


The Mind is a terrible thing to waste as the commercial for the

United Negro College Fund used to say on the radio or TV.  It

always struck me as being one of the infinite truths of the world

and I have always thought it true to see a mind wasted on being

controlled for one’s life, for being addicted for one’s life, for being

in a small box for one’s life.  These are the things that make me

feel really sad for someone what “cannot see the forest for the

Trees” mentality.

Like Dr. Frankl says in his wonderful book, “Man’s Search for

Meaning” it does not matter what we expected out of life but

what life expected out of us”.  Each of us, who are reading this

has expectations from others, our job, our family, our partners or

spouse.  But what does life expect out of YOU and myself?


I love questions to myself-they have made me think over these

many years what DOES life expect out of me?


Because I have always believed in the Power of Positive Thinking

I have opened myself up to things that my mind can create and

ways of thinking differently than how I was raised, or how family

friends thought but when something entered my mind it was me

Higher Power putting it there after prayer and meditation and I

needed to follow-through because that was what life expected

me to do.  That is my mind-set, and that is my belief systems that

has grown over many decades of open-thought theory.  Do YOU

have the “Open-Thought Theory”?


What do YOU want YOUR life to look like when you are 80?

Will it be meaningful to look back on YOUR life and say “I did do

what life expected me to do”.  Or will you look back to say “I did

what was expected out of me”.

Tear down those walls Mr. Gorbachev– Ronald Reagan’s saying

To the head of Russia – what a wonderful saying.  Tear down

those “old” walls that we have built up over the decades of our

lives.  Whether they are physical or mental – it is clarification that

we all have lived within the walls that come with each of us.

Those walls come from family and friends – intentional or

Unintentional – they are there and it is up to YOU to expand those

walls or tear them down.  Learning and listening are what is going

to open up those walls.  Even the learning institutes YOU have

attended have put walls up for you.   Listen to Professor

Darrell Hamamoto – Professor of Asian Studies at University

Of California-San Diego.  He has studied and taught at these

learning institutes for decades.


Only by reading and listening to others can we expand those


Or tear them down.

The mind should be open to thoughts and free to beliefs.  But

It has to be for the betterment of SELF and others not to bring

Anyone negative thoughts or bring anyone down.  Always UP,

always positive and always open-thought theory.
