YOU and MD Anderson Researcher
I have had a copy of Dr. Aggarwal’s book “Healing Spices” since it
first hit the market place.
Valuable information and has helped with my nutrition for my
Dr. Aggarwal has written a well documented book on spices and
appreciate his hard work Each of the 50 spices he writes about
the history of the spice, what it does for YOU, what it may help to
prevent and/or treat, what it is good with other spices, recipes that
contain the spice, and then on top of that, a great recipe for the
The spice I am going to talk about today from “Healing Spices” is
turmeric. One added note about another spice Dr. Aggarwal has
talked about: On a radio show he was asked which spice he
considered the #1 spice and he said “black pepper” – I have
always loved black pepper and I buy organic pepper corn and
grind it over my food. I believe the FDA allows a percentage of
difference substances in the regular spice in the store-so I do try
to limit cheap spices and if need a spice buy as organic as I can
The book is beautifully written and the wonderful pictures of the
spices themselves is beautifully done.
There have been more than 1,000 research studies with the same
result: curcumin(part of turmeric) is anti-cancer and can fight
cancer on many levels:
Inhibit the activation of genes that trigger cancer
Inhibit the spread(proliferation) of tumor cells
Inhibit the transformation of a normal cell into a cancer cell
Kills cells that mutate into cancer
Shrink tumor cells
Prevent tumor from spreading to other organs
Prevent the development of the blood supply necessary for
cancer cells to form and spread
Enhance the cancer-destroying effects of chemotherapy and
Curcumin has exhibited some or all of these actions against 22
different types of cancer, including the biggest killers – breast,
colon, lung, and prostate. It also slowed the progression of some
of the toughest-to-beat cancers, such as brain, bone, blood,
esophagus, liver, pancreas, stomach, uterine, and melanoma.
There is no other natural substance that has been found to
possess this degree of anti-cancer power.
Marco Polo discovered turmeric in China in 1280 and listed below
are some other health issues Turmeric may help:
Alzheimer’s disease
Diabetes, type 2
Heart disease
Parkinson’s disease
Recipe below may reduce wrinkles and many women in India use
it daily:
½ cup garbanzo(chickpea)flour
1-1/2 tablespoons turmeric
Sesame oil
Keep flour and turmeric in closed container
Mix 1 tablespoon mixture in small dish with about 5 drops of oil.
Add enough water to make paste. Spread mixture on face(stay
clear of eyes) and 15 minutes will dry. Wash off.
Turmeric recipe that I have used for years:
Any green vegetables that I have juiced
Add 1 tbsp. turmeric
Add ground pepper and/or Braggs olive oil – pepper and olive oil
will carry the turmeric around the body so it penetrates efficiently
into cells.
For Turmeric to absorb well into YOUR body it has to have the
black pepper or olive oil.
Healthy and Joy for aging