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Healthy Diet

Just like the pine cone and everything else in the Universe YOU are unique.  There is only 1 of you and only 1 of me, this is just like the snowflakes or sand.  So, when you are a child there may have been some kind of trauma in your life.  Trauma is different for each of us.  My trauma was very minor compared to a friend whose mother beat her every day or friends who lost their parent in elementary school.  But, whatever trauma is a disconnect from our self.  And this is so we can cope with our lives.

Dr. Gabor Mate, a Psychiatrist from Canada, has some very good talk on Trauma and re-connecting with the real self.  He is a Hungarian Jew whole Mother gave him to a stranger during Holocaust years for awhile.  And it affected him his whole life.  He is a wonderful speaker.  And has some good helpful advice if you did have trauma growing in.  You or friends have anxiety in adulthood Dr. Msta says it comes from childhood trauma.  Since we are all unique what he says for is helpful in that respect.

Mind and Childhood Trauma.

But, along with your body, your mind is wired uniquely also.  That is why the educational system cannot inspire all us because it is teaching as a whole.  And not to each of us uniquely.  The educational system indoctrinates and not educates.  So, we each have to find our way on our life journey.  We each have to go through some mind shifts throughout our lives.  It may help to meditate or pray and let go of the past.  Forgiveness for myself and everyone has helped me.  I never said to the person verbally but did it mentally and loved those people.  It takes a lot of stress from life when we forgive and love.

Mind and Childhood Trauma.


Earnest Homes book “This Thing Called YOU”.

I was raised Christian Scientist religion.  And I last went to the Church in Des Moines Iowa in my late teens.  I am a believer that mans-religions have a lot of good things that each of us can use on our journey.  But one of the excellent authors is Earnest Holmes that is an internationally recognized authority on religious psychology and the founder of the Religious Science movement.  Norman Vincent Peale wrote a little note on the back of this book.  “I believe God was in this man, Ernest Holmes.  He was in tune with the infinite.”

This Thing Called YOU.

For many years I have not attended any of man-religion churches.  They each have their best but it is my beliefs that the doctrines from mans-religions divide us.  We are all connected through the Prime Creator through the Fibonacci sequence, the frequency vibrations, and of course, there are other things.  But, I dwell just on the items here on this website to keep me balanced.  Forgiveness and Joy are a couple of items that I focus my journey on.  There are many more things that can keep us as our authentic self.  Like Dr. Peck said, “Life is Difficult”.  So it has helped me over the years to have knowledge from people who have gone before me so that I can keep learning and developing into my higher self.  My higher self is really simple;  Let go and Let God, Forgive myself and everyone else, Love and have joy and be positive and mindful.

Your wish to be needed, to be loved, to be included in the great drama of life.  Mr. Holmes says that this urge is in every individual but it is in everything.  The rose exists to express beauty.  I have said over and over again.  This is in all things in the Universe.


Calcium Bentonite Clay Miracle Cure.

“In the beginning, God gave to every people a cup of clay and from this cup, they drank their life”.  There is a Native American Proverb.  Mahatma Gandhi imported thousands of ton of French Green clay to India to cure intestinal ailments and overcome constipation.  The Hunza people drink a small amount of glacial clay daily from birth to death.  We can continue through cultures and how clay has been used for over 6,000 years.

We are based on physical components,  built from multitudes of particles held together by electrical bonds.  There we are again, energy working through our bodies.  Energy never dies, and we are energy, just like everything in the Universe.

I have used this clay for years. And I use it in a drink according to proportions of alkaline water and clay, keeping it on my counter in a mason jar.  I will take 2 ounces at a time, it will move aluminum and heavy metals out of my body.  Of course, there are other things that can do that, but I have found it works for my health.

There is a book by Perry A titled “Living Clay” and it gives most of the information you will need on calcium bentonite clay.  And I know there are clay products on the market.  But I buy calcium bentonite clay in GLASS jars.  I try to buy all products in glass because I believe that anything in plastic leeches in the food and then into your body.

There are 5 treatment modalities with clay.  Dry powder appllication, poltice pack, topical, liquid or clay bath.  I heard one doctor talk about after her son had shots and it affected him and she gave him a clay bath and immediateely he recovered.  As usualy, there is so much information about the goodness of this clay and the benefits for your health

Calcium Bentonite Clay Miracle Cure.


As you read the blogs and you notice the pictures on each blog it should become apparent about the pattern of Fibonacci sequence in everything.  There are all kinds of YOUTUBE presentations with different Hz music which is all wonderful and helpful on your journey.  There are ones that play for hours so if you are having sleep problems it does help.

We each have to learn about this higher level of knowledge over time.  Because man-made mind control has been in place for a long time.  Maybe, it has been in place close to 200 years.  As you recall in one of the other blogs I talk about Tavistock Institute out of Britain.  And then there are the EMFs that affect.  But now the water, food, and air have been contaminated so we need to be really careful.  The mind, body, and spirit are all connected but so we keep things easy we do keep them separate.

Spirit is connected to everything.

The Prime Creator has put this all together.  I do not know how and I have just seen a very small part but I am a seeker so it keeps going.  But the mind is not se[arate from the body and the body and mind are not separate from the spirit.  We are 1 with the Universe and all connected.   We do need to follow some of the ancient scriptures, like the old testament and Jesus saying “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  There is good in all religions.  But we have to remember there is bad and evil doctrine also.  That is why I believe it is only good to read and apply the ancient texts.  Mdiate and pray for peace and joy for everyone.  It is the best way to live.  And especially forgiveness is such a powerful word.  You may not tell the person you forgive but mentally forgive them and let it go.  For your sake.  And this will be in your toolbox also.


YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.

YOU can see that all the pictures we now have pertained to the Fibonacci sequence.  Part of the Prime Creator’s universal pattern.  Our bodies and organs are all from the Fibonacci sequence.  As you can see from DaVinci’s “Man” rendering it is all about the Fibonacci sequence.  Even our blood types tell a whole lot about YOU.  YOU should know your blood type and know what foods best fit with that lectins in your blood and food types.  There has been plenty of research between the food lectins and blood type lectins.  See, there is Prime Creator at work again, the lectin in foods that work best with lectins in blood.  I am sure this makes sense to you as it does to me. YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.

Dr. D’Amato has a blood type testing kit on his website.  It is reasonable and something you need in your toolbox.  And while you are at his website read about the research on lectin so you know also.

YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.  Dr. D’Amato’s research is very well documented.  It is amazing that we know what we know as we age.   Knowing is a wonderful development tool but we need to want to know.  Some people I know just do not want their box to get any bigger.  They are stuck where they are at and will never get out.  And especially if they do not question the norm.  Or want to know something different.  I will eventually talk about Tom Van Flandern, head of US Naval Observation, but that is for another time.  When he woke up, he really woke up.  It is a process and is part of our journey.  But it is a timely thing.  My sister said 2 weeks before she died,  “I regret not doing more with my life, I know I could have.”  I try to be productive every day.  Some days I may miss it somewhat but I keep trying.  YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.

YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.


Dr. D’Adamo wrote a book years ago – that I really liked for my own journey.  It tells the story of Blood Type Diets.  But the one thing that works for everyone in that book is the research.  Dr. D’Adamo did the research on older research out of Germany.   The following is from his website, and you need to read through his whole website but here is a little of what YOU need to know.


Lectins and YOUR Blood Type.

Dr. D’Adamo has so much information on his website that YOU may need for healthy aging.  He says that you are experiencing problems from lectins in your diet such as bloating and flatulence after meals, change in bowel habits, achy joints, and muscles, hormonal fluctuations, fatigue, and tiredness.

He says that cells in our liver’s bile ducts have lectins on their surface to help snatch up bacteria and parasites.  These seem to be all blood type-specific.  This makes perfect sense to me.  I am Type O positive.  My daughter is Type O Negative.  So foods behave differently for each of us.   Lectins attach to lectins.

Common foods to avoid for each blood type that contain harmful lectins:

O – Wheat, kidney bean, peanuts

A – Lima bean, tomato, eggplant

B – Chicken, corn, lentil

AB – Chicken, corn, banana, fava bean

Please read Dr. D’Adamo’s book and maybe not follow it all but it will be beneficial to your aging healthy along with everything else on this website.

What this website has that no one else has is to show you how unique you are and to age healthy you have to know YOU and how to take care of your mind, body, and spirit.


Leg muscles and YOUR Brain as YOU Age.  YOU and keeping leg muscle’s strong as YOU age.  The following is from the about leg muscles as you age.  There has been found a link between the strength of a person’s legs and how their brain ages.  The first study to show “striking the protective relationship between leg muscle force and brain performance in normal, healthy people  Simple lifestyle changes can keep us physically and mentally healthy.  Exercises as simple as more walking, standing, squats, and lunges can help.  Can all be the key to keeping your mind young, a new study has suggested.

Leg muscles and YOUR Brain as YOU Age.

Scientists have discovered a link between the strength of a person’s legs and the ability of their brain to resist the effects of aging.  The research, tracking twins over a period of 10 years, is thought to be the first.  In showing such a striking relationship. Between leg muscle force and brain performance in  a normal, healthy population

Lead researcher Dr. Claire Steves, lecturer in twin research at KCL.  “Everyone wants to know how best to keep their brain fit as they age.  Identical twins are a useful comparison, as they share many factors, such as genetics and early life. Which we cannot change in adulthood.   It is compelling to see such differences in cognition and brain structure in identical twins who had different leg power 10 years before.

Researchers discovered that leg power was a better predictor of cognitive change than any other lifestyle factors tested  Generally, the twin who had more leg power at the start of the study sustained their cognition better and had fewer brain changes associated with aging measured after 10 years.  Dr. Doug Brown, director of research at Alzheimer’s Society said: “This study adds to the growing evidence that physical activity can help you to look after your brain as well as your body, however, we still do not fully understand how this relationship works and how we can maximize the benefit.  Do any kind of leg muscle exercise that works best for you: Squat, Lunges, Water jogging/walking, Bicycle, Walking.  Any other you can think of.


Christopher Hitchen’s book “Mortality”,  dying an atheist.

Christopher Hitchen’s book “Mortality”, dying an atheist.  YOUR Spirituality and Christopher Hitchens dying as an atheist.  This is from ME-and as much as I always enjoyed Christopher Hitchens on his TRUTH – I was so sad that while he was dying he wrote a book mon Mortality-really his mortality and how he faced his death while trying to finish out his life.  Not unlike “The Last Lecture” or Gilda Radnor’s book on her own book while dying while trying to finish up their lives.

Christopher Hitchens never shied away from telling the truth at least the truth as he saw it- but he wrote with stoicism and lucid in the face of imminent death.  Writing to the very end – and sharing his dying with his audience and I as much as I appreciated Christopher and his writings I have never understood how anyone could be an atheist.

Christopher Hitchen’s book  “Mortality”, dying an atheist.

Dying and not believing in anything beyond SELF just does not register with me and looking at the Universe and all the written history before from India, Samaria, Egypt. Plato, and the tribes of Africa.  So, one has to wonder why he did not have any connection to his energy field or his conscious connection to other energies in the world.

Christopher talked in the book about aches and pains he was enduring physically.  He did say he wished he could be dying for somebody but it seems to me in his search and writing about the truth which was gone with intellect and beautifully done.  Yet, in the end, he had no one to die for, no kindred spirit, no partner he loved, no Higher Power he was going to meet going over the bridge.  No purpose in his dying young and so painfully.  But, dying in hospice care must have been some solace for a person who had no loving and close relationships?  He argued that atheism gave him a sense of urgency.  Read some of Christopher’s books very well written and intellect to be sure. But, No one to die for?  Quietly sad, and no one to think about outside of a 3-foot energy personal area?


How Smart Meters will affect YOUR Health.  YOU and Smart Meters affect YOUR health. has a list of items that will affect your health if you have a smart meter at your home.  Fatigue, Ringing in ears Problems sleeping Learning problems Headache Eye problems Leg cramps Balance problems Heart problems. All around the world people are reporting wireless is affecting them health we have collected many smart meter health complaints and posted them on our website.  Utilities claim smart meters are safe and compare them to cell phones.  However, cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices can also affect you.

How Smart Meters will affect YOUR Health.

Reducing your EMF exposure can benefit your overall health and wellness.  Listed below is some of the science:  The National Toxicology Program found a statistically significant increase in brain cancers from exposure to cell phone frequencies.

In 2015, 220 scientists who had published in peer-reviewed journals from 41 nations signed the International Scientist appear.  Their warnings included cell phones, infrastructure, WI-Fi, “smart meter/grid technology, as well as devices like baby monitors and commercial broadcasts use.  The following is from  You may not feel the electromagnetic radiation from an advanced smart meter, but it can still affect your health. More and more people are being made sick from the smart meter.  The scientist has shown that electromagnetic frequencies emitted by smart meters and digital meters;  And will disrupt the blood-brain barrier, contributing to diseases such as dementia and Parkinsons’.  But, it can disrupt nerve transmission, causing attention-related problems insomnia, heart palpitations, and muscle pain.  But disrupting the cell reproduction and damage DNA, causing cancer and rapid aging.  Can disrupt the redox balance through oxidant stress

Smart Meters and their dangers

The majority of all studies done on the biological effects of EMFs show harm to biological systems.  These studies have been carried out since the 1930s.  In July 2012, scientists met to release new studies on how wireless and digital devices severely affect the brain.  These stories are rarely reported in the mainstream media.  While some people immediately feel the effects of RF radiation and dirty electricity, many people do not.  Rather, the effects show up as “health problems” down the road lower sperm counts,  cancer, infertility, fatigue.  For people who are genetically predisposed to these problems, the disruption of calcium ions by RF can tip the balance.  A smart meter puts out more radiation than a cell phone.  There is so much research on EMF and RF – do a search on your computer.



YOU and feeding YOUR brain/mind

The mind does not reside in the brain but for the YOUR mind to work as well as it can then YOUR brain needs to be fed as well as

possible on a daily basis.

Your brain needs the same nutrients that every cell in your body needs.  It needs macronutrients, like fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.

YOU have to eat portions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates every day for the brain function properly.

Oxygen and deep breathing is so very important also to the brain.  By deep breathing and knowing for SELF I have not had a headache –can feel a headache coming on and I take deep

breaths for about 5-10 minutes and headache never occurs because I am filling my body and mind with deep oxygen.

In the fat, protein, and carbohydrates they need to be organic and NON-PROCESSED – only those fresh and organic should go into

your body for your mind to function at the top level.

A health inspector told me once “only shop around the walls of a grocery store – not in the middle where all the processed food is”

Try not to eat anything with white flour or sugar in the recipe.  YOU are not going to be able to do that 100% of the time but if yo

think about it you can stop a lot of random eating.

It will help YOU to think about how you will be at 80 or 90 years old – and how you will age beautifully if you are careful with processed

foods in your 30-40.

Magnesium is one of the best minerals for the brain.  There are several different kinds and I take the one to help sleep and bowel


YOU and Feeding the YOUR Mind

Omega 3 – especially during childhood – helps build proper neural connections and helps create the barrier that protects the

nerves throughout life.

Vitamin D3-important for proper growth and development,

protecting the body against muscle weakness

Here is a list of brain foods







Sesame Seeds


Butternut Squash

Za’atar – a middle eastern spice mixture

Listed below are 5 nutrients that are very important for the brain and only found in animal foods

Vitamin B12 – meat, fish, and eggs

Creatine – meat

Vitamin D3 – comes from animals, codfish liver oil best source

Carnosine – in animal tissues

Docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)-fatty fish, grass-fed animal products.

YOU and Feeding the YOUR Mind

FOR THE BRAIN – children and adults need the right types and the right amount at the right time.

Balance in everything – please feed your brain good nutrients and foods- and especially the little ones in your family for their little

brains and depending on you to take care of them until they make their own decisions
