Just like the pine cone and everything else in the Universe YOU are unique. There is only 1 of you and only 1 of me, this is just like the snowflakes or sand. So, when you are a child there may have been some kind of trauma in your life. Trauma is different for each of us. My trauma was very minor compared to a friend whose mother beat her every day or friends who lost their parent in elementary school. But, whatever trauma is a disconnect from our self. And this is so we can cope with our lives.
Dr. Gabor Mate, a Psychiatrist from Canada, has some very good talk on Trauma and re-connecting with the real self. He is a Hungarian Jew whole Mother gave him to a stranger during Holocaust years for awhile. And it affected him his whole life. He is a wonderful speaker. And has some good helpful advice if you did have trauma growing in. You or friends have anxiety in adulthood Dr. Msta says it comes from childhood trauma. Since we are all unique what he says for is helpful in that respect.
Mind and Childhood Trauma.
But, along with your body, your mind is wired uniquely also. That is why the educational system cannot inspire all us because it is teaching as a whole. And not to each of us uniquely. The educational system indoctrinates and not educates. So, we each have to find our way on our life journey. We each have to go through some mind shifts throughout our lives. It may help to meditate or pray and let go of the past. Forgiveness for myself and everyone has helped me. I never said to the person verbally but did it mentally and loved those people. It takes a lot of stress from life when we forgive and love.
Mind and Childhood Trauma.