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Fill the Body with healthy and nutritious foods

Your Body is a temple – treat it like one

Make sure your Body is getting the nutrients that is required to keep it running like a well-tuned car

Iodine is one of the nutrients that I never knew were so important until the past several years, but in all the books that I read from Doctors they point out how important Iodine is, and especially for people like myself who are hypothyroidism.

We are all individuals and our Bodies are all different:  our environment, our genetics, our lifestyles are all different and we need to take all these into consideration when looking for the right ratio and kind of nutrients to make our bodies run as well as possible for our entire life so we can have this HEALTHY LIFE SPAN.

YOUR body is not going to function at the high level it should if YOUR body is not fed the right foods and nutrients.

The soil of the earth is not like it was 50 years ago so your vegetables and fruit are not the high quality they use to be.  For YOUR body – grow what vegetables and fruit you can in you  yard or apartment.  Buy at local farmer’s market if you are not able to grow your own.


A Prayer for Today

This is the beginning of a new day.  God has given me this day to use as I will.  I can waste it or use it for good but what I do today is important, because I am exchanging a day of my life for it.  When tomorrow comes, this day will be gone forever, leaving in its place something I have traded for it.  I want it to be gain and not loss, good and not evil, success and not failure, in order that I shall not regret the price that I have paid for it.



JUST FOR TODAY     I will try to live through this day only, and not tackle my whole life’s problems at once.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will be happy.  I will assume to be true what Abraham Lincoln said, “My folks were as happy as they      made up their minds to be.”

JUST FOR TODAY     I will try to strengthen my mind, I will study and I will learn something useful.  I will read something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will adjust my self to what is and not try to adjust everything for my own desires.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will exercise my soul in three ways:  I will do somebody a good turn and not get found out; I will do at least two things I do not want to do, just for exercise;  I will not show anyone that my feelings are hurt, they may be hurt but today I will not show it.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will be agreeable.  I will look as well as I can, dress becomingly, talk low, act courteously, criticize not one bit, not find fault with anything and not try to improve or regulate anybody but myself.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will have a program, I may not follow it exactly but I will have it.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will save myself from two pests:  hurry and indecision.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will have a quiet half hour all by myself.  During this half hour I will try to get a better perspective on my life.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will be unafraid.  Especially I will not be afraid to enjoy what is beautiful and to believe that as I give to the world so the world will give back to me.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will recognize God as my Heavenly Father and that I am his child and to think, act and feel accordingly.  This is the day which the Lord hath made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.

JUST FOR TODAY      I will pray at noon for the world’s greatest need,  “Grant peace, O God, in our time, Amen.

JUST FOR TODAY     I will give back to God this day before going to sleep in this covering prayer:


O Lord, thou knows how I live;

All I have done amiss forgive;

All of good I have tried to do:

Strengthen, bless and carry through;

All I love in safety keep,

While in thee, I fall asleep.






You have only one mind, but it possesses two distinctive characteristics.  They have different attributes and power.  

Conscious Mind                                                    Sub-Conscious Mind

Objective                                                                  Subjective

   Like navigator                                     Answers to all your problems

hold ideas here                                get reactions according to nature

Belief is a thought in our mind.  THINK POSITIVE AND ALWAYS and EVERYDAY

Say “I can do all things through the power of my sub-conscious mind”

We are what we think!!





You need to know that there is research going on all the time

about different topics and issues around the world at different

universities and different organizations or foundations.


One of the topics I really like to know about is different

between the mind and the brains.


If you believe they are the same you are wrong –they are 2

different parts.  In Berlin, they have a master’s program about

each – the brain for one master’s program and the mind for

another master’s program.  I will go over these programs later o.


Right now I will tell you about the research paper on Control Mind-

unleash your mind power.  Just to give a little tease they talk

about the mind/brain being a computer and needing hardware

and software.


In our culture, we use the words brain and mind interchangeable

even though they really do refer to separate, although often

overlapping concepts.  The brain is an organ but the mind is not.

The brain is the physical place where the mind resides.  It is a

vessel in which the electronic impulses that create thought are

contained.  With the brain, you coordinate your moves, your

organism, your activities, and transmit impulses.  But you use the

mind to think.  You can muse at what happened, what is

scheduled and what maybe will happen.


The mind is the manifestations of thought, perception, emotion,

determination, memory, and imagination that takes place with the

brain.  The mind is often used to refer especially to the thought

processes of reason.  The mind is the awareness of

consciousness we know, the ability to control what we do and

know what we are doing and why.  It is the ability to understand.

An animal is able to interpret their environments, but not

understand them.  Whereas humans are able to understand what

happens around them, even if not the scientific reasoning for it,

and therefore adapt.


The mind made humans capable of solving complex logical

problem which differentiates us than other living beings.  Logic

makes us understand that things are not as what they seem.  Our

ability to analyze situations makes it possible to develop solutions

to problems and lead us toward practical solutions. We may not

be able to see atoms, but we can design experiments that enable

us to know their properties.  Each state of scientific advancement

has usually been made by trying to reach a logical conclusion

consistent with our observations.


We could say that our brain is part of our body and our mind –

outside of the brain, is sense, thoughts, feelings, emotions,

surroundings which is collected by our soul/body/and our life

experiences from childhood.


Have the neuroscientists figured out what specifically the mind is?

And what we call our subconscious mind is interspersed within

the mind a sub-set of the mind but with “intention” gets us where

we want to go in life.


Healthy NutritionStart today taking care of your posture, muscles, bones and



It is all about YOUR NUTRITION that goes into your body

YOUR body changes in posture and gait-your walking pattern are

common with aging.  Also, changes in the skin and hair are



YOUR skeleton provides support and structure to the body.  YOU

need to know what to do to take care of this support system.

muscles provide the force and strength to move the body.

Coordination is directed by the brain but is affected by changes

in the muscles and joints.  Changes in the muscles, joints, and

bones affect the posture and walk, and lead to weakness and

slowed movement.


YOU will loose bone mass and or density as YOU age, especially

women after menopause.  YOUR bones lose calcium and other




Even YOUR foot arches may become less pronounced,

contributing to a slight loss of height.


The long bones of YOUR arms and legs are more brittle because

of mineral loss, but they do not change length.


The joints become stiffer and less flexible.  Fluid in the joints may

decrease.  The cartilage may begin to rub together and wear

away.  Minerals may deposit in and around some joint such as



Hip and knew joints may begin to lose cartilage and the fingers

and bones may thicken.


Lean body mass decreases.  This decrease is partly cased by a

loss of muscle tissue and atrophy sets in.


The speed and amount of muscle changes seem to be caused by

genes.  Muscle changes often begins in the 20 s in men and in

the 40 s in women.


Muscles fibers shrink, muscle tissue is replaced more slowly.


Lost muscle tissue may be replaced with a tough fibrous tissue.

Most noticeable in the hands, which may look thin and bony.


YOU may not notice YOUR inside body, muscles, and joints are

Starting to change in your 40 s as a woman – but BEWARE those

are changing and you need to be proactive and not wait until

something happens to YOUR body and become reactive.



  1. Muscle loss can affect your energy level
  1. Muscles play a role in your body movement, balance and


  1. Invest in your muscles NOW before something happens.
  1. YOUR diet is directly linked to YOUR muscle health.
  1. Eat to build up muscle loss – NUTRITION
  1. NOURISH your body – start today


My body was out of alignment for along time-had to have both

hips replace but have been working to rebuild

I fix chicken feet broth to help build my collagen back into my

muscles and joints.


Buy chicken feet at farmer’s market and cook in slow cooker for

about 20 hours with a couple table Bragg’s apple cider vinegar.

Put into zip lock bags in the freezer and drink one cup a week.

It makes your body feel so wonderful and your face will be smooth

and show no wrinkles – even at almost 75 years of age I have no



2 Levels of 1 MIND—Conscious and Subconscious

Mind By November 17, 2017 Tags: No Comments







How do YOU use your Conscious and Subconscious mind?


Dr. Joseph Murphy wrote, taught, and inspired millions with his

books over the many years.  He lived from 1898-1981.  He died

just as I was getting to know his wonderful work and have read

and re-read many time his book “The Power of Your

Subconscious Mind.


He says that scientific prayer is the harmonious interaction of the

conscious and subconscious levels of mind scientifically directed

for a specific purpose.  I would say that “intent” is the word they

use now – Dr. Murphy used “specific”.


You can learn how to tap into the infinite power within you.  Each

of us can do that – solve problems and bring harmony to SELF

and relationships.


We will go over the way YOU can tap into that infinite power

within YOURself.


There is only one mind-YOURS – but YOUR mind has 2 distinctive

characteristics.  There is a line of demarcation between the 2 and

they are essentially unlike.  Conscious and subconscious have

separate and distinct attributes and powers.


Objective                                           Subjective

Conscious                                         Subconscious

Waking                                              Sleeping

Surface self                                       Deep self

Voluntary mind                                  Involuntary mind

Many other terms.


Control your thoughts-

What do you want your relationships to be like –  harmony

What do you want your life to look like –  successful


Start planting those good thoughts that go from conscious to



The thoughts have to be constructive, harmonious, and peaceful,

the magic working power of your subconscious will respond and

bring harmonious conditions, agreeable surroundings, and the

best of everything.


Knowing how the conscious and subconscious minds work will

enable you to transform your whole life.


Always give the thoughts and ideas in your mind:


Lovingly and with feelings.


You are the captain navigating the ship – give the right orders –

thoughts and images.





Change your thoughts and change your DESTINY

Once your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to

execute it.

Think and feel

Whatever YOU claim mentally and feel as true, your

subconscious mind will accept and bring forth into your

experience and life.


YOUR emotions and feelings are so very important on going from

your conscious to your subconscious receiving the directions.


Once your subconscious mind accepts an idea, it begins to

execute it.  The law of the subconscious mind works for good and

bad ideas alike.  Peace of mind and a healthy body are inevitable

when you begin to think and feel in the right way.  Whatever you

claim mentally and feel as true, your subconscious mind will

accept and bring forth into your experience.  Please do not think it

is all going to be in the next 5 min, 5 days, do not set a time



Psychologists and psychiatrists point out that when thoughts are

conveyed to your subconscious mind, impressions are made in

your brain cells and puts it into effect immediately.


Conscious mind it subjective mind is cognizance of its 5 senses,

and is the reasoning mind.  Your subconscious mind accepts

what is impressed up it or what you consciously believe.  There is

only one mind with 2 parts – remember that you have control over

both parts and make it so you have peace, harmony, wonderful

relationships, and financial success.




YOUR life and it’s meaning.


I have read lots of Ph.D.’s books on life’s meaning and what life

means.  Only YOU can tell what YOUR life means and how YOU

want it to look when YOU are gone.


YOUR life’s meaning can be anything YOU want it to be.

In search for meaning for YOUR life.

Think on the following:

Control each day

Plan each day

Have a mission each day

Produce something good each day

Write in a journal each day

Have gratitude each day

Be thankful each day

Treat your body as a temple each day

Be quiet a portion of the day

Exercise each day

Feed your body nutrition each day

2 weeks before my sister died of leukemia she told me “I wish I

would have done more with my life, I know I could have”.  It was

the saddest thing I had ever heard.  Life retains it’s meaning up to

the last moment of breath we take here on earth.

I have always done projects and worked on learning new things,

done a lot of volunteer work and worked at being productive all

my life so when my end here on earth came I would not have to

say “I wish” or ‘I regret”.  If you want to limit those statements,

then it is up to YOU to make a meaningful life and do not wait

until tomorrow, start today.



Inspire SELF

Empower SELF

Challenge SELF

Value SELF



Forgive SELF

Be true to SELF

Enjoy professional life

Enjoy SELF



Forgive others

All the above will help to keep YOU balanced and SAFE in your

own SELFHOOD for your meaning of YOUR life.

Always stay ahead and never behind as issues that come up in

life. That alone will help in YOUR search for meaning in YOUR

life. Take care of those problems and issues and get them off the

table so you can move on to the better things in YOUR life.

Grieving and anger will be covered on future blogs but those are

2 natural feelings that we all go through in life.

Keeping busy helps in YOUR search for meaningful life.

Enjoy each day

Be productive during the day

Turn off the TV

Read a good book

Pamper SELF

Work in YOUR garden – small or large

Sit in the sun

Have healthy relationships

Look for the silver lining.

Going from one day to the next day – I work on being as positive

as I can be and not complaining about others.  Does that work the

whole time?  Of course not, but I would say 85% of the time I am

positive and would not waste my time complaining.  For one thing

it slows me down on my daily mission.

Stop and smell the flowers – that it what I have been talking about

in this blog.  Be thankful for SELF, forgive SELF, love SELF and

most of all smell the flowers








Dr. Axe has some wonderful information on electrolytes:

The major electrolytes found within the body include calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphate and chloride. Because these crucial nutrients help stimulate nerves throughout the body and balance fluid levels, an electrolyte imbalance can cause a variety of serious negative symptoms, including some that are potentially deadly.

You obtain electrolytes through eating different foods and drinking certain fluids, while you lose them partially through exercise, sweating, going to the bathroom and urinating. This is why a poor diet, too little or too much exercise, and being sick are some possible causes for an electrolyte imbalance.

Some of the major roles that electrolytes have within the body include:

  • Calcium: helping with muscle contractions, nerve signaling, blood clotting, cell division, and forming/maintaining bones and teeth
  • Potassium: helping keep blood pressure levels stable, regulating heart contractions, helping with muscle functions
  • Magnesium: needed for muscle contractions, proper heart rhythms, nerve functioning, bone-building and strength, reducing anxiety, digestion, and keeping a stable protein-fluid balance
  • Sodium: helps maintain fluid balance, needed for muscle contractions, and helps with nerve signaling
  • Chloride: maintains fluid balance


hese are some of the key practices I turn to when I need a reminder (or two) on how to lift my spirits and bring more joy to my journey. Try them out if they sound like a fit for you.

1) Turn the Page
Each day is a gift and a chance to start fresh. If yesterday was heavy, give yourself permission to turn the page. Start today with a new intention, one that will prompt you to focus on the landscape before you. When we give ourselves the gift of new perspective, hidden gems have a way of appearing and reminding us of the joy that lives within us.

2) Fuel Your Machine Properly
Your body is your most valuable asset — treat it well. Much like we wouldn’t put soap in the gas tank of our car, we shouldn’t be consuming food that is overly processed and filled with chemicals and junk. We humans are meant to be eating whole foods that are alive, instead of the packaged junk and processed food we are constantly inundated with. When we take control and feed our bodies with nutritious food and clean water, it makes a world of difference in how we feel. When we feel good in our bodies, it is so much easier to maintain a bright disposition.

3) Get Enough Sleep
Sleep deprivation is dreadful. It wasn’t until I became a mother that I realized what a precious commodity a good night’s sleep truly is. Getting enough pillow time has a way of making us feel more human. Sleep is such an amazing gift to recharge and start to see things with fresh eyes. According to, “sleep is a vital indicator of overall health and well-being.” Click here to check out their downloadable recommended sleep times chart.

4) Get into the Driver’s Seat
When life feels dull or uninspiring, it’s the perfect time to remind ourselves that we can get back into the driver’s seat of our lives. Sometimes we need the reminder that we are in ultimate control of how we choose to react to experiences before us and how we move forward. Sure sometimes the steps may take time — that is okay. There is something really empowering in remembering that we are in the driver’s seat of our life, and if we want to feel more joy, we can start moving towards that happier destination at our own pace.

5) Limit Your Screen Time
How much time do you needlessly waste on social media, in front of your TV or on your computer? More importantly, how much of your life force is dimmed while you sit there? I always find that the more time I spend being inundated by sensory overload or looking at other people’s highlight reels, the harder it is for me to switch gears and get back into being present in my own life. When I am feeling low in energy or feel like I am not measuring up, I come to this reminder and look at where I can immediately begin limiting the amount of screen time I am getting. Having a break for some fresh air and leaving the phone behind is liberating — it is a boost that can often be felt on a physical level.

6) Check in With Your Trusted Peeps
We are social beings and are meant to be connecting with others. The special people in our lives who want to see us shine bright, are the ones we can go to when we need a little lift. There is nothing like a good belly laugh with a friend or a warm embrace to brighten our mood. Receiving the gift of being really seen, or seeing someone else for who they are, has a way of making us come alive.

7) Back to Basics
If life feels complicated and heavy, see what changes when you put your attention on the simplest things. When I feel overwhelmed with too much to do, I love to lace up my shoes and get outside for a run. There is something about nature and fresh air that melts my stress away. When things get stressful to the point of feeling it in our bodies, I believe it is a strong indicator we need to simplify. Getting back to basics can include things like: getting outside, having real conversations with real people, enjoying a meal with a loved one or doing an activity you know brings you joy. The basic things in life always seem to be right under our nose, it is just a matter of putting our focus there.

8) Spiritual Practice
Sometimes life deals things that are hard to wrap our minds around and life can quickly feel disheartening and unfair. Having faith in a higher power, in a way that is meaningful and true for you, has a way of bringing a sense of peace and acceptance throughout life. Having a spiritual practice we can turn to can become an anchor and a powerful way to reignite our light from within.

9) Time Management
If life feels like it is out of control and you can’t keep up, see what happens when you implement time management strategies. There are many digital time management systems out there that can help. Set event reminders on your phone and computer. Set an alarm as a reminder to leave early. Start your day by writing a list of what you intend to accomplish, and put time parameters around each task. Sometimes we need to let go of things that aren’t important and prioritize what is. Having some control over our time management sets us up to feel like we are right where we are meant to be — and that is empowering.

10) Dream Big

Keeping our deepest desires and dreams alive is the very fuel that keeps our spirits bright. Give yourself the gift of having goals and dreams, and don’t allow fear to have a say in how big your dreams may be. When we give ourselves the gift of thinking about our dreams and sharing them with others, it is an automatic way to brighten our spirits.

11) Gratitude Practice
When we put our attention on all of the things we are grateful for, we get to experience a boost that can be felt on a very deep level. A gratitude practice can look like whatever you want. It could be counting your blessings at the start of the day, throughout the day or as a way to end the day. Perhaps you will choose all of the above. Like everything in life, when we put our own personal spin on things, it has a way of becoming meaningful and more powerful. What about you, what are you grateful for today?
