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Empowering YOUR Spirituality and More

YOU and Empowering YOUR Spirituality as YOU age

In the 1980’s I read one of the many books by Dr. Joseph Murphy

– about one’s sub-conscious and have been moving forward with

that and many other of his books and many other but the following

are 10 ways to empower your soul by the Himalayan Institute

Empowering YOUR Spirituality and More

ONE:  Simplify! Simplify!

Sounds way too easy

Empowering YOUR Spirituality and More

TWO:  Choose a Direction

From reading and meditating from books like Dr. Murphy’s all

these many years I chose a direction for the last 25 years:

  1. Being productive is very important to me

  2. wrote a parenting series from Birth – Middle School

  3. Started a 5th-grade motivational series

  4. Built a website on Mind, Body, and

  5. Do a weekly podcast

  6. Knit baby blankets for family and friends having babies

  7. Took oil painting classes

  8. Took an algebra class at 65

  9. Have lots of different friends

THREE:  Transcend the Ordinary

Unleash the power of your imagination

Empowering YOUR Spirituality

FOUR:  See the Light

Live life – do not just exist

FIVE:  Meditate

Connect daily with GOD – your creator, the Beginning of ALL

SIX:  Be Fearless


SEVEN:  Wake Up!

YOU control the day instead of the day controlling YOU

EIGHT:  Eat for Life

Organic whole foods – 85% of your food

NINE:  Keep Good company

Keep good company to become good company

TEN:  Be flexible

Do not sweat the small things.

Here are some ways to grow your spirit and live your life

Follow your passion

Tie up loose ends

Be responsible in your relationships

Love sometimes means saying goodbye

Confront your inner demons

Go with the flow

Be patient

Love and honor your physical self

Understanding and dealing with death and illness

We each are here for a very short time a drop of water could be a

lifetime, one piece of sand could be one of us in the universe.

There are those who are never going to become because of their

genes or DNA or their lifestyle or their family;  But we each, who

want to live life can choose our spiritual life and make it a

daily life in Love, Forgiveness, and Harmony.

Empowering YOUR Spirituality




YOU and What is YOUR Protocol if you get Cancer.  The following is from natural news. Com and then there is the section that in 2017, an estimated 1,688,780 new cancer cases are expected to be diagnosed and about 600,920 people will die from the disease in the United States, according to the annual report by the American Cancer Society.  The New York scientists explained that while shrinking the tumors, chemotherapy simultaneously opens new doorways for tumors to spread into the blood system, triggering more aggressive tumors which often result in death.

The researchers believe toxic chemo drugs switch on repair mechanisms in the body that allow tumors to grow back faster. Furthermore, Dr. George Karagiannis, l lead author of the study and his team found that two common chemo drugs increased the number of “doorways” on blood vessels which allowed cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body.  The team also discovered that chemotherapy increased the number of cancer cells circulating the body and lungs of mice.

Though this study only investigated the effects of chemotherapy on breast cancer, the researchers are currently experimenting with other types of cancer to see if similar effects occur.

You’re Protocol if YOU get Cancer?

This is Linda speaking now:

My plan is never to have the disease called cancer but I have a protocol that I will follow if such a thing does pop up in my body:

I will stop eating or drink anything that is not organic and pure.

Juice 5 times a day

I will take turmeric 5 times a day

Only drink my distilled water or PH water filter I have

I will stop eating in restaurants

Take Carnivore, and whatever else Ty Bollinger has on his list.

What is your protocol if you get cancer or diabetes?

You’re Protocol if YOU get Cancer?


Your Blood Type Matters.  Dr. D’Amato’s book will help you understand that the lectin in different foods will match with your blood type than other foods.  I am 0 positive and he has a list of foods that match better with my blood type thank other foods.  Blood type is just one of the many characteristics we each have.  But, when you are trying to keep you healthy through the years take into those characteristics.  Your pecking order, your birthday, your culture, and your environment, and especially your thinking.  Sometimes throughout our lives, we go through down times but I am wishing for you that most you have good and happy times.

YOUR Blood Type Matters

In today’s environment of water, air, soil, and food YOU need to be aware at all times of what goes into your body.  They have found plastic and round up in almost everything in our food.  And whatever goes into your body certainly affects not only for today but for the long term.  I look at everything in the long term.   Since we all go out to eat more than we did 50 years ago, it is best to get a salad, soup or something that will not affect our health.  The best place to keep your aging healthy is what you do in your own home.  YOUR blood needs to be kept really nutritional.  And doing this will really be helpful long term and for healthy aging.

Knowing your blood type really helps you get to what you want for aging healthy.  There is a lot of information of what goes with the foods and your blood type.  It is a starting point.

YOUR Blood Type Matters




YOU and keeping your Cells and Body Happy

Every day in your body 432 billion cells die and are replaced with new cells.  This is the key to

regenerating your body and staying young.  Because

functioning body next year if you want, skinner, with fewer pains and more energy. If you take

the right steps.

That 432 billion number is a just scientific estimate.  Cells are so small and there are so many

in your body (somewhere between 60 – 100 trillion) that no one could ever count them

individually.  This is also why you do not notice your body renewing itself all the time.

Listed are examples of a new body:

Cells in our digestive system, from the stomach to the large bowels are replaced every 5


The liver is replaced every five months

A new covering of skin happens every four weeks

Our heart is replaced every six to nine months

Your liver is capable of renewing and repair from as little as 25% of itself

New studies are indicating that even brain cells may regenerate.

We know that in a fashion we are creating a new body by slowly getting new cells every day.

The question is whether our new cells will be healthier or less healthy

The quality of the new cells is dependent on the raw material, the food that

Was available when the replacement cells were being formed.  If you feed the body the proper

food nutrition, the new cells being formed can actually be stronger and healthier then the cells

ever were.

This is called regeneration.  If you feed the body poorly, the result will be cells of degeneration.

There are limits to this of course.  Researchers estimate that 30 percent of our health is

determined by genetics.

I would say these factors make your cells happy:





And you may know other factors but those are the main ones I believe.

Here are the big 5 degeneration factors to avoid

Processed foods




Rancid fats and oils

Here are the big 5 regeneration factors:

Fresh vegetables

Fresh fruits

Whole grains

Drink lots of pure water

Exercise, nourishing friendships, nature, sleep

The body was not meant to sit idle.  Neighed was our mind.  If you are not moving the body

regularly, it will become toxic and acidic.  Some health professionals say you should not be

sitting for more than one hour without getting up and moving.


Being Spiritually in Balance.  If your body is in the healthy spot and the mind is running as well as it can for your age then Spiritually you are in Balance.   You should not have stress and your body should be running good.

There are so many people taking some kind of prescription drugs.  But I believe they need to solve their problems themselves instead of looking for a pill to make them feel better.  If you have joint aches then look for some collagen to help you feel better.  Either make the chicken broth yourself or put some good unflavored gelatin into your body.  Or you could do some juicing, good dark green vegetables.  How easily do we go to someone else to find our answers to our problems?  There is a lot of information about anything on the internet.

Being Spiritually in Balance

If you are taking any prescription in your body, mind, and spirit really need to be in Balance.  Or maybe it is in the best Balance it can be.  I take Armour thyroid, pig hormone, for my hypothyroid.  It is as close to natural as I can get.  They say it is harder for my body to metabolize but as long as it is not man-made.

If you are taking man-made prescriptions then you need to counter it with juicing or really good organic foods.  And my hope is that it will counter the bad effect of man-made anything.

Being Spiritually in Balance

The mind, body, and spirit are connected and they all 3 need to be in balance for yourself.  A triathlete probably thinks they are good to go because their body is in tip-top share.  This is not true because they probably are not keeping their body alkaline nor are they meditating and praying every day.  Or a person going to church thinks they are ok but they are not.  Because they do not exercise or eat organic foods.   All connected.


Salt and why YOU must eat it!

Salt and why YOU must eat it!  Dr. Brownstein has written lots of books, and I appreciate that and have several of his great books.  But, one I have had over the years is on Salt.  Salt, you say, and when most health and doctors professionals tell you not to eat salt.  Here is Dr. Brownstein telling you that YOUR body needs salt.  Has to have an adequate intake of healthy salt and water.  Dr. Brownstein continues:

Low salt diets are promoted by conventional medicine as part of a healthy diet.  However, low salt diets are not associated with a reduction in blood pressure for the vast majority of the population.  In addition, low-sodium diets have adverse effects on numerous metabolic markers, which lead to elevated insulin levels & insulin resistance.

Salt and why YOU must eat it!

Refined salt, including refined sea salt, kosher salt & salt substitutes are your standard white table salts.  These are not healthful substances for the body.  Refined salt has been stripped of all its minerals and bleached to assure a long shelf life.

Dr. Brownstein says 1/2-1 teaspoon of UNREFINED salt daily.  I usually buy Celtic salt which Dr. Brownstein recommends over the years.  Redmond’s Real Salt, and Himalayan Pink Crystal Salt.  Over the years I buy a mostly Celtic brand.

So, your body needs unrefined salt, no matter what the professionals say.

This is a quote that Dr. Brownstein says:

“The superior physician helps before the early budding of the disease…The inferior physician begins to help when the disease has already developed.”  Huang Ti Nei Ching Su Won-2697-2597BC.

How come we do not hear about that quote now?  Just know you should have unrefined salt in your cupboard and use it daily.  And be sure your body gets this good salt daily

Salt and why YOU must eat it!

Salt and why YOU must eat it!

Is your body getting enough SALT?


It is only beneficial for your complete life to be proactive.  And being proactive in every aspect of your life is a positive thing.

What can help your mind, body, and spirit?  I learned over the years and years of research.  But, now I have this website and tell you about many things that can do that.  I give you authors and lots of good health information.  So, you can go through all my posts and then go off to do some research on your own.

Proactive has given me lots of information and knowledge.  It has helped me with my own protocol.  This came mainly from Ty Bolling and his books on cancer.  It makes me feel like I have some control.  But I do proactive, especially in my home.  I keep my body alkaline and I juice dark green vegetables.  I take curcumin every day, in addition, eat keto and paleo diets the best I can.

Proactive helps YOU Spiritually

Mary Lou Henner, a TV star in the 1970s, wrote books on not having any dairy.  And at the time of one of her books, her children had not had any sugar.  And they were over 10 years old at that time.  I have great feelings for a mother who has that much knowledge when her children were little.  I had no idea how bad dairy and sugar were.  She states her parents both died young from dairy.  The dairy has been so processed that it is not actually real milk or anything close to what was dairy.  It is like Dole that radiates all their food.  It is not actually food anymore.  But, each of us has to make a decision on what food we bring into our homes anymore.  There still are things that are so addictive to me.  And once in a while they will find their way into my home.

Proactive helps YOU Spiritually


Betty Shine wrote the book,  “The Key to the Universe, Mind Magic.”.  She has proven that she can do all these wonderful things with her mind.  I totally believe she can do that, and along with others.  I just happen do not want to go that far as they do but it can be done with the mind.

What is Mind Magic?

In her first book Mind to Mind, she explained how she discovered bright, white energy around the head that looked like a vibrating halo.  And which she had studied for eleven years.  She explained how negative thought funneled that this energy inwards instead of outwards.  But while positive thought directed it outwards instead of inwards.  It would link it up with the universal mind,  the great reservoir of thought and knowledge outside ourselves.

What is Mind Magic?

She wrote that to remember that mind energy is affected by every single thought you have.  So let u talk about mind energy.

This mind energy actually leaves the body when we die.  She has seen it leave.  It can take on many shapes but it cannot be destroyed because it is energy.  And energy nevery] dies.  It joins an energy dimension.  She goes on of what is the Universal Mind.  She says it is a collection of past ends, of mind strengthened with knowledge, talent, and spiritual values, and it is a source that can be tapped by anyone wishing to seek knowledge.  Your life will never be the same again.  You will be happier and healthier.  That is the great bonus of learning what and who you really are in this Energy Universal.

These people that I have researched have helped my own life.  Each of them does not have all the answers but it is always working on getting us to the next level.


Why am I – Meaningful Life

YOUR mind will want to go along with this man-made reality.  Instead, you need to constantly be working on being in control of your mind, body, and spirit.  Not something, someone, or others being in control of you.

It takes daily work from you and me to be in control.  Because I want you to be in control and know what your meaningful life will be like.

What I do not want for myself or for you to say:  I should have, would have, could have.  Those are regrets.  I do not believe that anyone does not have 1 or 2 regrets.  But, we want to limit those.  Meditating and praying and be mindful of your living environment is important.  You will know your purpose and knows what brings you a meaningful life.  I would say if you have joy and find happiness in your daily life helps.  I do not believe that we have joy and happiness every day or every moment.

Why am I here?

Where did I come from?

What is my destiny?

How do I get from HERE to THERE?

Why am I – Meaningful Life

Being unique is something that man-made reality does not want for you.  You are supposed to look like everyone else, dress like everyone else.  And go to college and learn like everyone else so you can work for a multi-national company.  Well, I am unique, I dress uniquely, I think differently.  I like being in control of myself.  And I wanted my children to be their own person, be inspired, motivated and have joy in their life.



Childhood trauma and result in separation from the essential self.  And from reading Dr. Joseph Murphy it is being in contact with your Sub-Conscious is getting in contact with our essential self.  Dr.Gabor Mate says the following:

We live in a world that rewards us for being inauthentic and punishes us for being authentic.  And we live in a world, and a culture, that seduces us from our true selves with every possible blandishment, reward, and promise of fulfillment through artificial means.  And the other problem, as Alma says, is that your mind, your egoic mind, always to invalidate your essence.  Because the egoic mind develops as a replacement for the essence.  When essence shows up, the mind is threatened – the ego is threatened.  So it wants to fight back.

Both Dr. Mate and Dr. Levine explain that we often do not even realize that we are disconnected from our essential selves.   It is like when we are little and a dog dies or a grandparent dies.  This is trauma, both at different levels but it is trauma.  And it certainly could separate us from our real essence.  When I believe this man-made reality also is a factor in keeping us from our essential self.  Because, when we accept that there is a man-made reality and we take control it helps in getting in contact with our essential self.

Separation from Essential Self

when this trauma happens we can just go on and act as normal as we can.  But, there still is sadness inside of us.  Have a friend and her mother beat her every day.  She was in the Peace Core and has a Ph.D. but still is like a whipped dog at 63.  So she still is living that trauma and has never forgiven herself or her mother so she can move on.

Separation from Essential Self
