May 2019 -
Browsing Date

May 2019



YOU and YOUR Spirit being mind controlled in lots of different ways

This is from

The more one researches mind control, the more one will come to

the conclusion that there is a coordinated script that has been in

a place for a very long time with the goal to turn the human race

into non-thinking automatons.  For as long as man has pursued

power over the masses, mind control has been orchestrated by

those who study human behavior in order to bend large

populations to the will of a small “elite” group.

Modern mind control is both technological and psychological.

Tests show that simply by exposing the methods of mind control

the effects can be reduced or eliminated, at least for mind control

advertising and propaganda.  More difficult to counter is the

physical intrusions, which the military-industrial complex

continues to develop and improve upon.

Listed are some of the mind control methods being used all over

the globe and especially in the United States without even a whimper

from the common person:


Advertising and propaganda

Predictive programming

Sports, politics, religion

Food, water, and air


Military testing

Electromagnetic spectrum

Television, computer, and “pixel-flicker rate”


This next part is from Natural News;

To protect the propaganda from scrutiny, no person is ever

allowed the luxury of reflection.  Logic and reason are

condemned.  Critical thinking is derided.  Historical context is

obliterated by the repeated intrusion of the now, and whatever

happened just a few short years or months ago is actively

rejected if it does not reinforce whatever present-day delusion is

being pushed as “fact.”

There are a solution and defenses against all this mind control in

our universe and that is to practice the ability to step back

from the emotional tapestry being woven by the propagandists

and evaluate the real logic behind the reports.

This is not easy to accomplish, but it can be achieved if you are

determined to see things more clearly.  Sometimes, the mere

passage of time can diminish the emotional impact and achieve

greater clarity.

Always be skeptical, always question, and always demand that

the truth be told or do your own research and find the truth

yourself and share it with your family and friends.




You and how trauma affects YOUR Brain/Mind

You will have some trauma throughout your life.

It may help to know how it may affect your brain/mind so that you can maybe stay ahead of

the repercussions from that trauma.

There are different effects



Those are just 2 ways trauma can affect us but it affects your amygdala, which is an almond

shaped mass located deep in your inner brain:

Increases your arousal and autonomic responses associated with fear

Activates the release of stress hormones

Engages your emotional response

Decides what memories are stored and where they should be placed around the cortex

Applies feeling, tone an emotional charge to memory when strong emotional content remains connected to

connected to a visceral experience

Next to the amygdala is the hippocampus that is responsible for the formation, organization, storage, and retrieval of memories.  Technically, it converts them from short-term to long-term, sending them into the appropriate parts of your outer brain for storage

and retrieval of memories.  Technically, it converts them from short-term to long-term, sending them into the appropriate parts of your outer brain for storage

term, sending them into the appropriate parts of your outer brain for storage

Trauma, however, hijacks this process; the hippocampus is prevented from transforming the memories from being properly integrated so that their effects dimish, n some cases when the hippocampus function is suppressed it has been shown to shrink.

memories from being properly integrated so that their effects dimish, n some cases when the hippocampus function is suppressed it has been shown to shrink.

hippocampus function is suppressed it has been shown to shrink.

Lastly, the prefrontal cortex located in the front, the outer most layer of your brain contributes two important elements of recall:

two important elements of recall:

After trauma a few things can occur:

Your lower brain processes responsible for instinct and emotion override the

Inhibitory strength of the cortex so that the cortex cannot properly stop inappropriate

reactions or refocus your attention

Blood flow to the left prefrontal lobe can decrease, so you have less ability for language,

memory and other left lobe functions

Blood flow to your right prefrontal lobe can increase, so you experience more sorrow, sadness

and anger.

When a traumatic event triggers our internal alarm system, the body goes into fight, flight, or

freeze and here is what Dan Siegel, MD says that there are two key chemical reactions to

trauma and know how trauma affects the brain an enhance our interventions better, and I

would say individually it would help us to recover quicker from trauma.

If there is childhood trauma it can lead the brain to be wired for fear.

Dr. Bessel van der Kolk says that one can change the connections and activations in the brain.

But, I do believe that is easier said than actually done after any trauma, whether you are

young or old.

One of the things that can be done after trauma is neurofeedback, which can actually help

people rewire the wiring of their brain structures.  Yoga may not cure after traumas but yoga

makes a substantial difference in the right direction.




Your spirit is from all YOUR years before and what you have


 and the knowledge YOU gain in YOUR Life’s lessons.

Here are some of the

most influential spiritual books in the last 50 years and

some of them I have read over and over to gain insight and some

of them, I will read in the future but I always want to go to the next

level –and I know that by learning and knowledge I can always

do that.

  1. The Secret

Rhonda Byrne

Law of Attraction

Asking for what you want

Believing in what you want

And being open to receiving it

Reader can shift their perspective

  1. The Alchemist

Paulo Coelho

Shepherd journeys to Egypt pyramids to find treasure

Lessons of the discovery of your personal legend,

Being your one true purpose

And understanding omens

  1. The Art of Happiness:  A handbook for Living

Howard Cutler

Importance and attainability of happiness in everyday living

The purpose of life is to find happiness, which is determined

by one’s mental state, despite outside circumstances

No spiritual rules or religious guidelines

  1. The Celestine Prophecy

James Redfield

Part adventure and part new age spiritual novel

Journey through Peru as he uncovers nine spiritual insights.

Shifting a person’s perspective

  1. A New Earth

Eckhart Tolle

Reducing the ego

Ego source of all inner and outer conflicts

Awakened consciousness

  1. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success


Importance of success in life

Happiness and realization of goals, success is not limited

to wealth

Vedic teachings and presents them to a western audience.

  1. The Road Less Traveled

Psychiatrist M. Scott Peck

Attributes that make a fulfilled human being

Discipline, Love, and Grace

  1. Jonathan Livingston Seagull

Richard Bach

Different than other gulls

Devastated that he was outcast from group.

Moved him to higher plane

To all of us who refuse to conform

Teaching love, forgiveness, and how to reach YOUR

true potential

  1. Eat, Pray, Love; One Woman’s Search for Everything

Across Italy, India, and Indonesia

Elizabeth Gilbert

After a bitter divorce, went on holiday to Italy

Italy to eat good food

India to learn about spirituality

Bali for balance and love

She was in a tremendous amount of pain but ended as

a balanced and loving human

  1. Tuesdays with Morrie: an old man, a young man and

Life’s Greatest Lesson

Mitch Abom

Interviews with Morrie Schwartz, former professor dying of

of Lou Gehrig’s disease

Ideas of accepting and giving love

Nurturing values

  1. The Four Agreements:  A Practical Guide to

Personal Freedom

Don Miguel Ruiz

Ancient Toltec wisdom

Be impeccable with your word

Do not take anything personally

Do not make assumptions

Always do your best

Added a 5th– be skeptical but learn to listen

  1. Siddhartha

Herman Hesse

Journey o young Nepalese man during the time of

Buddha, and his quest to find spiritual enlightenment.

Found spiritual fulfillment in a much simpler way that

the way proposed by all of the world’s wise men.

I have read most of the above books since the 1980’s when

I also went through a devastating divorce.  I was in my 40’s and

had no professional skills and was raised by controlling mother

and married a controlling man so I had no idea who I was as

a single parent, let alone who was I as a person.

There are many other books I have read that have added to my

Spirituality but all of them have been wonderful for ME in my Spiritual walk



YOU and ground black pepper sounds like such a simple

everyday item in our diets but I think you need to know about:

Organic ground black pepper and its health benefits

The following is from

They include relief from respiratory disorders, coughs, the

common cold, constipation, indigestion, anemia, impotency,

muscular stains, dental disease, pyorrhea, diarrhea, and heart


Black pepper is the fruit of the black pepper plant from the

Piperaceae family and s used as both a spice and a medicine.

The chemical piperine, which is present in black pepper, causes

the spiciness.  It is native to Kerala, the southern state of India.

Since ancient times, black pepper is one of the most widely

traded spices in the world.  It is not considered a seasonal plant

and is, therefore, available throughout the year When dried, this

plant-derived spice is referred to as a peppercorn and is then

ground into a powder to be put on food to add flavor and spice.

Because of its antibacterial properties, pepper is also used to

preserve food.  It is a rich source of manganese, iron, potassium,

Vitamin-C, vitamin K, and dietary fiber.  Black pepper is also a very

good anti-inflammatory agent.

Good for the stomach

Weight loss

Skin health

Respiratory relief

Antibacterial quality

Antioxidant potential

Enhances bioavailability

Cognitive impairment and neurological health

Peptic ulcers

Asthma and whooping cough

Dr. Mercola has some good facts on black pepper:

Black pepper helps shore up the system with other minerals like

potassium for controlling the heart rate and blood pressure, and

calcium to strengthen your bones and teeth.  Zinc, according to

studies promote cell growth and are a stealth antioxidant,

protecting against free radical damage.

Black pepper contains essential oils like piperine, ammonia-

derived alkaloid, which gives pepper its bold character and heat,

as well as the monoterpenes sabinene, pinene, terpinene,

limonene, and Mercene, which give this spice it aromatic

qualities.  All combined, these oils in aromatherapy can help in

easing aching muscles chilblains, and arthritis, and have a

curative property for constipation and sluggish digestion.

Now the good part:

A study by the University of Michigan Cancer Center found that

black pepper was found to prevent the development of breast cancer

tumors.  They found that the piperine content of black pepper

plays a key role in preventing cancers.  When combined with

turmeric its anticancer properties are heightened.







The inward journey

“The longest journey is the journey inward.”

Dag Hammarskjöld, Markings

This quote is from Dag Hammarskjold (July 29, 1905 — September 18, 1961) who served as the second Secretary-General United Nations, and the only UN Secretary-General to die that office.

Reading something profound like the above moves me to empower SELF, seeks to improve SELF, and appreciate SELF.

What does it do for YOU?

Reading books, non-fiction, biographies, auto-biographies will empower SELF.

When I read about a specific topic, I try to read at least five other authors’ view on the same subject to get their theories or thoughts.  Never read just one author’s opinion on topic-because YOUR MIND will get stuck in their theory or thought.

There are certain words that will help you to become that person that has a purpose

There are certain words that will help you to have a meaningful life

There are certain words that will help you in this journey called YOUR LIFE

















   Be Thankful all Day, Every Day

   Be Thankful all Day, Every Day

  Have Joy

  Have Joy

  Have Joy






Focusing on a Moment of Joy


YOU and how the sun affects your mind

Sunlight has a profound impact on your mental health.  Out of 19

environmental factors, the only one correlating to higher levels of

distress was the amount of time between sunrise and sunset.

An estimated 20 percent of American are affected by seasonal

affective disorder(SAD) each winter.  What differentiates SAD from

regular depression is that full remission occurs in the spring and

summer months.

The complex stimulus of sunlight can affect your mood and

mental health through a number of mechanisms, including affecting

your Vitamin D, serotonin, endorphins, nitric oxide levels and

mitochondrial energy. According to a paper published in the

Journal Dermato-Endocrinology, a large number of molecules

found in the different layers of your skin absorb and interact with

ultraviolet rays producing a number of complex and synergistic


Sunlight also regulates your circadian rhythm, light therapy has

been shown to be effective against depression, both SAD and

non-seasonal major depression.

Vitamin plays an important role in mental health, so if fall and

winter months leave you feeling blue, you would be wise to add

vitamin D to your supplement protocol.

Regular exercising has been found to work better than

antidepressant drugs.  In fact, it is one of the most powerful

strategies available to prevent and treat depression and boost

your mood.  Exercise works by helping to normalize your insulin

levels while simultaneously boosting “feel good” hormones in your

brain.  Researchers have also discovered that exercise allows

your body to eliminate kynurenine, a harmful protein associated

with depression

Avoiding processed foods Foods have an immense impact on

your mood and ability to cope, and eating a diet of fresh, whole

foods will best support your mental health

Gut health also influences your mental health – take a good

probiotic and eat fresh and organic foods as much as possible.

Omega -3 fats. -cod-liver oil and also B12 will help

Your mental health is body health and spiritual health all interact

with each other and have to keep all balanced

Stay strong and be courageous and brave



START  TODAY and YOU will be healthy in 20 YEARS – it is YOUR Mission, it is YOUR Plan, it is up to YOU.

It is YOUR journey

There is always a lot to learn if YOU are going to be healthy in 20 years because you have to take care of:




and know how to keep all those healthy.

Being ProActive – learning beforehand what to do, what YOU need to know, this is what YOU will be learning at this website:

YOU will learn about:

YOUR Vibration –

Healthy foods

Good exercise program for YOU

What affects YOUR blood type

and MORE

Whether you want to take flu shots or want YOUR children and grandchildren to take the protocol of shots while growing up

Will YOUR life be meaningful?

Do YOU know YOUR purpose?

These are things that we all figure out as we age and develop.

To develop YOU will have to read and search out information that will help you answer those questions.

My hope is that YOU will find a great deal of YOUR information at this website because I research the researchers and have loved doing that over the years and so I have a lot of information and know resources to go to get the information YOU will need so that in 20 years YOU will be healthy.

Life is difficult is the first sentence in Road Less Traveled by Dr. M. Scott Peck – fabulous book and YOU should add that book to your library – and hopefully, YOU have a library or are starting on YOUR library.

We will be talking about what YOUR vibration of each cell in YOUR body should be to keep it healthy and in case you want to know how I know that I will give you the resources I have – and I am sure that there are probably a lot of others out there also but YOU will have that knowledge.

JOY for today
