Christopher Hitchen’s book “Mortality”, dying an atheist.
Christopher Hitchen’s book “Mortality”, dying an atheist. YOUR Spirituality and Christopher Hitchens dying as an atheist. This is from ME-and as much as I always enjoyed Christopher Hitchens on his TRUTH – I was so sad that while he was dying he wrote a book mon Mortality-really his mortality and how he faced his death while trying to finish out his life. Not unlike “The Last Lecture” or Gilda Radnor’s book on her own book while dying while trying to finish up their lives.
Christopher Hitchens never shied away from telling the truth at least the truth as he saw it- but he wrote with stoicism and lucid in the face of imminent death. Writing to the very end – and sharing his dying with his audience and I as much as I appreciated Christopher and his writings I have never understood how anyone could be an atheist.
Christopher Hitchen’s book “Mortality”, dying an atheist.
Dying and not believing in anything beyond SELF just does not register with me and looking at the Universe and all the written history before from India, Samaria, Egypt. Plato, and the tribes of Africa. So, one has to wonder why he did not have any connection to his energy field or his conscious connection to other energies in the world.
Christopher talked in the book about aches and pains he was enduring physically. He did say he wished he could be dying for somebody but it seems to me in his search and writing about the truth which was gone with intellect and beautifully done. Yet, in the end, he had no one to die for, no kindred spirit, no partner he loved, no Higher Power he was going to meet going over the bridge. No purpose in his dying young and so painfully. But, dying in hospice care must have been some solace for a person who had no loving and close relationships? He argued that atheism gave him a sense of urgency. Read some of Christopher’s books very well written and intellect to be sure. But, No one to die for? Quietly sad, and no one to think about outside of a 3-foot energy personal area?
How Smart Meters will affect YOUR Health. YOU and Smart Meters affect YOUR health. has a list of items that will affect your health if you have a smart meter at your home. Fatigue, Ringing in ears Problems sleeping Learning problems Headache Eye problems Leg cramps Balance problems Heart problems. All around the world people are reporting wireless is affecting them health we have collected many smart meter health complaints and posted them on our website. Utilities claim smart meters are safe and compare them to cell phones. However, cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices can also affect you.
How Smart Meters will affect YOUR Health.
Reducing your EMF exposure can benefit your overall health and wellness. Listed below is some of the science: The National Toxicology Program found a statistically significant increase in brain cancers from exposure to cell phone frequencies.
In 2015, 220 scientists who had published in peer-reviewed journals from 41 nations signed the International Scientist appear. Their warnings included cell phones, infrastructure, WI-Fi, “smart meter/grid technology, as well as devices like baby monitors and commercial broadcasts use. The following is from You may not feel the electromagnetic radiation from an advanced smart meter, but it can still affect your health. More and more people are being made sick from the smart meter. The scientist has shown that electromagnetic frequencies emitted by smart meters and digital meters; And will disrupt the blood-brain barrier, contributing to diseases such as dementia and Parkinsons’. But, it can disrupt nerve transmission, causing attention-related problems insomnia, heart palpitations, and muscle pain. But disrupting the cell reproduction and damage DNA, causing cancer and rapid aging. Can disrupt the redox balance through oxidant stress
Smart Meters and their dangers
The majority of all studies done on the biological effects of EMFs show harm to biological systems. These studies have been carried out since the 1930s. In July 2012, scientists met to release new studies on how wireless and digital devices severely affect the brain. These stories are rarely reported in the mainstream media. While some people immediately feel the effects of RF radiation and dirty electricity, many people do not. Rather, the effects show up as “health problems” down the road lower sperm counts, cancer, infertility, fatigue. For people who are genetically predisposed to these problems, the disruption of calcium ions by RF can tip the balance. A smart meter puts out more radiation than a cell phone. There is so much research on EMF and RF – do a search on your computer.
Spirit somewhere everything connected.
So we can have peace and joy our mind has to be calm and no worry or anxiety. And as you see from the picture above everything is the Fibonacci sequence. Our mind, body, and spirit are all formed from the sequence as is everything else in the Universe. Be at peace with knowledge of that and your life will be joy and peace. But, do your share in YOUR community to bring joy and peace. Be mindful of your family and friends and their spiritual walk.
The sooner YOU know that everything is connected in the Unverse, the sooner YOU will understand everything. There is no death, we assend to another plane, our consciouness and soul. Is it too much for YOU to turn off this man made reality and live YOUR life? You are fine and it is a journey. Thank you. I use what Dr. Josephy Murphy talked about and the also the Ho’oponopono all the time. I say Thank you all day long. And I use the Ho’oponopono all day long also. Just mixing it up. It helps me to stay positive and be blessed all day long. I smile when going to the grocery store or driving down a budy street. Life is difficult like Dr. Scott M. Peck said in his book “The Road Less Traveled”. Love his books and he passed several years ago but he is still great in my eyes.
Spirit somewhere everything connected.
Every culture and every person in every country is connected. Be mindful of saying anything negative about another culture or tribe. Man-made groups have divided us with their doctrine and beliefs. Stop this immediately and know we are all connected at a high level that we do not understand. But, it is with the fibronaacci sequence, frequency vibration and probably other things that the Divine Creator only knows.
YOU and feeding YOUR brain/mind
The mind does not reside in the brain but for the YOUR mind to work as well as it can then YOUR brain needs to be fed as well as
possible on a daily basis.
Your brain needs the same nutrients that every cell in your body needs. It needs macronutrients, like fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.
YOU have to eat portions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates every day for the brain function properly.
Oxygen and deep breathing is so very important also to the brain. By deep breathing and knowing for SELF I have not had a headache –can feel a headache coming on and I take deep
breaths for about 5-10 minutes and headache never occurs because I am filling my body and mind with deep oxygen.
In the fat, protein, and carbohydrates they need to be organic and NON-PROCESSED – only those fresh and organic should go into
your body for your mind to function at the top level.
A health inspector told me once “only shop around the walls of a grocery store – not in the middle where all the processed food is”
Try not to eat anything with white flour or sugar in the recipe. YOU are not going to be able to do that 100% of the time but if yo
think about it you can stop a lot of random eating.
It will help YOU to think about how you will be at 80 or 90 years old – and how you will age beautifully if you are careful with processed
foods in your 30-40.
Magnesium is one of the best minerals for the brain. There are several different kinds and I take the one to help sleep and bowel
YOU and Feeding the YOUR Mind
Omega 3 – especially during childhood – helps build proper neural connections and helps create the barrier that protects the
nerves throughout life.
Vitamin D3-important for proper growth and development,
protecting the body against muscle weakness
Here is a list of brain foods
Sesame Seeds
Butternut Squash
Za’atar – a middle eastern spice mixture
Listed below are 5 nutrients that are very important for the brain and only found in animal foods
Vitamin B12 – meat, fish, and eggs
Creatine – meat
Vitamin D3 – comes from animals, codfish liver oil best source
Carnosine – in animal tissues
Docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)-fatty fish, grass-fed animal products.
YOU and Feeding the YOUR Mind
FOR THE BRAIN – children and adults need the right types and the right amount at the right time.
Balance in everything – please feed your brain good nutrients and foods- and especially the little ones in your family for their little
brains and depending on you to take care of them until they make their own decisions
How to keep your Brain wired as YOU Age. YOU and how to keep Brain/Mind wired to be the BEST. The following is from Until the 1980s, the scientific consensus was that the nervous system was fixed and incapable of regeneration. The growth of neurons was considered most active during prenatal development. As we age, neurons atrophy, the thinking went.
How to keep your Brain wired as YOU Age.
No scientists believe new neurons are continually born throughout adulthood. Several breakthrough studies suggest that we may have more control over how our brains functions and develop throughout adulthood-our thoughts, behaviors, and emotions than previously assumed. Why does this matter? Because by learning how to control our mentality, we may be able to deliberately reshape our neural pathways and rew=wire our brains to make ourselves more successful a fulfilled. In other words, shape your brain and you can shape your life.
How to keep your Brain wired as YOU age.
In 2007, Harvard Medical School conducted a study with volunteers in a lab who were asked to learn and practice a five-finger piano exercise. A neuroscientist instructed half of the volunteers to play as fluidly as they could, trying to keep to the metronome’s 60 beats per minute, two hours a day for five days. The other half were instructed to merely think about practicing the piano, holding their hands still while playing the music in the heads. Practice rewires the brain. More startling, however, was that the same region of the brain had expanded in the volunteers who merely thought about playing in a disciplined way.
Rewire your Brain – for the better.
Here are 5 ways to rewire your brain for meaningful life changes: Identify the beliefs that support your intentions. Embrace your positive emotions. Visualize. Take actions that support your intention. Repeat, repeat, and keep repeating. Following if from How to release emotional toxicity. While the ancient Vedic sages were not able to study the brain at the cellular level, they knew that meditation is a powerful practice for regaining inner calm and aquarium. Ayurveda teaches that just as physical toxins, can build up in our cells.
Let everything go that YOU do not control.
Let it go – let God take it – send it all out to the universe. You cannot rewire YOUR brain for success if you are holding onto stress, and all the negatives.
You and the Electricity of Life. Dr. Tennant is one of my favorite people. He has been through some trauma in his health but has made a marvelous recovery. His story is amazing and well worth the time for YOU to listen to it. Dr. Tennant is an Ophthalmology and ophthalmic plastic surgeon. His residency was Harvard Medical School and Southwestern Medical School. He founded the Dallas Eye Institute. I love his work from the Arizona MDA license “Integrative Medicine” that he has done and you can see many of his wonderful interviews and speeches.
This is from a presentation by Dr. Jerry Tennant. Healing the Body’s Electrical Circuitry.
YOU and the Electricity of Life
Dr. Tennant’s work helps me learn more about: “God’s Religion”.
You and the Electricity of Life. There is man’s religion and there is “God’s Religion”. I have been studying God’s Religion for several years now and it is more in tune with my nature and love of humankind. The only dogma to God’s Religion is love, kindness, forgiveness, and we are all related, even to outer limits of the universe. It is all about the Fibonacci series and vibration – everything is about those 2 items.
Go to Thunderbolts.Info. Dr. Tennant states that all healing is Voltage. And that all chronic disease is characterized by having inadequate voltage.
There is a book called: Alkaline or Die that I bought about 20 years ago that helps you keep your body alkaline. Dr. Tennant has some products but they are somewhat expensive. However, I do have the water filter they sell – have had it for 5 years. Also, I have not had to buy a new filter as of today. And, I take calcium bentonite clay also that takes heavy metals out of my body. So, there are always different ways to get the same results. I have done a lot of different things over the years to stay healthy.
Cells have to have voltage to work well and keep the body healthy.
Your Body contains 50 Trillion Cells
Every Human Body contains 50 Trillion cells
YOUR body contains 50 trillion cells. All those cells vibrate at 7.35 – 7.45 which is Alkaline. If you have scars or surgeries there is a change in those vibrations.
YOUR Body contains 50 trillion cells. Vibration should be kept high or YOU will have a disease. Each cell vibrates at 7.35 to 7.45 – that is alkaline levels.
Each cell is like a different personality – they are like an individual person. Vibrating at the range listed above. However, to keep that vibration high and YOUR body alkaline takes daily monitoring.
Vibration and alkaline are like the same thing.
Juicing once a week – Juice on Sunday will last in glass mason jar through Wednesday.
Eating foods with high alkaline levels will help
Exercising and doing meditations or prayers daily will help.
Having positive thoughts daily will help.
Gowing and developing daily will help
Having Joy, and being happy for other’s success
Not being afraid or living in fear will help
Step up to the plate – become that person that has Joy.
The person that lived a Well-Lived Life
The person who dies Healthy and not of disease.
YOUR body contains 50 trillion cells that have to vibrate to stay healthy
To be that person you have had a daily plan and live that plan. Dying healthy is much more than just eating well, or just exercising, or just praying. It is all those together on YOUR daily walk.
Life is difficult – like the Road Less Traveled said in the opening sentence – but YOU can make that difference of going higher or standing still.
I love to learn – everything I can about ME but about life, the universe, GOD and how God has made us.
How are you doing on YOUR Journey?
Having positive thoughts can help you with staying healthy.
During the day I say “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you”, as I go through my day.
Keeping those 50 Trillion cells healthy takes YOUR time and energy every day
The book ‘Prisoner of Your Thoughts is a follow up of the great book by Viktor Frankl “Search for a Meaningful Life”. but Dr. Alex Pattakos’s books is about the work environment and following up on Dr. Frankl’s book. What a wonderful combination to keep Dr. Frankl’s book alive in today’s work environment. It is very important, on a daily basis, that we remember we each want to have a meaningful life, whether it is in our home, with family and friends, or in the workplace. After you have read “The Road Less Traveled” and find out life is not easy but we can have a good attitude, we can make each day count, and we shall make the effort today for the good days tomorrow. She waited for things to happen in her life, waited for someone to help her make it happen
Are YOU a prisoner of YOUR Mind?
She waited and waited. No one came to rescue her. And would have had to walk through the door by herself and take the opportunities as they presented themselves. Can you walk through the door Have you already walked through the door Are you making things happen in your life so that your life has meaning? It may not be today, may not be tomorrow but make this time worthwhile.
Time does not stop for anyone, whether rich or poor. In the end, will you know you did the best you could each day? Sometimes, we just have to rest and regroup. But, for most days we are moving the train down the track. Being positive and having hope that the finish line will be soon.
Are YOU a prisoner of YOUR Mind?
YOU and how Depression can affect YOUR Brain/Mind
How Depression affects YOUR Mind
This is from Mercola-which I have read his healthy information for almost 20 years now. Over the years I have bought a lot of his products over the years. I will listen up to what he says about depression. But there are recurring depressive episodes that reduce the size of your hippocampus. And this is a brain area involved in formatting emotions and memory, a smaller hippocampus equates toa loss of emotional and behavioral function. However, chronic inflammation may be the most important underlying risk factor for depression, and virtually all effective treatments for depression also address inflammation Key treatment strategies include trading processed foods for real food, exercise and optimizing your vitamin D by getting appropriate sun exposure. I know that depression can take a toll on your physical health is pretty well-recognized. I have read recent research has also found that it can actually cause changes in your brain. But specifically, recurring depressive episodes reduce the place of your brain involved in forming emotions and memory-stressing the importance of early intervention, especially among teenagers. However, your memory is not only restricted to remembering dates and passwords. But it also plays an important role in developing and maintain your sense of self. Scientists have also found that your mental health can be adversely impacted by factors such as vitamin D deficiency. I know that eating real food may be key for the successful treatment of depression optimizing your gut flora. It appears to be absolutely crucial for good mental health, which is understandable. I will know and most important to take care of YOUR gut so it stays healthy.
Real food, real food, real food
Prevention, Prevention
How Depression affects YOUR Mind