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It is important for YOU to know that the Fibonacci sequence is in everything and everyone in the Universe.  There is vibration, whether it is YOUR 55 trillion cells that vibrate at 7.35-7.45 Hz or the Schumann Resonance of the vibration of the Universe.  We are all unique but all connected.  The Prime Creator did this.  No one knows how this was done but man-made religions have divided, gone to war, created we are better than you kind of attitude.  But, that is not true.

Love, Forgiveness, Joy, Kindness, a Smile, these are very important to feed your mind as you age.  It is part of your core beliefs.  Our minds need to be fed good positive stuff.  It helped me years ago to let go of negative feelings towards everyone, forgive everyone and myself.  It has helped me mentally to move forward with my own development and learning.  Here I am at 77 still doing researching and learning all I can.  It is important to me to be productive and to be positive and to learn all I can while I am on this plane and in this dimension.  I hope you like to learn and know about the Universe also.

As you look back on your life there will be times that you can say;  I would have, should have, could have, but do not do that to your mind.  From today on using your Core beliefs and Let go of any negatives about anything and anyone in your past.  We all have had trauma at some time in our life.  It does not serve you well if you hang on to that feeling.  Let it go and remember how much you have developed since that pain and hurt.  Be that giant and forgive.  I never say you need to talk directly to that person who hurt you but mentally forgive them and let your mind know you want to be about Love and Kindness and Joy only.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.




The one thing that you must remember is that everything in YOU, the mind, body, and spirit are all connected.  Treat each part well but treat YOUR whole self better than anyone.  YOU cannot take care of others in your life unless YOU are taking care of YOU the best.  My children are middle age right now and lots of parents are not aging well or passing over.  My goal for aging for myself has been to not have to die in Hospice or a diabetic.  Not that Hospice is not a great group and wonderful people and program I just do not want my children to have those last memories of me all drugged up and going through the illness and/or pain.

Meditate and Pray but there is so much more to the spirit because your bodies health and your mind all go into YOUR Spirit.  They cannot be separate or se[arted.  They are one and connected to everyone else and the Universe.  But, yet we each are distinctly unique but at the base of everything is where the Prime Creator connected everything.  I only know the basic’s here,  It is my belief system that believes the Prime Creator is the power behind the whole Universe and all of us.  Since everything is created with a vibration frequency why would not we all be connected?  And since we are all connected why would there be wars, or this religion is better than that religion.  And since everything is energy and energy never dies that makes sense to me that we are all connected at a level only the Prime Creator knows about.

Read all the ancient texts, starting with the Chaldean texts and Sumer and the BIble.  There are special things in all the ancient text.  Take what you can so you grow and learn.






YOUR Spirit and Mind and Body.



REMEMBER:  Everything in the Universe, including YOU and I, are formed from the Fibonacci sequence and vibration frequency.

The book I will talk about today is:  Alkalize or Die.  I first got this book about 20 years ago, it was first published in 1991 and is in it tqwlth printing that I have.  But, I used this book and read and re-read it for the wonderful information Dr. Theodore A. Baroody provdied.  It goes along with the 55 Trillion cells in every human’s body.  Of course, over the years from my childhood, I have had 3 broken arms, 2 hips replaced,  hysterectomy, cataract surgery and other bumps and bruises, and 3 children.  All this trauma to my body has affected those 55 Trillion cells that were not always kept in the Alkalized state like they should have been.

Alkalize or Die – it is YOUR Choice.

Plus over the last 70 + years the food, water, air, and soil around the world has changed drastically.  And not for the better.  My theory is to counter what I can by juicing, buying at the local farmers market,  and go with quality.  I try to stay away from boxed, canned, and bagged foods.  Now, I want you to know that for me that is not 100%.

Dr. Baroody has a page of credentials.  But I am going to give you his introduction to his book.  Please go out and buy it for your own library also.  Here is the following:

There are so many confusing theories about the way the body operates.  This not only applies to the orthodox medical community but also to the alternative health community as well.  Few systems have a workable philosophy that is more than a mass of disassociated pieces of body physiology compiled by “publish or perish” experiments.    My viewpoint is founded on ancient Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, and Greco-European healing philosophies and on the works of several great modern men in the field of health.

Alkalize or Die – it is YOUR Choice.


See how the Prime Creator made the hurricane is formed by the Fibronacci sequuence.  How impressive is that?  Only the Universal Creator could make everything connect by numbers, vibrations , love and consciouness.  On to today’s subject.  Th power the Now.

We have all had trauma in our lives.  And if you say you have not you are not dealing with reality.  But, it does help in our lives if we live in the now, letting go of anger and jeaulousy or any other negative feeling.

Mr. Tolle says “All you really need to do is accept this moment fully.  You are then at ease in the here and now and at ease with yourself.  Of course, for me some days are better than others to accept that.

Your mind has to pay attention to YOU, and your body.  Because as you age you need to know how your body is working and what is best for it.

Mr. Tolle says that unless and until you access the consciousness frequence of presence, all relationships , and particularly intimate relationships, are deeply flawed and ultimately dysfunctional.  They may seem perfect for awhile, such as when you are “in love,” but invariably that apparent perfetion gt disrupted as agruments, consflicts, dissatisfaction, and emotional or even physical violence occur with increamsing frequency.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

You never need to be in any situration where you feel comprimised.  And you certainly should never accept unpleasant life situations.

Mr. Tolle says that your cannot truly forgive yourself or others as long as you derive your sense of self from the past.  That I have found is so true.  I had a terrible thing years ago that 2 people did to me and I forgave both of them.  I cannot tell you how much peace and joy that gave me to forgive them.  I totally felt like a new person.  So rewarding.

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.


Fibonacci Day is November 23rd.  Mr. Fibronacci deserves a day and almost no one knows him.  In this website we talk about him and how important it was when he translated the numbers so we would know the Fibonacci sequence or can be called the Golden Code, many things really.  Our Spirit is connected to our Higher Power, or the Prime Creator, of some people, call it God.  I like Prime Creator because lots of people call it God and that is fine.  We are all unique and we all have a unique way of connecting with this Higher Power.  I cannot understand how anyone can be an Atheist.  Because there is so much information about what this Prime Creator is the creator.  We each have 55 Trillion cells that vibrate at 7.35-7.45 and then there is the Schumann Resonance and the vibration of everything and frequency.  Man’s religion is much different than the Prime Creator’s religion.  Prime Creator does not do wars, evil, hateful jealous, envy.  Love, good thoughts, kind, joy, and all positive thoughts and deeds are from the Great One.

The higher we keep our cells vibrating as I wrote above, the higher we connect with everything and those in the Universe.  I have no idea how everything works, but I believe from just know about the vibration of our cells, the vibration of the Universe, and the Fibonacci numbers everything is connected.  I am sure there is more but I do not know about it.

Taking care of YOU is the most important thing you can do.  YOU cannot take care of others well if you are not well.  So make sure that your mind body and spirit is growing, learning and developing every day.  Exercising, eating quality and organic foods as much as possible.  These things help keep your body vibrating and your Spirit moving higher all the time.  Understanding that everyone and everything in the Universe is connected but we each are unique.

YOUR Spirit Mind and Body Connected.


YOUR Hormones and Aging Healthy.  Being Proactive with Hormones. The sooner you start knowing how your hormones work and how to keep them healthy the better you will age.  It almost seems like our whole body is made up of the lymph system, hormones, and our endocrinology system.  These are not something that we pay much attention to before we are in our late 40 when we may start going through menopause.  But, we should because having these systems healthy depends on how we age.

There are almost 20 different signs in your body about hormones changing in your body.  And if you are paying attention to those signs you will be better off.  Some of them may be:  hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and night sweats are among some of the sign.  There are good books to read and I am sure there are some good speakers on youtube.

Hormones and aging share a strong connection because hormones are so prevalent in our bodies. Hormones are chemical messengers that help regulate body temperature, maintain healthy blood pressure, and keep blood sugar levels under control. Not to mention the role they play as we grow older in early childhood.   But in this article, we are specifically talking about the older adult aging process.

As we age, the following hormones in our bodies are known to decline: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), growth hormone, testosterone, estrogen & progesterone. Several influential organizations have conducted studies that suggest supplementing your body.  And with these hormones can have a positive effect on the aging process.

Before taking any supplements or undergoing any treatment for hormones and aging it is strongly recommended that you check with your doctor first. When it comes to manipulating hormone levels you should always be under a doctor’s supervision.

YOUR Hormones and Aging Healthy.


The impact of trauma you loose that connection to Self.  That is a statement by Dr. Gabor Mate, you may want to find many of his talks on youtube.  He is a most brutally honest psychiatrist, who has speciality in Addictions.  He is a Hungarian Jew whose Mother gave him to a stranger one day so he would not go to gas chamber in the Holocause.  He said he was about 1 years old and that trauma has lasted a life time.  He was only gone several months, but to a stranger at one year’s old.  But, when you have trauma when you are young the gut feeling that we sometimes have goes away.  Gut feelings tell you to flee and not trust.  But, a one year old cannot flee.  There is the disconnection to Self.  Our essense and true self connected to gut feelings.  Gut feelings tells you what is appropriate and what is dangerous.  When a child is in a traumatic situaltion they cannot flee   Dr. Mate says that human beings have survived on the “gut feelings” and not intellectual.   When trauma is present a human looses connection to the “gut feeling”.  So when you or I were children and had trauma in our lives we surpressed our “gut feelin” to survive because we could not go any place.  And then loose that connection to SELF.

Gut feeling tells YOU lots of things.

Impact of trauma is that your relationship to the world changes.   The Buda said with our minds we create the world.  My how great is that to know that with our mind we create our world.  But before that the world creates our mind.  And there you have that man made reality has just come into play.  And most of your reality is created by TV, religion, entertainment, athelitcs and your circle of family and friends.


Oxygen and YOUR Breathing.

Remember, that we are always seeing anything about Fibonacci sequence pictures because everything is connected with this sequence.  And everything has a frequency vibration.  The Prime Creator has many more things that connect everything but I am just on a few basic things that make sense to us humans.

I have been to breathing sessions, and I am sure there are some in your neighborhood.  But our breathing in of oxygen through our nose is important for our health.  Each cell in our body needs to have good oxygen to stay healthy.

Breathing is a great part of YOUR exercise program.  There is a book I want to recommend.  “Consistent Winning’  by Ronald D. Sandler, D.P.M. and Dennis D. Lobsteing, Ph.D.  It is excellent if you are training for marathons or any exercise program.  It has instructions in their book.

There are people who market items for better oxygen intake and I have used some.  But, I am really careful who and what I buy.  Whether it is supplements or anything selling on the internet.  I never buy any supplements at corner stores or grocery stores.

The following is from the book.  Consistent winning is not a method of the drill, a schedule of repeated exercise.  or any other intrusion into your own program of workout and/or training.  It is a timing cycle that restructures your personal schedule of when and how long to rest and train.  The rest/train ratios are in time with the natural patterns of valleys and peaks inherent in the golden proportion explained their chapter 3.    They say you control the timing of their Consistent Winning cycles.

I highly recommend this book if you want to raise your level of exercise or are in training for a marathon.  Breathing correctly is so important for your health.  Just sit for a few minutes a day – breathing in and out with the Fibonacci numbers.

Oxygen and YOUR Breathing.


Mind and Childhood Trauma.  Just like the pine cone and everything else in the Universe YOU are unique.  There is only 1 of you and only 1 of me, this is the same with everything.  And the snowflakes or each sand pebble.  But yet the Prime Creator not only designed the Universe with each 1 of everything but everything is connected.  Only the Prime Creator could design 1 of everything and yet connected through consciousness, vibrations, and Fibonacci sequence.  I do not know how Prime Creator has done this but I know a little of how it is done.

Mind and Childhood Trauma.

When you are a child there may have been some kind of trauma in your life.  Trauma is different for each of us.  My trauma was very minor compared to a friend whose mother beat her every day or friends who lost their parent in elementary school.  But, whatever trauma is a disconnect from your real self.  And this is so we can cope with our life.

Dr. Gabor Mate, a Psychiatrist from Canada has some very good talk on Trauma and re-connecting with real self.  He is an Hungarian Jew whose Mother gave him to a stranger during Holocaust years for awhile.  And it has affected him his hole life, as abandoment.  H is a wonderful speaker.  And has some wonderful helpful advise if you did have trauma growing up.  Dr. Gabor says that adult anxiety is from childhood trauma.  Since we are all unqieu what he says for is heloful in that respect.

But, along with your body your mind is wired uniqe also.  That is why any educational system inspire everyone’s mind when each of us take educatioon differently.  And yet we cannot expect a school to teach to each child uniqely.  SO what they did was come up with endoctrinating us rather than educateing us.  We have been endoctrinated to work for multi-national companies instead of starting our own business.  Yet a lot of us cannot work for big companies and go to a little company or are enterpernaurs.


Prisoners of our Thoughts.

Prisoners of our Thoughts hurts our Development.  Viktor Frankl’s life is well known to anyone who has read “Man’s Search for Meaning”.  We all want to have a meaningful life, filled with purpose and no regrets.  Dr. Frankl chooses his fundamental attitude, which he called his “coping maxim,”.  And the coping mechanism in his psychiatrist toolkit become more meaningful and effective.  But his decision to experience meaning under desperate circumstances enabled him to act on his own behalf as well as on behalf of others.

He had everything ready to leave Austria and his parents would not leave their home country.  So this whole family got caught up in the Holocaust. Dr. Frankl was a Psychiatrist at this time and still was in the death camps with everyone else.

Knowing why we do things, however, is essential and is the beginning of real freedom and meaning in our lives.  Why am I doing this?  And why did I do this?  Why will I do that?  The words why tells us a lot about ourself.  And if we delve deep enough, we will reach the two things that motivate us most:  love and conscience.  Dr. Frankl described these as intuitive capabilities; things we do without thinking, things that define us at our deepest level.  Besides the truth is that love is the ultimate and the highest goal to which man can aspire.

Because it is the most ultimate feeling to love others and know that others love us. And it gives us comfort, peace, and joy.  Plus many other feelings.

Remember,  the Prime Creator made us out of Love and to Love others and be Loved.

Be that person who loves everything good,  talks of love, gives of love and loves being loved.  And to get to that place forgives Self and everyone, and wants success for Self and everyone.

Prisoners of our Thoughts hurts our Development.

Prisoners of our Thoughts.
