There will be several topics in today’s blog:
Like I have said over and over again here in these blogs is that
I do prevention against disease; against cancer, diabetes,
arthritis, and any other disease, any autoimmune disease is
really any disease plus inflammations of anything in the body.
My goal is to never have any of the above. I had already
become hypothyroid in the 1980s and have been determined not
to have anything else that would cause me any disease. So far,
I have not had any other disease besides that which being
Hypothyroid is enough because one is more susceptible to
cancer, diabetes, and heart disease being hypothyroid so I take
care nutritionally of my body.
Since each of us is unique in body structure with genes and
DNA plus a mired of other factors you need to feed your body
nutrition that will keep you from disease and this website gives
YOU the tools to know your body, mind, and spirit to keep SELF
Healthy while you age.
You need to know how much of each you body needs but
be sure you are putting into your body the best quality you can
afford anything because You are in control of YOUR body and
whether it gets any disease or not.
I believe I would not have gotten hypothyroidism if I had known that
Iodine was the one thing my thyroid runs on and my body was
running out of Iodine.
Below is a list for nutrition that YOUR body needs:
When you eat foods that contain protein, they are broken down in the body into amino acids. These amino acids are used to build and repair any muscle tissue. This is great for those who are physically active or exercise regularly. You are able to recover at a faster rate than if you do not consume protein. Every tissue in your body is made up of protein and you need to consume enough through your diet to replenish it. Protein is also needed to help your immune and nervous system.
Gives you energy to function throughout your day. Good carbs
Can be from vegetables and fruits. When carbs are ingested your pancreas releases a hormone called insulin. Insulin helps the carbs to be stored in the muscles or as fat. Stored carbs in the body are also known as glycogen. They are an energy supply and help to achieve better fat loss but help in overall physique.
Without fats, you will not be able to survive. They keep your body warm during cold weather. Fats lubricate joints and keep your muscles loose and mobile for good workouts.
Personally, I eat Irish Gold butter which is an excellent fat, I eat cottage cheese not a lot but a little. I eat beef which has some good fat.
I stay away from bad fats – anything man-made is bad fat or anything else for that matter.
Natural fat is good fat, man-made and processed fat is bad.
Vitamins and minerals,
I make sure I also get enough vitamins and minerals. B-complex
Is very important. I drink Yerba mate tea-250 minerals from south
American. Because I drink some distilled water I take Dr. Marshall’s pink salt for another good dose of minerals.
Always, enough – not too much and not too little. I have 2 types
Filtered water at home-a PH alkaline water filter and a distilling machine for water and that is all the water I drink from those 2 sources.