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YOU and Research showing soil depletion of vitamins & nutrients


This is from scientific American:

The main culprit in the disturbing nutritional trend is soil depletion:

modern intensive agricultural methods have stripped increasing

amounts of nutrients from the soil in which the food we eat grows.

Each successive general of fast-growing, pest-resistant carrot is

truly less good for you than the one before


A landmark study on the topic by Donald Davis and his team of

researchers from the University of Texas(UT) at Austin’s

Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry was published in

December 2004 in the Journal of the American College of

Nutrition.  They studied U.S Department of Agriculture nutritional


Data from both 195 and 1999 for 43 different vegetables and

fruits, finding “reliable declines” in the amount of protein,

calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin(vitamin B2)and vitamin c over

the past half century.  Davis and his colleagues chalk up this

declining nutritional content to the preponderance of agricultural

practices designed to improve traits,(size, growth rate, pest

resistance other than nutrition.


I am adding that since this study there has probably added items



The organic Consumers Association cites several other studies

with similar findings.  A Kushi Institute analysis of nutrient date

from 1975 to 1997 found that average calcium levels in 12 fresh

vegetables dropped 27 percent, iron levels 37%, vitamin A levels

21%, and vitamin C levels 30%.  There was a British Food Journal

also.  One study concluded that one has to eat eight oranges

today to derive the same amount of Vitamin A as our

grandparents would have gotten from ONE>


The following is by:

Michael Karr, Ph.D

ARCPACS Certified Professional Soil Scientist


Mineral nutrient depletion continues to be a problem in U. S. farm,

forest, and range soils.  The depletion is caused by natural

processes, such as weathering and erosion, particularly in the

sensitive soils of the southeastern United States.  More

significantly, throughout the United States, human accelerated

depletion is caused by the production of high yield crops and

livestock grazing.  Those activities cause nutrients to be removed

and organic matter to be depleted from the soil;s natural cycling

system.  Moreover, when commercial growers attempt to

replenish the soils of only some mineral nutrients by fertilization

they may exacerbate mineral nutrient imbalances.  While methods

exist to replenish the soil of its mineral nutrients there is a relative

lack of knowledge on how to identify all deficiencies and to fully

correct them.  In addition, the lack of an economic incentive to

implement long term, soil-building solutions perpetuates the

relative fragility and inconsistency of US soils nutrient supplying








Is Your energy frequency between 57 and 78?

Essential oils have the highest frequencies of any measured

Natural substance.

Emotions have frequency and so do thoughts.  Solids also have

frequency.  Those with consciousness such as humans

experience higher energy frequency states.  Humans vibrate at

the same levels.

Pure essential oils offer you natural way for harmonic wellness

at all levels (physical,emotional,mental and spiritual)  what other 1

item could do all that?  Laying the oils one after another is like

putting together and resonating in a symphony of musical notes

that is aligned with the rhythms of nature.

A higher biometric frequency encourages a body to regenerate

damaged cells, build a higher immune defense to viruses as well

as sustain energy vitality.

In a few decades’ scientists have gone from a conviction there

is no such thing as an energy field around the human body, to an

absolute certainty that it exists.  And to understand the roles of

energy fields in health and disease.  Because you are reading this

blog YOU understand that there is energy healing.


A healthy cell has a certain frequency; a healthy psyche is at the

right frequency.

We can re-balance our body frequencies – and feel good.

Our thoughts are vibrations also – we can change our perception

by changing our frequency.  Our thoughts can change our

personal world.

The following ae ways to change body frequencies and lift them

to a healthy level:

Better food, Live food, vegetables and fruits and adding nutrients.

One of the things I do is use my vita mixer and make chard juice

and add fresh ginger and turmeric with olive oil and ground


Dr. Royal Raymond Rife produced some astounding

accomplishments in medicine and biology in the 1920’s and 30

with frequencies.  First he invented a new kind of optical

microscope to observe virus in live cells and tissue culture and

invented a variable frequency flashing light ultrasound source

which could kill bacteria, fungi and viruses.

Some call it life force, others call it chi.  It is a vibration and it can

be measured.

We can try, on a daily basis, to vibrate at optimum energy

frequency state.

Negative thoughts lower our frequency by 12 MHz while positive

thoughts raise our frequency by 10 MHz


Healthy body is 62 – 78

Cold/foe           57 –  60

Cancer              42

Death                25

Below are 5 things that may help in raising YOUR frequency:

  1. Cook and eat fresh ingredients
  2. go offline as much as possible
  3. avoid drugs and toxins
  4. use therapeutic grade essential oils
  5. use the power of intention


Essential oils emit a spectrum of frequencies that come from the

bonds between elements comprising the molecules of their

compounds.  Each molecule is like a tiny stringed instrument

where the bonds between the atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and

oxygen act as strings of different pitches.

We allow our negative emotions and limiting thoughts to be in


Positive thinking is the way to go.










YOU and EMFs impact on your health and that of your children

and pets, as our overuse of electricity contributes greatly to

pollution from coal-fired electricity plants.  Those who are wise will

heed the warnings of the electrically sensitive and reduce the

EMF radiation in their homes through good design and reduction of

dependence on electric appliance.


Even if you cannot feel it, or see it, EMF –and more and more we

are into a wireless world.  So be informed and know it is having

an effect and it is accumulative.


Amir Raz, assistant professor of clinical neuroscience at

Columbia University offers the following answer about could

certain frequencies of electromagnetic waves or radiation interfere



DEFINITELY.  Radiation is energy and research findings provide

at least some information concerning how specific types may

influence biological tissue, including that of the brain.

Evidence of health effects from EMF, including their influence on

the brain, is inconclusive and the probability that EMF exposure is

a genuine health hazard is currently small. (Listed below:  Israel and

Germany have concerns) Microwave frequencies below 3,000

megahertz can penetrate the outer layers of the skin, be absorbed

into the underlying tissues, and result in all the known biological

effects of heating, including burns, cataracts, and possible death.


A few studies concluded that cell phone exposure enhanced

certain aspects of cognitive performance as measured by reaction

time and accuracy; others showed no difference, and a few,

including a very recent investigation, show that such exposure

had detrimental effects in specific contexts such as attention



Martin Blank, PhD-Department of Physiology and Cellular

Biophysics at Columbia University has a wonderful little video

about the harmful health effects of electromagnetic radiation

Can cause:

Asthma-Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine

Salivary Gland cancer

Brain Tumor

Lymphatic cancer and Bone Marrow Cancer



Alzheimer’s disease




Cell towers health effects

People that live close to cell towers can have fatigue, irritability,

a headache, nausea, appetite loss, sleep disturbance, depression

and on and on


Many home appliances create EMF:

Cordless phones,

Wireless baby monitors

Wireless doorbells

Wireless routers

Wireless modems

Anything wireless


This is all from Natural News:

Ways to reduce EMF radiation in your home and life

Keep your immune system strengthened

Practice a chemical-free lifestyle

Unplug electrical appliances when not in use

Keep your bedroom, and children bedroom, free of electrical

appliances, especially near your head while you sleep

Avoid low-voltage halogen and fluorescent lighting.

Avoid use of microwave ovens, hair dryers, electric toothbrush,

electric blankets

Avoid plasma TVs

Keep computer unplugged when not in use

Avoid areas with wireless networking


BBC new said “low-energy bulbs ‘cause a migraine”

Israel Knesset has bans placing cellular antennas on residential


Germany warns citizens to avoid using Wi-Fi

Be informed and know about EMF and use it, store, it in your

home carefully, in separate rooms from YOU and YOUR children.






YOU and the Power of YOUR Subconscious Mind


Dr. Joseph Murphy books


YOUR intellect will try to get in the way but do not let this be.

This is considered one of the top Spiritual authors of the last

century.  I have read “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind”

starting in the 1980s.  It has been wonderful and moved me

development through life, and been an important part of that

development.  Plus, he has other books, and the one we will

eventually talk about is the Fear/Worry one because many people

have ingrained into them that fear/worry is a constant thing and it

should not be.


Dr. Murphy 1898 – 1981


The following is from Dr. Murphy book:


How This book can work Miracles in Your Life

I have seen miracles happen to men and women in all walks of

life all over the world.  Miracles can happen to you, too when you

begin using the magic power of YOUR subconscious mind.  This

the book is designed to teach you that your habitual thinking and

imagery mold, fashion, and create your Destiny for as a man

thinketh in his subconscious mind, so is he.


There have been lots and lots of books about Law of Attraction

but I believe that Dr. Murphy’ books his teachings were some of

the first that gave a basic understanding.  And most of the author’s

followed in his footsteps.


Dr. Murphy continues:

Why is one man sad, and another man happy?  Why is one man

joyous and prosperous, and another man poor and miserable?

Why is one man fearful and anxious and another full of faith and

confident?  Why does one man have a beautiful, luxurious home

while another man lives out a meager existence in a slum?


And on Dr. Murphy ask these questions about why this way and

not that way.  Then he tells his reason for writing this book:


The following summary is at the end of the 1st chapter and will

help you understand the difference:


All you need and want in life is within you.


You have the ability to contact and release this power of the

subconscious mind in YOU


Your subconscious mind has all the answers to all problems.


YOUR subconscious mind is the builder of your body and can

heal you.  Lull yourself to sleep at night with the idea of perfect

health, and your subconscious, being your faithful servant will



Every thought is a cause, and every condition is an effect.


Never use the terms, I can’t afford it” or “I can’t do this” your

subconscious mind takes you at your word.


I can, I can, I can said the little red engine!


The law of life is the law of belief.


Change your thought change your life


Watching the sunrise






YOU and Milk Thistle


Prevention should be your goal.  Prevention of cancer,

diabetes, arthritis and any disease.  The more information YOU

have on natural and organic items the better you are to maintain

healthy aging.  My goal for you is not to get any disease and the

hopes that each blog written on this website gives you information

so you will not be sick and will know the things for prevention.


Milk Thistle has been used for 2,000 years as an herbal remedy

for a variety of ailments, particularly liver, kidney and gall bladder

problems.  Several scientific studies suggest that substances in

milk thistle protect the liver from toxins, including certain drugs,

such as acetaminophen(Tylenol), which can cause liver damage

in high doses.


Milk thistle is often suggested as a treatment for alcoholic hepatitis

and alcoholic cirrhosis.  Most studies d=show milk thistle

improves liver function and increases survival in people with

cirrhosis or chronic hepatitis.


Early lapidary studies suggest that silymarin and other active

substances in milk thistle may have anti-cancer effects.  These

substances appear to:

Stop cancer cells from dividing and reproducing

Shorten the lifespan of cancer cells

Reduce blood supply to tumors

The above information if from University of Maryland Medical


Dr. Mercola website has that milk thistle anti-inflammatory effects

are among its greatest achievements, and recent research

suggest this is accomplished, in part using a two-phase process

similar to those used by other beneficial natural compounds like

curcumin and a component of green tea.


Aside from liver health and cancer protection, milk thistle also

shows promise for:

Kidney health

Heart health


Brain health

Listed below are 14 health benefits of milk thistle

Protects liver






Protects the heart

Protects from chemicals and toxins

May help prevent and treat cancer

Improves bone health

Effective milk secretor

Protects against radiation-induced lung injury

Reduces iron absorption

Inhibits fat cells


The above list is from website and it has an in-

depth explanations on each item.

Milk thistle is scientifically called Silybum marianum.  It is an annual

or biennial plant of the Asteraceae family.  Originally a native of

Southern Europe through to Asia, it now found throughout the


The following is from about milk thistle:

Functions as a therapeutic agent for the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease

Improves blood sugar levels

Reduces cell damage caused by radiation and chemotherapy treatments

Supplements sunscreen protection and may be useful against multiple types of skin disease

Words as a free radical scavenger and powerful antioxidant

Reduces hot flashes and other related menopausal symptoms

Other listed items also from this website







YOU and Spiritual Power


There is a lot to be said about POWER – but it is about spiritual

power today.


How we live daily is about our Spiritual Power







Martin Luther King, Jr wrote of power and he was a very spiritual


“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in

moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at

times of challenge and controversy”.


He had that spiritual power we should all want because Dr. Martin

Luther King, Jr. had IT


Plato said about power:

“The measure of a man is what he does with power”.


We have seen over the last 70 years what many men have done

with power.  Last year the United States of America dropped over

26,000 bombs around the world.  That was in “ZeroHedge”, online

financial newspaper. This is power but not Spiritual.


Power can be used for good or for evil.


JFK knew there was a possibility that there were different groups

that would not like his policies but he was determined that his

American people did not want war or be at odds with the Soviet

Union but his spiritual self kept moving him into a place of peace

for his America.   I believe his spiritual power was at peace in the



Spiritual Power brings each of us:





Life that moves us to aging with grace and dignity and no regrets.


Spiritual Power allows us to be strong in thought and actions that

we each take throughout each day, in being about SELFhood, not

what anyone else want’s YOU to think.    Put aside all news and

when Self has discovered Spiritual Power use it wisely and be at

peace about it.


Friedrich Nietzsche said:

“There are two different types of people in the world, those who

want to know, and those who want to believe”.


Be that person who wants to know “Spiritual Power” and use it for

good.  Study, read, acknowledge, and be wise with the truth you

find.  That is the Spiritual Person who has the Spiritual Power.

Reinhold Niebuhr’s book:

Moral Man and Immoral Society:  A Study in Ethics and Politics

Should be required reading for all Americans and realize that

collective behavior of man/woman is different from his individual



If a government worker/private worker is doing something

unethical at work but believes their self to be a Spiritual Person –

speak up and speak out because Spiritual Power comes from

being Spiritual in all that we do, work or personal life.


Joy and Peace for today










YOUR Spiritual Plan is YOUR own


On a daily basis, it is easy for each of us to just take for granted our Spiritual journey –

but we each need to be reminded how Blessed we are to be here, healthy today, and

live a productive life full of many blessings.


Over the years I have read at least 100 spiritual books by many different authors who

have followed their own Spiritual Plan:


Victor Frankl


Dr. Joseph Murphy


Dr. Wayne Dwyer


Tony Robbins


Johnathan Livingstone Seagull


Deepak Chopra


Paulo Coelho


Dr. Norman Vincent Peale


Dale Carnegie


Dr. Stephen R. Covey



From the 1950’s to today’s authors I have read many so that I always felt I was

maturing in my own Spiritual Plan.


What has happened along the way is that family and friends have influenced my

journey and my own Spiritual Plan.


Today, at this time, in the Now, I do not let anyone or anything influence my Spiritual Plan and have not for many years.  I hope your Spiritual Plan is YOUR own because it brings, love, peace, joy, forgiveness and much strength to deal with life’s trauma.


I have a friend, for almost 30 years now but have not seen for many years, but he is 88 now and his Spiritual Plan is so strong now that he has lost 2 precious daughters to cancer and a young grandson to gun violence and has not lost his Spiritual Plan in all this trauma to SELF.  I try to emulate his Spiritual Plan but he has been at this longer than myself but he is to be admired and respected for his inner Spiritual strength.



Intention and being grateful are 2 parts to my Spiritual Plan.  Having read the

author’s listed above – intention and being grateful are 2 topics the author’s dwell on

over the years also.


Praying/meditating for other’s well-being is something I have always done but I know

my well-being will be taken care with my own knowledge of SELFhood so praying and

asking for things is not my Spiritual Plan.  God expects me to take care of SELF, God

expects me to be productive so I am grateful to my Higher Power for giving me these



Spiritual growth comes with the Journey we have.


Professor Randy Pausch said:

“We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.”


I find that quotes help me in so many ways:


I must be willing to give up what I AM

To become what I will BE

Albert Einstein



In the end, it is not the years in your life that count.

It is the life in your years

Abraham Lincoln




YOU and the Best Brain Food


Dr. Axe says the best brain food is:

  1. Avocados
  1. Beets
  1. Blueberries
  1. Bone Broth
  1. Broccoli
  1. Celery
  1. Coconut Oil
  1. Dark Chocolate
  1. Egg Yolks
  1. Extra virgin olive oil
  1. Green, leafy vegetables
  1. Rosemary
  1. Salmon
  1. Turmeric
  1. Walnuts


I have for the last 30 years been eating many of the above in my diet – for hypothyroidism.


Here is the list from


Wild salmon

Nuts and seeds



Harvard. Edu talks about paying attention to how eating

different foods make you feel – try cutting out all processed

foods and sugar.  Adding fermented foods like kimchi, miso,

sauerkraut, pickles, or kombucha.  They say you might want

to try going dairy-free – and some people feel better when

their diets are grain-free.  Try the “clean” diet for two to three



The field of Nutritional Psychiatry is relatively new, however

there are observational data regarding the  association

between diet quality and mental healthy across countries,

cultures and age groups – depression in particular.

There are also some studies suggesting that dietary

improvement can prevent depression.  Diet during early life

is also linked to mental health outcomes in children.

An international team of researchers found that seniors who

consumed the most nutritious food had a nearly 25 percent

reduction in the risk of mental decline compared those with

the least healthy diets.  A study published in the online issue

of Neurology


Dr. Mercola’s list for brain food is very close to Dr. Axe.


In today’s environment, it is very hard to stay on a day in and

day out the diet of all the above “best brain” foods.

For the most part of the year- I never buy any canned,

bagged, or boxed foods to bring home for foods.  Once in a

great while, I will buy a can of chili or a box of favorite

crackers but it is limited to one-two times a year.

My Blood type along with my hypothyroidism requires my

body to eat mostly proteins, meat, eggs, tuna and green

leafy salad with fresh tomatoes.  I watch what I eat because I

also, have edema and I keep that at bay with my daily fresh


The above are my health issues but I pay attention to what I

eat daily.


I went through depression when my childhood family was

dying and I started several years ago adding

Lithium Orotate as a supplement.  Please do a search:


Lithium orotate Dr. John Grey and listen to his video on

Lithium orotate.

We do not have enough lithium orotate for our brain.  Very

affection and will probably help for depression and anxiety.


Either buy it at Dr. Grey’s website or I get mine from

The Power Hour-Joyce Riley’s radio show out of Missouri

It is the fuel that will make your brain work best.





YOU and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and Others


The Power of Positive Thinking was a book that was always in our

Home when I was growing up and had always been there and

Was something my parents practiced all the lives – and I have f

followed Dr. Peale’s principles also for my life.


God is mentioned throughout the book but anyone reading the

Blog’s I write know how important God is in my life.  I thank God

every day, I pray for other’s health and success, my children,

friends, and especially when I hear of any family going through

trauma I send a prayer their way.


Prayer and positive thinking helps YOUR body and helps your



Prayer and positive thinking will help anyone, at any time, on



Fear and worry can cause your health to deteriorate.  Being

positive and letting go of all fear and worry in your life – turning it

over to God –makes for a healthy and happy body.  I have found

that so true in my own life and know you have and will also.


Not only does positive thinking help your spirituality but how

important it is for your body.  To love, to smile, to laugh, to have

joy.  Between YOU and God – all the positive and wonderful

things in life bring about those positive things in YOUR life.


Researchers continue to explore the effects of positive thinking

and optimism on health.  Mayo Clinic has said that the health

benefits that positive thinking may provide include:


Increased lifespan – that is an awesome thought!


Lower rates of depression


Lower levels of distress


Greater resistance to the common cold


Better psychological and physical well-being


Reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease


Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress


It is unclear why people who engage in positive thinking

experience these health benefits.  One theory is that having a

positive outlook enables us to cope better with stressful

situations, which reduces the harmful health effects of stress on

YOUR body.


John Hopkins Medicine gives a few tips on power of positive

thinking also:


Smile More


Reframing – in a traffic jam –I take a deep breath and am grateful


Build resiliency – maintain good relationship, accept change, be


A problem solver when they appear


That Mayo Clinic and John Hopkins Medicine also have some

positive thinking principles, it is amazing that Dr. Peale came out

with his principles in 1930 sometime.  But, as time has come

forward even big medical centers find that positive thinking has a

lot to do with not only spirituality but with our health and body.


Healthy aging and Joy for today





There are probably many more reasons to juice than the ones


that I am going to lay out before you in this blog but build your


own reasons but I am going to lay some out here.



I use my vita mixer – I use to have a juicer but it took out too


much of the pulp for me and so I wanted the pulp because there


is a lot of fiber in that pulp and I was worried I could get some


more of the good pulp with my vita mixer.


  1. The juicing nutrients pass directly into the bloodstream, ad



  1. within minutes our bodies receive optimum fuel to fee our


cells and help restore our immune system



  1. vegetable juice provides vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates,


essential fatty acids, proteins, phytonutrients, antioxidants


and so much more.



  1. Increased energy – wonderful


  1. able to drink their highly concentrated nutrients which enter


bloodstream very quickly

I do not juice fruits – maybe a couple of times a year.  I juice


chard, carrots, and ginger root – and put turmeric into all my


juicing I do.



  1. You will never receive as much nutrients in anything else


except juicing vegetables


  1. drink fresh juice as much as possible but I do freeze small


jars for a week or so – looses some of it’s value



  1. nothing compares to fresh vetable juice to provide your body


with all nutrients it needs on a daily basis


  1. it increased alkalinity.  It is said disease cannot thrive in an


alkaline body and I have always believed that and especially


since I read Dr. Broady’s book Alkaline or Die book some 15


years ago.



Have a juicing plan for YOU – so that you can plan once a


week to make the juice – put in hermetic sealed glass jar


and it will be ok from Sunday through Thursday –or you can


put in 6 oz. mason jars in freezer for a week.  You have


choices here and work out whatever is best for your life


style.  There is always a choice and always options,


Know that juicing vegetables is the fastest way to get


nutrients into your bloodstream and keep your cells fed well


with as much nutrients as possible.



Fruit does not have the high alkaline value that greens and


vegetables have so be as informed as possible.



There are many types of juicers, many types of blenders and


other types of expensive juicers but I like my vita mixer and


love it because it is probably medium priced juicer


One of the things you must remember everyday is that your


cells and organs MUST be fed well on a daily basis and in


this blog is where you learn how to do that with love, joy


and peace
