October 2021 - MindBodySpir.it
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October 2021


Finding YOUR Spirituality Growth

YOU and YOUR Spiritual Growth

Finding YOUR Spirituality Growth.  At the end of every year, we each should end up having had some spiritual growth for that year.  Year by year, we might not notice a lack of spiritual growth in our lives.  But you would be surprised how quickly ten years can pass without having memorized one more verse of scripture, without confronting a habitual sin in our lives, without having shared the gospel with an unbeliever, without having experienced a point in our walk with God that lit a fire under me and caused me to live differently.  Or your Higher Power, or your Infinite Intelligence.  Having a daily walk with You and who you meditate to and pray to is a growth we do not think about too much because our walk is always good.

Finding YOUR Spirituality Growth

  1. Pick a “theme” for the year.

Voice will be softer

Be grateful every day

Do a good deed without wanting any acknowledgment

  1. keep a journal daily on your blessings

  2. Read 3 books a month to help your spiritual life

  3. Study a topic that will help you grow spiritually

Finding YOUR Spirituality Growth

The Greek word for “grow”, aux nano,” means “to increase, to

become more fruitful or to become greater.”

Growing spiritually means some kind of internal change. And it is just plain hard to make changes in our life.

Work this year on becoming more-something deeper on the inside.  The reality is, few people make efforts to change from the inside out and those who do find that, in comparison, losing fifty pounds is simple, even easy.  External change is difficult but the true internal transformation is a monumental feat.

Finding YOUR Spirituality Growth

Be kinder

Be less selfish

Less judgmental

Less demanding

More humble

Be honest

More generous

More integrity

The list can go on and on

The author, theologian, and atheist-turned-Christian

CS. Lewis said, “Every Christian is to become a little Christi.”

Be that person who “Does unto others as you would have them

do unto you.”

Finding YOUR Spirituality Growth


YOU and the beneficial effects of Garlic and latest research

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers

Listed below is some information from the US National Library of

Medicine, NIH:

Effects of garlic on cardiovascular diseases

Anti-tumor effect of garlic

Diabetes mellitus

Anti-microbial effect

Anti-protozoal properties

Antifungal properties

Antiviral properties

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers

The above comes from the library and an increase in the popularity of alternative medicine and natural products.  It has renewed interest in garlic and its derivatives as potential natural remedies.  This review may be useful to increase our knowledge of garlic therapeutic effects and improve our future experimental and clinical research plans.  Although it is shown that garlic may have significant clinical potential either in their own right or as adjuvant therapy in different disorders.  However, due to some issues, such as methodological inadequacies, small sample sizes.  Lack of information regarding dose rationale, variation between efficacy and effectiveness trials.  The absence of a placebo comparator or lack of control groups more standard experiments and researches are needed to confirm the beneficial effect of garlic in various diseases.  Future trials on the effect of garlic should include information on the dosage of active ingredients of standardized garlic preparations for a better comparison of trials.  It would also be interesting to explore the effect of different forms of garlic extract on standard drug therapy.  Especially when used as adjuvant therapy.

Of course, it is my belief that eating fresh garlic is very beneficial.  Whether putting in salads or cooking with pasta or any other foods that garlic is very beneficial.  First, you want to do prevention and start eating fresh garlic when you are young and as you mature and develop because it is good for your system.  Garlic is a natural and organic food – use it as much as you want.  I have over the years eaten lots of garlic, when I do eat too much my daughter can smell it on me so do be careful of that.  Put it in your green juice.

Causes and cures for Dementia/Alzheimers


Prisoners of our Thoughts by Alex Pattakos, Ph.D.  The forward by Stephen R. Covey and he talks about Viktor Frankl’s Man’s Search for Meaning.

Dr. Pattakos says that Dr. Frankl’s book for Man’s Search for Meaning is one of the most import books of modern times.  Underscores how the search for meaning is intimately related to and positively influences health improvement at all levels.  Along with Dr.Pattakos and Dr. Frankl’s books can start you on the path.  I do believe you need to read Dr. Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is needed with those 2 books.

I have Protocols for my mind, body, and spirit.  For my wellness protocol in case, I get cancer of diabetes I have a protocol.  And my spiritual life, I have a Protocol that includes these books plus others.  For my mind, I have a Protocol for keeping learning new things and challenging things.  Of course,  have developed and built my 3 websites and it brings me JOY that I am helping others.

Prisoners of our Thoughts

We cannot see what real essence is if we are always on social media, going out to drink with friends, or looking for a partner all the time.  These things take up a lot of time doing something that is not helping find YOUR purpose and meaning of YOUR life.  It takes moving beyond these man-made realities and into SELFHOOD.

Prisoners of our Thoughts

But, I want to go over again with my sister two weeks before she died.  She called and told me and said,  “I regret not doing more with my life.  And I know I could have.”  That is the saddest thing I had heard.  It made me really cry for my sister, who I did not really have anything in common with nor were we close.
