The book ‘Prisoner of Your Thoughts is a follow up of the great book by Viktor Frankl “Search for a Meaningful Life”. but Dr. Alex Pattakos’s books is about the work environment and following up on Dr. Frankl’s book. What a wonderful combination to keep Dr. Frankl’s book alive in today’s work environment. It is very important, on a daily basis, that we remember we each want to have a meaningful life, whether it is in our home, with family and friends, or in the workplace. After you have read “The Road Less Traveled” and find out life is not easy but we can have a good attitude, we can make each day count, and we shall make the effort today for the good days tomorrow. She waited for things to happen in her life, waited for someone to help her make it happen
Are YOU a prisoner of YOUR Mind?
She waited and waited. No one came to rescue her. And would have had to walk through the door by herself and take the opportunities as they presented themselves. Can you walk through the door Have you already walked through the door Are you making things happen in your life so that your life has meaning? It may not be today, may not be tomorrow but make this time worthwhile.
Time does not stop for anyone, whether rich or poor. In the end, will you know you did the best you could each day? Sometimes, we just have to rest and regroup. But, for most days we are moving the train down the track. Being positive and having hope that the finish line will be soon.
Are YOU a prisoner of YOUR Mind?