YOU and GOD the Divine Creator
GOD the Divine Creator. GOD – the Divine Creator created everything. Everything has a vibration, everything is the Fibonacci series. And we are all connected. Everything in the universe is connected. And energy with vibration and based on Fibonacci series. That all this is: Love, kindness, forgiveness, and Joy. Joy is being contented with yourself at the moment. But always reaching for YOUR Higher Self.
Just remember that everything has energy and vibration. However, it is all connected to the Fibonacci series.
We are all unique but we are all connected. Only the Divine Creator could have made this work. This is God’s Religion. Be Kind and have Joy. Also, always know that we are all connected.
Reaching for YOUR Higher Self
There has been for centuries Man’s Religion. God’s religion is different than Man’s Religion. God’s Religion is Love, Kindness, and Joy. Man’s Religion is about fear and war. I am for Love, Kindness, and Joy. Do no harm is the Physician’s Oath. Also, it is God’s Religion oath. Dr. Targ has a book “Do you see what I see?”. He is blind and yet his profession has been a Physicist. He is legally blind. But loved the book. Dr. Targ always was reaching for HIS Higher Self.
Learning and Developing over YOUR Lifetime
If you stop learning you will die. If you pick up bad habits you will die. That is why I talk about the positive and wonderful life there is every day. YOU have a choice – be negative or be positive. There is probably no one that has not had some kind of trauma in their life. Even though that is true. However, you can only get to YOUR Higher Self learning and being positive. The choice is what Life is about. Choose wisely