YOU and a new study reveals the surprising effects of Spirituality on the Brain
There is a growing body of research that has conclusively demonstrated the powerful, positive effects that meditation and mindfulness practices. That has on the brain and body, and a new collaborative study between professors at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute is now taking these findings one step further. In a summary of their findings, the report shows that they have found a direct correlation between the level of importance. That a person places on spirituality in their lives and the thickness of a certain region of their brains.
Ho’oponopono and YOUR Spirituality
The study found that people who expressed that spirituality or religion was important to them had significantly thicker cerebral cortices-a part of the brain rich in highly active neutral networks. These are responsible for sensory perception, language, and emotion processing than those who did not. This came from I have talked about this before:
Dr. Joseph Murphy’s books – all of them help in spirituality and the brain.
Ho’oponopona is a wonderful technique that I use constantly also. In my daily meditation, I use this technique a lot and have found it works for me spiritually. As does any of my meditations that I have been doing since in my 40s. All the meditations do for you is to heal you. And transmute their problems and become a more loving and peaceful person. They all help you connect with the Higher Power that is a creator of all things and that shows we are all connected and we never die. Just our physical being dies but our consciousness, our soul, and our spirit never die; our energy never dies because energy cannot die. We live in a universe made of energy and vibrations as we each are made of energy and vibrations.
Ho’oponopono and YOUR Spirituality