December 2021 -
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December 2021

Our spirit seems to be pretty fragile at different times in our life.  Above all, it maybe when we are going through grief, loss of a loved one, a divorce, many reasons that our Spirit can not be what we would like.

Our spirit holds each of us together – because our spirit is so connected to our bodies and mental state it should be at a high level at all times.  But, if your spirit is like mine it is not.

The Broken Spirit Uplifted

Being productive, staying positive, being kind and compassionate of others, having joy, being thankful and grateful every day is what makes our lives meaningful as Dr. Viktor Frankl has said many years ago.  That is his theory on life, there are many other theories to follow – Freud and being sexually happy, Adler – control and power thing.  However, each of us has to decide how to spiritually be during our adult years.  Therefore, caring for ourselves and others and doing unto others as you want them to do unto you.

It is simple and it is easy.

And it has a conscious and it is forgiving

it is loving and it is joy

Happy and it is the thought we each think

When we have trauma in our lives our spirit can become broken.  Remember, do not let that happen and it is a daily action.  Keep up your meditation and prayer.  Do something for someone else, volunteer in your community.  That keeps your mind busy and doing something wonderful to help your community.

There are all forms of trauma that need to be taken care of on a daily basis.  And keep up those positive thoughts and being kind all the time.  These are really good things that we can each do.

The Broken Spirit Uplifted

It is not easy coming out of our trauma but when we look at our choice it gets us moving.





YOU and growing Turmeric in YOUR Garden-even a container

This is from

Turmeric is one of the easiest plants to grow.  The medicinal root is

extremely low-maintenance and produces ample yields which

should supply a typical household throughout the year.  Turmeric

is grown similar to ginger root; that is, it sprouts from an

underground tuber or rhizome and not from seeds.  It takes

around six to eight months for the plant to reach maturity and can

grow to three or more feet tall.  Turmeric thrives in warm and

humid conditions or around 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit (20 to

30 degrees Celsius).  While they can be grown under direct

sunlight, turmeric plants prefer fully shaded areas.

Growing Turmeric in YOUR Garden

In order to get the best yield, it is essential that you make the

planting conditions ideal.  Unlike ginger, turmeric roots sprout in

all directions from its mother.  They are a little bit like weeks this

way.  As such, you would need to choose a pot that is both deep

and wide.  Expert gardeners typically recommend a size that is 12

inches wide and 12 inches deep.  This should accommodate one

turmeric finger that has a few buds.  The size of the container

should expand with each additional finger.  Similarly, you can try

sprouting your own rhizomes in smaller, separate containers and

then be transferring them into larger pots once they grow and begin

sprouting leaves.

Growing Turmeric in YOUR Garden

Turmeric prefers lights and loamy soil that is rich in nutrients.  Pack

in containers with well-draining potting soil.  Regularly fertilize

plants with an all-purpose liquid fertilizer.  You may opt to use

compost as well.  For those who live in colder climates, remember

to add a top layer of mulch to preserve soil moisture.

Growing Turmeric in YOUR Garden

Break a finger from the mother.  Choose a finger that has at least

two to three buds on its side.  Bury the finger about two inches

deep in a pot.  With buds facing up.

You will see shoots in around 4 weeks. you can begin harvesting

after six to eight weeks.

After all my research on turmeric, I believe it to be one of best

the nutritional food you can have in your protocol for prevention


Having negative thoughts may cause headaches, tension, aches, and pains all over your body.  And overactive adrenalin glands, bad circulation, and many other complaints.  But, many people live with all these at this time in history.  Why is the west that has the best medical research and yet the people are the most unhealthy?  The healthiest are Italy, Iceland, Japan and Switzerland are at the top.  How come the United States has the highest health insurance, the most research, and doctors but yet in the top worst healthiest people.  Is this intentional or just bad food?  And if it is intentional why is it?  And there is such bad food and fast food is horrible for you.

They have now found plastics in human waste.

What Negative Thinking Does to Mind

I have used positive thinking for most of my life.  When we were little we always have Dr. Peale’s book on positive thinking in our house.  In fact, in my family, there were never raised voices and everyone spoke respectfully to each other.  My sister and I never got along but I just mostly ignored her.  She was older and had a mother very manipulated.  I just sort did my own thing when I was growing up.

What Negative Thinking Does to Mind

There is so much research on being positive thinking that everyone should know.  YOUR overall mind, body, and spirit will work really well when thinking positive.  And always being thankful and say meditations and prayers on a daily basis.  Many many books and motivational speakers talk about being positive.
