Empowering YOUR Spirituality and More
YOU and Empowering YOUR Spirituality as YOU age
In the 1980’s I read one of the many books by Dr. Joseph Murphy
– about one’s sub-conscious and have been moving forward with
that and many other of his books and many other but the following
are 10 ways to empower your soul by the Himalayan Institute
Empowering YOUR Spirituality and More
ONE: Simplify! Simplify!
Sounds way too easy
Empowering YOUR Spirituality and More
TWO: Choose a Direction
From reading and meditating from books like Dr. Murphy’s all
these many years I chose a direction for the last 25 years:
Being productive is very important to me
wrote a parenting series from Birth – Middle School
Started a 5th-grade motivational series
Built a website on Mind, Body, and Spir.it
Do a weekly podcast
Knit baby blankets for family and friends having babies
Took oil painting classes
Took an algebra class at 65
Have lots of different friends
THREE: Transcend the Ordinary
Unleash the power of your imagination
Empowering YOUR Spirituality
FOUR: See the Light
Live life – do not just exist
FIVE: Meditate
Connect daily with GOD – your creator, the Beginning of ALL
SIX: Be Fearless
SEVEN: Wake Up!
YOU control the day instead of the day controlling YOU
EIGHT: Eat for Life
Organic whole foods – 85% of your food
NINE: Keep Good company
Keep good company to become good company
TEN: Be flexible
Do not sweat the small things.
Here are some ways to grow your spirit and live your life
Follow your passion
Tie up loose ends
Be responsible in your relationships
Love sometimes means saying goodbye
Confront your inner demons
Go with the flow
Be patient
Love and honor your physical self
Understanding and dealing with death and illness
We each are here for a very short time a drop of water could be a
lifetime, one piece of sand could be one of us in the universe.
There are those who are never going to become because of their
genes or DNA or their lifestyle or their family; But we each, who
want to live life can choose our spiritual life and make it a
daily life in Love, Forgiveness, and Harmony.
Empowering YOUR Spirituality