Most of the images that I use are Fibonacci Sequence so that you can see how the Divine Creator has put some of what we see together. Of course, YOU know that there is a lot we will never see or know about that the Creator has done. But, just know that we only see very little of what the Creator has done. It is enough for me to know that this Creator is Greater than anything or anyone has told us about. But, your intentions do matter and your positive thinking matters. From what I know is that we are all connected and yet we are all unique. How can that be? I have no clue but when you think about just that, it is amazing from Divine Creator.
There is a lot of negative stuff in our world, has it been done intentionally to distract us I do not know. But, maybe it has been. The man who invented TV said it is a vast wasteland, and how true that has proven to be. When you hear the news is it based on facts and truth or is it someone’s version of facts and truth? I have not had a TV for about 20 years.
YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.
So we each have to be careful what our Mind takes in because it does make a difference in what we think or how we think. And our intentions should be for good, for ourself as the priority and then we can help family, friends, and others in our community.
We are in the Milky Way Galaxy, and there are other Universes and yet we are all connected and yet unique. Everything is about vibration frequency and everything is about Fibonacci Sequence. And there are cultures who have studied this down the centuries, the music and vibration, and the stars and the constellations.
YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.