August 2020 -
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August 2020

Mathematics and God.  Remember, we are talking on this website about God’s Religion.  It has been researched for thousands of years that God’s Religion is based on Mathematics.  It is all connected with the Fibonacci Sequence and the Frequency Vibration of EVERYTHING.

YOUR Mind – Tavistock Insitute

Everything in the Universe is connected, all peoples are connected with each other and everything else.  This is a true statement.  And yet they have you believe the people across the river are wrong and you are right.

Divine Creator is more than.  Divine Creator created everything.

Over the history of the world, there have been groups that have tried to keep humans from having Knowledge of US. These groups are still here today and only bigger.   It is your job to make sure YOU are not controlled by anything but YOU.  And to help this along you will have to do several things on a daily basis;  meditate or pray, use alkaline water and organic foods into your body, and think positive thoughts.  There are other things to do but I believe those 3 things will take care of the mind-body and spirit,  And then any additional positive things you do will just be icing on the cake as they say.

There is a man-made reality, like TV, entertainers, athletes and different groups.  But, YOU know what they are and need to clear them out of your mind.  That is why there is so much division, those groups all think they are right.  This does not bring peace and joy as the Divine Creator wants for you.  But it is bringing, sadness, anxiety, and division.  It is your job in your community to bring courage and strength to any issue.  Whether it is the educational system, the city or county government or the left or right.  The Divine Creator wants peace and joy and health and success for each of us.  Make that happen in your community by being strong and courageous.

YOUR Mind – Tavistock Insitute


As you read the blogs and you notice the pictures on each blog it should become apparent about the pattern of Fibonacci sequence in everything.  There are all kinds of YOUTUBE presentations with different Hz music which is all wonderful and helpful on your journey.  There are ones that play for hours so if you are having sleep problems it does help.

We each have to learn about this higher level of knowledge over time.  Because man-made mind control has been in place for a long time.  Maybe, it has been in place close to 200 years.  As you recall in one of the other blogs I talk about Tavistock Institute out of Britain.  And then there are the EMFs that affect.  But now the water, food, and air have been contaminated so we need to be really careful.  The mind, body, and spirit are all connected but so we keep things easy we do keep them separate.

Spirit is connected to everything.

The Prime Creator has put this all together.  I do not know how and I have just seen a very small part but I am a seeker so it keeps going.  But the mind is not se[arate from the body and the body and mind are not separate from the spirit.  We are 1 with the Universe and all connected.   We do need to follow some of the ancient scriptures, like the old testament and Jesus saying “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”  There is good in all religions.  But we have to remember there is bad and evil doctrine also.  That is why I believe it is only good to read and apply the ancient texts.  Mdiate and pray for peace and joy for everyone.  It is the best way to live.  And especially forgiveness is such a powerful word.  You may not tell the person you forgive but mentally forgive them and let it go.  For your sake.  And this will be in your toolbox also.


YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.

YOU can see that all the pictures we now have pertained to the Fibonacci sequence.  Part of the Prime Creator’s universal pattern.  Our bodies and organs are all from the Fibonacci sequence.  As you can see from DaVinci’s “Man” rendering it is all about the Fibonacci sequence.  Even our blood types tell a whole lot about YOU.  YOU should know your blood type and know what foods best fit with that lectins in your blood and food types.  There has been plenty of research between the food lectins and blood type lectins.  See, there is Prime Creator at work again, the lectin in foods that work best with lectins in blood.  I am sure this makes sense to you as it does to me. YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.

Dr. D’Amato has a blood type testing kit on his website.  It is reasonable and something you need in your toolbox.  And while you are at his website read about the research on lectin so you know also.

YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.  Dr. D’Amato’s research is very well documented.  It is amazing that we know what we know as we age.   Knowing is a wonderful development tool but we need to want to know.  Some people I know just do not want their box to get any bigger.  They are stuck where they are at and will never get out.  And especially if they do not question the norm.  Or want to know something different.  I will eventually talk about Tom Van Flandern, head of US Naval Observation, but that is for another time.  When he woke up, he really woke up.  It is a process and is part of our journey.  But it is a timely thing.  My sister said 2 weeks before she died,  “I regret not doing more with my life, I know I could have.”  I try to be productive every day.  Some days I may miss it somewhat but I keep trying.  YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.

YOUR Blood Type – Dr. D’Amato research.


Mind and Fibonacci Sequence.  Everything in the Universe is the Fibonacci Sequence.  Our organs are all made in order with the Sequence.  The breathing we have learned is best done with the Fibonacci Sequence.  That is one of the reasons everything is connected.  And everything was created by the Divine Creator.  You may call him God or whatever you like.  But, the Divine Creator did all this.  And it was developed billions of years ago along with the Schumann Resonance and the vibration of each of our 50 Trillion cells.

All nature, animals, human, and architecture in the world are from the Fibonacci Sequence.  And therefore I will do a whole blog on pictures just of the Fibonacci Sequence.  But it is a beautiful thing.  And it has been man-made religions that have divided anyone.  God’s Religion is the Fibonacci Sequence and the vibration that everything runs on.  No one has ever called it God’s religion but it is.  Man’s religion has created wars, turned us against one another.  And here we are really all connected.  How wonderful is that?  Really loving all peoples in all places.  And no more wars, just peace.

Albert Einstein’s discovery of the Fibonacci Sequence at age 13 unleashed his world-transforming genius.  And the sequence can be called Fibonacci or can be called the Golden Ratio.  But I like the Sequence because it is in everything from the littlest ant to the Universe.  And the Prime Creator or Divine Creator did all this.  But it was for everything and everyone to be ONE.  And that is what we all are in this Universe – we are ONE.  And everything is run on the Sequence and Vibrates.  However, everything and everyone has those 2 things in common.

And Nikola Tesla said, “Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the Universe.  How appro pro.  He is saying the Vibration and Sequence again.  God’s religion always.

Mind and Fibonacci Sequence.


Spirit – Fibonacci Sequence.

Everything in the Universe – including you and me are built on the Fibonacci Sequence.  This Sequence and the vibration from the Schumann Resonance and the vibration of YOUR 55 trillion cells are from the Divine Creator.  YOUR Spirit and your whole being are all connected to all those and more.  God’s Religion is different than Man’s Religion.  On this website in all, I talk about is how we are all connected with what I wrote above.   This website will give you the knowledge and learning that no one else is talking about.  Although I do believe that Man’s Religion is good in certain areas.  But there are some that are not so good.

Spirit – Fibonacci Sequence.

How did the Divine Creator create everything as unique but connected?  I do not know but you should that know it was done with more knowledge than anyone in the universe has ever had.  The Hoppe Indians say that there have been 4-5 rebirths of the earth.  They know so much more than most humans.  And I take their word.  GOD’S Religion is about what I have said above but would include the ancient texts.

I use different meditation and prayers –  because I like being positive and I want everyone to be a success in life.  And I have found that by anyone following others they are not being their unique self.

Connecting to God’s religion is about:  Love, truth, principles and GOOD things.  Man’s Religion has divided peoples and cultures, and EVIL things.   Most, and probably all the mainstream religions and churches teach that their dogma is the best.  And I say that is what keeps all cultures divided.  Why are religious leaders, politicians, athletes, entertainers the riches people in the world?  Because we all have been programmed in some of these areas.

Listen to Dr. Bruce Lipton’s video on how we have all been programmed.  It is great and you will gain so much knowledge from his videos that are free.


YOUR Cells staying Healthy.

Your cells staying Healthy.  If all of your cells are vibrating at the 7.34 – 7.45 then you are healthy.  But, with most of us, sickness and physical things happen during our lifetime.  Therefore, over the years we have to keep what cells we have happy and vibrating correctly.  I have had broken arms, broken ankles, hips replaced.  And then whatever downloaded from my heritage.  My brother died of colon cancer at 56 and my sister died of leukemia at 65 so that has left myself as the only surviving person of my childhood.  But, I have known for decades that I have to take care of my health so I do not die sick for my children do not have those last memories being sick.  And consequently, I have juiced, and been aware of my own health over the years.  I feel really good that at 77 I am high functioning.  I work on exercising, juicing, eating right and doing meditation and prayers daily.  And I work daily on positive thoughts.  But I always want good thoughts and prayers for others.

YOU have 55 trillion cells.  This information comes from Dr. Bruce Lipton, a Cellular Biologist who is into the mind-body, and spiritual life now.  And he has many good things to say about it.  But I am just telling you that those cells have to vibrate at the level mentioned above for you to stay healthy.  And since you are a UNIQUE person you have to know YOU.  What makes you function at a high healthy level for your age.  Know your blood type, take into consideration all the factors that make you who you are.  YOU have to forgive yourself and everyone.  You do not have to tell the person you forgive them but mentally forgive everyone because only then can you move on.  Have joy and be positive.

Only then are your 55 trillion cells going to work well.



Let’s talk about how and why we have been programmed.  And we can reprogram our mind

Dr. Bruce Lipton again – has another video that you probably have never seen.  But it is a fantastic video.   And here you learn about Dr. Lipton but many other scientists, Doctors, and many more researchers.  I research the researchers because I am a Seeker and I want that Truth.  But most people do not have time to go to the researchers I have over the years and learn.

Your Mind has been Programmed.

When we are thinking then conscious.  But to reprogram and you want to have a meaningful life and find your purpose.  You will need to do other things than what you did yesterday.  I have read and read all these wonderful people who want to help others.  However, they may want you to know more about what is going around the world in finance or psychology or how to make more money.  And to have a more meaningful life.  You will have to reprogram.   I have used the repetition theory.  I have done hypnosis but there is also energy psychology.  The repetition theory is what Dr. Josph Murphy talked about for 50 years and wrote many books on reprogramming the subconscious.

Of course, our first 7 years were programmed.  We lived in a limited environment with family and the surrounding environment.  Dr. Lipton said even the last trimester before birth we are starting to be programmed.  I understand that.  And I hope you see that also.  But, I changed the program.  I like being positive.  I have these websites with so much information for others to learn from.

The subconscious mind is the habit of mind.  Keep repeating and learning a new habit.  A more beneficial habit to get you where you want to be.  Maybe next year or in 5 years.  Real Dr. Viktor Frankle’s book,  “Man’s Search for Meaning”.

Your Mind has been Programmed.


Spiritual – Biology of Belief.  One of my favorite scientists is Dr. Bruce Lipton.  His work will help you on your journey and being a seeker.  There are lots of scientists I admire and we will get to them soon enough.  But, Dr. Lipton is who we will talk about this day on your journey.   Today we will be going over his video about YOUR LIFE.  I have always tried to be more positive every day of my life.  I have raised a Christian Scientist and to this day I follow that which works for me.  But, over the years I have widened my box a lot.

“Your Body is an Illusion”.  Your body is made up of 50 Trillion cells and the cells are the living entity.  So you are a community, not a single person as what they say genes are.  Every cell in your body has minus voltage on the inside and positive voltage on the outside.  Every cell is a battery.  700 trillion volts of electricity in your body right now.  And with training and meditation, you can focus this energy called chi.  And you can use that energy for healing.  All animals and plants communicate with energy.  All organisms connect by vibrations – you can tell if a person is good or bad by energy.  You are a wave and your thoughts are outside your brain.    Everything you think about or talk about should be positive because those energy thoughts go to them.  Your vibrations resonate.  Schumann’s resonate in the universe connects with our vibration in our cells.  We are in a community that gives up itself for central voice.  Central voice is the mind.

Spiritual – Biology of Belief.

Signals from internal and external environment and interrupt and the brain is perception.   The thoughts will heal you.  Like Dr. Peale said in the 1940’s it is positive thinking.  It is still the best way to a healthy and positive life.  This leads to healthy aging.



Dr. D’Adamo wrote a book years ago – that I really liked for my own journey.  It tells the story of Blood Type Diets.  But the one thing that works for everyone in that book is the research.  Dr. D’Adamo did the research on older research out of Germany.   The following is from his website, and you need to read through his whole website but here is a little of what YOU need to know.


Lectins and YOUR Blood Type.

Dr. D’Adamo has so much information on his website that YOU may need for healthy aging.  He says that you are experiencing problems from lectins in your diet such as bloating and flatulence after meals, change in bowel habits, achy joints, and muscles, hormonal fluctuations, fatigue, and tiredness.

He says that cells in our liver’s bile ducts have lectins on their surface to help snatch up bacteria and parasites.  These seem to be all blood type-specific.  This makes perfect sense to me.  I am Type O positive.  My daughter is Type O Negative.  So foods behave differently for each of us.   Lectins attach to lectins.

Common foods to avoid for each blood type that contain harmful lectins:

O – Wheat, kidney bean, peanuts

A – Lima bean, tomato, eggplant

B – Chicken, corn, lentil

AB – Chicken, corn, banana, fava bean

Please read Dr. D’Adamo’s book and maybe not follow it all but it will be beneficial to your aging healthy along with everything else on this website.

What this website has that no one else has is to show you how unique you are and to age healthy you have to know YOU and how to take care of your mind, body, and spirit.
