Browsing Date August 2022

Spirituality from Bible and Historical Texts. YOU and YOUR Spirituality from Bible and other Religious Books. Each one of us can gain so much in our spiritual life from all the books of the past. I have gained so much from the Bible over the years and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. But, I have read other texts and gained something from those also. YOU can get lots of inspiration and encouragement from many different books. And historical texts that may help you during a tragedy in your life. But when great changes are taking place in your life or while we are aging. However, have to face the fact that this 75-year-old body is not that 50-year-old body that I remember.
My goal at the end of my life will be that I had done enough, read enough loved enough, given enough. But I do not say: “I wish I had done more with my Life-I know I could have”. That is what my sister said and I remember it but that is exactly the opposite of what I want at the end. Turn off your tv and read and journal and meditate. Knowing that it is evil in this world. YOUR spiritual life is twice as important because YOU need to take part. And be an influence in your community for good and right and truth. So that the generations that follow you and I and everyone will know that good conquered evil just as all the old historical texts talk about like the Bible. And all the good books from the past.
Spirituality from Bible and Historial Texts.
Always take care of yourself first and in the best possible way so you die healthy. And then branch out so you can take care of truth in your community. There are no different political parties in the world anymore-they have been taken over by those evil groups. And have only been used to divide and conquer mind control. So tune those out from now on and concentrate on: Individual liberty Freedom of speech Personal property rights and the Constitution of America and the Bill of Rights. There are some of the most individual freedom and individual property rights documents were ever written. But the group of evil people has largely taken over and wiped away these wonderful documents that once made American’s free and have their liberty.
Do your part in your home and in your community?
Spirituality from Bible and Historical Texts.

Man made products in your Body.
There certainly are different opions on products in cans, bags, and plastic. After many years of reading the researchers I have my opinion. I believe that in today’s environment we will never get back to where everything is organic and natural. Those 2 words have been hijacked by someone and everyone. Because when the word natural is used it does not actually mean natural. And organic means that if the product has 25% organic in it they can call it Organic. So when you know those 2 things you almost know it all. It means you have to be careful.
Man made products and YOUR Body.
That plastic mayo jar may have been out in heat for months before it hit your grocery store. Do you think it is possible that the plastic leeched into the mayo that really is not at all like homemade mayo? And I have no doubt that most fruits in grocery store have GMO – for shelf life. It is all about shelf life. So I get my eggs at the Farmer’s Market – from a good vendor. Even the Farmer’s Market one has to know which vendors.
How long was that bottled water sitting in the sun? When did they pick those apples? And Harvard did some research and now says Roundup is in everything. It has been found in tampons. I have never used Roundup. And since about 10 years ago I was marching again Monsanto. So they are an old story for me.
This has just happened in the last 100 years. Plastics and what affect they have on the endrocronology system or the excitogens for the brain.
Excitotoxins are abdundant in most process foods. They have been linked to brain ceell death, infertility, problems with seveual development, violent behaviors and hormonal disorders. The following is a list of some of excitotoxins. MSG, aspartate, domoic acid(farmed raised fish), L-BOAA(grass pea), Cysteine(artificial flavor creation), Casein(cheese,flavor).
Man made products in YOUR Body.

Keeping Brain challenged while Aging.
Keep Brain challenged while Aging. Keep learning. A higher level of education is associated with better mental functioning in old age. Challenging your brain with mental exercise is believed to activate. And those processes that help maintain individual brain cells and stimulate communication among them. Many people have jobs that keep them mentally active. But pursuing a hobby or learning a new skill can function in the same way. Read: join a book club, play chess or bridge, write your life story, do crossword or jigsaw puzzles, take a class, pursue music or art, garden.
Keeping Brain challenged while Aging.
Keeping Brain challenged while Aging. Use all your senses The more senses you use in learning something, the more of your brain will be involved retaining the memory. In one study; adults were shown a series of emotionally neutral images, each presented along with a smell. Challenge all your senses as you venture into some unfamiliar ground. Believe in yourself-especially as YOU age. Myths about aging can contribute to a failing memory. People who believe that they are not in control of their memory function are less likely to work at maintain or improving their memory skills and are less likely to work at maintaining or improving their memory skills and therefore are more likely to experience cognitive decline.
Economize your brain use. Use calendars, planners, maps, shopping lists, file folders, and address books to keep routine information accessible. Designate a place at home for glasses, purse, keys, and other items you use often. Repeat what you want to know. When you want to remember something you have just heard, read, or thought about, repeat it out loud or write it down. If you place one of your belongings somewhere other than its usual spot, tell yourself out loud what you have done.
Space it out. Research shows that spaced rehearsal improves recall not only in healthy people. also in those with certain physically based cognitive problems. And as those associated with multiple sclerosis. Make a mnemonic. Use a creative way to remember lists. Acronyms are a good way to remember