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Healthy Thought Patterns


Ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and

forgiveness.  I practice it often:    writing down one

of my children’s name or saying it out loud and

then praying:  I am sorry, please forgive me, I love

you, thank you.  I repeat it for at least 10-15 minutes

for that person.  I pray it before I go on auto trip –

touching my car.  I have prayed it in an airplane

when there has been turbulence.

It corrects, restores and maintains good

relationships among family members and their God

by getting to the causes and sources of trouble.

There was a Hawaiian psychiatrist that performed

this with inmates in prison for murder.  The ones

he performed this on were released from prison

because they became good citizens.


Ho’oponopono in 4 simple steps

  1. Repentance –  I AM SORRY
  1. Ask forgiveness  –  PLEASE FORGIVE ME
  1. Gratitude – THANK YOU
  1. Love  –  I LOVE YOU


I  have used Ho’oponopono for years plus I meditate and

Pray also.  I use all the tools I have in my Tool Box.

Deepen YOUR understanding of how the universe and especially

YOUR part of the universe


It is not always easy and can be very stressful on each of us

Individually but accept that we are the sum total of all past

thoughts, emotions, words, deeds and actions and that our

present lives and choices are colored or shaded by this memory

bank of the past, then we begin to ssee how a process of

correcting or setting aright can change our lives, our families and

our society.


The above is from Momah Nalamaku Simeona that founded the

Foundation of I, Inc.











Are you willing to grow beyond TODAY?




The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not “the


The moment you start watching the thinker; a higher level of

consciousness becomes activated.

You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence

Beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that


You also realize that all the things that truly matter—–

Beauty, love, creativity, joy, inner peace —

Arise from beyond the mind.


YOUR mind has gone from 0 at birth to what it is today – but

Defining YOUR mind is not easy because it is YOUR mind-

And for the FREE mind to be defined it has to accept that

On a daily basis YOU define who you are;







They can be wonderful teachers but you are who you define.

Have a mission everyday, be in control of your day and not

your day controlling you.


Make it a habit to ask yourself:

What is going on inside of me at this very moment?

How am I feeling?

What am I thinking?

Know that you have a past and appreciate that past

And know that you have a future and be grateful for that future.

But in this moment in time; how are you feeling and what are

you thinking.

Remember that there are only 2 feelings:

Love and fear

I choose love

I choose forgiveness

I choose being proactive

I choose being in the NOW

I choose letting go

I choose to be the giant


Do not choose fear

Not forgiving brings disease, stress, and high blood pressure

And forgiving self MENTALLY first is beneficial to

a long and healthy life

Do not be reactive – always last one to the table

Do not hang onto yesterday’s issues.

Do not create a problem – because it creates pain.


Is there joy, ease, lightness, peace, and harmony in what

I am doing today?
See the picture I have posted in this blog?

Are you going into the fog or are you clearing a path as you go?


When you live in the moment, because you have let go of

any unhappiness from the past you begin to have JOY.

Never be concerned about the out come of what you are doing

because it will be JOY in the end with the practice of Love


Where ever you are being there totally – do not think of anything

else but where you are and what is going on that moment.

Breathing is so important to you living in the moment.  Take

some time each week to just sit and breathe.  Breath deeply

and you will know when you are breathing too shallow.

Shallow breathing is not healthy and your cells need the oxygen

That you are breathing in deeply.  Count to 10-20 breathing in

And hold that breathe and then breath out slowly.

All these are so good mentally for YOU and the moment.


Rainbow on road less traveled

Some thoughts about Dr. M. Scott Peck’s book, “The Road Less Traveled”

Dr. Peck says he does not make any distinction between the mind and the spirit, and therefore no distinction between the process of achieving spiritual growth and achieving mental growth, and I can see that there certainly is a reason to believe in this process for myself.

I always encourage everyone to read all the books we talk about on this website because we all understand and accept anything with our own uniqueness.

I believe everyone has a different perspective on mind and spirit so it is an individual decision but maybe we should just accept the fact that the holistic whole person includes all this and more.

I read this book in the 1980s – and the first sentence in the book that will always be one of the most important 3 words to me is:

“Life is difficult.”

Things never change because that is the first of the Four Noble Truths which Buddha taught which is “Life is suffering”…and we all look at that from our own perspective.

I thought everyone lived like my family – and as I have developed and gained insight on my own awareness no one lived like us because we all are unique families.

Even every individual within a family does not have same spirituality as each other nor should they.

Dr. Peck does write that life is a series of problems and asks “Do we want to moan about them or solve them?” — “Do we want to teach our children to solve them?”

Solving OUR problems is very easy when YOU can make decisions but there may be two reasons YOU need to know for SELF:

  1. Only solve YOUR problems – not anyone else’s problems — not even your parents or children’s.
  2. The better you know SELF the better and faster you can solve YOUR problems.

Discipline is the basic set of tools we require to solve life’s problems. Without discipline, we can solve nothing. Looking in-depth and picking things apart we can solve life’s problem – talking to SELF, encouraging SELF, doing nice things for SELF, being kind to SELF also help solve problems. And what can be a small life’s problem to you may be a big life’s problem to me or the other way around.

Self-discipline is just one of the tools in our arsenal of how to deal with life’s problem and solve them.

And always remember that you only have to solve YOUR problems and not anyone else’s or take them on yourself, let go of other’s problems. Repeat the Serenity Prayer – forever and forever and be thankful every day, Let Go and Let God – love those Alanon sayings.

Do not avoid solving YOUR problems because will cause MORE problems and will cause YOU greater stress and be an inability to develop mentally and spiritually like YOU really want.

Cannot stress that the week you die — if you do not start today YOU will say the same thing my sister did when they gave her 2 weeks: “I know I could have done more with my life”










Sea Gull

What you can learn walking down a beach…

Today, we are going to talk about this wonderful spiritual book that will add to your life in a wonderful way but if you have already read it then you know that but read on and enjoy what it has meant to me and others since it was written in the 1970’s.

Richard Bach said he was walking along the beach one day and a voice told him the summary of the book, although Mr. Bach is an admitted atheist.





YOUR commitment to moving higher and higher

That is Johnathan – and is that YOU?

Banished from his flock because he tries to be different!

Johnathan moved to a higher level of existence.

Is that what YOU are doing?

Johnathan found a master, a mentor, a guide that led him down  the path of greater truth.

ARE YOU going down that path?  START TODAY

Other seagulls learned from Johnathan that higher truths are more important than popularity and fitting in.

Johnathan and his friend, Fletcher, discuss love and decide that real love is seeing the good in everyone.  Johnathan realizes he is no longer needed, he disappears and lets Fletcher continue his work.  Johnathan forgives the flocks, and Fletcher carries on the work, Johnathan forgives the Flock for banishing him and leaves behind Fletcher, a wise seagull, to continue his work.

Reading any book just one time is not going to allow you to reach that higher level you want.  Not necessarily reading a book right after you have finished it, but say let some time go by and you will learn more about you because in the spiritual books we talk about this website Spirituality is about development throughout  YOUR lifetime.

Ray Bradbury, at the end of his life, said, “Will each of us think, I DID MY BEST! — Or — I NEVER TRIED….”

I work on on the productivity theory since the 1970s. I always have projects going:  sewing, knitting, painting my home outside and inside, volunteer work.  My library is about 2,000 books so have read a lot – and do read books more than 1 time.  So I will continue on this path of productivity.  And I am saddened to say when my sister was dying she told me: “I wish I would have done more with my life- I know I could have.”  I do not want for you at the end of your life.  I have planned for the end of my life to look back to be meaningful.

Looking within and moving to those higher levels that we were made for.

I always wanted to make my life “meaningful”.  The only way I could do that was with the talents and knowledge I have been given.

YOU and I have to do our best every day and then we know at the end we can say “I did my best”.


EMFs are all around you and I – with all the technology we have available to us today – we have to counter how these affect our bodies and especially our Pineal Gland.

If one is sensitive to EMFs they may cause:

Nervous systems symptoms

Body and skin sensitivity

Foggy brain and depression


There are a mired of symptoms coming from EMFs.

By keeping one’s body at as high PH level as possible it will help counter all these EMFs


Inflammation can happen anywhere in the body.  It is your job to keep inflammation in control so that it does not create health problems later on down the years for you.

This year I am getting a long list of blood test for part of my annual checkup with my doctor.  One, of the test I will get is C-reactive protein test that will measure any hidden inflammation in my body.  I have had both hips replaced and several broken arms when I was a child so there may be inflammation that I do not know about.

Here is a list that Dr. Mark Hyman say may cause inflammation or hidden inflammation:

Poor Diet – mostly sugar, refined flours, processed foods, and bad fats

Lack of exercise


Hidden or chronic infections with viruses, bacteria, yeasts, or parasites

Allergens from food or environment

Toxins = mercury and pesticides

Mold toxins and allergens

When I get my blood test results back = then I will decide what action I need to take for relieving this hidden inflammation













by Lizzie Clark Hardy


Sometime at eve when the tide is low,

    I shall slip my mooring and sail away,

With no response to the friendly hail

    Of kindred craft in the busy bay

In the silent hush of the twilight pale

    When the night stoops down to embrace the day

And the voices call o’er the waters flow….

    Sometime at evening when the tide is low

I shall slip moorings and sail away

Through the purple shadows that darkly trail 

    O’er the ebbing tide of the unknown sea

I shall fade me away, with a dip of a sail

    And ripple of waters to tell the tale

Of a lonely voyager sailing away

    To Mystic Isles where at anchor lay

The crafts of those who have sailed before

    O’er the Unknown Sea to the Unknown Shore

A few who have watched me sail away

    Will miss my craft from the busy bay,

Some friendly barks that were anchored near

    Some loving hearts that my soul held dear

In the silent sorrow shall drop a tear

    But I shall have peacefully furled my sail

In moorings sheltered from storm or gale

    And greeted friends who have sailed before

O’er the Unknown Sea to the Well Known Shore



SELF has to forgive ALL

Forgive SELF first – for ALL

Forgive anyone who has been difficult to you over the years.  FOR EVERYTHING

Forgiving Self and everyone is STRESS Releasing and will help your overall mind, body and spirit function to their highest levels


This is at the top of the pyramid as to how to take care of SELF for living a healthy life

No matter what your diet or food choices are you need to do Alkaline choices every day

Foods that help your body will be 7.0 or above PH level

Learn what these foods are for your own benefit of healthy living


The letters pH stand for potential of hydrogen, with is a measurement of the hydrogen ion scale ranging from 1-14 with 1 being the most acidic, 7 being neutral and 14 being the most alkaline.

Bob’s Red Mill baking soda is economical and easily available to reach the 14 on a daily basis.  Just put a pinch in each glass of water, juice, or other organic drink for the day.

Test your pH by buying pH strips you can buy online or some drug stores and put it in your mouth first thing in morning before eat or drink anything for 2-3 seconds.

Just knowing where your body is with the pH levels helps motivates you into other areas to keep your body in top shape.

Diet, lifestyle, pH genetics, environment, thoughts all will help YOU live a healthy, long life in YOUR mind, body and spirit



You can use the subconscious powers of SELF.

Prayer is the harmonious interaction between conscious and subconscious mind.

All of us have different names for:


Higher Power

Infinite Intelligence

and if you have another name for the above:  use it.

Do some research on the Fibronnaci series

You have only one mind, but it possesses two distinctive characteristics. They have different attributes and power.

Conscious Mind Sub-Conscious Mind

Objective Subjective

Like navigator Answers to all your problems

hold ideas here get reactions according to nature

Belief is a thought in our mind. THINK POSITIVE AND ALWAYS and EVERYDAY

Say “I can do all things through the power of my sub-conscious mind”

We are what we think!!

