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REMEMBER: the above image is about coding and yet has the Fibonacci sequence in there.  Everything is about the Fibonacci sequence or Divine Code.  That is what the Prime Creator has made everything in the Universe.  No war, no hate, no jealousy, no envy, no better than you.

What Does YOUR Body Need?

YOUR body is precious and taking care of it has to be one of your main priorities.  Since we each are unique, YOU have to know what your mind, body, and spirit needs to stay balanced and connected to YOUR Prime Creator.  YOU have to know your blood type, research shows that lectin in your blood is affected by the lectin in foods.   And there are some foods that go with my blood type O positive than would go with A/B blood type.  But that is just 1 factor about you to keep the body healthy.  There are others;  lifestyle, environment, culture, and more yet.  It is up to you to find out what will make your body run the best as you age.

Dr. D’Amato has a really good book on the Blood Type Diet.  In the book, it explains the research on the lectin in food and the lectin in blood types.  You will need to do your own research or get the book and all the research is on his website.  Read all you can so you know more about YOU than anyone.  I knew a young man who took care of his family more than he took care of himself.  He died because he did not know what damage he was doing to his body with uppers and downers, drugs and alcohol but he tried to take care of his family.  It just does not work that way.  You cannot take care of others unless you are taking care of YOURSELF first and foremost.

Woman Swimming in pool
I became hypothyroid when I was in my late 40’s. At that time, there was no standard test you take if one was gaining weight, exhausted all the time among other things. Type O positive has characteristics for hypothyroidism.
So I have found in my own research what works best for SELF: swimming, rebounder, and having a CD with little fast paced jazzercise. I use everything I can to keep my Body working in high performance.
 To enjoy a healthy lifespan, everyday work on your Mind, Body, and Spirit so there is Balance.