YOU and YOUR Spiritual Happiness
Spiritual Happiness is defined as pertaining to or consisting of
spirit; not material; incorporeal; pertaining to th min or intellect;
mental; intellectual; pertaining to the soul or its affections a
influenced by the Divine Spirit; proceeding from or controlled and
inspired by the Holy Spirit. Or it is defined as; The state or
quality of being ahppy.
This is from the website:
Spiritual happiness is quite rare, and characterized by the
following treaits; serenity, kindness, humility, non-materialistic
tendencies and of course the happiness just flows from them. A
spiritual happy person is in tune with and accepting of
I think of myself as SPIRUTUALLY HAPPY. And I hope that the
traits listed above are some of my best traits.
Studies have shown that children are more resilient when they
have some kind of spiritual belief system. And, of course, that
applies to adults also.
YOUR spirituality is inside of YOU. We are all spiritual beings, we
all have spirits.
When do YOU need Spiritual Happiness?
Every minute of every day
When you develop your own spiritual beliefs, you will find life is
easier. Depending on how long you search and how deep you
delve, you may also find answers to the “Why am I here?” type of
questions. They will be answers that makes sense to you.
SELFhood is knowing YOU inside and when you discover inside
yourself, the more often you use it. The more often you beome
aware of a connection to something ibgger, the stronger the
connection becomes. There may be times in your life when your
spiritual beliefs are lal you have to keep you going. If you spend
some time now really working out what feels right for you, then,
should your world come crashing down, your safety net will be
firmly in place.
I wish I had meditated for years while I was younger, so that what
feels right for me now has been growing for the last 30 years.
I meditate, and say Thank You lots of times during the day. I read
a lot and have over the last 10 or so years built my personal
library up to about 2,000 books, most of them non-fiction about
ancient history, world history, JFK, Jesuits, Dr. John Coleman’s
books, etc.
To find the spiritual happiness you deserve, explore the spirutality
within you. Define your belief system and live it.
A happy life is incomplete without spiritual happiness