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hese are some of the key practices I turn to when I need a reminder (or two) on how to lift my spirits and bring more joy to my journey. Try them out if they sound like a fit for you.

1) Turn the Page
Each day is a gift and a chance to start fresh. If yesterday was heavy, give yourself permission to turn the page. Start today with a new intention, one that will prompt you to focus on the landscape before you. When we give ourselves the gift of new perspective, hidden gems have a way of appearing and reminding us of the joy that lives within us.

2) Fuel Your Machine Properly
Your body is your most valuable asset — treat it well. Much like we wouldn’t put soap in the gas tank of our car, we shouldn’t be consuming food that is overly processed and filled with chemicals and junk. We humans are meant to be eating whole foods that are alive, instead of the packaged junk and processed food we are constantly inundated with. When we take control and feed our bodies with nutritious food and clean water, it makes a world of difference in how we feel. When we feel good in our bodies, it is so much easier to maintain a bright disposition.

3) Get Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation is dreadful. It wasn’t until I became a mother that I realized what a precious commodity a good night’s sleep truly is. Getting enough pillow time has a way of making us feel more human. Sleep is such an amazing gift to recharge and start to see things with fresh eyes. According to, “sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being.” Click here to check out their downloadable recommended sleep times chart.

4) Get into the Driver’s Seat
When life feels dull or uninspiring, it’s the perfect time to remind ourselves that we can get back into the driver’s seat of our lives. Sometimes we need the reminder that we are in ultimate control of how we choose to react to experiences before us and how we move forward. Sure sometimes the steps may take time — that is okay. There is something really empowering in remembering that we are in the driver’s seat of our life, and if we want to feel more joy, we can start moving towards that happier destination at our own pace.

5) Limit Your Screen Time
How much time do you needlessly waste on social media, in front of your TV or on your computer? More importantly, how much of your life force is dimmed while you sit there? I always find that the more time I spend being inundated by sensory overload or looking at other people’s highlight reels, the harder it is for me to switch gears and get back into being present in my own life. When I am feeling low in energy or feel like I am not measuring up, I come to this reminder and look at where I can immediately begin limiting the amount of screen time I am getting. Having a break for some fresh air and leaving the phone behind is liberating — it is a boost that can often be felt on a physical level.

6) Check in With Your Trusted Peeps
We are social beings and are meant to be connecting with others. The special people in our lives who want to see us shine bright, are the ones we can go to when we need a little lift. There is nothing like a good belly laugh with a friend or a warm embrace to brighten our mood. Receiving the gift of being really seen, or seeing someone else for who they are, has a way of making us come alive.

7) Back to Basics
If life feels complicated and heavy, see what changes when you put your attention on the simplest things. When I feel overwhelmed with too much to do, I love to lace up my shoes and get outside for a run. There is something about nature and fresh air that melts my stress away. When things get stressful to the point of feeling it in our bodies, I believe it is a strong indicator we need to simplify. Getting back to basics can include things like: getting outside, having real conversations with real people, enjoying a meal with a loved one or doing an activity you know brings you joy. The basic things in life always seem to be right under our nose, it is just a matter of putting our focus there.

8) Spiritual Practice
Sometimes life deals things that are hard to wrap our minds around and life can quickly feel disheartening and unfair. Having faith in a higher power, in a way that is meaningful and true for you, has a way of bringing a sense of peace and acceptance throughout life. Having a spiritual practice we can turn to can become an anchor and a powerful way to reignite our light from within.

9) Time Management
If life feels like it is out of control and you can’t keep up, see what happens when you implement time management strategies. There are many digital time management systems out there that can help. Set event reminders on your phone and computer. Set an alarm as a reminder to leave early. Start your day by writing a list of what you intend to accomplish, and put time parameters around each task. Sometimes we need to let go of things that aren’t important and prioritize what is. Having some control over our time management sets us up to feel like we are right where we are meant to be — and that is empowering.

10) Dream Big

Keeping our deepest desires and dreams alive is the very fuel that keeps our spirits bright. Give yourself the gift of having goals and dreams, and don’t allow fear to have a say in how big your dreams may be. When we give ourselves the gift of thinking about our dreams and sharing them with others, it is an automatic way to brighten our spirits.

11) Gratitude Practice
When we put our attention on all of the things we are grateful for, we get to experience a boost that can be felt on a very deep level. A gratitude practice can look like whatever you want. It could be counting your blessings at the start of the day, throughout the day or as a way to end the day. Perhaps you will choose all of the above. Like everything in life, when we put our own personal spin on things, it has a way of becoming meaningful and more powerful. What about you, what are you grateful for today?





I have always tried thinking positively = Dr. Norman Vincent Peale’s book was one of the main books in my home growing up – and I have always found it is better for me to think positive than negative – even through the dark times in my life-which most people have dark times or negative times but read the research below and you will find that now more than ever it is important to be positive instead of negative.


Here’s heartwarming news: People with a family history of heart disease who also had a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within five to 25 years than those with a more negative outlook.

That’s the finding from Johns Hopkins expert Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H., and her colleagues. The finding held even in people with family history who had the most risk factors for coronary artery disease, and positive people from the general population were 13 percent less likely than their negative counterparts to have a heart attack or other coronary event.

Yanek and her team determined “positive” versus “negative” outlook using a survey tool that assesses a person’s cheerfulness, energy level, anxiety levels and satisfaction with health and overall life. But you don’t need a survey to assess your own positivity, says Yanek. “I think people tend to know how they are.”

Hope and Your Heart

The mechanism for the connection between health and positivity remains murky, but researchers suspect that people who are more positive may be better protected against the inflammatory damage of stress. Another possibility is that hope and positivity help people make better health and life decisions and focus more on long-term goals. Studies also find that negative emotions can weaken immune response.

What is clear, however, is that there is definitely a strong link between “positivity” and health. Additional studies have found that a positive attitude improves outcomes and life satisfaction across a spectrum of conditions—including traumatic brain injury, stroke and brain tumors.

Can You Boost Your Bright Side?

Although a positive personality is something we’re born with and not something we can inherently change, Yanek says, there are steps you can take to improve your outlook and reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Simply smile more.

A University of Kansas study found that smiling—even fake smiling—reduces heart rate and blood pressure during stressful situations. So try a few minutes of YouTube humor therapy when you’re stomping your feet waiting in line or fuming over a work or family situation. It’s difficult not to smile while watching a favorite funny video.

Practice reframing.

Instead of stressing about a traffic jam, for instance, appreciate the fact that you can afford a car and get to spend a few extra minutes listening to music or the news, accepting that there is absolutely nothing you can do about the traffic.

Build resiliency.

Resiliency is the ability to adapt to stressful and/or negative situations and losses. Experts recommend these key ways to build yours:

  • Maintain good relationships with family and friends.
  • Accept that change is a part of life.
  • Take action on problems rather than just hoping they disappear or waiting for them to resolve themselves.


the following is from Bipolar Lives


There is one study involving humans. This found some effectiveness in the treatment of alcoholism. However, it did not examine effectiveness for bipolar disorder or treating symptoms of depression or anxiety.

There are three other fascinating and very promising studies, but these were based on rats.

One rat study found no difference between LiOr and conventional lithium carbonate.

However, another rat study found greater uptake of LiOr compared to conventional lithium carbonate. This provided evidence that LiOr could be a very effective medication and why the low doses available in the LiOr products for sale on the Internet and in health food stores may be of benefit.

The final rat study found very adverse impact on kidneys compared to conventional lithium carbonate. This led the researchers to conclude: It seems inadvisable to use lithium orotate for the treatment of patients.

This is the study that has done most to damage the reputation of lithium orotate. But critics of this study point out that the amount of LiOr injected into the rats was relatively huge – the whole point being that only small doses are required to get the same benefits as with lithium carbonate, so there is no need to test using the same (large) amounts!

Lithium orotate and anxiety disorder

Along with being bipolar (symptoms of depression AND mania), I suffer from crippling panic attacks.


I would love to hear that LiOr really does work, especially where anxiety is concerned.

This panic has been a long standing problem for me – it feels like I am choking and often makes it impossible for me to eat because I become convinced that I cannot swallow.

ANYTHING that claims to help with anxiety gets my attention!

The reason I educated myself on this topic was because of the claims being made about the various products using this “natural” alternative and anxiety disorder.

Is Dr Phelps correct that LiOr could be worth trying? My dilemma is that I already take lithium carbonate and I don’t know how to take both without messing up my doses and lithium levels. It will be hard to find a doctor to supervise your experimenting with LiOr or help you safely integrate with existing meds.

If you do try LiOR, DO NOT EXCEED the recommended dose!

Articles in support of LiOr

I recently found 3 articles that express positive views, although I present them with a caution. Although all 3 of these articles have been at least co-authored by medical doctors, there does appear to be a financial incentive involved in promoting LiOr. So with that in mind . . .

The Misunderstood Mineral Part 1 by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. (Reprinted From Nutrition and Healing).

The Misunderstood Mineral Part 2 by Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. (Reprinted From Nutrition and Healing).

Lithium Orotate: The Unique Safe Mineral with Multiple Uses by Ward Dean, M.D. and Jim English.

Bottom line


Taking Lithium orotate in the recommended doses appears to be safe and side effect free. Some respected experts like Dr Phelps are cautiously supportive. Just make sure you stick with a well known and reputable
brand. These products are not FDA regulated so you may not be getting a product that is pure or contains the stated amounts.

Since 2009 I have received over 90 comments from readers on their experiences with LiOr. These were 80% positive.

Many claim this form of natural lithium has greatly helped them with symptoms of depression, mania, anxiety, and panic attacks. BUT I DO NOT TAKE LITHIUM OROTATE! I want to take it and have (briefly) tried it with seemingly positive results. However, I simply cannot get past the lack of support and supervision from the medical profession. Please – proceed with caution.



The following is from about health and many topics to help you

Many people think they can avoid fluoride by just using fluoride-free toothpaste. However, fluoride isn’t just in toothpaste. Almost all of the beverages sold in stores and restaurants are made with tap water. People who drink those beverages ingest a fair amount of added fluoride.

We consume fluoride and are exposed to fluoride dangers from the following sources:

Toothpaste with fluoride
Baby formula
Foods cooked in fluoride
Canned soup, or soup in restaurants
Mechanically deboned chicken (i.e. chicken nuggets)
Food cooked in Teflon cookware
Soda pop and soft drinks
Fruit juice (unless it is fresh-squeezed at home)
Beer and wine (unless they are imported from Europe or other areas that don’t fluoridate the water)
Coffee (if made with fluoridated water)
Tea (all tea is naturally high in fluoride, even organic tea)
Kombucha (kombucha is made from tea)
Packaged and processed foods
Fluoridated salt


Fluoride accumulates in the body. Healthy adult kidneys excrete 50 to 60% of the fluoride ingested each day (Marier & Rose 1971). Any remaining fluoride accumulates in the body, typically in the bones and pineal gland (Luke 1997, 2001). Babies and children excrete less fluoride from their kidneys and absorb up to 80% of ingested fluoride into their bones (Ekstrand 1994). The concentration of fluoride in the bones increases over a lifetime (NRC 2006).


Bottle-fed babies receive the highest doses of fluoride. Since they have a liquid diet, formula-fed babies have the highest exposure to fluoride. Infant exposure to fluoridated water has been repeatedly found to be a major risk factor for developing dental fluorosis later in life (Marshall 2004; Hong 2006; Levy 2010). As a result, dental researchers have recommended that parents of newborns not use fluoridated water when reconstituting formula (Ekstrand 1996; Pendrys 1998; Fomon 2000; Brothwell 2003; Marshall 2004).

The American Dental Association (ADA), the biggest advocates of fluoridation, sent a November 6, 2006 email alert to its members advising that parents should make baby formula with “low or no-fluoride water.”

We will continue to visit about fluoride in the water.


Does YOUR city put poison fluoride in the water.  Get them to take it out.




Each of us are Unique

Each of us approach life uniquely

Each of us have our own unique goals for our lives

Each of us have a unique spirituality for our life

One of my favorite and most unusual person whose life and spirituality was one of the

most prolific mathematicians of the 20th century.  Paul Erdos who was a Hungarian

mathematician.  there is so much to write about Mr. Erdos that I will try to contain

myself with just a touch of how much the book “Mr Brain is Open”

by Bruce Schechter – the mathematical journeys of Paul Erdos.


Mr. Erdos – possessions meant little too Erdos, most of his belongings would fit in a

suitcase, as dictated by his iterate lifestyle.e. Awards and other earnings were

generally donated to people in need and various worth causes.  he spent most of his

life traveling between scientific conferences, university and stipends from universities

as a guest lecturer, and from various mathematical awards to fund his travels and

basic needs;  money left over he used to fund cash prizes for proofs of “Erdos

problems”. he would typically show up any a colleague’s doorstep and announce “my

brain is open”, staying long enough to collaborate on a few papers before moving on a

few days later.

His parents were both Jewish mathematics teachers and he never married.  at the age

of 21 he was awarded a doctorate in mathematics from the University of Budapest.


This man’s spirituality was caught up in the times-his father and all his family but his

mother died in the holocaust.  he was living in America dn working at the Princeton

Institute for Advanced Study at that time.


He was fine with his spirituality – whatever that was for him:

owned nothing

had no family

The Man who loved only Numbers

N is for Number;  A Portrait of Paul Erdos

Read about Mr Erdos-he was content with who he was and he had joy in what he did from mathematics




I read the Celestine Prophecy in the 1990s – and I came to believe, even though it was a fiction it had so much spirituality in it that touched me and when the energy between the two people I realized at that moment we were all one because we are all energy and all connected.  I read and re-read the book over the years-loaned it to people, got a new one and loaned it to other people.  But today, we will talk about the nine insights of the book.  Of course, they will not touch everyone like it did me and maybe the book touched everyone who read it in a different way.  But, here we go on the 9 insights:


  1.  Meaningful coincidences.  increased number of meaningful coincidences people are noticing in their lives.

2.  Historical Perspective.  answers we want are now appearing–not necessarily from institutional science, but from a variety of sources


3.  Subtle energy.  there is an energy that forms the basis of all things.


4.  Competition for energy.  protecting ourselves from others’ attempts to draw energy from us.  Energy vampires?  I know a few.


5.  Energy abundance.  Being in a loving state not only connects our energy to the object of our love, but to a greater source of energy as well.


6.  Getting clear.  In order to be in a state of love with the world on a regular basis, we have to let go of patterns of behavior we developed to take energy from others.


7.  Using intuition.  when we are in touch with the energy, clear of our control dramas and aware of questions relevant to this moment, our intuition supplies the answers we need.


8.  Relating to others: I live the main one for me is that everyone who crosses our path has a message for us.  We should give them energy and help them get clear so that they can accurately deliver the message.


9,  Conscious evolution.  This is almost too much for me.

But, it is:  the goal of this evolution is to achieve a level of vibration that makes us invisible to others, perhaps even immaterial.  Jesus was the first to do this, and sporadic individuals continue to do so.  The ultimate goal is for large groups to “cross over” together in a “general Rapture”.

It was amazing what this fiction book spoke to me about on different levels.  I am just grateful I found it back when and how it has added to my life.


