Browsing Date August 2023
Lemon water every morning. Here aree 15 reasons YOU should drink lemon water every morning. Lemons are packed with vitamin C, B, calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, enzynes, antioxidants, and fibers.
According to the Ayurvedic philosophy, choices you make regarding your daily routine either build up reisistaance to diseaeses or tear it down. Because we each are unique as a snowflate or grain of sand it is best to know what works for your mind, body and spirit. That is why it is good to limit TV or listening to what you should take because it works different for all of us.
The following are the 15 reasons to take lemon water every morning. It improves digetion because it has similar structure to your stomach’s juices and helps loosen and flush out toxins. and it boost your immune system. Helps hydrate your body and boost energy. It promotoes healthy and refunvenated skin and reduce inflammation. It aids in weight loss and alkalizes your body. And has cleansing properties along with antibactrial and antiviral properties. Will reduce musuc and phlegm and freshen breath. Can boost brain power and is anti-cancer and help get you off caffeine.
There are wonderful things that daily lemon water will do. I will tell you from my experience buying lemons – that there are GMO lemons on the market today. I would buy ORGANIC homegrown lemons if you can get them at a famers market or a small local grocery store where they have fresh organic items. In the south you could grow your own lemon tree but where I live they get big and freeze.
I have found that most of the fruit and vegetables at any grocery store is GMO. This is for “shelf life” and things are never going back to the past. So find the freshest and organic food for you and your family that you can.

Protecting YOUR electronic equipment from EMP. YOU and saving YOUR electronic equipment from EMP disaster of any kind.
Protecting YOUR electronic equipment from EMP.
Protecting YOUR electronic equipment from EMP. We all have all kinds of electronic equipment – and we all have different needs so there is lots of it out there and in our homes and office. Our electrical grid could go down due to any number of situations– just a giant electrical storm, and a number of other things – like a solar blast from the sun, some country putting a bomb charge up in the atmosphere to bring down the grid.
Protecting YOUR electronic equipment from EMP.
There is a difference in the way we store our data. Some are expensive and some that are not nearly as good as the expensive
that most of us can afford. If you have data stored on magnetic storage media it will be a loss
from electromagnetic phenomena-any kind of electromagnetic phenomena. This includes hard drives, RAID storage arrays,
thumb drives, and even SD cards. Even worse, most of what modern society has come to rely on
everything from retail transactions, bank records, and business accounting records – is stored on magnetic media which may be quite literally wiped out in an instant. Optical storage does not rely on magnetic media. Instead, it
relies on the burning of tiny pits into plastic media, sporting a50+year shelf life with virtually no data degradation. Better yet, it does not lose data from that big old solar flare that may come at any time, EMP burst or a nuclear weapon detonation All this is from Mike at Natural News. And he will talk about
something that you can purchase economically called M-Disc optical media for about $20 each, which permanently store 100GB –write once. Combine that with a Blu-Ray write drive-
about 99.00 and you can save your data for 1,000 years by spanning many M-Disc. This is the best solution for consumers and small businesses.
Protecting YOUR electronic equipment from EMP.
Mike has a Sony Optical Discs Archive hardware. And it is very expensive – I wanted what Mike has but not willing to pay the thousands of dollars to do that. I am always “a just in case person” so will get the M-Disc and Blu-
Ray and happy that I am doing something in preparing. Just in case.

Conscious vs Sub-conscious Dr. Joseph Murphy lived from 1898 – 1981. He wrote many books and gave many interviews and talks over those years. I started reading his works just after he passed away. The Power of YOUR Subconscious Mind is my all time favorite book about SELF. His theory is that you can change your life by changing your beliefs. And he tells you how to do that. Not only in this book but his many books he wrote.
Conscious vs Subconscious
Let us talk about the main differences between the conscious and Subconscious mind. There is the ultimate connection between the mind, body, and spirit that they are really one. And each one has an enormous impact on the other but they are 1, which is YOU. However, You are a unique person in the universe. No one has your mind, body, and spirit. Even your closet family is their own unique person in the universe.
Conscious is the Captain
The following is Dr. Murphy’s illustration of differences. And the conscious mind is like the navigator or captain at the bridge of a ship. He directs the ship and signals orders to men in the engine room, who in turn control all the boilers, instruments, gauges, etc. Members of the crew simply carry out the orders. The captain is the master of his ship. Your conscious mind is the captain and the master of your ship, which represents your body, environment, and all your affairs. Your subconscious mind takes the orders you give it based upon what your conscious mind believes and accepts as true.
Conscious vs Subconscious
When you repeat to others or yourself, “I can’t afford it,” then your subconscious mind takes you at your word and sees that you do not get it. That is why you want to be positive in thought and all you do. It makes a difference in everything you do from today forward. The little train that could theory. Affects your health and your aging. It affects your financial situation.
It matters. Be thankful every day. Want others to be successful also. Want good for yourself. It is there.
Rolphing. What can Rolphing do for your wonderful Mind, Body, and Spirit? If and when YOUR body starts to fail as YOU age there are things you need to do. But, remember we are all each UNIQUE -so what fits me will not fit you. We each have 55 Trillion cells in our bodies. And we are each Unique but those cells have to vibrate. And if those cells are not vibrating or have the correct nutrition there is aging fast.
I have done 3 different sessions of Rolphing. It has helped my body immensely. But, both my hips were replaced within those years of Rolphing. It has helped me to age healthy – my muscles and movement. Find a Certified Rolfer in your area if YOU feel it would be beneficial. Of course, the message is good but Rolphing is a step up from message.
YOU have to decide how to take care of you while you are aging. Rolphing is just one of the ways to help your body age well. But, it can be an important part of YOUR own program for aging healthy. Do not die sick or disease. My program is to die of old age or die healthy. That should be yours also. There are some people more prone to illness and disease. But, Harvard says 50% of cancer is from lack of nutrition. That is a statement that should be more announced daily on TV shows or news. 50% of Cancer is from lack of nutrition! So it is up to YOU to take care of YOU while your aging. Get a program and find out good organic Doctors or practitioner. It is an everyday workout.
Get a daily protocol. If YOUR body is having ache and painful issues do try a Rolpher. It is important as YOU age to take care of YOURself.