March 2019 -
Browsing Date

March 2019



YOU and the wonderful book The Power of NOW by Eckhart Tolle


This little book has changed lives, has added to lives, and may

change lives in the future.


This book approaches self-improvement and self-development in

a simplistic way – “just do it” kind of perspective without all the

scientific jargon of how you are rewiring your brain.


The book is about educating people about self-awareness, which is

the cornerstone of growing emotional intelligence.  It is about

walking through some meditations and affirmations and

presenting the information in a way that is any easy way to

digest conversation.


Listen to the audio, read the book because it will keep you in the

moment where we are all okay but truly alive.


YOU realize everyone you know should read this book.  It can

make you happy and learn the secret to remaining blissful

happiness continually.


YOU can practice from this book and it will help in what ails you.

Apply the practices in this book, show it to your friends and family.

It requires more than 1 read because it contains so much

knowledge.  It makes you think deeply and opens your mind.  It

brings enlightenment and understanding and knowledge.  Every

time you read you will have more understanding and knowledge.


The Power of Now offers ancient knowledge of how to transcend

this limited state of suffering.  It can create space where there is

chaotic noise, it creates peace and stillness where there was

once frustration blindly thrashing about.  Listen to the words

read it over and over because each time you will learn more about



This is a very small book with such a big personal outcome.  You

can learn about relationships, you can learn to understand other.

You can stop the pain in your body.  It can remove lenses.  It can

breathe life.


This book will make you think deeply and opens your mind.

Mr. Tolle brings the reader along on a journey to release stress,

calm the mind, let go of past issues and/or living in the future

issues…all of this by living in the NOW, the present.


It is such a beautifully written book and one that does need to

read over and over again.  It has wonderful insights that are rich

with wisdom that will go on for ages.

It inspires, empowers and enlightens.


Focusing on a Moment of Joy





If YOUR body is not in alignment, it can cause all sorts of


Chronic back, neck, and shoulder pain

Foot, knee, hip, and back injuries




Muscle atrophy and weakness

Difficulty breathing

Digestion issues

Impingement a nerve compression


Carpal tunnel syndrom

Just a note:  my body got out of alignment when I did not go to

the Doctor when I sprained my ankle and eventually had to have

both hips replaced.  So do take note that it does happen when

body is not in alignment

To solve the problem, you first need to pinpoint the cause.  Most

Postural deviations occur because the muscles that work to hold

A joint in place are imbalanced.  One muscle group will be too

Tight and the opposing muscle group will be too loose or weak.

Here are 5 things to helps keep body aligned

  1. Work on your posture

Pelvis, rib cage and skill are aligned on top of each other

  1. Do exercises that promotes stabilization

Strengthen core muscles of back and abdomen

  1. Practice yoga

Promotes healthy spine and efficient movement

  1. maintain a healthy weight

overweight puts stress on joints and muscles

  1. consider chiropractic care

working on spinal alignment


3 Exercises that will help alignment:

  1. Upper back and shoulders;

Standing arm circles

This exercise engages the shoulder muscles, which, in turn

Helps to stabilize and strengthen the muscles of the mid-

Spine, resulting in less low-back pain.

Stand straight, feet hip width apart.  Raise your arms so they

Are extended out to your sides at shoulder level.  Palms up

Place the fingers into the pad of each hand, thumbs pointed

Behind you.  Squeeze the shoulder blades squeezed and

And your arms raised at your sides, rotate both of your arms

Backward in a circle of about six-inch circumference.  One

Set of 40 circles.  Then, palms down, thumbs pointed

Forward in a six-inch circle.  One set of 40 circles


  1. Mid-spine:

Statiic back knee pillow squeeze

This exercise promotes pelvic stability by supporting the

shoulders and spine as you engage the pelvic muscles and

extend the mid-spine.

Lie on your back with your legs up over the seat of a chair.


Place a pillow between your knees, and hold it with your inner

Thighs.  Extend your arms out to sides at 45 degrees with

Palms up.  Gently ssqueeze the pillow with knees aand hold 1

Second, kepping upper body and abdomen relaxed.  3 sets

Of 20 squeezes.


  1. For the pelvis airbench

Promotes proper function of hips and stabilizes the pelvis.

Stand with your back against a wall with your feet and knees

Hip-width apart.  Walking your feet away from the wall about

1-1/2 feet while sliding body down to a seated position

pressing lower back against the wall.  Allow arms to hand

down to side.  Keep weight on heels.  Hold the seated position

for 1-2 minutes


These are relatively simple and fast exercises to keep your body

In alignment.  Keep doing these and set up to do these 3 -4 times

a week and your alignment will stay forever




YOU and forgiveness


I learned many years for just myself how much forgiving myself

and everyone else made me free.  So today there will be about



Listed below is from website about forgiveness:

  1. Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself

How true

  1. Forgiveness is an act of strength

How true

  1. forgiveness is a sign of self-love

How true

  1. when you forgive, you find peace

How true

  1. If you forgive, you will be forgiven

How true


I loved all of those about forgiveness


The following if from

Forgiveness still resentment and guilt, and places common

sense in control.  Forgiveness towards others discards petty

resentment and enables fair judgment.  Forgiveness towards

oneself frees the mind from the debilitating pain of guilt.

Resentment and guilt resemble the futile actions of a bird flailing

against a cage.  The emotions are the unhealthy help and equal

o the primitive regions of the brain against unacceptable



Forgiveness leads to a healthier and happier life


Forgiving is difficult because people associate it with weakness

and as an acceptance of evil.

Forgiveness is a sign of positive self-esteem.  It allows us to put

the past into its proper perspective.  We no longer identify

ourselves by our past injuries and injustices.  We are o longer

victims.  We claim the right to stop hurting when we say”I forgive.

Forgiveness is moving on and recognizing all that we have of the


Dr. Sidney Simon wrote in Forgiveness:  How to Make Peace with

Your Past and Get on with Your Life.


It is freedom!




Forgiveness boosts kindness and connectedness

Forgiveness can heal

Forgiveness release the power of love in the form of acceptance,

which allows the physiological state of our mind and body to

return to its natural state of restoring balance.


Forgiveness is action

Forgiveness is powerful

Forgiveness is an exercise of your power

Forgiveness reminds you that your happiness as an inside job

Forgiveness is letting go

Forgiveness is not a weakness; it is a strength you cultivate

Forgiveness say what you value and how you aspire to be

Forgiveness is not a one-time event

Forgiveness is not conditional

Forgiveness is not easy









My childhood was very controlled –although I had a great

childhood but we need to be able to do:


Critical thinking


Decision-making skills


Along the way in us from Birth through adulthood so we develop

correctly along the way.


And most times a parent does not know how critical both of those


Development processes are for being a well-adjusted adult

throughout your life and develop:


What Does Life Expect from You?


This blog is about Piaget’s stages of cognitive development to


Make sure that you look at yourself and understand where or if

YOU may need to work on anything in this area because there

are always going to be area’s of life’s development that you are

going to need to develop into that person who knows:


What Does Life Expect from YOU?


And you will not know that if you do know ALL of YOU.


So, today we will be looking into this topic:


Piaget’s stages of cognitive development are good rule to go by:


Reflexive stage

Primary circular

Secondary circular

Coordination of secondary reactions

Tertiary circular reactions

Invention of new means through mental combination


And on and on – which we will go over the remainder down the


I am sure I did not even get the basic listed above because I was

born before Piaget came up with stages.  But, we lived very

controlled because I believed everyone lived like we did.

And then I married a person who controlled me just like me

childhood was controlled only with a little mental abuse going

along with it.


Remember, whatever type of childhood you had YOU are in

Control of from now on YOU do from this day forward so that



What Does Life Expect from YOU?


Our view of our history – our childhood, teen years, and early



We all develop differently because we are all different and


Mentality we all need to have a checklist:

My checklist includes:


Being more patient with people who are not:



Time Managers


But, everyone else I can” Let God and Let Go” very well.  So my

thing is to forgive these people and go lightly on them and not

condemn them because they are not efficient and effective in

their personal and professional life.  Also, forgive myself for

having expectations from other people because I have high

expectation for SELF and so I can complete:


What Does Life Expect from ME?


And know my purpose and my life is meaningful to me and that

I have not wasted and have no regrets at the end.


When a person has been controlled by people, places or things

It does take time to develop SELF:  and YOU can do it over time

By writing in a journal, prayer, meditation or being self-aware and

Develop SELF so you can know about YOUR:



Meaningful Life

What Does Life expect from YOU?







YOU and the Fibonacci series


Not unless you are a scientist or majoring in science and/or math

in college, YOU probably do not hear much or anything about the

Fibonacci series.


This series is in everything from the whole universe to the

smallest insect – architecture, plants, humans, and everything



The Fibonacci sequence is named after Italian mathematician

Leonardo of Pisa known as Fibonacci.  His 1202 book Liber Abaci

introduced the sequence to Western European mathematics.

The sequence described in Liber Abaci began with


F1 = 1.


YOU and I and everyone else is made up of this formula.

Everything in the universe-cannot stress that enough because

This series proves that there is a higher intelligence than there

has everything been in all the universe or here on the earth?


When you study the series YOU will realize how simple but how

complicated the universe and all is but the Great One did all this

and YOU have to accept that there is a Higher Power that put this

series together so that everything has the same foundation of the



I like the fact that all architecture comes from the sequence – as

YOU and I do and all the universe when you look at the Hubble

and you see all that is then YOU are in awe of what is ALL and

how only a Higher Power or God would make ALL.


The series is a set of numbers that starts with an on or a zero,

followed by a one, and proceeds based on the rule that each

number (called a Fibonacci number) is equal to the sum of the

preceding two numbers.


F (0) = 0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21,34 …….


The Fibonacci sequence is related to the golden ratio.  Both the

Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio are used to guide design

for architecture, websites and user interface, among other



We are from all this sequence – as is everything else.

I think my favorite explanation is Michael Schneider – a

mathematician and teacher – explain the Fibonacci series using an

artichoke – he was in the documentary about Egyptian Mysteries

with Johnathan Anthony West – years ago.  But you would love to

watch him explain.


KNOWING where we are from is a good start for the basics of our

being and universe.


There is a lot of ancient history that WE do not know about – if

you will read Zachariah Sitchin – and his books that deciphered

from the Sumerian tablets over decades YOU can start to see the

puzzle being put together and making sense for where we are

right now.


Keep learning about SELF – keep learning and growing and

developing and then YOU will know:


What Does Life Expect from YOU?














Always be Proactive



There is nothing wrong with having fun, being with family and


Friends.  We have to be careful about how much we do





Especially if you believe you may have any addictions


There are many issues that can become addictions besides


Alcohol and drugs (illegal or legal).


There is:








Losing weight











There is almost everything that can become addictions.



It is about a sense of self and the way you live your life.  You can


Determine importance not only by how much you are doing it, but


how much you are letting other things go that needs to be done.


also by how much you are not doing other things.







There is nothing wrong engaging in pleasurable activity but there


Is a line between activity and addiction when the activity that is?


positive or neutral takes a decidedly negative turn.


Different families have weakened genes and DNA that if


A person takes the recreational pot that can be a door to more drugs:


Meth, cocaine, heron, a murid number of things.  Take me,


My family has a lot of alcoholism and drug addictions so I treat


myself very gingerly about drinking and have never put drugs into


my body.  I know I have a very addictive personality, and whether


it is drinking or food I am addictive.



Is what you are doing is causing a disruption in your life then you


need to address the issue.



I am very careful how much I drink – 1-2 glasses of wine is


my limit and usually only 1 or 2 times a year I will have wine


at home by myself.


Any addiction is a behavior that controls you.  Usually people


that have addictions do not like to be controlled but cannot


understand how much they are being controlled by their




Change is the most important thing in YOUR life and it is


sometimes the hardest thing to do but DO IT.


What Life expects from YOU does not happen unless you are


willing to make those big changes that need to be done.

We all have issues, we all probably have some kind of addictions


that maybe we are not alcoholic – there are so many other kinds


of addictions.


Address those issues or addictions – make the necessary




Be courageous, be strong, be brave.  Use all YOUR good


energies you can dig up out of SELF.


Any addiction is a behavior that controls YOU


Your impulses,


Your Pleasures


Your anxieties


Your Fears


Your preferences


These take center stage over YOUR better judgment or reasoned




If you believe you are struggling with an addiction that is


Negatively impacting the quality and health of your life, it may be


Time to seek assistance from a professional.

Addition typically masks an underlying problem that the person


Does not want to acknowledge or deal with.  As you well know, it is


Really not helpful to tell the person “You have a problem in your


Thinking.”  Instead, much better to acknowledge the suffering and


Build a level of trust until the person is willing to discuss it, and if


Not then just let it go.  Convincing people that they have a thinking


a defect is extremely damaging (if they actually believe it) and sets


Them up for abuse and exploitation.










YOU and MD Anderson Researcher

I have had a copy of Dr. Aggarwal’s book “Healing Spices” since it

first hit the market place.


Valuable information and has helped with my nutrition for my


Dr. Aggarwal has written a well documented book on spices and

appreciate his hard work  Each of the 50 spices he writes about

the history of the spice, what it does for YOU, what it may help to

prevent and/or treat, what it is good with other spices, recipes that

contain the spice, and then on top of that, a great recipe for the



The spice I am going to talk about today from “Healing Spices” is

turmeric.  One added note about another spice Dr. Aggarwal has

talked about:  On a radio show he was asked which spice he

considered the #1 spice and he said “black pepper” – I have

always loved black pepper and I buy organic pepper corn and

grind it over my food.  I believe the FDA allows a percentage of

difference substances in the regular spice in the store-so I do try

to limit cheap spices and if need a spice buy as organic as I can



The book is beautifully written and the wonderful pictures of the

spices themselves is beautifully done.


There have been more than 1,000 research studies with the same

result:  curcumin(part of turmeric) is anti-cancer and can fight

cancer on many levels:

Inhibit the activation of genes that trigger cancer

Inhibit the spread(proliferation) of tumor cells

Inhibit the transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell

Kills cells that mutate into cancer

Shrink tumor cells

Prevent tumor from spreading to other organs

Prevent the development of the blood supply necessary for

cancer cells to form and spread

Enhance the cancer-destroying effects of chemotherapy and


Curcumin has exhibited some or all of these actions against 22

different types of cancer, including the biggest killers – breast,

colon, lung, and prostate.  It also slowed the progression of some

of the toughest-to-beat cancers, such as brain, bone, blood,

esophagus, liver, pancreas, stomach, uterine, and melanoma.

There is no other natural substance that has been found to

possess this degree of anti-cancer power.


Marco Polo discovered turmeric in China in 1280 and listed below

are some other health issues Turmeric may help:



Alzheimer’s disease




Diabetes, type 2

Heart disease

Parkinson’s disease


Recipe below may reduce wrinkles and many women in India use

it daily:

½ cup garbanzo(chickpea)flour

1-1/2 tablespoons turmeric

Sesame oil



Keep flour and turmeric in closed container

Mix 1 tablespoon mixture in small dish with about 5 drops of oil.

Add enough water to make paste.  Spread mixture on face(stay

clear of eyes) and 15 minutes will dry.  Wash off.


Turmeric recipe that I have used for years:

Any green vegetables that I have juiced

Add 1 tbsp. turmeric

Add ground pepper and/or Braggs olive oil – pepper and olive oil

will carry the turmeric around the body so it penetrates efficiently

into cells.

For Turmeric to absorb well into YOUR body it has to have the

black pepper or olive oil.


Healthy and Joy for aging





YOU and YOUR Spiritual Happiness


Spiritual Happiness is defined as pertaining to or consisting of

spirit; not material; incorporeal; pertaining to th min or intellect;

mental; intellectual; pertaining to the soul or its affections a

influenced by the Divine Spirit; proceeding from or controlled and

inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Or it is defined as;  The state or

quality of being ahppy.


This is from the website:


Spiritual happiness is quite rare, and characterized by the

following treaits; serenity, kindness, humility,  non-materialistic

tendencies and of course the happiness just flows from them.  A

spiritual happy person is in tune with and accepting of



I think of myself as SPIRUTUALLY HAPPY.  And I hope that the

traits listed above are some of my best traits.


Studies have shown that children are more resilient when they

have some kind of spiritual belief system.  And, of course, that

applies to adults also.


YOUR spirituality is inside of YOU.  We are all spiritual beings, we

all have spirits.


When do YOU need Spiritual Happiness?


Every minute of every day


When you develop your own spiritual beliefs, you will find life is

easier.  Depending on how long you search and how deep you

delve, you may also find answers to the “Why am I here?” type of

questions.  They will be answers that makes sense to you.


SELFhood is knowing YOU inside and when you discover inside

yourself, the more often you use it.  The more often you beome

aware of a connection to something ibgger, the stronger the

connection becomes.  There may be times in your life when your

spiritual beliefs are lal you have to keep you going.  If you spend

some time now really working out what feels right for you, then,

should your world come crashing down, your safety net will be

firmly in place.


I wish I had meditated for years while I was younger, so that what

feels right for me now has been growing for the last 30 years.


I meditate, and say Thank You lots of times during the day.  I read

a lot and have over the last 10 or so years built my personal

library up to about 2,000 books, most of them non-fiction about

ancient history, world history, JFK, Jesuits, Dr. John Coleman’s

books, etc.


To find the spiritual happiness you deserve, explore the spirutality

within you.  Define your belief system and live it.


A happy life is incomplete without spiritual happiness






YOU and how important sleep is to your MIND

Listed below are some of the effects of lack of sleep from

Can cause accidents

Dumbs you down

Lead to serious health problems

Can kill sex drive


Brain facts. Org has an article from Society for Neuroscience

about what happens to your brain when you are sleep-deprived:


Sleep deprivation is really bad for brain function.

The first known study about the negative effects of sleeplessness

was published in 1896.  Since then hundreds of studies have

established that sleep loss impairs various cognitive functions and

behavior, including arousal, attention, cognitive speed, memory,

emotional intelligence, and decision making.


Sleep deprivation can impair several brain networks that control

cognitive abilities and behavior, and research using brain imaging

technology, like functional magnetic resonance imaging(MRI),

suggest how.  When comparing the brain of someone who is

sleep-deprived to the brain of someone who has slept normally,

scientists have found reduced metabolism and blood flow in

multiple brain regions.  Reductions in blood flow and metabolism

are linked to impaired cognitive function and behavior.  These and

other findings over the years have contributed greatly to our

understanding the effects of sleep on brain function.


Dr. Mercola has an article on sleep deprivation and it says:

Science may still be discovering the mechanisms behind why

sleep is so important to your health, but you have probably

experienced waking up after a poor night’s sleep, feeling cranky,

over-tired and mentally foggy ad exhausted.

Sleep is one of the important pillars of good health.

Not all areas of the brain react in the same way to sleep

deprivation.  Some areas suffer from lack of sleep more than



When you are forced to go without electricity, such as camping or

if the power goes out, you sleep deeper and arise more rested.

Light sources at night interrupt your circadian clock and melatonin

levels, both responsible for how deeply you sleep and well-rested

you feel the next day.


Researchers from University of California Berkeley’s Sleep and

Neuroimaging Lab discovered that a lack of sleep leaves your

brain more vulnerable to proteins believed to trigger dementia.


Other research demonstrates that amyloid plaques, common in

Alzheimer’s disease, build up more quickly in sleep-deprived lab

animals.  A second study discovered how sleep clears toxins from

your brain while sleeping, reducing your potential risk for



Hypothyroidism, which I have, causes sleep deprivation and I take

melatonin and magnesium.  And I will be adding Honokiol and

vitamin B-3.


Have a Joyful day and week.





YOU and Healthy Cells for Healthy Aging

The following information is from – and I have gained

a lot of good health information from this website.


Your cells depend on adequate intakes of several nutrients to stay

healthy.  These nutrients come from a variety of foods in each

food group, and the best way to be sue you are getting the daily

recommendations for each is to eat a well-balanced diet.  You

may also want to include a supplement if you are having trouble

getting enough.



plays a large role in cell growth and repairs damaged cells as

well.  Most Americans get enough protein every day, but a

deficiency could result in health problems having to do with your

skin, hair, nails, blood, organs, and muscles.


Make sure you know how much protein your body needs a day.



Is a nutrient that builds healthy red blood cells, and a deficiency

could result in feelings of weakness or fatigue, otherwise know as

anemia.  Foods rich in iron include beans, beef, chicken, shrimp,

peas, dried fruit, etc.


Make sure you take enough iron each day.



Vitamin B-12

Supports the formation of new red blood cells and is only found in

animal foods.  Adults need 2.4 mcg. Of this B vitamin a day


Make sure you are getting enough B-12 every day



Are present in many foods, and they fight the free radical damage

that occurs through exposure to environmental toxins and a poor

diet, both of which damage cells and increase the risk of health

problems that include cancer and heart disease.


I have written a Blog on the soil and depletion of nutrients in the

soil now, so it is me believe, and I do daily, is take a quality,

prescription grade vitamins and supplements which I get at an only

local pharmacy or from quality producers.  I would never, ever buy

anything at a corner drug store or a grocery store that they called

vitamins or supplements.


The website: has some good information on how to

keep YOUR cells happy and aging healthy.  It says:


Our bodies are battlegrounds against infection and diseases.

Normal body functions, such as breathing or physical activity, and

other lifestyle habits produce substances called free radicals that

attack healthy cells.  When these healthy cells are weakened,

they are more susceptible to cardiovascular disease and certain

types of cancers.  Antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and

carotenoids, which include beta-carotene, lycopene, and lutein –

help protect healthy cells from damage caused by free radicals.
