YOU and feeding YOUR brain/mind
The mind does not reside in the brain but for the YOUR mind to work as well as it can then YOUR brain needs to be fed as well as
possible on a daily basis.
Your brain needs the same nutrients that every cell in your body needs. It needs macronutrients, like fat, protein, and carbohydrates, and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.
YOU have to eat portions of fat, protein, and carbohydrates every day for the brain function properly.
Oxygen and deep breathing is so very important also to the brain. By deep breathing and knowing for SELF I have not had a headache –can feel a headache coming on and I take deep
breaths for about 5-10 minutes and headache never occurs because I am filling my body and mind with deep oxygen.
In the fat, protein, and carbohydrates they need to be organic and NON-PROCESSED – only those fresh and organic should go into
your body for your mind to function at the top level.
A health inspector told me once “only shop around the walls of a grocery store – not in the middle where all the processed food is”
Try not to eat anything with white flour or sugar in the recipe. YOU are not going to be able to do that 100% of the time but if yo
think about it you can stop a lot of random eating.
It will help YOU to think about how you will be at 80 or 90 years old – and how you will age beautifully if you are careful with processed
foods in your 30-40.
Magnesium is one of the best minerals for the brain. There are several different kinds and I take the one to help sleep and bowel
YOU and Feeding the YOUR Mind
Omega 3 – especially during childhood – helps build proper neural connections and helps create the barrier that protects the
nerves throughout life.
Vitamin D3-important for proper growth and development,
protecting the body against muscle weakness
Here is a list of brain foods
Sesame Seeds
Butternut Squash
Za’atar – a middle eastern spice mixture
Listed below are 5 nutrients that are very important for the brain and only found in animal foods
Vitamin B12 – meat, fish, and eggs
Creatine – meat
Vitamin D3 – comes from animals, codfish liver oil best source
Carnosine – in animal tissues
Docosahexaenoic acid(DHA)-fatty fish, grass-fed animal products.
YOU and Feeding the YOUR Mind
FOR THE BRAIN – children and adults need the right types and the right amount at the right time.
Balance in everything – please feed your brain good nutrients and foods- and especially the little ones in your family for their little
brains and depending on you to take care of them until they make their own decisions
Expanding YOUR MIND.
Expanding YOUR MIND. YOUR mind has walls that have been built up since you were in the womb and the nutrients, thoughts from your parents and your environment. Be open and mindful of what goes into YOUR mind. Put the powerful, encouraging and empowering thoughts and words into YOU. YOUR life will change for the better.
Thank the universe, God, the life you have been given, and be thankful for the days you are here. Think SELF first because the more you are mindful of SELF the more you can do for family and friends. Think big, think grand for SELF and be thankful and grateful. Do not live with rose-colored glasses on so think for yourself on subjects important to YOU. There are always a PRO and CON thought on every subject – take the subject important to you and do the research on that subject so you are clear in YOUR mind.
Expanding YOUR MIND.