YOU and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Others
The Power of Positive Thinking was a book that was always in our
Home when I was growing up and had always been there and
Was something my parents practiced all the lives – and I have f
followed Dr. Peale’s principles also for my life.
God is mentioned throughout the book but anyone reading the
Blog’s I write know how important God is in my life. I thank God
every day, I pray for other’s health and success, my children,
friends, and especially when I hear of any family going through
trauma I send a prayer their way.
Prayer and positive thinking helps YOUR body and helps your
Prayer and positive thinking will help anyone, at any time, on
Fear and worry can cause your health to deteriorate. Being
positive and letting go of all fear and worry in your life – turning it
over to God –makes for a healthy and happy body. I have found
that so true in my own life and know you have and will also.
Not only does positive thinking help your spirituality but how
important it is for your body. To love, to smile, to laugh, to have
joy. Between YOU and God – all the positive and wonderful
things in life bring about those positive things in YOUR life.
Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking
and optimism on health. Mayo Clinic has said that the health
benefits that positive thinking may provide include:
Increased lifespan – that is an awesome thought!
Lower rates of depression
Lower levels of distress
Greater resistance to the common cold
Better psychological and physical well-being
Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress
It is unclear why people who engage in positive thinking
experience these health benefits. One theory is that having a
positive outlook enables us to cope better with stressful
situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on
YOUR body.
John Hopkins Medicine gives a few tips on power of positive
thinking also:
Smile More
Reframing – in a traffic jam –I take a deep breath and am grateful
Build resiliency – maintain good relationship, accept change, be
A problem solver when they appear
That Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins Medicine also have some
positive thinking principles, it is amazing that Dr. Peale came out
with his principles in 1930 sometime. But, as time has come
forward even big medical centers find that positive thinking has a
lot to do with not only spirituality but with our health and body.
Healthy aging and Joy for today