December 2020 -
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December 2020

There are always new and wonderful books coming into the marketplace.  The one I am talking about today is,  “Consistent Winning”.  It is by Ronald D. Sandler, D.P.M., and Dennis D. Lobstein, Ph.D.   And it is a wonderful book about a new training system that lets you peak on demand.

Consistent Winning is a program of specific cycles of resting and training.  And developed after studying athletes and their patterns of training, injuries, time off, and peak performances.  The cycles are based on a mathematical sequence known as Fibonacci numbers, which occur frequently(always) in nature.  But, it does not change or replace any established, viable program of workouts.  It merely structures your given training schedule so you can schedule peak performances to occur on specific days.

Consistent Winning is a Book for YOU

This is a program of specific cycles of resting and training, developed after studying athletes and their patterns of training injuries, tine off, and peak performances.  And the cycles are based on a mathematical sequence known as Fibonacci numbers.  Oh my, there it is again the Fibonacci sequence.  But, it is in everything in the Universe.  There is a 3-day cycle, e-week cycle, and a 3-month cycle.  And each cycle is designed to bring you to peak performance on the cycle’s last day of training.

Highs and lows occur as naturally in an athlete’s performance as elsewhere in life.  The athlete can control the flow and timing of normal tides with the 3 cycles.  If you are a runner and do marathon’s there is no reason you cannot do this cycle and become your best when running.  This book will help you in other areas of your life.  It is a small book but has so much of life packed into it.  It will be beneficial for your life and that of your family.

Consistent Winning is a Book for YOU


See the pattern of those pictures above – there is a pattern in everything that the Prime Creator has made.  You can be an atheist but there is a pattern from the Universe on down to the tiniest little thing.  But, in this blog, I am going to tell you about myself and family members.  In 2003 – 2005 my brother, mother and sister all died of different cancers.  My dad had died in 1977 at age 67 of heart disease.  So in early 1990 after I became hypothyroid I began on this journey to keep my health as best as I could.  Once you get hypothyroid your life changes forever, and your body and your mind.  They all change for the worse but I took control.  That does not mean I control everything all the time I work on it daily.  I then found out about my Blood type which has a lot to do with how we age.  When I look at my blood type one of the characteristics is hard to get pregnant – it was 6 years between babies. I believe that in trying to stay healthy through the 1990s and into 2000 it taught me a lot about myself.  Then I really went into high gear through the process of my family dying of different cancers.  Mentally, I pray and meditate every day and thank the Prime Creator for all that has been given to me.  Writing this blog with knowledge and knowing that there are companies that over years have poisoned their products.  Nanoparticles of plastics are found in humans, along with glyphosate.  Of course, we are going to be sick from those items and die sick.

Will YOU die of Old Age or Sick?

Do not make this harder than it has to be.  Know your blood type.  Get if from Dr. D’Amato’s website if you do not know it.  Then look at the characteristics of your blood type and which foods go well with it.

Some humans are going to get sick, with cancer or many illnesses because of their genetics and such.  I want to die of old age and not have my children watch me die in Hospice.  Hospice is a wonderful program I just do not want that for my end.


YOUR Spirit needs Positive Input Daily  It has happened to me also.  Not paying attention to being positive and saying my meditation and prayers.  When my mother, brother, and sister all died within about 2 years of 3 different cancers.  And, on top of that my body got out of alignment and my hips went haywire.  So for several years when I was not at work I was on the couch laying down and “Oh, my”.  I am a believer that at some times during our lives we each go through some kind of a meltdown, downtime, or depression.  The main thing is to eventually get out of the negative place.

Everything in the Universe is connected.  All people are connected and yet we are all Unique.  The Prime Creator never lets us down.  We let ourselves down.   It is sometimes the trauma that causes us to go into a funk and lay on the couch.  There is no one I know who has not had some trauma and there are many kinds of trauma.  Just moving across town is a trauma for one person.  Getting beat by your mother every day as a child is certainly a different level of trauma.  And, yet they can both have lifelong effects on one’s personality and how they look at life.  We each have to determine how much we are going to let our trauma affect our daily life in the future.

YOUR Spirit needs Positive Input Daily

Keep on talking to self about having positive thoughts.  We kind to yourself and appreciate what you do have.  It is all a Blessing and you should have JOY.  Because if you put all the good stuff off then later it is:  Would have, Could have, Should have time.  I do not want that for you or myself.  Time is precious and makes each day count.



We will talk about how herbs and spices can help your Healthy Life Span.  As you will notice in the image above that these fruits are the Fibonacci sequence just like everything else in the Universe.  I know you will pay attention now.

Pepper:  KING OF THE SPICES!!!  I love pepper-I grind my pepper.  Dr. Bharat Aggarwal, Ph.D. says it is the king of spices.  Only use the pepper mill – because in just the plain pepper that you buy there can be a percentage of different items.  And they are not good for you, like mouse poop, etc.

Turmeric:  Dr. Aggarwal says that this is a  spice superstar because people who eat this daily are so healthy.  And that its emerging scientific reputation as one of nature’s most powerful healers.  I buy powdered turmeric and spirulina( which I buy out of Australia from    I believe it to be the most tested and organic.

Herbs and Spices are Good for YOUR Body

I will drink 1 teaspoon each turmeric and spirulina.  And grind some pepper which helps turmeric get into the cells better and drink it down.  Excellent for the body and inflammation and good food for every organ of the body.  It is important for you to have a program or a protocol for your own health as you age.

I am now taking Tai Chi – which is a wonderful way to stretch and move one’s body to stay limber as we age.  It is one and a half hours once a week with 108 moves that are graceful and meaningful.  I will talk more about it but here is a list of benefits:  live longer, improve muscle strength, balance, and flexibility, boost cognitive function, improve COPD symptoms, better night-time sleep, improve symptoms of fibromyalgia, improvements in cardiovascular fitness, reduce risk of falls.  Those are all great benefits that I want as I age.

Herbs and Spices are Good for YOUR Body


Most of the images that I use are Fibonacci Sequence so that you can see how the Divine Creator has put some of what we see together.  Of course, YOU know that there is a lot we will never see or know about that the Creator has done.  But, just know that we only see very little of what the Creator has done.   It is enough for me to know that this Creator is Greater than anything or anyone has told us about.  But, your intentions do matter and your positive thinking matters.  From what I know is that we are all connected and yet we are all unique.  How can that be?  I have no clue but when you think about just that, it is amazing from Divine Creator.

There is a lot of negative stuff in our world, has it been done intentionally to distract us I do not know.  But, maybe it has been.  The man who invented TV said it is a vast wasteland, and how true that has proven to be.  When you hear the news is it based on facts and truth or is it someone’s version of facts and truth?  I have not had a TV for about 20 years.

YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.

So we each have to be careful what our Mind takes in because it does make a difference in what we think or how we think.  And our intentions should be for good, for ourself as the priority and then we can help family, friends, and others in our community.

We are in the Milky Way Galaxy, and there are other Universes and yet we are all connected and yet unique.  Everything is about vibration frequency and everything is about Fibonacci Sequence.  And there are cultures who have studied this down the centuries, the music and vibration, and the stars and the constellations.

YOUR Mind and YOUR Intentions.


And YOUR Consciousness lasts to Infinity.  Is it possible that the vibration of YOUR cells that are at a high level does depend on how the Consciousness(Soul) navigates into the Heavens?  Why not that possibility?  Since everything is about vibration, the universe has the Schulmann Resonance.  The cells in our bodies vibrate at 7.35 – 7.45 to stay healthy.  The earth vibrates and wobbles.  Everything vibrates in the Universe, the Prime Creator did all this so that everything would work well together.  That is all I know.  Prime Creator makes everything work like clockwork.  How Great Thou Art.  I am not talking about any religious god that is talked about in any church where my god is better than your god.  I am talking about the Primer Creator who put this wonderful Universe together so YOU and your family and friends could love and have Joy in everyday living.  The man-reality is who starts wars and wants domination over all peoples.  Take this serious because it is all about Love and Joy,  not fear and evil.

There are lots of people who have more than I have and there are lots who have less.  This is the way it has always been.  I am thankful and grateful to the Prime Creator for what I have.  I hope you have enough and always will.  I wish you a healthy and happy life.  I hope all peoples and humans on earth would want their happiness and everyone else also.

And YOUR Consciousness lasts to Infinity

This man-made world we live in today wants us divided into fighting groups.  But, I will not tolerate that.  I love everyone and sorry and sad some people have very tragic and traumatized lives.  I wish them the best and want them to find joy and peace in their daily life.



Everyone should know by now that the Fibonacci sequence controls everything in this Universe.  From the structure of our faces to the ways our planets rotate and the tallest building is built.  But, it even controls the structure of our body.  But, there can be some influences in our sphere that can make a difference:  blood type, environment, culture, the water we drink and the air we breath are a few items.  But, today we are going to talk about Blood Type.  And one of the best places to get information for that is from Dr. D’Amato’s website.

There are characteristics for all on the Dr.’s website.  He has done much research on the lectins in foods that go well with matching in individual blood types.  He has made a food list of which foods match best with your blood type.  It is imperative that you know YOU and that includes blood type.

Know YOUR Blood Type

There is a chemical reaction that occurs between your blood and the foods you eat says Dr.D’Adamo and his research.  We will continue.  This reaction is part of your genetic inheritance. It is amazing but true that today, in the twenty-first century, your immune and digestive systems still maintain favoritism for foods that your blood type ancestors ate.

That is to say, that lectin in foods is incompatible with blood type antigen.  Type A person eats a plate of lima beans.  Here are some signs that you may experience problems from lectins in your diet:  Bloating and flatulence after meals, changes in bowel habits, achy joints, and muscles, hormonal fluctuations, skin eruptions, fatigue, and tiredness.  Lectins are different, the lectin found in wheat has a different shape from the lectin found in say.  Be careful and be aware of the foods you eat and your blood type.



Look at all the pictures above and notice that they all have the same pattern – the Fibonacci Sequence.  Notice the picture below it has the Fibonacci Sequence overlaid on some of the pictures.  And you can see how everything is has been created with this pattern.  The Divine Creator has created everything in the Universe is connected and yet everything in the Universe is Unique.

I have no idea how this has been done.  And I have not heard anyone say they know or that there is even any research how or why this was done like this.  And, then there is a vibration frequency that is also attached to everything in the Universe.  I do believe that we need to be positive in our thoughts and that intention has a lot to do with our development.  We are energy and have seen research on the Universe being energy, and the Schumann Resonance which is a vibration of the Universe.

I do believe that Love, Forgiveness, Joy, and all the positive words we can come up with have a lot to do with our development.  But, since we are each unique we grow into these words at different times in our lives.  Some when they are really young and others that go through trauma will develop later on.

Since we are all Unique, each of us has to remember that what we put into our MIND is what comes out of us.  If we put love, positive thoughts, and kindness then that is what we get in life.  I am a believer.  In the 1950s we had in our home Dr. Norman Vencent Peale’s book, “Positive Thinking”.  and had over the years little booklet from his church or from Unity.  I was raised Christian Scientist until Middle School, so my belief system is still, “Heal thyself”.  And over the years that has been a good thing and a not so good thing.

YOUR Mind is part of but most important.



“The Longest Journey is the Journey inward?” and it starts with the mind.

Above is from Dag Hammarskjold-Secretary General United Nations-dying in 1961, his book, “Markings”

Reading something profound like the above moves me to empower SELF, seeks to improve SELF, and appreciate SELF.

What does it do for YOU?

Reading books, non-fiction, biographies, auto-biographies will empower SELF. When I read on a topic, I try to read at least 5 authors on the same topic to get their theories or thoughts on the topic. Never read just 1 author on topic-because YOUR MIND will get stuck in their theory or thought.

The Longest Journey is the Journey inward

It has now been determined that the plane Dr. Hammarskjold was sabotaged as he was flying from Africa into Europe I believe.  His book was very profound in my own life.  It is a small book and has his writings over the years.

It was published in 1964, four years after he died in the plane crash and had been UN Secretary-General.

The following is from his book and that he wrote about 1950.

God does not die on the day when we cease to believe in a personal deity, but we die on the day when our lives cease to be illumined by the steady radiance, renewed daily, of a wonder, the source of which is beyond all reason.

It is from the Prime Creator that we all must know is with us all.  That is from me.

The Longest Journey is the Journey inward

But, in his wonderful book, there are so many wonderful little messages for anyone who would read it.  It is only for your benefit to have this little book in your library and read it once in a while.  That is why I have all my lovely books.  So that I can go back and read them over.  Because in 5 years I will be at a higher level than today.


Vitamin K2 and what it does for YOU.  The information on K2 here is from the website.  This vitamin is rare in the western diet and has not received much mainstream attention.

However, this powerful nutrient plays an essential role in many aspects of your health.  In fact, vitamin K2 may be the missing link between diet and several chronic diseases.

Vitamin K has discovered in 1929as an essential nutrient for blood coagulation (blood clotting).  The initial discovery was reported in a German scientific journal.  Weston A. Price, who is a wealth of information on his foundation website also discovered it.  He referred to this nutrient as “activator X”  which is now K2.  K1 is found in plant foods like leafy greens.  But K2 is found in animal foods and fermented foods.

Vitamin K2 and what it does for YOU

K2 plays an essential role in bone metabolism, and studies suggest that it can help prevent osteoporosis and fractures.  And a higher intake of K2 is strongly associated with a reduced risk of heart disease.  K plays an essential role in blood clotting, heart health, and bone health.  Also, it is believed that K2 may play a critical role in dental health.  But K2 has been found to improve survival in patients with liver cancer.  Men who consume the highest amounts of K2 appear to have a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer.

You can get K2 from high-fat dairy products, egg yolk, liver and fermented foods, such as sauerkraut.

Kresser Institute has these benefits for K2. Bone health, kidney health, brain health, preventing cancer and insulin sensitivity.

If you decide K2 is for you please read the side effects.   Since we are unique everything that goes into your mouth is different from each person.  Know the side effects and know the benefits.  Difficulty in swallowing, fast or irregular breathing, lightheadedness and more can be side effects.
