YOU and how the sun affects your mind
Sunlight has a profound impact on your mental health. Out of 19
environmental factors, the only one correlating to higher levels of
distress was the amount of time between sunrise and sunset.
An estimated 20 percent of American are affected by seasonal
affective disorder(SAD) each winter. What differentiates SAD from
regular depression is that full remission occurs in the spring and
summer months.
The complex stimulus of sunlight can affect your mood and
mental health through a number of mechanisms, including affecting
your Vitamin D, serotonin, endorphins, nitric oxide levels and
mitochondrial energy. According to a paper published in the
Journal Dermato-Endocrinology, a large number of molecules
found in the different layers of your skin absorb and interact with
ultraviolet rays producing a number of complex and synergistic
Sunlight also regulates your circadian rhythm, light therapy has
been shown to be effective against depression, both SAD and
non-seasonal major depression.
Vitamin plays an important role in mental health, so if fall and
winter months leave you feeling blue, you would be wise to add
vitamin D to your supplement protocol.
Regular exercising has been found to work better than
antidepressant drugs. In fact, it is one of the most powerful
strategies available to prevent and treat depression and boost
your mood. Exercise works by helping to normalize your insulin
levels while simultaneously boosting “feel good” hormones in your
brain. Researchers have also discovered that exercise allows
your body to eliminate kynurenine, a harmful protein associated
with depression
Avoiding processed foods Foods have an immense impact on
your mood and ability to cope, and eating a diet of fresh, whole
foods will best support your mental health
Gut health also influences your mental health – take a good
probiotic and eat fresh and organic foods as much as possible.
Omega -3 fats. -cod-liver oil and also B12 will help
Your mental health is body health and spiritual health all interact
with each other and have to keep all balanced
Stay strong and be courageous and brave