YOU and Never Settle
It is only 2 words but for YOU and each of us it is 2 very important
Do not settle for less than you deserve. That applies to
everything in life. If you consider yourself a person of high value,
which you should, then you should set a high standard for who
you associate with. That could include friends, boyfriends, or co-
YOUR image should be a person of high worth
This blog, podcast and all on this website are to raise you to
the highest level of development, what you aspire to, how to get
healthy, and be a productive person and:
What Does Life Expect from YOU?
Finding out what life expect from you – in mind, body and spirit.
Set your standards for SELF high- because YOU are
You can expect only the best for YOU and from YOU
Building a life of high quality and high standards and never
settling for less.
- Always look to upgrade
In relationships especially
- Friends are a dime a dozen
Branch out to find some wonderful friendships around
- Aim for perfect
Never expect to achieve perfection, but never give up in pursuit of it.
- Embrace change
One of my favorite challenging things in life change
Have the attitude that you derive the best in life, great things will
come your way. Eat the best foods, see the best places, and
meet the best people
Never settle in a relationship
Here are some wonder quotes about SETTLING
Rule #1
Never be #2
Don’t get what you kind of sort of want.
Get what you actually really want.
Sometimes you have to walk away from what you want to find
What you deserve
Let go of what you are used to
Wait for what you deserve
I know what I bring to the table
So trust me when I say I am not afraid to eat alone
Never get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life
I can’t settle for just anything, my daughter is watching me
It might hurt to walk away but that will never compare to the pain of staying.
Don’t let the fear of being alone, keep you in a relationship
Where you are alone
Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you
Stay hungry, never settle
Never forget that walking away from something unhealthy is BRAVE – even if you stumble a little on way out the door
By doing what you love, you inspire and awaken the hearts of others.
YOU are what you settle for
Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching.
Do not settle for anything less