenium, iron and copper and other very good nutrients.

Heart is very concentrated source of super nutrient Coenzyme Q10

Try incorporating organ meat into your diet at least twice a week.

Make sure it is organic, grass-fed and your nutrition level will go

up to super nutrition level when these items are added.  Go and

get some good recipes for you and your family to use.

Put chicken livers chopped up into homemade chicken soup, put

beef liver chopped up into beef stew or beef soup.  Your children

and family will never know how nutritious theirfood has become

and the whole family will be healthier and happier when they are

eating organic, grass-fed organ meat.

Be creative, be innovative, so your family can be at their highest

level to ward off disease and age healthy

Enjoy something that has been consumed for millions of years

and now YOU are being told it is not good for you.




Healthy Spices
Dr. Johnathan Grey has wonderful videos on his website: about items that will help women. He recommends MSM and Lithium Orate and other items.
MSM detoxes individual cells in YOUR body so uptake of nutrients will be better.
I use my vita mixer – every week I juice Chard and put a tablespoon or organic Turmeric into each daily glass with little olive oil and ground black pepper.
Dr. Bharat B. Aggarwal, PhD. has written a book: “Healing Spices” Excellent book to have so you can see for your SELF what spices can do to help the body. The front cover of the book says how to use 50 spices to boost health and beat disease. I am a believer – hope YOU are also.


Healthy Dinner

YOU are UNIQUE so we all need different amount of nutrients


I need a lot of protein – any kind of protein- I drink a good protein drink with low carbs but high protein which works for me.


YOU need to have certain “high-grade fuel” for YOU to Expect high functioning.



Then you have to KNOW what YOUR body needs and use that for YOUR daily dose of nutrients as much as you can.

YOU will need what is called “macronutrients” because they are the essentials for your body to stay healthy and perform optimally.


The main function is to PROVIDE ENERGY

Body’s main energy source and the brain’s only source of fuel and

The best sources of carbs are whole grains and foods made from those grains-whole-wheat bread, bulgur, barley, oatmeal, brown rice, and cornmeal. Limit your intake of sugar and refined grains like white pasta, white rice, and white breads.


The main function is to build and repair tissue

Another source of energy for the body. Protein consists of amino acids that act as the body’s main building blocks for tissues, such as muscle, skin, bone, and hair.   Productions of enzymes which is the catalysts that keep all body processes running smoothly, hormones and antibodies.

The best protein sources are lean meats, poultry, and seafood, beans and peas, nuts and seeds, eggs, and they say soy products but I stay away from soy products as much as possible.


The main function is to provide backup energy

For energy when carbohydrates are not available and for insulation to help your body absorb fat-soluble vitamins, and protect your organs.

Fats come in both liquid and solid forms: olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados, fatty fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Limit foods in unhealthy saturated fats (red meat, cheese, butter, and ice cream).

I use a lot of ORGANIC coconut oil –I get it from “THE POWER HOUR” – a radio show out of Missouri with host Joyce Riley-she only has ORGANIC and healthy products. I put it in my coffee- about 1 tablespoon. There has been some research that says it also helps with dementia.

Vitamins and minerals

The main function is to maintain optimal health.

These are for numerous physiological functions that help you survive and for normal growth and development, each one plays a unique role in helping to maintain optimal health.

Vitamin D is for healthy bones

Vitamin Bs support the nervous system

Fruits and vegetables, dairy products, lean protein sources. I would suggest YOU doing research on “dairy” and how some dairy products now have “growth hormones” which are not good for YOUR body,

I also use a water distiller at home – so I take additional minerals to make sure my body has enough minerals.


The main function enables vital bodily functions.

Most important essential nutrient. Involved in many of your body’s vital functions, and it distributes other essential nutrients to your cells.

Women should have 91 ounces of water a day.


2 Levels of 1 MIND—Conscious and Subconscious

Mind By November 17, 2017 Tags: No Comments







How do YOU use your Conscious and Subconscious mind?


Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote, taught, and inspired millions with his

books over the many years.  He lived from 1898-1981.  He died

just as I was getting to know his wonderful work and have read

and re-read many time his book “The Power of Your

Subconscious Mind.


He says that scientific prayer is the harmonious interaction of the

conscious and subconscious levels of mind scientifically directed

for a specific purpose.  I would say that “intent” is the word they

use now – Dr. Murphy used “specific”.


You can learn how to tap into the infinite power within you.  Each

of us can do that – solve problems and bring harmony to SELF

and relationships.


We will go over the way YOU can tap into that infinite power

within YOURself.


There is only one mind-YOURS – but YOUR mind has 2 distinctive

characteristics.  There is a line of demarcation between the 2 and

they are essentially unlike.  Conscious and subconscious have

separate and distinct attributes and powers.


Objective                                           Subjective

Conscious                                         Subconscious

Waking                                              Sleeping

Surface self                                       Deep self

Voluntary mind                                  Involuntary mind

Many other terms.


Control your thoughts-

What do you want your relationships to be like –  harmony

What do you want your life to look like –  successful


Start planting those good thoughts that go from conscious to



The thoughts have to be constructive, harmonious, and peaceful,

the magic working power of your subconscious will respond and

bring harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, and the

best of everything.


Knowing how the conscious and subconscious minds work will

enable you to transform your whole life.


Always give the thoughts and ideas in your mind:


Lovingly and with feelings.


You are the captain navigating the ship – give the right orders –

thoughts and images.





Change your thoughts and change your DESTINY

Once your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to

execute it.

Think and feel

Whatever YOU claim mentally and feel as true, your

subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your

experience and life.


YOUR emotions and feelings are so very important on going from

your conscious to your subconscious receiving the directions.


Once your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to

execute it.  The law of the subconscious mind works for good and

bad ideas alike.  Peace of mind and a healthy body are inevitable

when you begin to think and feel in the right way.  Whatever you

claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will

accept and bring forth into your experience.  Please do not think it

is all going to be in the next 5 min, 5 days, do not set a time



Psychologists and psychiatrists point out that when thoughts are

conveyed to your subconscious mind, impressions are made in

your brain cells and puts it into effect immediately.


Conscious mind it subjective mind is cognizance of its 5 senses,

and is the reasoning mind.  Your subconscious mind accepts

what is impressed up it or what you consciously believe.  There is

only one mind with 2 parts – remember that you have control over

both parts and make it so you have peace, harmony, wonderful

relationships, and financial success.




YOUR life and it’s meaning.


I have read lots of Ph.D.’s books on life’s meaning and what life

means.  Only YOU can tell what YOUR life means and how YOU

want it to look when YOU are gone.


YOUR life’s meaning can be anything YOU want it to be.

In search for meaning for YOUR life.

Think on the following:

Control each day

Plan each day

Have a mission each day

Produce something good each day

Write in a journal each day

Have gratitude each day

Be thankful each day

Treat your body as a temple each day

Be quiet a portion of the day

Exercise each day

Feed your body nutrition each day

2 weeks before my sister died of leukemia she told me “I wish I

would have done more with my life, I know I could have”.  It was

the saddest thing I had ever heard.  Life retains it’s meaning up to

the last moment of breath we take here on earth.

I have always done projects and worked on learning new things,

done a lot of volunteer work and worked at being productive all

my life so when my end here on earth came I would not have to

say “I wish” or ‘I regret”.  If you want to limit those statements,

then it is up to YOU to make a meaningful life and do not wait

until tomorrow, start today.



Inspire SELF

Empower SELF

Challenge SELF

Value SELF



Forgive SELF

Be true to SELF

Enjoy professional life

Enjoy SELF



Forgive others

All the above will help to keep YOU balanced and SAFE in your

own SELFHOOD for your meaning of YOUR life.

Always stay ahead and never behind as issues that come up in

life. That alone will help in YOUR search for meaning in YOUR

life. Take care of those problems and issues and get them off the

table so you can move on to the better things in YOUR life.

Grieving and anger will be covered on future blogs but those are

2 natural feelings that we all go through in life.

Keeping busy helps in YOUR search for meaningful life.

Enjoy each day

Be productive during the day

Turn off the TV

Read a good book

Pamper SELF

Work in YOUR garden – small or large

Sit in the sun

Have healthy relationships

Look for the silver lining.

Going from one day to the next day – I work on being as positive

as I can be and not complaining about others.  Does that work the

whole time?  Of course not, but I would say 85% of the time I am

positive and would not waste my time complaining.  For one thing

it slows me down on my daily mission.

Stop and smell the flowers – that it what I have been talking about

in this blog.  Be thankful for SELF, forgive SELF, love SELF and

most of all smell the flowers



Healthy Nutrition

Keeping YOUR body pH balanced on a daily basis is easy:

  1. Start your day with a warm lemon water.
  1. Eat more raw foods-leafy greens
  1. Exercise and managing YOUR stress

I use the pH strips to check how I am doing – saliva closely

parallels the blood when it comes to pH – the blood is what we

want to be pH neutral.


What happens to your body when pH neutral is that it helps

people keep disease away –


I have known older family members that raised gardens and

chickens and cows.  Because they ate mostly what they raised

they lived to be in their late 80s and 90s without any major health


Grow some dark greens in a container if you do not have garden



Over acidity has been linked to formation of cancer, heart disease,

diabetes, and osteoporosis.


For the last 15 years – I have bought organic chicken feet at the

local farmer’s markets and it is filled with collagen that even at 75

my skin – from toes to top of head are smooth and wrinkle free.

Cooking instructions for chicken feet broth:

Dump 5 lbs. chicken feet in crock pot

Pour in a couple table spoons of Bragg’s Apple Cider Vinegar

Cook for about 10-15 hours.

Let cool, fill canning jars – or can put in freezer bags.  Individual

portions so can have 1 portion a week.  Can put roasted chicken

in and vegetables if like chicken soup.  I just drink a cup of broth

once a week.

Also, once a week I juice chard and put turmeric into the juice.

So that the turmeric spreads into your body – pour a little Bragg’s

Olive oil and grind some black pepper into the juice.  I keep that

juice in a hermetic covered glass jar in refrig and it lasts from

Sunday through Thursday.

Keeping disease away should be everyone’s goal for their

aging healthy and happy.  My goal has been to stay healthy so

my children’s last weeks with me would not be in hospital but be

the active person I am.


Some people actually have too alkaline body naturally – and get

calcium deposits.  Lactic acid helps neutralize this buildup and

helps bring the body back to pH balance.  My uncle has

calcium deposits and passed in 1965 – when he was young he

was champion tennis player but his body calcified and was

never able to work and did not know Lactic acid would have

helped his disease.

All of the following can affect the pH levels in blood:





Having high acid diets are associated with gout and kidneys



Test your urine with the strips – but once you are on track with a

good alkaline diet and drinking good clean water you know that

your body is close to neutral 6.8 – 7.5.  I do not believe that a

person can keep at the exact neutral of 7.2.


The book that really started me on the alkaline diet was

Dr. Baroody’s Alkaline or Die book – has all the numbers for all

Foods that you will be eating and helps in a wonderful way.







Dr. Axe has some wonderful information on electrolytes:

The major electrolytes found within the body include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphate and chloride. Because these crucial nutrients help stimulate nerves throughout the body and balance fluid levels, an electrolyte imbalance can cause a variety of serious negative symptoms, including some that are potentially deadly.

You obtain electrolytes through eating different foods and drinking certain fluids, while you lose them partially through exercise, sweating, going to the bathroom and urinating. This is why a poor diet, too little or too much exercise, and being sick are some possible causes for an electrolyte imbalance.

Some of the major roles that electrolytes have within the body include:

  • Calcium: helping with muscle contractions, nerve signaling, blood clotting, cell division, and forming/maintaining bones and teeth
  • Potassium: helping keep blood pressure levels stable, regulating heart contractions, helping with muscle functions
  • Magnesium: needed for muscle contractions, proper heart rhythms, nerve functioning, bone-building and strength, reducing anxiety, digestion, and keeping a stable protein-fluid balance
  • Sodium: helps maintain fluid balance, needed for muscle contractions, and helps with nerve signaling
  • Chloride: maintains fluid balance
