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Healthy Habits

The inward journey

In today’s world people that are politicians, celebrities, local leaders and people that have reached the pinnacle of success in their so-called professional or private lives are revered.

Why is that?

Do we look up to those that may talk the talk but do not walk the walk?

Why in the world, when someone says “I am a Christian”  then holds a political office and takes away other’s liberties?  That is not being a Christian – when God wants us to be free and have liberty.  Not have rules and regulations against our liberties.

I worked for a contractor and he thought he was such a great Christian because he had been married to the same woman for over 30 years but yet he and a small group of other men kept everyone out of the contracting business with the way they ran Corpus Christi, Texas.  He thinketh no one else should be successful or have opportunities or have the freedom to become successful like him.  WHY?

So a man thinketh so he is.

I find that in today’s society it is so tightly controlled because of the kind of attitudes listed above.  Why do they?

Why do we allow it?

Can people have a cottage industry from their homes and make $200,000 to support their families and live the successful life they want.


Rise up and speak your mind:

      your community

in your local government

in your county government

     your school district

     your statehouse

Mind control is what they want to have over you.  Do not let them have that control

Take care to be involved.

I know you are busy but your grandchildren depend on you to speak up about liberty

Russell Means was a great human being who was an American Indian who said at the end of his life:  America is now a Reservation.  I totally agreed with him because I knew at that point we had become what the American Indians had lived for years – living on the reservation and given only what they wanted to give us Americans, all of us.


As a person thinketh so is that person



YOU and how video games –anything electronic – can affect the brain

The following is from – I have been a

fan for almost 20 years now-purchased some of his good quality

items in his store and remember him when Art Bell use to

interview him in the 1990s.

Video games affect the Brain

Video gaming is an incredibly popular pastime in the US, with

more than 150 million regular users, defined as those who play at

least three hours a week.  In fact, the majority of US household –

65% are home to at least one person who plays video games


If you or your children play video games regularly, there are some

factors to consider0from how it affects your time spent sitting to

exposure to blue light from the screen.  Recent research also

highlights the very real changes that video gaming can cause in

your brain, for better or for worse.:

A meta-analysis of 116 studies recently published in Frontiers in

Human Neuroscience set out to determine the neural basis of

video gaming, or what effects gaming has on your brain

There are some good things:


Visuospatial skills

Cognitive workload

Cognitive control

Skill acquisition

The downside of video games to your brain

“Internet gaming disorder”  has been suggested as a new

psychiatric diagnosis to be included in the American Psychiatric

Associations diagnostic and statistical manual of mental


like other addictive disorders, especially on substance addictions

such as pathological gambling.

Violent content

Research even shows that among boys aged 15 to 19years old,

the longer the time spent in front of screens, including playing

video games, the lower their bone mineral density measured.

Excessive use of electronics take away many opportunities to

engage in weight-bearing activities, which is key for building strong


Video games can be a safe and entertaining hobby with some

benefits to the brain but set a time per day, which can become an addiction

and the violence.  Balance with more creative activities

Video games affect the Brain











Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers

And Lithium Orotate – good brand from The Power Hour or Dr. Johnathan Grey has a good quality.

excellent for the brain and keeping these aging brain diseases at bay.

Do Prevention for Aging – be Pro-active on your health – not re-active

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers

But I remember when I was visiting my mother one-time several years before she passed – she was showing me where her papers were and everything of importance that I needed to know.  She said, “I never know that some morning I will wake up and not be the same”.  Well, Mother dies of lung cancer but her mental state was always very well and even the day she passed we had had breakfast and a great conversation to start the day. But, as I have aged I certainly understand why she was concerned about her mental health.

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers

In conclusion, it is a daily watch.

However, listed below are some signs of dementia from

Subtle short-term memory changes

Difficulty finding the right words

Changes in mood


Difficulty completing normal tasks


Difficulty following storylines

A failing sense of direction

Being repetitive

Struggling to adapt to charge

Listed below are 10 signs of Alzheimer’s Disease

Memory loss that disrupts daily life

Challenges in planning or solving problems

Difficulty completing familiar tasks at home, at work

Confusion with time or place

Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships

And new problems with words in speaking or writing

Misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps

Decreased or poor judgment

Withdrawal from work or social activities

Changes in mood and personality

However, the following is the treatment of dementia from

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers

However, the treatment of dementia depends on its cause.  In the case of most progressive dementias, including Alzheimer’s disease, there is no cure or no treatment that slows or stops its progression.

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers

Therefore, there are Life-saving-natural cures website comes to these natural remedies for dementia and Alzheimer’s

Coconut oil

Cinnamon extract

B group vitamins, vitamin D and in

Minerals – our bodies need over 60 essential minerals and trace elements every day to function properly and at its peak.


Build up the immune system

Chlorella and Borax

Stay active-exercise

But always stay active – stay alerted – read – be productive in the best way your know-how.

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers


YOU and Foods for YOUR Thought

First of all,  foods are not about only your waistline but it is about keeping your brain healthy as well.  But, the foods you eat, especially foods high in antioxidants, can help ward off dementia and improve your brain health.  Because, as Stoney Brook University registered dietitian Stephanie May tells students, choosing colorful fruits and vegetables and avoiding processed foods, will fuel you’re for the success of aging:


A superfood rich in antioxidants, blueberries reduce oxidative stress on the brain and have been shown to improve learning

capacity and motor skills.  And the phytochemicals give fruits and vegetables their color and foods high in these chemicals have the most effective means of improving your health, and blueberries have one of the strongest concentrations available.

Citrus fruits

Lemons, oranges, and grapefruits can all help your brain stay healthy.   Get some in your daily diet.  Studies show that people who have citrus fruits every day are able to prevent cognitive decline by more than two years.


Almonds are high in vitamin E, monounsaturated fats and other vitamins and minerals, making them a snacking no-brainer- particularly when t comes to preventing cognitive decline and preserving memory.  Walnuts are powerful brain food, too, thanks to their high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids.  Including them in your diet can improve brain cell communication and growth, according to a 2014 study in the Journal of Nutrition.


Salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which helps prevent cognitive decline, but it is far from the only fish high in these beneficial fats.  And sardines, anchovies and lake trout are all great sources of omega-3 fatty acids, meaning you can hit your quota of eating fish twice per week without getting bored of eating the same thing.  Anti-inflammatory, so they reduce inflammation in the body.  Therefore, and all these are good for cardiovascular health and have been shown to preserve brain function


High in the good fat-and helps our brains functions.  However, the monounsaturated fat in avocados helps prevent high blood pressure which is a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease.  As a result, they are also a good source of lutein, a carotenoid related to better cognition.


Your morning cup might do more thin just help get your day started, hi in antioxidants, regular coffee drinkers have a decreased risk in dementia.  For that reason, one cup will do you.

Greek yogurt

The vitamins and minerals in Greek yogurt can help relieve stress and give your body and brain energy.  Probiotics can help prevent cognitive decline and age-related memory loss


When you eat eggs, your brain uses these vitamins to support memory and increase communication among brain cells.

Whole grains

Oatmeal, barley, and quinoa – all great complex carbohydrates that help fuel the brain.  And oats contain soluble fiber, which removes cholesterol from the body and prevents plaque from forming in the arteries.  As a result, but clear arteries help ensure good flows well and may help reduce the risk of developing stroke and dementia.

Feeding YOUR Brain as YOU Age Healthy

Feeding YOUR Brain as YOU Age Healthy


YOU and have a Happy and Healthy Mind as YOU age

Listed below are 10 ways to keep your mind active and aging healthy:

Eat healthily

Watch what you drink

Have an exercise program


Change of scenery once in a while

Have a hobby

Accepting that you are unique

Care for others and volunteer

Exercise your mind

Intellectual curiosity

Foster creativity

Spiritual connectedness

Mental exercise is very important as we age because it is not

About sitting in front of the TV








Dancing classes

There are so many ways to keep your mind sharp

Our mind is the very essence of our being what makes us feel

alive.  What are we without our minds?  Our perception,

experiences, feelings and the ability to think and act are all

processed by our mind.  Doesn’t that require us to keep our mind

healthy at all costs?

Healthy and Happy Mind – for YOUR aging

A healthy mind one that is not scattered all over the place.  It is not grieving the past nor is it anxious about what might befall in the future.  Being focused and productive and at the peak of its creativity.  It can be all this only when it is free of stress.  Stress is responsible for making a mind dull and for triggering emotional and physical problems.  Have you noticed how easily someone? can get you to shout and howl when you are already stressed?  A healthy mind keeps you calm and composed even at troubled times.  You are able to enjoy what you are doing now, be it reading this article, getting a report done on time, or walking your dog.  It strengthens your relationships with people.  In fact, your mind is so powerful that it can also affect your physical and emotional health.  You are more like to fall ill when you are stressed because your immune system weakens.  I believe that meditation and/or prayer help eliminates stress- because you are connecting with your higher power and understand that you are the only person you control.  Pray/meditate for others but accept and realize that it only about YOU who you can control.  Not your partner, nor your children or family or any of your friends.  That eliminates 90% of stress when you realize it is only YOU

Be kind to yourself, encourage and empower YOURself

Healthy and Happy Mind – for YOUR aging


YOU and the best supplements for brain/mind

The top brain supplements can improve memory, mood, and

productivity and [protect against mental decline, depression,

anxiety and dementia





American Ginseng

Alpha GPC

Lion’s Mane

Magnesium Threonate



Huperzine A





And as always a good thing for everyone is a good multivitamin-and Youngevity has the best I have found over the years-sip it all day long for the best effect.

Best foods and supplements for YOUR Brain

Here is a list of worst foods for your brain:


Trans fats

Here is a good list of delicious brain-healthy foods;

Olive oil




Green tea


Nuts and seeds

Fatty fish like salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines


Pumpkin seeds





Your brain needs macronutrients carbohydrates, protein, and fat.  But not all sources of these are good for your brain

Strategically eating complex carbohydrates on their own (without protein) is a little-known trick for maintaining the level of the mood-boosting neurotransmitter serotonin

Best foods and supplements for YOUR Brain

Brain-healthy complex carbohydrates do not include wheat, even whole wheat.  Sugar can shrink your brain and cause memory loss  There is strong evidence that spikes in blood sugar contribute to

Alzheimer’s disease, now considered a form of diabetes that selectively targets the brain

Only give your body healthy fats that it needs, the kind found in avocados, olives, nuts, seeds, coconut oil, grass-fed butter, and fatty fish like salmon, tuna or mackerel.  YOU have to be careful of everything you eat – even the bad foods when you go out for dinner.

Be aware,

Be careful

Always buy organic and the best supplements – do not buy from corner stores or grocery stores.  That quality is great between low-grade vitamins and supplements and pharmacy grade vitamins and supplements



YOU and changing depression type thinking into Positive and Inspirational Thinking.  The following is from Rick Hanson, Ph.D., a neuropsychologist.  He has found that is was much more important for our ancestors to avoid threats than to collect rewards.

Positive and Empowering Thinking

I believe the more that individual thought patterns trend negative and slip into rumination it lasts.  And continually turning over a situation in one’s mind and focusing on its negative aspects the easier it becomes to return automatically to these thought patterns.  I believe that it is not so great for our health.  I have researched that when ruminating can damage the neural structures that regulate emotions, memory, and feelings.  And even, when our stress and worry are completely hypothetical and not based on any real or current situation the amygdala and the thalamus.  I believe it is not able to differentiate this hypothetical stress from the kind that actually needs to be listened to.  I believe that one needs to meditate daily and maintain positive and inspirational thoughts.

Meditating and letting go and exercise and keep moving ahead with my projects have helped me in my daily walk.

In conclusion, everyone has to learn what is best for their brain to keep a positive and motivating mind.  Of course, you and I are never going to be happy, inspired, and positive 100% of the time.  But, it does take work and a daily program and protocol that we each have and use.

Positive and Empowering Thinking

YOU and the word CHOICE


YOU and thinking outside the box

In today’s world, it is easy to stay the same as you have always

been, Because, it is safe and you are comfortable but in reality if

you stay within the area where it is comfortable and safety then

YOU will never grow and develop into the person of:

What Does Life Expect from YOU?

That is the name of my podcast and I think about it every day

because I am learning every day to reach outside of my comfort

zone and where I feel safe.

If you do that reaching outside SELF and learn more then when it

is time for you to go over the bridge you will not have those

regrets.  My sister said: “I wish I had done with my life, I know I

could have” – two weeks before she died she said that to me.  My

heart broke, and that still, to this day is the saddest thing I have

ever heard.

Reach beyond SELF-learn something and read something that

you have never even understood before.

Search for something new to learn, take a physics class, study

how to paint a beautiful picture.  Sew something for your

grandchildren.  Learn about the side-effects of prescription drugs,

learn about the side-effects of vaccines.

It is easy and safe to stay within YOUR box.  I like being

productive and it is necessary for me because I can fall quickly

into patterns of reading a lot, sleeping too much, and to keep from

doing that I have to keep busy and productive.  If I sit down and

watch Netflix I am knitting because to me it is a waste of time,

unless I am exhausted, to just sit and watch anything that is


YOU can make your bucket list anything it does not have to be

traveling or anything expensive.  A bucket list can include

volunteering, making crafty things for presents, going to fun things

with the grandchildren.




YOU and using YOUR critical thinking skills forever

I have some quotes for YOU from some people who are

researchers and authors:

Christopher Hitchens:

“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”

Richard Dawkins

“Do not indoctrinate your children.  Teach them how to think for themselves, how to evaluate evidence, a how to disagree with you.”

Harper Lee
“Now, 75 years after To Kill a Mockingbird, in an abundant society where people have laptops, cell phones, iPods, and minds like empty rooms, I still plod along with books.”

Richard W. Paul

“Critical thinking is thinking about your thinking while you are thinking in order to make your thinking better.”

Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“Freedom of speech is unnecessary if the people to whom it is granted to not think for themselves.”

The following is a list of some of the critical think skills YOU should keep up as you age:

Motivated to learn

Open minded

Understand why we feel the way we do

Draw conclusions on the basis of the best available evidence

I have not had TV for over 15 years now but I am going to list a few items that you can do on your own to keep your skills in the high-range with the TV:

Pick any news show and then use the following questions:

Is it a good idea or a bad idea?

Is this belief defensible or indefensible?

Is my position on this issue reasonable and rational or not?

Am I willing to deal with complexity or do I retreat into simple stereotypes to avoid it?

Do I think deeply or only on the surface of things?

Do I know how to questions my ideas a to test them?

I read a lot, write a lot, research a lot, and so I use my critical thinking skills on a daily basis but if I were retired I hope I would still but if you are retired figure out some way to use your critical thinking skills and have JOY in what you do:

Work crossword puzzles

Work a regular puzzle

Build a birdhouse for your grandchild

Knit a scarf for a friend

Volunteering is really good but it is best to put limits

Below is listed by Forbes about critical thinking:

So weave these into your daily life:

Critical thinking

Complex problem solving

Judgment and decision making

Active listening

Computers and electronics

Challenge YOU –  everyday Challenge YOU

Have a mission every day

JOY and Peace every day




YOU and YOUR Spirit being mind controlled in lots of different ways

This is from

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to

the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in

a place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race

into non-thinking automatons.  For as long as man has pursued

power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by

those who study human behavior in order to bend large

populations to the will of a small “elite” group.

Modern mind control is both technological and psychological.

Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control

the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control

advertising and propaganda.  More difficult to counter is the

physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex

continues to develop and improve upon.

Listed are some of the mind control methods being used all over

the globe and especially in the United States without even a whimper

from the common person:


Advertising and propaganda

Predictive programming

Sports, politics, religion

Food, water, and air


Military testing

Electromagnetic spectrum

Television, computer, and “pixel-flicker rate”


This next part is from Natural News;

To protect the propaganda from scrutiny, no person is ever

allowed the luxury of reflection.  Logic and reason are

condemned.  Critical thinking is derided.  Historical context is

obliterated by the repeated intrusion of the now, and whatever

happened just a few short years or months ago is actively

rejected if it does not reinforce whatever present-day delusion is

being pushed as “fact.”

There are a solution and defenses against all this mind control in

our universe and that is to practice the ability to step back

from the emotional tapestry being woven by the propagandists

and evaluate the real logic behind the reports.

This is not easy to accomplish, but it can be achieved if you are

determined to see things more clearly.  Sometimes, the mere

passage of time can diminish the emotional impact and achieve

greater clarity.

Always be skeptical, always question, and always demand that

the truth be told or do your own research and find the truth

yourself and share it with your family and friends.
