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Detoxing YOUR Body from Toxins.  And how to get them out of your body so they will not cause harm is the question for you.  I find it easiest to use Tumeric as a supplement.  Plus, I juice dark greens 2 -3 times a month.  And then I use the Flor-Essence once or twice a year.  I am mainly trying to keep my alkaline levels high so that disease cannot get into my body.

Plastics are everywhere anymore.  Foods are wrapped in plastics that leach into the food.  Plastic containers are used by food producers that leach into your food.  They have found nano plastic in human waste.  So to get rid of most of anything bad in YOUR body you have to detox.  But, you have to be careful about what you are using.  All detox products are not really doing much for your body as it should.  So what I am telling you to use is one of the better things.  The Flor-Essence, the juicing 2-3 times a month.  And especially try to keep boxed, bagged, wrapped in plastic foods out of your house.

Detoxing YOUR Body from Toxins

Just since I was born in 1942 there has been an explosion of plastics.  When I was little there were few things like the amount of plastic that there is today.  And the multi-national food people want their products to have a long shelf life.  And so that constitutes food that may have a 2-year shelf life.  So check out any wrapped, canned, or boxed food.  Try growing some of your food.  I shop at the local Farmer’s Market.  And even there I buy from vendors that I know watch how they raise vegetables or chicken or meat.  Because just because it is a Farmer’s Market it does not mean it is organic.  The one I shop at is not an Organic Farmer’s Market.  Be careful out there.


There are always new and wonderful books coming into the marketplace.  The one I am talking about today is,  “Consistent Winning”.  It is by Ronald D. Sandler, D.P.M., and Dennis D. Lobstein, Ph.D.   And it is a wonderful book about a new training system that lets you peak on demand.

Consistent Winning is a program of specific cycles of resting and training.  And developed after studying athletes and their patterns of training, injuries, time off, and peak performances.  The cycles are based on a mathematical sequence known as Fibonacci numbers, which occur frequently(always) in nature.  But, it does not change or replace any established, viable program of workouts.  It merely structures your given training schedule so you can schedule peak performances to occur on specific days.

Consistent Winning is a Book for YOU

This is a program of specific cycles of resting and training, developed after studying athletes and their patterns of training injuries, tine off, and peak performances.  And the cycles are based on a mathematical sequence known as Fibonacci numbers.  Oh my, there it is again the Fibonacci sequence.  But, it is in everything in the Universe.  There is a 3-day cycle, e-week cycle, and a 3-month cycle.  And each cycle is designed to bring you to peak performance on the cycle’s last day of training.

Highs and lows occur as naturally in an athlete’s performance as elsewhere in life.  The athlete can control the flow and timing of normal tides with the 3 cycles.  If you are a runner and do marathon’s there is no reason you cannot do this cycle and become your best when running.  This book will help you in other areas of your life.  It is a small book but has so much of life packed into it.  It will be beneficial for your life and that of your family.

Consistent Winning is a Book for YOU


Most of the images that I use are Fibonacci Sequence so that you can see how the Divine Creator has put some of what we see together.  Of course, YOU know that there is a lot we will never see or know about that the Creator has done.  But, just know that we only see very little of what the Creator has done.   It is enough for me to know that this Creator is Greater than anything or anyone has told us about.  But, your intentions do matter and your positive thinking matters.  From what I know is that we are all connected and yet we are all unique.  How can that be?  I have no clue but when you think about just that, it is amazing from Divine Creator.

There is a lot of negative stuff in our world, has it been done intentionally to distract us I do not know.  But, maybe it has been.  The man who invented TV said it is a vast wasteland, and how true that has proven to be.  When you hear the news is it based on facts and truth or is it someone’s version of facts and truth?  I have not had a TV for about 20 years.

YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.

So we each have to be careful what our Mind takes in because it does make a difference in what we think or how we think.  And our intentions should be for good, for ourself as the priority and then we can help family, friends, and others in our community.

We are in the Milky Way Galaxy, and there are other Universes and yet we are all connected and yet unique.  Everything is about vibration frequency and everything is about Fibonacci Sequence.  And there are cultures who have studied this down the centuries, the music and vibration, and the stars and the constellations.

YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.



“The Longest Journey is the Journey inward?” and it starts with the mind.

Above is from Dag Hammarskjold-Secretary General United Nations-dying in 1961, his book, “Markings”

Reading something profound like the above moves me to empower SELF, seeks to improve SELF, and appreciate SELF.

What does it do for YOU?

Reading books, non-fiction, biographies, auto-biographies will empower SELF. When I read on a topic, I try to read at least 5 authors on the same topic to get their theories or thoughts on the topic. Never read just 1 author on topic-because YOUR MIND will get stuck in their theory or thought.

The Longest Journey is the Journey inward

It has now been determined that the plane Dr. Hammarskjold was sabotaged as he was flying from Africa into Europe I believe.  His book was very profound in my own life.  It is a small book and has his writings over the years.

It was published in 1964, four years after he died in the plane crash and had been UN Secretary-General.

The following is from his book and that he wrote about 1950.

God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.

It is from the Prime Creator that we all must know is with us all.  That is from me.

The Longest Journey is the Journey inward

But, in his wonderful book, there are so many wonderful little messages for anyone who would read it.  It is only for your benefit to have this little book in your library and read it once in a while.  That is why I have all my lovely books.  So that I can go back and read them over.  Because in 5 years I will be at a higher level than today.


How Intuitive Are YOU Spiritually?  I am not intuitive at all.  James Van Praagh can feel the energy of loved ones and there are many people who are very intuitive.  Sometimes, it is generational and from what I know from a Mother to Daughter.  But, I believe most people are like me.  And that over years and generations this is something that has gone away from our family lines.  Maybe, it is because these family lines have become accustomed to man-made reality and this takes organic intuition away.   You can see this in the American Indian tribes where the Sages have tried to keep the old ways alive and yet the younger generations have been westernized.  And what if the Sages and Priestly classes of the tribes all over the world have it right.  And being westernized and man-made reality is not the best thing for humans?   Westernized people are being sicker, mentally and physically.  There are nano-particles of plastic in human waste.  And has the plastic been changing humans?  It possibly has changed our Mind, Body, and Spirit.   It made us less individuals and more and more like each other.  And sort of like Education has been trying to indoctrinate us all to think alike?    But instead of sewing and making our own things we go to a store and buy off the rack that has 100 of the same thing.

How Intuitive Are YOU Spiritually?

Can we get that intuition back into our lives?  I do believe if we meditate or pray we can.  Having a quiet time each day where we have nothing thinking about is a good thing.   Have the belief that we know that our soul and consciousness never dies so it is close to us because we have the same energy patterns from our DNA and cell vibrations.  And is a possibility and of course the higher we each are developed in different ways.  Could be our alkaline that keeps our vibration high or Love, Forgiveness, Kindness?  It could be all of this.


REMEMBER: the above image is about coding and yet has the Fibonacci sequence in there.  Everything is about the Fibonacci sequence or Divine Code.  That is what the Prime Creator has made everything in the Universe.  No war, no hate, no jealousy, no envy, no better than you.

What Does YOUR Body Need?

YOUR body is precious and taking care of it has to be one of your main priorities.  Since we each are unique, YOU have to know what your mind, body, and spirit needs to stay balanced and connected to YOUR Prime Creator.  YOU have to know your blood type, research shows that lectin in your blood is affected by the lectin in foods.   And there are some foods that go with my blood type O positive than would go with A/B blood type.  But that is just 1 factor about you to keep the body healthy.  There are others;  lifestyle, environment, culture, and more yet.  It is up to you to find out what will make your body run the best as you age.

Dr. D’Amato has a really good book on the Blood Type Diet.  In the book, it explains the research on the lectin in food and the lectin in blood types.  You will need to do your own research or get the book and all the research is on his website.  Read all you can so you know more about YOU than anyone.  I knew a young man who took care of his family more than he took care of himself.  He died because he did not know what damage he was doing to his body with uppers and downers, drugs and alcohol but he tried to take care of his family.  It just does not work that way.  You cannot take care of others unless you are taking care of YOURSELF first and foremost.



All the images that I display here at are to show you how everything in each of these pictures is related through the Fibonacci sequence.  They show that we are all related through this sequence and vibration.  But, I am sure the Prime Creator has more than this but this is how I understand it at the present time.  Maybe, tomorrow I will learn more but today I know this much.

YOUR Mind and Trauma.

I have had trauma and you probably have had trauma but some people have had evil and terrible trauma in their childhood that I would have no idea how to deal with.  I hope yours was not evil and dark but if it was I hope you are in a better place and were able to get away from it.  Just the trauma that most of us go through is not the physical abuse or mental abuse, or sexual abuse that some of you have had.  Compared to those types my trauma was almost nothing.  But, my wish for everyone is to be able to become a whole person and be a productive citizen of the world.

The book, “Prisoner’s of Our Thoughts’, by Alex Pattakos, Ph.D. is a good book if you would like to read about trauma.  And the book by Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning.  These are both great books, and I am sure there are other books that are great.  Dr. Gabor Mate is also known for Treating Trauma.  He was born in Hungary, Jewish, and his mother gave him to a stranger when he was 1-year old that has to cause him life long trauma.  She was trying to protect him from being taken to gas chambers.

We each handle our trauma different.  And we each may get over it, or through it.  But not all of us do.  My sister never got over my grandmother dying when she was about 5.  I am sure she was very close to our grandmother but when she died there was absolutely no communication from my parents on this at all.

YOUR Mind and Trauma.



YOU are an island unto YOURself.  So says the author.  There is no one in your mind, body, and spirit but YOU.  Take care of YOU, be kind to yourself, forgive yourself, and as much as it makes you feel good to get rid of those addictions if you have any.  Having good thoughts about YOU helps getting rid of any addictions, but there are other things also.  What are YOUR core principles?  Remember you have 55 Trillion cells and they have to be happy cells vibrating at 7.35 – 7.45 Hz.  Over the years I have some really sad cells, I broke my arms, had hip replacements, and so on and so forth.  It is always something going through life for each of us.  Make those cells happy, with juicing, exercising, eating organic as much as possible.  Counter the bad you feed your body with the good stuff at home.  I have friends and we go out to eat and I do not worry about what I eat in local restaurants because I know at home I eat quality food.

Thinking Good Thoughts about YOU.

YOU are worthy and worth everything to be at YOUR best.  Especially, in your mind, body, and spirit.  Life has its ups and downs for everyone.  Very few people get through this life without having some kind of trauma.  What may be a trauma for me may be nothing for YOU.  We are unique, you are unique so please stay with that point on YOURSELF.   My best maybe someone else’s really low life kind of stuff.  But, in actuality, that person should not be evaluating me but themselves only.  Get in the habit of good and positive thoughts about YOU, taking care of YOU, be inspired and motivated to be a successful YOU.  And successful means different things to different people.  Other’s judge our success by different things.  YOUR life is about YOU only.

Thinking Good Thoughts about YOU.


It is important for YOU to know that the Fibonacci sequence is in everything and everyone in the Universe.  There is vibration, whether it is YOUR 55 trillion cells that vibrate at 7.35-7.45 Hz or the Schumann Resonance of the vibration of the Universe.  We are all unique but all connected.  The Prime Creator did this.  No one knows how this was done but man-made religions have divided, gone to war, created we are better than you kind of attitude.  But, that is not true.

Love, Forgiveness, Joy, Kindness, a Smile, these are very important to feed your mind as you age.  It is part of your core beliefs.  Our minds need to be fed good positive stuff.  It helped me years ago to let go of negative feelings towards everyone, forgive everyone and myself.  It has helped me mentally to move forward with my own development and learning.  Here I am at 77 still doing researching and learning all I can.  It is important to me to be productive and to be positive and to learn all I can while I am on this plane and in this dimension.  I hope you like to learn and know about the Universe also.

As you look back on your life there will be times that you can say;  I would have, should have, could have, but do not do that to your mind.  From today on using your Core beliefs and Let go of any negatives about anything and anyone in your past.  We all have had trauma at some time in our life.  It does not serve you well if you hang on to that feeling.  Let it go and remember how much you have developed since that pain and hurt.  Be that giant and forgive.  I never say you need to talk directly to that person who hurt you but mentally forgive them and let your mind know you want to be about Love and Kindness and Joy only.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.




The one thing that you must remember is that everything in YOU, the mind, body, and spirit are all connected.  Treat each part well but treat YOUR whole self better than anyone.  YOU cannot take care of others in your life unless YOU are taking care of YOU the best.  My children are middle age right now and lots of parents are not aging well or passing over.  My goal for aging for myself has been to not have to die in Hospice or a diabetic.  Not that Hospice is not a great group and wonderful people and program I just do not want my children to have those last memories of me all drugged up and going through the illness and/or pain.

Meditate and Pray but there is so much more to the spirit because your bodies health and your mind all go into YOUR Spirit.  They cannot be separate or se[arted.  They are one and connected to everyone else and the Universe.  But, yet we each are distinctly unique but at the base of everything is where the Prime Creator connected everything.  I only know the basic’s here,  It is my belief system that believes the Prime Creator is the power behind the whole Universe and all of us.  Since everything is created with a vibration frequency why would not we all be connected?  And since we are all connected why would there be wars, or this religion is better than that religion.  And since everything is energy and energy never dies that makes sense to me that we are all connected at a level only the Prime Creator knows about.

Read all the ancient texts, starting with the Chaldean texts and Sumer and the BIble.  There are special things in all the ancient text.  Take what you can so you grow and learn.






YOUR Spirit and Mind and Body.
