Aspartame, MSG, and Excitotoxins
Mike Adams, The Health Ranger as I know him, has an interview with Dr. Russell Blaylock.
Dr. Blaylock is a retired Neurosurgeon and I have listened to his
lectures, interviews, and his research for years now and believe
his views on many medical topics to be correct.
Today we are going to see some of those views but from other
researchers also what Aspartame, MSG and any other
excitotoxins can do to our bodies and health.
In today’s food world we almost cannot have used the pink, blue
or yellow packaged sugar. I still enjoy real sugar at times, and try
to use it when I am out at restaurants.
Listed below are some of the effects if those items:
Related to cancer, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases and metabolic disorder
MSG is hiding on food labels under “innocent-sounding” ingredients
Yellow packaged sugar may suppress immune system
Dangers of products are suppressed
American Diabetes Association does not speak out against aspartame
Yeast extract is not good for you
There is a link between soy and dementia
Aspartame can both cause and accelerate cancer
Listed below is some foods that have (excitotoxins) in them:
Diet soda
Canned soups
Frozen pizza
Baby food
Gravy mixes and dip mixes
Breakfast sausage
Salad dressings
And hundreds of other grocery products and restaurant foods.
Excitotoxins are known to cause:
Increased appetite
Infertility and reproductive disorders
Impaired brain function
Cancer/brain tumors
Heart damage can cardiovascular harm
I try to limit intake of any aspartame, MSG, or excitotoxins
But I cannot eliminate all of it 100% in today’s environment.
Dr. Edward Group has the following to say about excitotoxins:
They make food seem more flavorful than it really is. Food
companies spend millions on research and development on what
will make food take good so we will go back for more. And yet
excitotoxins has been linked to brain cell death, infertility,
problems with sexual development, violent behaviors and
hormonal disorders so be careful in eating the following in YOUR
Dominic Acid
When I eat out at restaurants I eat the food on the menu and
knowing that there are all kinds of processed items on the menu I
do not make an issue of it. At home, I try to never buy boxed,
canned, bagged, or frozen meals/food.
Protect YOUR mind, body, and spirit with what YOU eat –
because there is a saying, “YOU are what YOU eat”.
Choose to be healthy as YOU age
Choose the farmer’s markets
Choose the fresh, organic vegetables
Chose the good food to feed YOUR body – in 30 years it will make a difference on YOUR aging.