Your Body contains 50 Trillion Cells
YOUR body contains 50 trillion cells. All those cells vibrate at 7.35 – 7.45 which is Alkaline. If you have scars or surgeries there is a change in those vibrations.
YOUR Body contains 50 trillion cells. Vibration should be kept high or YOU will have a disease. Each cell vibrates at 7.35 to 7.45 – that is alkaline levels.
Each cell is like a different personality – they are like an individual person. Vibrating at the range listed above. However, to keep that vibration high and YOUR body alkaline takes daily monitoring.
Vibration and alkaline are like the same thing.
Juicing once a week – Juice on Sunday will last in glass mason jar through Wednesday.
Eating foods with high alkaline levels will help
Exercising and doing meditations or prayers daily will help.
Having positive thoughts daily will help.
Gowing and developing daily will help
Having Joy, and being happy for other’s success
Not being afraid or living in fear will help
Step up to the plate – become that person that has Joy.
The person that lived a Well-Lived Life
The person who dies Healthy and not of disease.
YOUR body contains 50 trillion cells that have to vibrate to stay healthy
To be that person you have had a daily plan and live that plan. Dying healthy is much more than just eating well, or just exercising, or just praying. It is all those together on YOUR daily walk.
Life is difficult – like the Road Less Traveled said in the opening sentence – but YOU can make that difference of going higher or standing still.
I love to learn – everything I can about ME but about life, the universe, GOD and how God has made us.
How are you doing on YOUR Journey?
Having positive thoughts can help you with staying healthy.
During the day I say “Thank you, Thank you, Thank you”, as I go through my day.
Keeping those 50 Trillion cells healthy takes YOUR time and energy every day