YOU and Spiritual Power
There is a lot to be said about POWER – but it is about spiritual
power today.
How we live daily is about our Spiritual Power
Martin Luther King, Jr wrote of power and he was a very spiritual
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in
moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at
times of challenge and controversy”.
He had that spiritual power we should all want because Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. had IT
Plato said about power:
“The measure of a man is what he does with power”.
We have seen over the last 70 years what many men have done
with power. Last year the United States of America dropped over
26,000 bombs around the world. That was in “ZeroHedge”, online
financial newspaper. This is power but not Spiritual.
Power can be used for good or for evil.
JFK knew there was a possibility that there were different groups
that would not like his policies but he was determined that his
American people did not want war or be at odds with the Soviet
Union but his spiritual self kept moving him into a place of peace
for his America. I believe his spiritual power was at peace in the
Spiritual Power brings each of us:
Life that moves us to aging with grace and dignity and no regrets.
Spiritual Power allows us to be strong in thought and actions that
we each take throughout each day, in being about SELFhood, not
what anyone else want’s YOU to think. Put aside all news and
when Self has discovered Spiritual Power use it wisely and be at
peace about it.
Friedrich Nietzsche said:
“There are two different types of people in the world, those who
want to know, and those who want to believe”.
Be that person who wants to know “Spiritual Power” and use it for
good. Study, read, acknowledge, and be wise with the truth you
find. That is the Spiritual Person who has the Spiritual Power.
Reinhold Niebuhr’s book:
Moral Man and Immoral Society: A Study in Ethics and Politics
Should be required reading for all Americans and realize that
collective behavior of man/woman is different from his individual
If a government worker/private worker is doing something
unethical at work but believes their self to be a Spiritual Person –
speak up and speak out because Spiritual Power comes from
being Spiritual in all that we do, work or personal life.
Joy and Peace for today