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Keeping up YOUR Spirit

Here are some tips from Jane Fonda that was in a Forbes article:

Think Positive





Reflect on where you come from

Let go of perfectionism

Own your power

Embrace love at every age

Keep up appearances

Following is from Ora Nadrich – How Old is Your Spirit?

Don’t make the body do what it does best, and don’t put a

big load on it that the body could easily carry. – Rumi

If you were to put your age aside for a minute, how old would you

say it is?

By spirit, I mean, your energy, your life force, your joie de vivre,”

which basically means your joy of everything.

Does it come up as the age you are, or does it seem younger or


Some people will say they feel much younger than they actually

are, and what that means is that it feels more youthful

then the number in their head, which can seem old.

Keeping up YOUR Spirit

Because we are all the age that we are, and that number will

increase with every year, it is comforting to know that our spirit

has no age because it is ageless. And what that means

can give our spirit whatever age we want – young or old,

Here is a meditation you can do to feel your spirit and welcome it

into your being as divine consciousness, which is external:

Sit comfortably somewhere quiet

Close your eyes

Cup your hands together on your lap

Take four or five deep breaths in through your nose and out

through your mouth

As you inhale, say to yourself, “spirit.”

Feel its presence in you as you exhale out

Experience the oneness of you and your spirit for at least 10


Take three long, slow deep breaths.  Rub the palms of your hands

together to generate heat.  Place your palms over your eyes and


Open your eyes and return to awareness

Get up slowly

By meditating on your spirit, you allow for it to live in you without

any resistance.  Spirit has no limitation.


Keeping YOUR cells healthy as YOU age

YOU and the benefits of MS

I have lots of information and knowledge for you on MSM because I have taken it for years and believe in its benefits and will let you know as much as I can in today’s blog so here we go:

Keeping YOUR cells healthy as YOU age


The Shawn Stevenson

Improves skin shin health and completion

Improves flexibility

Detoxifies the body

Strengthens hair and nails

Accelerated healing

Naturally, increases energy


Work you way up to 2 – 3 tablespoons per day to see some really

impressive results.

Keeping YOUR cells healthy as YOU age

This is

MSM Is a nutritional supplement that has much potential for the

future of medicine.  This material is actually a very bioavailable

a form of sulfur, something that many people living today are

deficient in.  many people have claimed that supplementing with

medium-high doses of MSM for a short period can eliminate

allergy symptoms of all kinds and even increase physical and

spiritual awareness.  You can use this MSM pineal gland detox and

allergy cure method to improve your mental and physical health in

a plethora of ways

The mineral sulfur has been proven to be able to improve the

immune system and heal inflammation at its source, which can

treat the root of almost all diseases.

The tech ology that we are using to help plant and harvest crops

is destroying the quality of our soil

When the land was first colonized, the soil was rich and natural.

Since plants are like humans, they were much healthier

themselves and for animals to consume.

Keeping YOUR cells healthy as YOU age

6 MSM benefits

treats osteoarthritis & joint pain

          digestive problems like leaky gut syndrome

treats skin problems including rosacea, allergies, wounds

lowers muscle pain & spasms

restores ha9r growth

helps the body adapt to stress

the following is from –

Keeping YOUR cells healthy as YOU age

Dr. Johnathan Greys’website which I love

MSM is a powerful non-toxic therapeutic agent that lessens

inflammation increases blood supply, reduces muscle spasms

and softens scar tissue.  It has been shown to support the

synthesis of collagen in the joints and to improve the health of

muscles, skin, hair, and nails.

Keeping YOUR cells healthy as YOU age

Try MSM-I get mine from PC Network RX Online-I buy 5 pounds

at a time.  And do give it to friends for trying

Keeping YOUR cells healthy as YOU age




Cognitive Functions

YOU and YOUR consciousness, Spirit and the Mind

There is so much written and researched about the 3 items in the

title of today’s blog and we will only be able to touch on a little of it

today but it will become one of our continuing education sessions

here.  Always learning, growing and developing and knowing what

we are, where we are going, and how grateful we each should be

for this moment in time to be here.

YOUR Consciousness, Spirit, and Mind

The following comes from website

Remembering our true spiritual natures is a prerequisite for

enjoying this earth-walk and fulfilling our soul’s missions.

Many esteemed scientists lend further proof that we each are

beings of energy and indestructible souls

Dr. Friedbert Karger, German physicist at Munich’s Max Planck

Institute, has extensively studied afterlife phenomena. And states:

“The consciousness-or soul-of a man lives beyond the body.  The

body is a tool that consciousness uses.

When the body dies, the soul remains… Death is not an end but a

transition from one state to another.  “He says that many famous

physicists have expressed an interest in the spiritual world.

The following are physicist, doctors, scientist and they all are

believers of the afterlife and how great is that these people of

science are believers.

Thomas Edison believed in life beyond death and after

awakening from a coma, he stated: “It is very beautiful over


Dr. Wilder Penfield, father of neurosurgery and much of us

understanding of brain function.  Thought for many years there is

no afterlife but after fifty years of research, he changed his mind.

He wrote the book “The Mystery of the Mind.  And took it very


Do not forget about the great book:  Science of the Mind – you

need to have these books for your library.

They that have gone before us are close to us – maybe not all the

time – but they come in and out of our energy fields I believe and

give us comfort as we can feel their presence

Have a wonderful day and be a believer and share that



YOU and some of latest research on Chemotherapy

The following is from

New research conducted at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University.  I know it has found that chemotherapy spreads cancer throughout the body.  But I know that it is causing a sharp increase in cancer cells circulating throughout the body.

Led by Dr. George Karagiannis, the research focused on chemotherapy treatment of breast cancer.  But further studies plan to see how chemotherapy might also spread cancers of other tissues.

Chemotherapy and YOUR Body

And the authors discovered that several types of chemotherapy can increase the amounts of circulating tumor cells in the bloodstream.

In other words, even though chemotherapy “shrinks tumors,”,  it also is spreading cancer throughout the body.  I know from research it is functioning as a kind of activation form.  And this is for future cancer-that generates repeat business for the cancer industry.

Here is another article in Natural News:

Chemotherapy has long been considered an effective treatment against cancer.  However, a recent study has suggested otherwise.  But according to researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, chemotherapy may actually help spread the disease.

I know the researchers analyzed the effects of chemotherapy on patients who were diagnosed with breast cancer.  And although the treatment was found to be shrinking tumors, this was only for the short term.  I believe that chemotherapy could encourage the spread and growth of cancer cells.

However,  apart from increasing the chances of cancer cells moving to another part of the body, the drugs could also, provoke a repair mechanism.  I would know that this works two ways:  first, it could allow the tumors to grow back stronger.  And secondly, it could increase the number of blood vessels that would make it easier for the cancer cells to spread.

I believe this effect was notable in 20 patients who were receiving two commonly used chemotherapy drugs. And they are typically used alongside other medications.


Chemotherapy and YOUR Body



YOU and the best way to protect the brain as YOU age.  The following is from  And in 2015 there were two large human trials revealed easier methods to prevent Alzheimer’s and protect cognitive function even into our advanced years.  You are about to learn.  And how even modest dietary changes can slash Alzheimer’s risk by 35% when a healthy diet is consistently followed.

Nutrients for YOUR Brain as YOU Age

Normal aging is associated with mild cognitive impairment that too often progresses to full-blown Alzheimer’s.  By the time a typical American reaches age 85m their risk of displaying clinical indications of Alzheimer’s rises to a startling 45%.  But the fantastic news is that decades of human and animal research has led to nutritional approaches that aging individuals can adopt to drastically reduce their senility risk.  And the diet is a powerful environmental factor that affects our thinking abilities in youth and impacts whether we develop dementia as we age.

There is a diet of 15 dietary components shown to powerfully impact neurological function for the good or bad

Nutrients for YOUR Brain as YOU Age

However, the ten brain-healthy food groups are:

Green leafy vegetables

Other vegetables




Whole grains



Olive oil


However, these are 5 dangerous food groups:

red meats

butter or stick margarine


pastries and sweets

fried/fast food

In other words, be careful what you eat as you age.

Dr. Axe like the following for brain foods as we age:




Chicken bone broth



Coconut oil

Dark chocolate

Egg yolks

Extra virgin olive oil

Green leafy vegetables





Therefore, I take all B vitamins and fish oil

And physical exercise has the best evidence for preserving the memory

and mental function with aging.  However, it can help prevent diabetes

High blood pressure

High cholesterol



But some studies suggest physical activity also triggers the release of

a protein called BDNF that promotes healthy nerve cells in the

brains.  That could give your memory a boost.  Above all,  taking care of your mind,  body, and spirit is always going to be important.


YOU and a new study reveals the surprising effects of Spirituality on the Brain

There is a growing body of research that has conclusively demonstrated the powerful, positive effects that meditation and mindfulness practices.  That has on the brain and body, and a new collaborative study between professors at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute is now taking these findings one step further.  In a summary of their findings, the report shows that they have found a direct correlation between the level of importance.  That a person places on spirituality in their lives and the thickness of a certain region of their brains.

Ho’oponopono and YOUR Spirituality

The study found that people who expressed that spirituality or religion was important to them had significantly thicker cerebral cortices-a part of the brain rich in highly active neutral networks.  These are responsible for sensory perception, language, and emotion processing than those who did not.  This came from I have talked about this before:

Dr. Joseph Murphy’s books – all of them help in spirituality and the brain.

Ho’oponopona is a wonderful technique that I use constantly also.   In my daily meditation, I use this technique a lot and have found it works for me spiritually.  As does any of my meditations that I have been doing since in my 40s. All the meditations do for you is to heal you.  And transmute their problems and become a more loving and peaceful person.  They all help you connect with the Higher Power that is a creator of all things and that shows we are all connected and we never die. Just our physical being dies but our consciousness, our soul, and our spirit never die; our energy never dies because energy cannot die.  We live in a universe made of energy and vibrations as we each are made of energy and vibrations.

Ho’oponopono and YOUR Spirituality


YOU Need to know 10 worse health HOAXES pushed as science in the last 100 years.

This comes from Mike’s website:  When a trend goes viral, millions of American “board that train” without giving it a second thought; however, come to find out, most of these massively popular trends are not trends at all, but rather propaganda-led health Ponzi schemes that have led millions of “sheeple”’ people who act like ignorant sheep) off their own health cliff.  Long before the internet, and even before television, science demons (evil humans in while lab coasts) were hard at work inventing ways to slowly poison Americans chemical-based food and chemical-laced medicine, and the needed marketing experts to fool the public and catchy tag lines and slogans that could be plastered all over print media.

#1 If a healthy study is “peer-reviewed”, then it is evidence-

based, reliable and true.  Did you know that as much as 90% of the

published medical information that doctors rely on is completely

wrong?  True

#2 If a food additive, prescription drug or immunization is

approved by the FDA or the CDC, then scientists have tested it

thoroughly for “safety and efficacy” and you should consume it

without question.  Never rely on anything approved by these

rogue “regulatory “agencies that are in the business of chronic

sick care, and have been since their inception.

#3 Cigarettes are good for digestion and recommended by more

than 20,000 doctors in America.  Yes, they did do that

#4 the polio vaccine is a miraculous invention that eradicated the

polio pandemic that was sweeping the world.  The infamous Dr.

Salk did not invent a vaccine that prevented polio, but rather the

mixed several strains of polio and helped spread the disease

around the world.

#5 artificial sweeteners contain no calories, so they help you lose

weight.  Fake sugars are hundreds of times sweeter than sucrose,

fooling your body into ingesting them and making you crave sugar

even more.

#6 from Metabolic Healing, “Efforts to reduce the body’s

production of cholesterol and its adjacent lipoproteins, whether

through medical intervention or through nutritional intervention,

may have very serious repercussions for one’s health”.

#7 all saturated fat is unhealthy and causes cardiovascular

disease.  Debunked

#8 Milk0t does a body good.  Most processed dairy products

cause inflammation and excess mucus production

#9 GMOs are drought resistant, safe for human consumption,

increase yield for farmers and are totally sustainable.  That

toxic pesticides have been infused into the genes of crops.

#10 chemotherapy is your best chance cor surviving cancer.

2.3% average success rate.  Destroys your immune system

Health Hoaxes over the last 100 years


Know what you are putting into your body

READ the ingredients

            the labels

            the side effects


Dring Water

…Movable parts of the same – which is SELF

Each can be addressed separately, but what affects the MIND, affects the BODY, and affects the SPIRIT.

So we can talk about the pineal gland here in the MIND but we can also talk about it in the BODY and SPIRIT.

Do you know how important the pineal gland is to YOU?

This tiny organ regulates your daily and seasonal circadian rhythms, the sleep-wake patterns that determine your hormone levels.  Also,  stress levels, and physical performance.

The pineal gland is a small, rice-size, pinecone-shaped endocrine organ that sits alone in the middle of your brain at eye level.

Fluoride (the bad kind of fluoride) will make this gland harden, resulting in less melatonin being produced.  And disturbing your wake-sleep cycle.

Below are some ways to help clean the pineal gland:

  • Iodine – I take nascent iodine

  • Calcium bentonite clay drink

Some of the ways to activate the pineal gland are:

  • Sun

  • Sleep in darkness with no electronics in the bedroom

  • Meditation-directing energy to this highly sensitive organ

Children in the United States are reaching the age of puberty at earlier ages than in the past – a trend that carries health consequences, including a heightened risk for breast cancer.

Some evidence indicates that fluoride and it effects on the pineal gland could be contributing to this trend.

Everything is Connected

All of the MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT are…

Cities are now finding out that the fluoride that they are buying to put into city water if not a good fluoride and may, not only affect the pineal gland.   But also IQ – research has been done in different countries.  And damages bone and may increase hip fractures in the elderly.  Fluoride may cause bone cancer, research by the National Cancer Institute in young men in fluoridated versus fluoridated areas.  And Fluoride may also cause reproductive problems.  But there has been researching the effects of Floride around the world.

And low-income families are especially penalized by fluoridation and are the very people being targeted by new fluoridation programs.

It is hard to inform low-income families and black and Hispanic children are more vulnerable to fluoride’s toxicity.  But now that you know the bad side of fluoride and if you do volunteer work in YOUR community – spread the word – once YOU know something YOU have to take action.

Everything is Connected


This is where the fluoride in most city water comes from,  it is not a pharmaceutical grade, instead, it comes from the wet scrubbing systems of the phosphate fertilizer industry so they can make money instead of putting it in a city landfill which is not allowed in most cities.

 Fluoride is an environmental health threat but it is easy to end.

Go to your city meetings and usually, there is an anti-fluoride group  — join them.  And help them and inform YOUR community and try to reach out the low-income families.   But they need the information they need to make good decisions for their families.

Everything is Connected


YOU and YOUR Spiritual Life as YOU age

Throughout YOUR lifetime there have been ups and downs,

trauma, crisis, and grief.  We, YOU and I, probably have not

always been as spiritual as we should be throughout those times.

That would be normal and ok because it is called LIFE.  But,

when those ups and downs happen it brings about some blocks in

our spiritual life and here are some ways to overcome that period

that comes in all our lives, of course, if you are the exception and

never had any of those ups and downs that are great for YOU, but I

actually, do not believe life would ever be that smooth.

  1. Do not stop believing.  That this to shall pass and that you

will always remember the good memories and not the bad

memories.  That YOU forgive YOURSELF, then Forgive

everyone else.  YOU do not have to be around others with

negative energy or people who you do not like but forgive

everyone.  It helps you move on towards your dreams and

makes your life work better.

  1. Fix your financial problems.  Live below your means, shop

less, do not buy STUFF.  Read a good book from the library

or read a self-improvement book and find out “What Does

Life Expect from YOU?

  1. Do not quit before the finish line.  Keep moving forward,

keep being productive.  Have a plan so when you retire you

are still productive – not just playing golf, going to the gym,

going to lunch with friends, or watching TV.  Those things

are nice once in a while but that is not being productive.

  1. Work through internal blocks and limiting beliefs.  Energy-

sucking thought vampires come in all shapes and sizes.

Ask yourself questions every day make a plan for every day.

Make that plan work for you.

  1. Listen to your gut! That is intuitive – we all have our own

internal guidance system built-in.  become still, you can hear

the gentle guidance of our heart and soul.

  1. Be adaptable. Change is the only thing constant in life.  The

the only thing in YOUR control is YOU – everything else is out of

your control.  Remember:  YOU cannot control the cards

YOU are dealt but YOU can control the way YOU play the


YOU and Spirituality Blocks as YOU age

  1. Be in alignment.  When you listen to the calling of your heart

and soul and what you do in alignment with your truth,

amazing things start to happen naturally.

Always meditate, always exercise, always read a good non-fiction

book and always keep learning, always keep working at something.

YOU and Spirituality Blocks as YOU age




YOU and keeping YOUR body free of disease as YOU age

There is not just one thing you can depend on to keep disease

away from SELF.  There is a lot you need to know and a lot you

need to learn.  I have been learning since the late 1980’s on how

to keep my body, blood, cells, and organs all happy and disease

free.  It has been a long journey because I love good fresh food, I

love carbs but do try to limit daily my intake of carbs, I love good,

fresh hamburgers, steaks but try to limit the beef thing because

too much is bad no matter what.

Carrot today is not the Carrot of 40 Years ago

I eat a lot of fresh salmon, organic and the North Sea salmon.

YOU need to know your blood type and what foods are good for

that particular blood type.  I talk about that on my podcast “What

Does Life Expect from YOU?  It is the lectins in the foods that can

be blood group specific, being able to agglutinate the red cells of

one type but not those of another.  Dr. William Boyd of Boston

University School of Medicine discovered this.  And went on to

say that lime bean lectin would agglutinate reds cells of human

blood type A but not those of O or B.  So it has been researched

that this lectin from foods works better with one blood type and

not the other.  So, take heed about blood types and foods that

make your body happy and healthy.  It is necessary for your own

protection and happy and healthy aging.  Know your blood type.

Carrot today is not the Carrot of 40 Years ago

Because of the environment of air, soil and anything else – I have

supplements that work well with my body.  Find out which

supplements work better with your body or that you are lacking

in your overall daily foods.  The soil is not as nutrient dense as it

used to be so a carrot today is not the carrot of 40 years ago.
