What do YOU suppose the difference is between YOU
being negative and around negative people OR
YOU being positive and around positive people.
The best way to approach YOUR life is to try to stay away
from negative people; whether they are family or friends stay
away from them and if you find yourself around those kind of
people please smile, be as positive as possible, and do not
fall into their pattern of behavior because they will want YOU to
agree and just nodding your head verifies their mind-set.
Be at YOUR best – be at your most positive mind-set.
Stay away from people who are possessed with just a small
Thought process. Narrow thinking makes people zero in on
negativity – they are not self-aware because they are needy,
all about managing others to their way of thinking. They have
no idea about the WHOLE person-mind, body and spirit. At this
blog and in my life I want YOU to be the most: Self-aware person
you know so that you can help others in a more positive and
productive way that they need from YOU.
Be kind, be helpful, be positive, be happy, be loving, be generous
and YOU will see YOUR whole life change in super wonderful
Learn and read from the wonderful books that are available to
you. The only way I feel wonder at 74 years of age is because
my mind is open for learning from others that have gone before
What does YOUR
One of my favorite authors and researchers is Immanuel
Velikovsky – he wrote, and you should read his writings, because
It is about YOUR history that is now only beginning to be
Understood and coming to the forefront of the WORLD. But,
Because of Dr. Immanuel Velikovsky and his research of decades
And his writing we are now learning of the real World History.
But he paid the price because they are people who do not want
us to be SELF-AWARE, or be OUR BEST, or be the MOST
POSITIVE, and to know that the past may be the key to YOUR
YOU will never know what LIFE EXPECTS FROM YOU until
Not other self’s but of YOURSELF.
Never settle – in your personal life, in your professional life, in
your family life, or in your friend’s life.
Professor Velikovsky gave up a wonderful life because he would
not settle, would not cave-in, would not give up on the truths that
he knew would change the world thinking of their history.
In 1950 he already knew from his research there. There were
some approximately 40 predictions that he made that the
academic scholars-so-called but not really said different than
Professor Velikovsky.
Be a Professor Velikovsky – see your higher-self, see that
what life expects from YOU, never settle for people around YOU
that are negative, that are needy, that are negative vampires.
YOU will only learn when YOUR MIND, BODY and SPIRIT are
In balance and working on it daily for the rest of your life.