Detoxing YOUR Body from Toxins. And how to get them out of your body so they will not cause harm is the question for you. I find it easiest to use Tumeric as a supplement. Plus, I juice dark greens 2 -3 times a month. And then I use the Flor-Essence once or twice a year. I am mainly trying to keep my alkaline levels high so that disease cannot get into my body.
Plastics are everywhere anymore. Foods are wrapped in plastics that leach into the food. Plastic containers are used by food producers that leach into your food. They have found nano plastic in human waste. So to get rid of most of anything bad in YOUR body you have to detox. But, you have to be careful about what you are using. All detox products are not really doing much for your body as it should. So what I am telling you to use is one of the better things. The Flor-Essence, the juicing 2-3 times a month. And especially try to keep boxed, bagged, wrapped in plastic foods out of your house.
Detoxing YOUR Body from Toxins