YOU and 8 carcinogenic food additives banned nearly
everywhere in the WORLD BUT
United State of America
Today we are taking information from Mike the Super Guy as I
call him. Really he is Mike Adams and he wants to see that you
stay healthy. And that is my goal for you also. So, That you die
of old age and not of disease. So that you can volunteer at
Hospice but not die in the Hospice program.
The following are banned additives:
- Flame-retardant chemicals in drinks.
What? You say
Brominated vegetable oil (BVO) is a synthetic chemical that can
be found in numerous popular drinks in the USA, including
sodas and sports drinks. Bio-accumulates in fatty human tissue
and even in breast milk, and can also cause iodine deficiency
and nerve disorders.
- Meat tainted with dangerous drugs like ractopamine and other synthetic hormones
One-thirds of U.S. cows, pigs, turkeys and chickens are jacked up
with the well-known asthma drug called ractopamine to plum them
up right before their heads are chopped off.
- Gelatin: reduced animal parts you would never eat, if you only knew
Gelatin is made from body parts of infected and drugged
animals that are not used for fast food, boiled down loaded with
sugar and food coloring. Avoid marshmallows, get capsule
vitamins, fruit snacks, Jell-O, gummy worms, gummy bears,
gummy cola candy and often sour cream and cake frosting
- artificial food dyes
In America, nearly every food item that has colorful is made with
toxic industrial dyes.
- Azodicarbonamide(ADA)
Can hardly pronounce that but this yoga mat chemical is often
found in commercially baked bread.
- Arsenic
Long term arsenic consumption triggers cancer and heart
disease. It can be used n livestock feed, poultry and maybe your
tap water
- Olestra flavor enhancer
One of time’s 50 worst inventions ever includes FDA approved
Olestra-a fat-free and calorie-free chemical used to bring out
flavoring in fries, chaps, frozen yogurt and all kinds of diet foods.
Causes gastrointestinal disease in children, and has been found to
actually increase appetite.
- Potassium bromate (bromated flour)
A human carcinogen. Check those hamburger and hotdog buns
for this poison.
Take care and read the labels – labels say it all-if you cannot
pronounce the words and if is know not to be organic – do not buy
– it will eventually make you sick. Maybe, not today, maybe not
tomorrow-but what about in 10-20 years from now and the
accumulation of all this synthetic and processed and man-made
food? That is when YOUR disease will show up.