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YOU and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Others


The Power of Positive Thinking was a book that was always in our

Home when I was growing up and had always been there and

Was something my parents practiced all the lives – and I have f

followed Dr. Peale’s principles also for my life.


God is mentioned throughout the book but anyone reading the

Blog’s I write know how important God is in my life.  I thank God

every day, I pray for other’s health and success, my children,

friends, and especially when I hear of any family going through

trauma I send a prayer their way.


Prayer and positive thinking helps YOUR body and helps your



Prayer and positive thinking will help anyone, at any time, on



Fear and worry can cause your health to deteriorate.  Being

positive and letting go of all fear and worry in your life – turning it

over to God –makes for a healthy and happy body.  I have found

that so true in my own life and know you have and will also.


Not only does positive thinking help your spirituality but how

important it is for your body.  To love, to smile, to laugh, to have

joy.  Between YOU and God – all the positive and wonderful

things in life bring about those positive things in YOUR life.


Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking

and optimism on health.  Mayo Clinic has said that the health

benefits that positive thinking may provide include:


Increased lifespan – that is an awesome thought!


Lower rates of depression


Lower levels of distress


Greater resistance to the common cold


Better psychological and physical well-being


Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease


Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress


It is unclear why people who engage in positive thinking

experience these health benefits.  One theory is that having a

positive outlook enables us to cope better with stressful

situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on

YOUR body.


John Hopkins Medicine gives a few tips on power of positive

thinking also:


Smile More


Reframing – in a traffic jam –I take a deep breath and am grateful


Build resiliency – maintain good relationship, accept change, be


A problem solver when they appear


That Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins Medicine also have some

positive thinking principles, it is amazing that Dr. Peale came out

with his principles in 1930 sometime.  But, as time has come

forward even big medical centers find that positive thinking has a

lot to do with not only spirituality but with our health and body.


Healthy aging and Joy for today





There are probably many more reasons to juice than the ones


that I am going to lay out before you in this blog but build your


own reasons but I am going to lay some out here.



I use my vita mixer – I use to have a juicer but it took out too


much of the pulp for me and so I wanted the pulp because there


is a lot of fiber in that pulp and I was worried I could get some


more of the good pulp with my vita mixer.


  1. The juicing nutrients pass directly into the bloodstream, ad



  1. within minutes our bodies receive optimum fuel to fee our


cells and help restore our immune system



  1. vegetable juice provides vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates,


essential fatty acids, proteins, phytonutrients, antioxidants


and so much more.



  1. Increased energy – wonderful


  1. able to drink their highly concentrated nutrients which enter


bloodstream very quickly

I do not juice fruits – maybe a couple of times a year.  I juice


chard, carrots, and ginger root – and put turmeric into all my


juicing I do.



  1. You will never receive as much nutrients in anything else


except juicing vegetables


  1. drink fresh juice as much as possible but I do freeze small


jars for a week or so – looses some of it’s value



  1. nothing compares to fresh vetable juice to provide your body


with all nutrients it needs on a daily basis


  1. it increased alkalinity.  It is said disease cannot thrive in an


alkaline body and I have always believed that and especially


since I read Dr. Broady’s book Alkaline or Die book some 15


years ago.



Have a juicing plan for YOU – so that you can plan once a


week to make the juice – put in hermetic sealed glass jar


and it will be ok from Sunday through Thursday –or you can


put in 6 oz. mason jars in freezer for a week.  You have


choices here and work out whatever is best for your life


style.  There is always a choice and always options,


Know that juicing vegetables is the fastest way to get


nutrients into your bloodstream and keep your cells fed well


with as much nutrients as possible.



Fruit does not have the high alkaline value that greens and


vegetables have so be as informed as possible.



There are many types of juicers, many types of blenders and


other types of expensive juicers but I like my vita mixer and


love it because it is probably medium priced juicer


One of the things you must remember everyday is that your


cells and organs MUST be fed well on a daily basis and in


this blog is where you learn how to do that with love, joy


and peace






YOU and Vaccines


I do not know anyone who believes there should be no vaccines.

But, there are more and more Doctors and researchers who

believe it should be limited to a few very good non-threatening



But there is a vaccine injury compensation program for a reason.

Very difficult to even get a hearing before the court.


Dr. Blaylock has talked about vaccines and their side-effects and

also about excitotoxins in processed foods but today I will be

talking about the interview between Dr. Blaylock, a neurosurgeon

and expert on excitotoxins and the brain.


Dr. Blaylock’s books are:


Excitotoxins:  The Taste that Kills

Natural Strategies for Cancer Patients.

And Dr. Blaylock wrote an introduction to Neil Z. Miller’s “The

Vaccine Safety Manual.”


MMR vaccines can be split into the 3 separate shots for babies.

When my grandson was born I suggested that to my daughter-in-

law at the time and thank goodness she did see that the doctor

gave my only grandson 3 separate shots that are the 3 in 1 MMR.


The CDC states on its website that the MMR and pertussis

vaccines can cause permanent brain damage.


The flu vaccine is what most of the people have in this country as

they age.  I have not had a flu vaccine for almost 30 years – and

never have a bad bout of the flu in those years either.


Some flu shot formulations contain brain-destroying toxins.

Here are some of the substances that may be added to flu




Egg protein


Monosodium glutamate


CDC says that these are necessary to keep vaccines safe and



All vaccines carry a risk of provoking an acute adverse reaction.

Vaccines are immune suppressive-they suppress the immune



Some components in vaccines are neurotoxic and may cause

immune and brain dysfunction, particularly heavy metals such as

mercury preservatives and aluminum adjuvants.


Vaccines may alter your t-cell function and lead you to become

chronically ill.


The flu shot is an individual choice.  I do not believe anything

medically should be mandatory and especially shots.  It should be

up to the individual.


I work on a daily basis to take care of my own health and work on

my nutrition and exercise to keep me healthy.

Here is Dr. Mercola recipe for staying away from flu and staying in

a healthy state:


Optimize your Vitamin D levels

Avoid sugar, fructose and processed foods

Get enough rest

Have effective tools to address stress


Good source of Omega-3 fats

Wash your hands-I use natural bar soap.

Use natural antibiotics:  colloidal silver, oil of oregano, and garlic.

Avoid hospitals.


Hope all the above has helped in making a wise decision for

getting the flu vaccines over the years.

Stay healthy

Age healthy







YOU and The Four Agreements:  A Practical Guide to Personal


Don Miguel Ruiz


YOUR spirituality is the foundation for YOUR everything.

I have a strong spiritual life- and I am sure you do also but today’s

the blog is about accepting YOURself and others as we are and

“letting go of the rest”.


Mr. Ruiz shares the first four Toltec Words of Wisdom.  Core

beliefs that either run or ruin your life and the ancient Toltec’s

understood this part of human nature well.


This book is spiritual in the way that, not only the Toltec’s lived by

these philosophies but it is wonderful today to live by the 4



  1. Be impeccable to your word


  1. Do not take anything personally


  1. Do not make assumptions


  1. Always do your best

I try to live by those 4 agreements or statements and appreciate

Mr. Ruiz’s book so I can pick it up and read it over and over.


For myself, I will add one more statement that I try to live by, and

that is Jesus basic tenant of:  Do unto others as you would have

them do unto you.

One of the things most important is not to let other people drama

and chaos wear on your psyche and cause you to behave

negatively as a result.


Re-Wire YOUR thoughts into just WHO you want to Be-I believe

when my childhood family died within 2-1/2 years I allowed my

mind and thoughts to become depressed and it took me 10 years

to re-wire back to my normal thoughts.


Be stronger on a daily basis

Do not be passive on issues important to you


Be courageous

Step out in your faith to fulfill your life


Have JOY

Do not accept anything less



Take time to be at one with the universal GOD


Exercise all that your have

Body, Spirit and Mind


Encourage/Empower SELF

YOU will do it best only by Self talk, reading and learning


Eckhart Tolle wrote a book:  “Stillness Speaks”


I love the stillness I can find each day.  I am quiet, have

everything electronic away from me.  I usually go out on my deck

and sit and meditate/pray.


Here are some quotes from the book:


“True intelligence operates silently:  Stillness is where creativity

and solutions to problems are found.”


“Every though pretends that it matters so much.”


“Is life every ‘not this moment’?”


“sometimes surrender means giving up trying to understand and

becoming comfortable with not knowing.


“Love does not want or fear anything.”


Build YOUR library, so you can pass it down, to your

grandchildren.  They will not appreciate all these wonderful

authors until their later years but it is YOUR legacy to them a

library for them and their children






Oh, how we love to talk about our emotions.  But, I believe you

may need to know about what researchers in Finland have

compiled and the first authoritative atlas of “body maps” that

detail where we feel emotions.  You can now know that happiness

actually makes us feel tingly all over, that sadness is felt in the

heart, and that depression is characterized by an all-over

numbness.  It would seem idioms such as a chest puffed with

pride, or cold feet, are very much seated in physiological reality.


YOU know that emotions are linked to physiological changes –

nervousness and sweaty palms, shame and a hot head/cheeks,

fear and a racing heart – but this study, carried out by Lauri

Nummenmaa and friends are exciting because it uses a very large

the pool of participants – 700 people from Finland, Sweden, and

Taiwan – and is controlled by nationality and language, in other

words, despite differences in language and culture, it seems that

all humans have a very similar, genetically idiom tells us to pride

really does make your face and torso feel good.


The researchers hope that, with continued study, these maps may

help with diagnosing and treating emotional disorders.
Each emotion triggers a very specific and unique physiological

response.  Happiness and love are the only emotions that

increase sensation below the waist.  That is interesting and we all

know that is true from our loves over our lifetimes.  Sadness

decreases the feeling of everything, except for the heart and parts

of the fee.  Depression is an all-over lack of sensation.  It is

starting to see shame’s intense increase of sensation in the head

and cheeks, fluttering heart and stomach, and numbness of legs

so accurately depicted.  Now we just need to work out WHY and


HOW each emotion triggers such a physiological response?


Let me list the Primary, secondary and tertiary emotions that are

Categorized into a short tree structure



Affection – adoration, love, caring, sentimentality

Lust – arousal, desire, lust, passion

Longing – longing



Cheerfulness – amusement, bliss, joy, ecstasy

Zest – zeal, excitement, thrill

Contentment – pleasure

Pride – triumph

Optimism – hope, optimism

Relief – relief



Surprise – astonishment



Irritation – annoyance

Exasperation – frustration

Rage – resentment, dislike

Envy – jealousy

Torment – torment



Suffering – hurt

Sadness – depression

Disappointment – displeasure

Shame – remorse, regret

Neglect – isolation, neglect

Sympathy – pity, sympathy



Horror – shock, horror, terror, panic

Nervousness – anxiety, worry, tenseness

There is new research from the Institute of Neuroscience and


Psychology at the University of Glasgow that says the range of

human emotion may be a little closer to a teaspoon than

previously thought.


Four basic emotions, according to this study; happy, sad,

afraid/surprised, and angry/disgusted.


From these 2 research that is above – can group as seen into

smaller groups,


One of my favorite authors is Gerald G. Jampolsky who wrote

“Love is Letting go of Fear” which is an amazing book – little as it

is but had a profound effect on my when I read it in the 1980s.


So, to get down to the basics of our emotions –Love is letting go

of Fear is probably a great little book to read.  The research

above is always good to know and understand also.




What do YOU suppose the difference is between YOU

being negative and around negative people OR

YOU being positive and around positive people.

The best way to approach YOUR life is to try to stay away

from negative people; whether they are family or friends stay

away from them and if you find yourself around those kind of

people please smile, be as positive as possible, and do not

fall into their pattern of behavior because they will want YOU to

agree and just nodding your head verifies their mind-set.

Be at YOUR best – be at your most positive mind-set.

Stay away from people who are possessed with just a small

Thought process.  Narrow thinking makes people zero in on

negativity – they are not self-aware because they are needy,

all about managing others to their way of thinking.  They have

no idea about the WHOLE person-mind, body and spirit.  At this

blog and in my life I want YOU to be the most:  Self-aware person

you know so that you can help others in a more positive and

productive way that they need from YOU.

Be kind, be helpful, be positive, be happy, be loving, be generous

and YOU will see YOUR whole life change in super wonderful


Learn and read from the wonderful books that are available to

you.  The only way I feel wonder at 74 years of age is because

my mind is open for learning from others that have gone before


What does YOUR



One of my favorite authors and researchers is Immanuel

Velikovsky – he wrote, and you should read his writings, because

It is about YOUR history that is now only beginning to be

Understood and coming to the forefront of the WORLD.  But,

Because of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky and his research of decades

And his writing we are now learning of the real World History.

But he paid the price because they are people who do not want

us to be SELF-AWARE, or be OUR BEST, or be the MOST

POSITIVE, and to know that the past may be the key to YOUR


YOU will never know what LIFE EXPECTS FROM YOU until


Not other self’s but of YOURSELF.

Never settle – in your personal life, in your professional life, in

your family life, or in your friend’s life.

Professor Velikovsky gave up a wonderful life because he would

not settle, would not cave-in, would not give up on the truths that

he knew would change the world thinking of their history.

In 1950 he already knew from his research there.  There were

some approximately 40 predictions that he made that the

academic scholars-so-called but not really said different than

Professor Velikovsky.

Be a Professor Velikovsky – see your higher-self, see that

what life expects from YOU, never settle for people around YOU

that are negative, that are needy, that are negative vampires.





YOU will only learn when YOUR MIND, BODY and SPIRIT are

In balance and working on it daily for the rest of your life.


Footprints on sandy tropical beach at sunrise



Are you nurturing the spiritual side of SELF?

Always be the best YOU can be – that will lift you to the next level

Of YOUR spiritual life.


However, you do that is ok for YOU but we will go through

some things that might lift you up to another level or break

down the walls of any boxes you have built up around YOUR

Spiritual side.


Trying smiling MORE

Try having good intentions,

Try being positive

Try thinking good thoughts

Items that may help you lift up YOUR spiritual SELF to the next


Healthier choices – in food, relationships, professional life

Favorable changes in relationships

Good financial behavior

Others notice YOUR changes

Increased mindfulness – easier to get things done

Improved level of well-being – improvement at work

Improved and less time-consuming recovery from

unpleasant events

Improved response to pleasant events – more productive

Not overly attached to things

More fully present and engaged – in the zone

More content with who you are and what you have

More empowered to be your authentic self

Empower SELF – Empower SELF – Empower SELF

Be grateful every day for everything –put any negatives

that may come up for the day.  Life can have dramatic and

tragedies and trauma.  They are coming to all of us – those

traumas and tragedies.

What is in YOUR tool box to deal with the traumas and

tragedies that come into all our lives.

Use all the tools in YOUR toolbox:




Quiet place

Dinner with family and friends


Start a project and finish the project as YOUR goal.

Plan to do YOUR bucket list

Write in your journal

YOUR life patterns that show how YOU deal with tragedies

And trauma in your life are characteristics that come from

YOUR own life’s patterns:

It is easy, as we go through life, to pick up negative habits

that when real life tragedies and traumas come our way


Nurture SELF during the difficult times in YOUR life.  Use

All of your tools in your toolbox.  Pamper SELF, meditate

And sit quietly and be thankful for YOU.

The only way YOU can nurture SELF is by SELF

But in YOUR lifetime there will be those times when

You need to step it up for YOUR benefit and not go

Into depression or have anxiety.

Nurturing SELF 95% of the time is what YOU need to do

so in the down times that come with trauma and tragedies

YOUR toolbox will be there for you, and will be YOUR best

friend and ally in YOUR life.


YOU are a super person who has a super mind that needs

to be nurtured while you are living in this beautiful life.






Sometimes be stronger than today

Sometimes have more courage than today

Sometimes be more grateful than today

Glow within and glow without –  smile with that glow

This is all about nurturing YOUR spirit






Coronary calcium is a good indicator of heart attack risk since it

measures the amount of calcium, one of the components that can

build up in plaques that narrow heart vessels and can rupture and

cause heart attacks.


Plaque builds up can cause terrible effects on your health but

Eating healthy from a young age – and can slow your energy

Down, cause heart attacks.


Those eating 7 – 9 servings of vegetables and fruit a day on average were 25 % less to have coronary calcium in their arteries


There are several things that I have done over the years that have


Helped clean plaque out of my vessels and that is:


  1. I have flossed my teeth for 35 years now once a day


  1. I have taken L-arginine


L-arginine is a type of amino acid, and as we know, amino acids are the “building blocks” of proteins.


L-arginine is considered somewhat essential because it is highly important for many functions and I will list the benefits of L-arginine:


Stimulates growth hormones and insulin that help usher glucose into cells to be used for growth and energy output.


Enhances physical performance, stamina, and strength


Fight inflammation


Lowering risk for arteriosclerosis and heart attack


Repairing blood vessels


Fighting congestive heart failure


Help lower high blood pressure


Improving athletic performance


Increase immune function


Improve kidney function


Reduce muscle pains


Improve mental capacity


Fighting dementia


Preventing common cold


Correcting impotence


L-arginine is needed by the endothelial cells in order to form enough nitric oxide to keep blood flowing freely.


Listed below are 5 ways L-arginine helps the body:


  1. improves heart health


  1. Lowers inflammation and fights the effects of aging.


  1. Boosts exercise performance


  1. improves immunity. Helps prevent infections and speeds up



  1. helps treat erectile dysfunction and infertility


Some of the best natural sources of L-arginine includes:


Cage-free eggs


Dairy products-cultured yogurt, kefir, raw organic cheese


Grass fed beef


Liver and organ meats


Wild caught fish


Sesame seeds


Pumpkin seeds


Sunflower seeds


Seaweed and sea vegetables




Brazil nuts






Coconut meat


Everything about YOU – your mind, body, and spirit are


interacting every minute of every day of your life.  The more


You know about all YOU – the more you will age healthy and


live life until you die.


Each of us had our own childhood – whatever our socioeconomic


Status was.


My mother always had:





I grew up on that food-mother never had a vegetable garden

because we lived in a city.


I do believe strongly that people who were raised on farms and

had gardens and chickens or pigs or beef are probably in better

health than my family and aged healthy.


For 35 years I have been doing preventive for SELFhood.


Everything I talk about on this website I have probably done over

these 35 years to age healthily.






The end product of YOUR life is JOY for all the:

























Not in that order necessarily but JOY comes






There is known a base of how to cultivate the “eight pillars of joy”:











JOY comes as a combination of the above pillars of joy but


Also from:




JOY is different for each of us.  But this blog is here to help you


Again, you can find JOY from someone else, what ever anyone says


Finding YOUR JOY


Only when YOU know SELFhood and all YOUR characteristics


Well you be of JOY


Forgiving SELF and everyone else


Loving SELF and everyone else


You need to have an honest reflection of YOUR life and recognize

how fragile we are, the pain, the suffering as well as the JOY that


YOU can have when YOU let go of all the negatives and embrace

the positives of SELF


Living a better life


Search for a meaningful life


Having a purpose


What Does Life Expect from YOU?


JOY comes from YOUR own insights into SELF and accepting

LOVE and FORGIVENESS which will give YOU JOY

But, it does take self-reflection to SELF and all our










To know JOY is to know SELF with everything gone before


JOY comes from:


YOUR actions


Feeling the thoughts that make your feel good


Doing a spring cleaning on YOUR belief system


Get Happy

Be grateful and thankful


Take a leap of faith


Let go as much as possible of negatives and pain


Re-create YOUR LIFE into what YOU want and need.


Here is a list of different ways to get YOUR JOY:


Learn something new


Get out in nature




Count your blessings




Nurture SELF






Sing out loud


Read a GREAT book




Meditate and enjoy silence


Have a mission each day


Get rid of stuff


Watch a sunrise or sunset


Create something


Take a walk in the rain


Let Go and Let GOD


Here are a couple of quotes from my wonderful people:


Find a place inside where there is joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.

Joseph Campbell


Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative afford

Franklin D. Roosevelt


It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken JOY in creative expression and knowledge

Albert Einstein


We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.  When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves



A thing of beauty is a joy forever; it is loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness’

John Keats


Joy is prayer; joy is strength; joy is love; joy is a net of love by which you can catch souls.

Mother Teresa


We could never learn to be brave and patient, if there were only joy in the world.

Helen Keller


YOUR joy will be different from anyone else’s JOY because of YOUR uniqueness







Love and Forgiveness = JOY




Forgive SELF


Have JOY




Love Dr. Leo Buscaglia


Today, this blog will be about Dr. Buscaglia and what wonderful

work he did in making it ok to internalize and externalize LOVE

And how important it is in each of us and to extend to our

the outer world of family, friends and to everyone we come in

contact with.


I never met the man but came across his Book LOVE in the

The 1980s when I was starting to develop to see who I was

because until then I had been controlled by parents, husband, and

society and the environment.  I needed to know ME – SELFhood.


Dr. Buscaglis/’s theory is that love is learned and that everyone

can and should learn to love.  Love SELF first and then out into

the universe.  But, there are people with negative energy and

needy, dramatic and chaos people you need to stay away from.


Below are some wonderful quotes from Dr. Buscaglia:


Your talent is God’s gift to you.  What you do with it is your

Gift back to GOD.



Now, that is what my podcast and book are about:

“What Does Life expect from YOU?”


Only the weak are cruel.  Gentleness can only be expected from the Strong.


I have a very strong feeling that the opposite of love is not hate-

It is apathy.  It is not giving a damn.


Love is life. And if you miss love, you miss life.


Biologically and physiologically, we are not equal.  Some of us learn better at different times of the day.  Some learn best visually, some auditorially, some tactilely, by touching.


If I don’t have wisdom, I can teach you only ignorance.


What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.


Love is always open arms.  If you close your arms about love you will find that you are left holding only yourself.


Never idealize others.  They will never live up to your expectations.


Do not brood.  Get on with living and loving.  You do not have forever.


What love we are given, we will have forever.  What love we fail to give, will be lost for all eternity.


One of my favorites:

The easiest thing to be in the world is YOU.  The most difficult thing to be is what other people want you to be.  Do not let them put you in that position.


From ME:  SELFhood is what he is talking about.  YOUR uniqueness.


Change is the end result of all true learning.


I love reading reviews of books and reading the reviews of Dr.


Buscaglia’s books are uplifting and motivational in their own



One reviewer talks about his anger which has haunted him his

Whole life and that this one little book has helped him so much.

He still has anger issues but it is helping him in his daily life.

To me, this book is about loving firstly SELF-so you can go out

Into the world and love others not intimately always – but letting

People know you love them by your speech, actions, and loving

