“The Longest Journey is the Journey inward?” and it starts with the mind.
Above is from Dag Hammarskjold-Secretary General United Nations-dying in 1961, his book, “Markings”
Reading something profound like the above moves me to empower SELF, seeks to improve SELF, and appreciate SELF.
What does it do for YOU?
Reading books, non-fiction, biographies, auto-biographies will empower SELF. When I read on a topic, I try to read at least 5 authors on the same topic to get their theories or thoughts on the topic. Never read just 1 author on topic-because YOUR MIND will get stuck in their theory or thought.
The Longest Journey is the Journey inward
It has now been determined that the plane Dr. Hammarskjold was sabotaged as he was flying from Africa into Europe I believe. His book was very profound in my own life. It is a small book and has his writings over the years.
It was published in 1964, four years after he died in the plane crash and had been UN Secretary-General.
The following is from his book and that he wrote about 1950.
God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.
It is from the Prime Creator that we all must know is with us all. That is from me.
The Longest Journey is the Journey inward
But, in his wonderful book, there are so many wonderful little messages for anyone who would read it. It is only for your benefit to have this little book in your library and read it once in a while. That is why I have all my lovely books. So that I can go back and read them over. Because in 5 years I will be at a higher level than today.