Spiritual well-Being
Every day YOU have to be a Spiritual,
Mental, Emotional, and Physical well-being. And it all has to be in
harmony and balanced.
YOU have to be mindful every day of that harmony and balance.
YOUR daily stress has to have harmony and be balanced.
Most ancient cultures pointed to a connection between body,
mind, and spirit and recognized that each composed a part of the
whole. Now, integrative medicine and health psychology are
beginning to recognize that health is influenced not only by the
physical body but the spiritual, mental, and emotional bodies, too.
Your health is dependent on all four facets, as opposed to just
one of the four. Building onto this concept your overall health is
also influenced by a trickle-down effect. The physical body is
affected by our emotions, our thoughts direct how we feel, and
our energy level sways our mind and our thoughts. Let us get
more specific on the details of each body and the practices
you can follow to main their health.
Practices for the Spiritual Body:
Practice meditation daily
Learn to work with energy, through practices such as ways to
keep the energy channels open
Study consciousness, religion, or philosophy
Attend a silent retreat to deepen your connection to Self
The Mental Body
Set goals
Get a coach or mentor to keep focused on your goals
Daily recapitulation
Continue your education
Eliminate stressors from your life
The Emotional Body
Practice forgiveness
Deepen your connection with others
Spend time cultivating gratitude for the gifts and opportunities you
have been given
Practice mental and emotional release techniques
The Physical Body
Move your body exercise
Prepare fresh, organic meals
Get plenty of sleep
Receive regular massages
Spend time in nature
Try all the above on a daily basis – I do not believe that everyone
can do things every day forever. Give yourself a break and
forgive SELF is you miss a day once in awhile. It is life.
Be nice
Be joyful
Be quiet
Be forgiving
Be kind
Be funny
Be smiling
Be energetic
Be thoughtful
Be mindful
Be supportive
Be encouraging
Be empowering
Be healthy
Be positive
Be courteous
Be embolden
All the above can help YOU stay in harmony and balanced.
Take care and enjoy every day