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I have edema and am hypothyroid and these have affected my lymph system over the years. If you need this type of massage you need to do local research in your area to find a person who is qualified and knows how to do this.

YOUR lymph system goes all through your body.  From the top of your head to the bottom of your feet there are lymph systems.  And keeping these clear takes time and effort.  Because once they get clogged up and/or infected there is a disease.  And spiritually, I believe you want to be proactive.  But you do not want to wait to have a doctor tell you that your sick with a disease.

Lymphatic Massage & System

I use a rebounder and have for almost 20 years.  Now, as I age I only bounce. I do not jump as high as I can which is great.  But the bounce is important also.  I have gone to pools, both indoor and outdoor pools.  And I would do 200 jumping jacks.  Which is the same as bouncing on the rebounder.   This spiritually helps me know that I am doing the best I can for my mind, body, and spirit.  This is throughout all my daily works.  Find something that works for you that makes your mind, body and spirit work at their top level.  And to develop to my highest level is my goal and plan for life.

Mind, body, and spirit are all connected.  You cannot work on one without working on all 3.  Nor can you get to your highest level without being in balance the best you can.  YOU are unique and so your plan to be balanced is unique.  Always remember that the Divine Creator created us each unique but yet we are all connected.  And you ask yourself, HOW?

Lymphatic Massage & System


It is always healthy to debate and have discussions.    That is my thought anyway, always enjoy listening to my 3 children have their little group discussions.  The 2nd child, my only daughter,  can out debate anyone I have ever known.  She is the negotiator in the family.   We send her to negotiate car deals.  But, in this blog, I am talking about how 2 different scientists have come up with 2 different amounts of cells in the human body.  How is that done?  It must be either the school they attended or the scientific information they used as their references.  Of course,  to me, the different does not matter.  Just trying to keep 55 Trillion cells happy and well or 100 Trillion cells healthy and happy does not matter.

That is why YOU have to know and understand that YOU are unique in the Universe.  What works for your sister or family member may not work for you.   Different blood types, a different way of thinking.   And you may be a positive thinker and they may be negative.

Just taking care of your cells is a daily job.  Plus the other jobs you have as a person.  But, do take know your Blood type and what foods go with that blood type.  And do acknowledge your environment, your pecking order, and your personality type.  But, there again your culture has a lot to do with your cells being healthy and well or sick and dying.

Thinking about the 100 Trillion Cells

One thing for sure about your aging healthy is that juicing dark green vegetables is probably the best thing for all blood types.  But, to know exactly the foods that go with your blood type go to Dr. D’Amota’s website.  You will learn so much more thank the food but it is always good to get new information about YOU.

Thinking about the 100 Trillion Cells


YOUR Spirit needs Positive Input Daily  It has happened to me also.  Not paying attention to being positive and saying my meditation and prayers.  When my mother, brother, and sister all died within about 2 years of 3 different cancers.  And, on top of that my body got out of alignment and my hips went haywire.  So for several years when I was not at work I was on the couch laying down and “Oh, my”.  I am a believer that at some times during our lives we each go through some kind of a meltdown, downtime, or depression.  The main thing is to eventually get out of the negative place.

Everything in the Universe is connected.  All people are connected and yet we are all Unique.  The Prime Creator never lets us down.  We let ourselves down.   It is sometimes the trauma that causes us to go into a funk and lay on the couch.  There is no one I know who has not had some trauma and there are many kinds of trauma.  Just moving across town is a trauma for one person.  Getting beat by your mother every day as a child is certainly a different level of trauma.  And, yet they can both have lifelong effects on one’s personality and how they look at life.  We each have to determine how much we are going to let our trauma affect our daily life in the future.

YOUR Spirit needs Positive Input Daily

Keep on talking to self about having positive thoughts.  We kind to yourself and appreciate what you do have.  It is all a Blessing and you should have JOY.  Because if you put all the good stuff off then later it is:  Would have, Could have, Should have time.  I do not want that for you or myself.  Time is precious and makes each day count.



We will talk about how herbs and spices can help your Healthy Life Span.  As you will notice in the image above that these fruits are the Fibonacci sequence just like everything else in the Universe.  I know you will pay attention now.

Pepper:  KING OF THE SPICES!!!  I love pepper-I grind my pepper.  Dr. Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D. says it is the king of spices.  Only use the pepper mill – because in just the plain pepper that you buy there can be a percentage of different items.  And they are not good for you, like mouse poop, etc.

Turmeric:  Dr. Aggarwal says that this is a  spice superstar because people who eat this daily are so healthy.  And that its emerging scientific reputation as one of nature’s most powerful healers.  I buy powdered turmeric and spirulina( which I buy out of Australia from    I believe it to be the most tested and organic.

Herbs and Spices are Good for YOUR Body

I will drink 1 teaspoon each turmeric and spirulina.  And grind some pepper which helps turmeric get into the cells better and drink it down.  Excellent for the body and inflammation and good food for every organ of the body.  It is important for you to have a program or a protocol for your own health as you age.

I am now taking Tai Chi – which is a wonderful way to stretch and move one’s body to stay limber as we age.  It is one and a half hours once a week with 108 moves that are graceful and meaningful.  I will talk more about it but here is a list of benefits:  live longer, improve muscle strength, balance, and flexibility, boost cognitive function, improve COPD symptoms, better night-time sleep, improve symptoms of fibromyalgia, improvements in cardiovascular fitness, reduce risk of falls.  Those are all great benefits that I want as I age.

Herbs and Spices are Good for YOUR Body


Most of the images that I use are Fibonacci Sequence so that you can see how the Divine Creator has put some of what we see together.  Of course, YOU know that there is a lot we will never see or know about that the Creator has done.  But, just know that we only see very little of what the Creator has done.   It is enough for me to know that this Creator is Greater than anything or anyone has told us about.  But, your intentions do matter and your positive thinking matters.  From what I know is that we are all connected and yet we are all unique.  How can that be?  I have no clue but when you think about just that, it is amazing from Divine Creator.

There is a lot of negative stuff in our world, has it been done intentionally to distract us I do not know.  But, maybe it has been.  The man who invented TV said it is a vast wasteland, and how true that has proven to be.  When you hear the news is it based on facts and truth or is it someone’s version of facts and truth?  I have not had a TV for about 20 years.

YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.

So we each have to be careful what our Mind takes in because it does make a difference in what we think or how we think.  And our intentions should be for good, for ourself as the priority and then we can help family, friends, and others in our community.

We are in the Milky Way Galaxy, and there are other Universes and yet we are all connected and yet unique.  Everything is about vibration frequency and everything is about Fibonacci Sequence.  And there are cultures who have studied this down the centuries, the music and vibration, and the stars and the constellations.

YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.


And YOUR Consciousness lasts to Infinity.  Is it possible that the vibration of YOUR cells that are at a high level does depend on how the Consciousness(Soul) navigates into the Heavens?  Why not that possibility?  Since everything is about vibration, the universe has the Schulmann Resonance.  The cells in our bodies vibrate at 7.35 – 7.45 to stay healthy.  The earth vibrates and wobbles.  Everything vibrates in the Universe, the Prime Creator did all this so that everything would work well together.  That is all I know.  Prime Creator makes everything work like clockwork.  How Great Thou Art.  I am not talking about any religious god that is talked about in any church where my god is better than your god.  I am talking about the Primer Creator who put this wonderful Universe together so YOU and your family and friends could love and have Joy in everyday living.  The man-reality is who starts wars and wants domination over all peoples.  Take this serious because it is all about Love and Joy,  not fear and evil.

There are lots of people who have more than I have and there are lots who have less.  This is the way it has always been.  I am thankful and grateful to the Prime Creator for what I have.  I hope you have enough and always will.  I wish you a healthy and happy life.  I hope all peoples and humans on earth would want their happiness and everyone else also.

And YOUR Consciousness lasts to Infinity

This man-made world we live in today wants us divided into fighting groups.  But, I will not tolerate that.  I love everyone and sorry and sad some people have very tragic and traumatized lives.  I wish them the best and want them to find joy and peace in their daily life.


It is important for YOU to know that the Fibonacci sequence is in everything and everyone in the Universe.  There is vibration, whether it is YOUR 55 trillion cells that vibrate at 7.35-7.45 Hz or the Schumann Resonance of the vibration of the Universe.  We are all unique but all connected.  The Prime Creator did this.  No one knows how this was done but man-made religions have divided, gone to war, created we are better than you kind of attitude.  But, that is not true.

Love, Forgiveness, Joy, Kindness, a Smile, these are very important to feed your mind as you age.  It is part of your core beliefs.  Our minds need to be fed good positive stuff.  It helped me years ago to let go of negative feelings towards everyone, forgive everyone and myself.  It has helped me mentally to move forward with my own development and learning.  Here I am at 77 still doing researching and learning all I can.  It is important to me to be productive and to be positive and to learn all I can while I am on this plane and in this dimension.  I hope you like to learn and know about the Universe also.

As you look back on your life there will be times that you can say;  I would have, should have, could have, but do not do that to your mind.  From today on using your Core beliefs and Let go of any negatives about anything and anyone in your past.  We all have had trauma at some time in our life.  It does not serve you well if you hang on to that feeling.  Let it go and remember how much you have developed since that pain and hurt.  Be that giant and forgive.  I never say you need to talk directly to that person who hurt you but mentally forgive them and let your mind know you want to be about Love and Kindness and Joy only.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.

Feeding YOUR Mind as YOU Age.




The one thing that you must remember is that everything in YOU, the mind, body, and spirit are all connected.  Treat each part well but treat YOUR whole self better than anyone.  YOU cannot take care of others in your life unless YOU are taking care of YOU the best.  My children are middle age right now and lots of parents are not aging well or passing over.  My goal for aging for myself has been to not have to die in Hospice or a diabetic.  Not that Hospice is not a great group and wonderful people and program I just do not want my children to have those last memories of me all drugged up and going through the illness and/or pain.

Meditate and Pray but there is so much more to the spirit because your bodies health and your mind all go into YOUR Spirit.  They cannot be separate or se[arted.  They are one and connected to everyone else and the Universe.  But, yet we each are distinctly unique but at the base of everything is where the Prime Creator connected everything.  I only know the basic’s here,  It is my belief system that believes the Prime Creator is the power behind the whole Universe and all of us.  Since everything is created with a vibration frequency why would not we all be connected?  And since we are all connected why would there be wars, or this religion is better than that religion.  And since everything is energy and energy never dies that makes sense to me that we are all connected at a level only the Prime Creator knows about.

Read all the ancient texts, starting with the Chaldean texts and Sumer and the BIble.  There are special things in all the ancient text.  Take what you can so you grow and learn.






YOUR Spirit and Mind and Body.



REMEMBER:  Everything in the Universe, including YOU and I, are formed from the Fibonacci sequence and vibration frequency.

The book I will talk about today is:  Alkalize or Die.  I first got this book about 20 years ago, it was first published in 1991 and is in it tqwlth printing that I have.  But, I used this book and read and re-read it for the wonderful information Dr. Theodore A. Baroody provdied.  It goes along with the 55 Trillion cells in every human’s body.  Of course, over the years from my childhood, I have had 3 broken arms, 2 hips replaced,  hysterectomy, cataract surgery and other bumps and bruises, and 3 children.  All this trauma to my body has affected those 55 Trillion cells that were not always kept in the Alkalized state like they should have been.

Alkalize or Die – it is YOUR Choice.

Plus over the last 70 + years the food, water, air, and soil around the world has changed drastically.  And not for the better.  My theory is to counter what I can by juicing, buying at the local farmers market,  and go with quality.  I try to stay away from boxed, canned, and bagged foods.  Now, I want you to know that for me that is not 100%.

Dr. Baroody has a page of credentials.  But I am going to give you his introduction to his book.  Please go out and buy it for your own library also.  Here is the following:

There are so many confusing theories about the way the body operates.  This not only applies to the orthodox medical community but also to the alternative health community as well.  Few systems have a workable philosophy that is more than a mass of disassociated pieces of body physiology compiled by “publish or perish” experiments.    My viewpoint is founded on ancient Hindu, Chinese, Tibetan, and Greco-European healing philosophies and on the works of several great modern men in the field of health.

Alkalize or Die – it is YOUR Choice.


Fibonacci Day is November 23rd.  Mr. Fibronacci deserves a day and almost no one knows him.  In this website we talk about him and how important it was when he translated the numbers so we would know the Fibonacci sequence or can be called the Golden Code, many things really.  Our Spirit is connected to our Higher Power, or the Prime Creator, of some people, call it God.  I like Prime Creator because lots of people call it God and that is fine.  We are all unique and we all have a unique way of connecting with this Higher Power.  I cannot understand how anyone can be an Atheist.  Because there is so much information about what this Prime Creator is the creator.  We each have 55 Trillion cells that vibrate at 7.35-7.45 and then there is the Schumann Resonance and the vibration of everything and frequency.  Man’s religion is much different than the Prime Creator’s religion.  Prime Creator does not do wars, evil, hateful jealous, envy.  Love, good thoughts, kind, joy, and all positive thoughts and deeds are from the Great One.

The higher we keep our cells vibrating as I wrote above, the higher we connect with everything and those in the Universe.  I have no idea how everything works, but I believe from just know about the vibration of our cells, the vibration of the Universe, and the Fibonacci numbers everything is connected.  I am sure there is more but I do not know about it.

Taking care of YOU is the most important thing you can do.  YOU cannot take care of others well if you are not well.  So make sure that your mind body and spirit is growing, learning and developing every day.  Exercising, eating quality and organic foods as much as possible.  These things help keep your body vibrating and your Spirit moving higher all the time.  Understanding that everyone and everything in the Universe is connected but we each are unique.

YOUR Spirit Mind and Body Connected.
