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Yoga Breathing benefits the Brain.

New research has established a direct link between the way we breathe and improving our brains.  And through the stimulation of noradrenaline.  This is a hormone which is released when we are focused on a task.

Yoga breathing benefits the brain.  Practice for thousands of years by yogis, breath-focused meditation based on observation.  And control of our breathing is known to increase the ability to focus.  But it also decreases emotional reactivity, and improves arousal levels.

This research on over 65s by showed that meditation had a positive effect on brain aging by boosting cognitive function.  It is possible that by focusing on and regulating your breathing you can optimize your attention level.  And by focusing on your attention level, your breathing becomes more synchronized.

I have a book by a Doctor and a health guy, Matthew Cross and Robert Friedman, MD.  And it recommends using the Fibonacci series to breathe and makes you healthier.  I use that also.  And another book by a runner that breathes and has won many marathons on this breathing technique. That book is Consistent Winning by Ronald Sandler, D.P.M. and Dennis Lobstein, Ph.D.

There are breathing classes in most cities anymore.  I have attended several.  But it is important to breathe through the nose.  And do use the Fibonacci series – it is healthy and very good for your body.

How you breathe is very important.  There have been studies and research to prove that how you breath can help while aging.  Pay attention to how your body functions as you breathe according to the studies and research.

Yoga Breathing benefits the Brain.

Consistent Winning book tells you all the different ways to help yourself if you are doing marathons or any type of exercises.   Dr. Sears has a great book I use also about fast and slow downs for exercise and breathing.

It matters how you breathe.  It matters as you are aging how you breathe.  If you run marathons it matters how you breathe.


Spirituality from Bible and Historical Texts.  YOU and YOUR Spirituality from Bible and other Religious Books.  Each one of us can gain so much in our spiritual life from all the books of the past.  I have gained so much from the Bible over the years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life.  But, I have read other texts and gained something from those also.  YOU can get lots of inspiration and encouragement from many different books.  And historical texts that may help you during a tragedy in your life.  But when great changes are taking place in your life or while we are aging.   However, have to face the fact that this 75-year-old body is not that 50-year-old body that I remember.

My goal at the end of my life will be that I had done enough, read enough loved enough, given enough.  But I do not say: “I wish I had done more with my Life-I know I could have”.  That is what my sister said and I remember it but that is exactly the opposite of what I want at the end.  Turn off your tv and read and journal and meditate.  Knowing that it is evil in this world.  YOUR spiritual life is twice as important because YOU need to take part.   And be an influence in your community for good and right and truth.  So that the generations that follow you and I and everyone will know that good conquered evil just as all the old historical texts talk about like the Bible.   And all the good books from the past.

Spirituality from Bible and Historial Texts.

Always take care of yourself first and in the best possible way so you die healthy.  And then branch out so you can take care of truth in your community.  There are no different political parties in the world anymore-they have been taken over by those evil groups.   And have only been used to divide and conquer mind control.  So tune those out from now on and concentrate on: Individual liberty Freedom of speech Personal property rights and the Constitution of America and the Bill of Rights.  There are some of the most individual freedom and individual property rights documents were ever written.   But the group of evil people has largely taken over and wiped away these wonderful documents that once made American’s free and have their liberty.

Do your part in your home and in your community?

Spirituality from Bible and Historical Texts.


Man made products in your Body.

There certainly are different opions on products in cans, bags, and plastic.  After many years of reading the researchers I have my opinion.  I believe that in today’s environment we will never get back to where everything is organic and natural.  Those 2 words have been hijacked by someone and everyone.  Because when the word natural is used it does not actually mean natural.  And organic means that if the product has 25% organic in it they can call it Organic.  So when you know those 2 things you almost know it all.  It means you have to be careful.

Man made products and YOUR Body.

That plastic mayo jar may have been out in heat for months before it hit your grocery store.  Do you think it is possible that the plastic leeched into the mayo that really is not at all like homemade mayo?  And I have no doubt that most fruits in grocery store have GMO – for shelf life.  It is all about shelf life.  So I get my eggs at the Farmer’s Market – from a good vendor.  Even the Farmer’s Market one has to know which vendors.

How long was that bottled water sitting in the sun?  When did they pick those apples?  And Harvard did some research and now says Roundup is in everything.  It has been found in tampons.  I have never used Roundup.  And since about 10 years ago I was marching again Monsanto.  So they are an old story for me.

This has just happened in the last 100 years.  Plastics and what affect they have on the endrocronology system or the excitogens for the brain.

Excitotoxins are abdundant in most process foods.  They have been linked to brain ceell death, infertility, problems with seveual development, violent behaviors and hormonal disorders.  The following is a list of some of excitotoxins.  MSG, aspartate, domoic acid(farmed raised fish), L-BOAA(grass pea), Cysteine(artificial flavor creation), Casein(cheese,flavor).

Man made products in YOUR Body.


Keeping Brain challenged while Aging.

Keep Brain challenged while Aging.  Keep learning.  A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age. Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate.  And those processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication among them.  Many people have jobs that keep them mentally active.  But pursuing a hobby or learning a new skill can function in the same way.  Read:  join a book club, play chess or bridge, write your life story, do crossword or jigsaw puzzles, take a class, pursue music or art, garden.

Keeping Brain challenged while Aging.

Keeping Brain challenged while Aging.  Use all your senses  The more senses you use in learning something, the more of your brain will be involved retaining the memory.  In one study; adults were shown a series of emotionally neutral images, each presented along with a smell.  Challenge all your senses as you venture into some unfamiliar ground.  Believe in yourself-especially as YOU age.  Myths about aging can contribute to a failing memory.  People who believe that they are not in control of their memory function are less likely to work at maintain or improving their memory skills and are less likely to work at maintaining or improving their memory skills and therefore are more likely to experience cognitive decline.

Economize your brain use.  Use calendars, planners, maps, shopping lists, file folders, and address books to keep routine information accessible.  Designate a place at home for glasses, purse, keys, and other items you use often.  Repeat what you want to know.  When you want to remember something you have just heard, read, or thought about, repeat it out loud or write it down.  If you place one of your belongings somewhere other than its usual spot, tell yourself out loud what you have done.

Space it out.  Research shows that spaced rehearsal improves recall not only in healthy people.   also in those with certain physically based cognitive problems.  And as those associated with multiple sclerosis.  Make a mnemonic.  Use a creative way to remember lists.  Acronyms are a good way to remember



YOU and YOUR Pineal Gland.

You and your Pineal Gland.  Most of you have probably heard of it.  However, most of you do not know what it is.  It produces melatonin, which helps maintain circadian rhythm and regulate reproductive hormones.  Located near the center of the brain.  Also, it is shaped like a pine cone.

History of Pineal Gland

French philosopher and scientist Rene Descartes attributed it to be 3rd eye.  Also, he concluded the location where the immaterial soul interacted with the material brain.  Historical buildings, Egypt and Rome, have loads of buildings with Pine Cones.  This is how important their interpretation of Pineal Gland was close to looking like pine cones.


Health of Pineal Gland

I use calcium bentonite clay to keep it healthy.  The fluoride in the drinking water of cities has been known to calcify.  For years I have used the clay.  Buying an organic Bentonite Clay from a reputable dealer.  Mine comes in glass.  Know there are some vendors that use plastic.  I have tried staying away from anything packaged in the plastic of any kind.  The clay keeps gland clean but takes out all the heavy metals in one’s body.

The gland is one of the most important little items in one’s body.  Just think if it can’t produce melatonin for your sleep.  Also, the sleep you get relates to how much stress you have.  So whatever you may not think about this little gland.   One has to remember how very important it is to YOUR life.  However, if you need a lot of sleep or little sleep the gland is important.

I am sure there are other items to keeping gland clean and heavy metals out of the body.  I also take a silver product that can help with this.  But,  I have always depended on the clay I take to do that.












Healthy Spices

How Cayenne Pepper can help your body.

How Cayenne Pepper can help your body.  YOU and the benefits of Cayenne Pepper to your body.  When I tell you about anything that goes into your body – it is about organic and natural food or products that are as close to natural and organic as you can get.  I try not to buy man-made products, supplements, boxed, canned or packaged foods.  And do not use make-up, store-bought cleaning products.  The less I can use the better for my body and health.

Here s what Dr. Group has to say about the benefits of Cayenne Pepper.

Many societies, especially those of the Americas and China, have a history of using cayenne pepper therapeutically.  A powerful compound with many uses, cayenne pepper is currently gaining buzz for cleansing and detoxifying regimes.  Cayenne pepper has been used for a variety of ailments including heartburn, delirium, tremors, gout, paralysis, fever, dyspepsia, atonic dyspepsia, and many more.

However, some of the best health benefits cayenne pepper has to offer; Anti-irritant properties, Clears congestion, Antifungal properties, and migraine headache prevention.

Dr. Mercola, who I have read his website and listened to his interviews, and bought some of his products over the years-knowing that they are top-shelf and organic and natural.  I can depend on him to produce good products, anyway, here is some of what he says about cayenne pepper: Cancer treatment centers of America listed 11 foods with cancer-fighting properties, and placed cayenne pepper near the top.  And there are reasons for that.

However, I use about a ¼ teaspoon on my eggs daily-organic of course.  A single teaspoon of cayenne pepper imparts 14 percent of the daily recommended value in vitamin A and 3 percent of vitamin E.  And it is an excellent source of vitamin C, vitamin K, B6.  But, it clears congestion, reduces headache pain Fights inflammation.  And it helps stop the spread of prostate cancer Lowers type 2 diabetes risk Aids in weight loss.  Add cayenne pepper to your recipes – put them on eggs, really good in scrambled eggs.  Use cayenne pepper every day-every day it will help your healthy body


Woman Swimming in pool

YOU and YOUR Brain Growth and Aging Healthy. YOU and Keeping YOUR Brain/Mind YOUNG as YOU age  This is from Donald Stuss, PhD., a neuropsychologist –“The best the advice I can give to keep your brain healthy and young is aerobic exercise. “Putting on your sneakers and getting your heart rate up.

YOU and YOUR Brain Growth and Aging Healthy

YOU and YOUR Brain Growth and Aging Healthy.   Here is Mark McDaniel, Ph.D., professor of psychology at Washington University in St. Louis, adds, “I would suggest a combined program of aerobics and weight training.  Studies show the best outcomes for those engaged in both types of exercise.”

YOU and YOUR Brain Growth and Aging Healthy.  The preeminent exercise and brain health researcher in humans is Arthur Kramer at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.  In a dozen studies over the past few years, with titles such as “aerobic fitness Reduces Brain Tissue Loss in Aging Humans.”  Kramer and his colleagues have proved two critical findings:  Fit people have sharper brains, and people who are out of shape, but then get into shape, sharpen up their brains.

YOU and YOUR Brain Growth and Aging Healthy

Working out makes you smarter, and it does so at all stages of life. In concert with a good workout routine, you should eat right to avoid the diseases that modern flesh is heir to. It used to be that as we aged we naturally thought our brains were slowing down.  “You brain is a learning machine,” says Michael Merzenich, Ph.D., a neuroscientist at the University of California.  Given the right tools, we can train our brains to act like they did when we were younger.  All that is required is dedicated practice: exercises for the mind. Merzenich has developed a computer-based training regimen to speed up how the brain processes information(

Nintendo has a handheld game called Brain Age:  Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day.

There are all kinds of games and challenges that you can do: Jigsaw puzzles, Learning a new language, Dance, Contract bridge, Golf.  Much more to help you maintain the brain/mind while we age

Listed below is the list from Harvard for your brain as aging: Improve diet, Exercise, Improve blood pressure, Improve blood sugar.  University of California:,Be social, Stimulate your brain, Men’s Health:, Pick up your pace, Learn another language, Don’t be so cynical, Brush and floss every day,It is all about YOU aging healthy



YOU and the Electric Universe.  Our world is very close and limited within our family, friends, and communities in which we live.  But, today I would like to talk about how each of us is connected.  And, how each of us is related to the universe from the time of our conception to this moment we share here.  And, the electric universe theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the universe.  Much of the material considered by the Electric Universe is peer-reviewed, but not all.

Electricity throughout the Universe

But, the electricity in the universe has been identified from beneath our feet, in animals, and plants.  However, electricity is present wherever we find electric current are nearly everywhere.  Some of the researchers study different kinds of electricity:  go and do your research.  YOU will be excited to learn.

Search out these so you see how we are all connected and everything in this universe is connected somehow, it all may be a little different but we are all there.  Stretch your mind to see that.  I am a strong believer – it may not be the same as your belief but  I have a great love for our creator who has given us all we each have.  And here is a little bit from Stephen Smith:  Above and below.  We need to read to get to Higher Self.

The following is from David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill,   Thunderbolts of the Gods.  However, from the smallest particle to the largest everything connects and unifies all of nature.  All.  There are no isolated islands in an electric universe. And what a statement to let us know we are ONE and all connected to the Creator.

What the universe we live in.  Look at how they developed the Voyager and how it is now interstellar.  See how we have developed from 250,000 years ago.


Throw Out Negative Thoughts FAST!   I remember about 20 years ago, my Mother, Brother, and Sister died within a 2 year period of different cancers.  My hips were bad and needed fixing.  My big project was not going well.  To say the least, I spent way too much time laying on the couch for several years.  My saving grace was that I am a big reader on ancient history so I read a lot and did research a lot. But, it is not easy going through all that trauma for me.  You could have done it better and someone else could have done worse.  And we are all unique,  all our trauma is unique and how we handle it.  Just do your best and try to think positive thoughts and say “Thank You”  all day long.

Look at the image every day on my posts.  Life is about the Fibonacci sequence and vibration.  The Divine Creator made everything connect and everything unique.  I do not know how and am not supposed to know but it is important for each of us to acknowledge that everything is connected and everything is unique.

Throw Out Negative Thoughts FAST!

I will tell you to read Dr. Joseph Murphy’s book about subconscious,  Ernest Holmes book 365 days, and Norman Vincent Peale’s books on positive thinking.   I am sure there are many more but these are a start.  Pulling oneself out of any kind of depression is hard, but I would have refused to take any drugs so I did it myself.

In the 1980’s I started paying attention to advertisements on TV and it was all about prescription drugs.  I decided at that time I would never take prescription drugs.  Well, today the only one I take is a pig thyroid for my hypothyroid disease.  I know better and work daily to keep this 78-year-old person healthy



YOU and GOD the Divine Creator

GOD the Divine Creator.  GOD – the  Divine Creator created everything.   Everything has a vibration, everything is the Fibonacci series.  And we are all connected.  Everything in the universe is connected.  And energy with vibration and based on Fibonacci series.  That all this is:  Love,  kindness, forgiveness, and Joy.   Joy is being contented with yourself at the moment.  But always reaching for YOUR Higher Self.

Just remember that everything has energy and vibration.  However, it is all connected to the Fibonacci series.

We are all unique but we are all connected.  Only the Divine Creator could have made this work.  This is God’s Religion.  Be Kind and have Joy.  Also, always know that we are all connected.

Reaching for YOUR Higher Self

There has been for centuries Man’s Religion.  God’s religion is different than Man’s Religion.  God’s Religion is Love, Kindness, and Joy.   Man’s Religion is about fear and war.  I am for Love, Kindness, and Joy.  Do no harm is the Physician’s Oath.  Also, it is God’s Religion oath.  Dr. Targ has a book “Do you see what I see?”.  He is blind and yet his profession has been a Physicist.  He is legally blind.  But loved the book.  Dr. Targ always was reaching for HIS Higher Self.


Learning and Developing over YOUR Lifetime

If you stop learning you will die.  If you pick up bad habits you will die.  That is why I talk about the positive and wonderful life there is every day.  YOU have a choice – be negative or be positive.  There is probably no one that has not had some kind of trauma in their life.  Even though that is true.  However, you can only get to YOUR Higher Self learning and being positive.  The choice is what Life is about.  Choose wisely












