YOU and a broken spirit
None of us like to think our Spirit can be broken. My Spirit is
strong and it will never be broken.
But, sad to say that during one’s lifetime there may be more than
once when our Spirit may be broken and we have to go on and
like they say, “Fight another day”, or do the best we can, or find
the peace and joy to move on.
Here are a few items that may break a human’s Spirit:
Destroy their self-esteem, take away their joy in life,
Their belief and joy in who they are
To take away their dreams and the life they had hoped for
To have emotionally beaten down to the point where they go from
being who they were to someone who has lost all hopes and
dreams of the person they had once been.
Breaking someone’s spirit is often done by physical, mental,
emotional or sexual abuse – or by all of these methods.
When a person’s spirit is broken, they often feel they are not
deserving of joy, or they may have even totally lost all hope or
the desire for happiness; it is a feeling of total emotional defeat.
This can happen to people in many different situations and
settings, such as a parent constantly treating their child in a
demeaning and belittling manner, or a spouse treating their wife
or husband in that manner. It can also happen to a child who is
being bullied by other children, or to prisoners being treated badly
by the prison staff or other inmates. A broken spirit can also
happen when a person is a victim of a violent crime. Having a
spouse ask for a divorce or being laid off or fired from a job can
result in a broken spirit because that person may feel rejected and
Having a broken spirit can often leave the person in a state of
depression, which can also result in suicidal thoughts, because in
many cases, the person has been conditioned to believe they are
not worthy of not only happiness but also of life
The above is from Joyce Galloway Parker
But, there is HOPE – always HOPE – and always the
Sun will come out tomorrow!!!
My motto – the sun will come out tomorrow! From “Annie”
I went through my breaking spirit period, of course, I have had
other times in my life, but I had health issue at the same time with
my hips so all in all just added to my just laying down and feeling
But, here are some natural ways to life YOUR Sprit when down:
- Eat often and eat light
- limit refined carbohydrates
- include a small amount of lean protein at every meal
- eat foods rich in omega-3 fats.
- Ramp up your B-12 and folate
- ramp up your exercise
- a regular sleep schedule
- sit outside and breathe in the fresh air
- listen to music you love
- indulge your senses
- do something that brings you joy
- play or cuddle up with your furry friend
- volunteer
- fake it till you make it
- create a list of natural meals that will work for you
Have JOY in the TODAY