How happy are you?
The following are some ways to make SELF happy:
- Things cannot make you happy
People cannot make you happy
Only YOU can make YOU happy.
Do you want to be happy?
You may have to give up some of the negative thoughts
You may have to fill those spots with positive thoughts
As humans we are have childhood issues or life issues
No one can be happy 24/7 for life
What do you have to loose to be happy as much as you can?
- Take control of YOUR time
Research has shown that people who are able to take
control of their day are happier than people who have no
sense that they can control their day
Stop right now and sit and smile and be happy for 20
seconds. That is controlling your time and smiling
YOU can control a lot of time throughout YOUR day
- Smile
I made it a rule for myself that when I am walking into any
store that I smile at anyone passing me by.
We are all connected – all because of our energy and
because we all are here at the time we are supposed to be
here at this time and in this space.
- Find work and activities that you are good at and that
will be meaningful to YOU, I have always done projects:
I have a 2,000 books library – love to read and do research.
I knit baby blankets, knitting my daughter a jacket, made the
boy’s blankets. I have taken oil painting and have a couple
of nice painting I have done. I write this blog and truly enjoy
sharing all my research with YOU.
I cannot stress enough but to turn OFF YOUR TV
Get off the phone or computer. Stop gossiping.
Take classes for anything you enjoy. I took an algebra class
When I was 65 and loved it and the teacher loved me.
Always learn more, always be happier, always smile.
YOUR peace and harmony as you age will help in
aging healthy and happy.
- invest in shared things; vacations, family time, friends
time. It is sometimes hard not to collect stuff, but I have
accumulated my books, my fabric for sewing, my yard for
knitting, my research papers, so I try to get everything
organized and orderly. To someone else it is stuff but to
me it is my projects that I am working on.
- Always have an exercise program you are working – not
Anything huge like a marathon – if you would like it – do it.
I have a rebounder (you have to order the good ones) and
A stationery bike for the winter months but I do swimming
In the summer to build up my leg muscles.
- Have to have enough sleep – 6 – 8 hours a night.
- If you have a “small” box – tear down the sides by learning
Something new or do a new project you have done before.
It will make more to your life in learning anything new;
a new thought or a new project.