February 2019 - MindBodySpir.it
Browsing Date

February 2019





YOU and YOUR Rebounder


I have had a rebounder for almost 20 years do not buy a cheap

one.  The one I purchased was about 250-300 and I purchased

my daughter and her husband one several years ago and it was

little over 300.  Well worth the money for the benefits.


This is how rebounding works on YOUR body.  As YOU bounce

upward, speed increases causing acceleration.  At the top of the

bounce, there is a short period of time during which one is

suspended feeling virtually weightless.  At this time the

mechanical stressors that cause pressure and irritation in the

bodies when one stands, are lifted, allowing for cellular

decompression and tension relief


Returning to the bottom of the bounce, one decelerates and the

body momentarily stops at the feet sink into the trampoline.

During this split second, one is exposed to the joint forces of

deceleration and gravity, causing the body to react as though the

gravitational pull of the earth has actually been increased.  This

dynamic impact forces the cells to adapt, thus strengthening them

over time.


Rebounding is a matter of harnessing the natural energies that

are inherent in our world to use to our advantage.

Listed below are 20 benefits of rebounding:

  1. Increases respiratory capacity
  1. circulates greater oxygen to tissues
  1. Creates higher equilibrium between tissue oxygen need and oxygen availability
  1. Greatly enhances muscular and valvular fluid exchange, lightening the heart’s workload
  1. Teds to reduce levels of arterial blood pressure during exercise
  1. Lessens the higher blood-pressure period after exercise
  1. 7 Increases red=cell production activity of the bone marrow (raising oxygen-delivery capacity)
  1. Aids venous blood flow as well as lymph flow (enhancing waste-cleaning)
  1. Strengthens heart muscle and other muscles, causing them to work with greater efficiency.
  1. Stimulates metabolic activity
  1. Promotes growth and tissue repair
  1. Tones the endocrine system, especially the thyroid, to increase output
  1. Enhances the body’s alkaline reserve for potential emergency output
  1. Conserves physical strength and efficiency
  1. Improves coordination through enhanced transmission of nerve impulses and muscle response
  1. Produces vigor through increased muscle fiber tone
  1. Provides relief from neck and back pains, headaches and pains due to poorly toned physiology
  1. Enhances digestion and elimination
  1. Stimulates lymph flow for increased immunity and cold/allergy prevention
  1. Creates purer sleep and relaxation


PREVENTION is my motto and I do that with organic foods,

nutrition, and exercise.  I became hypothyroid before I knew what

had happened to me.  After that, in the 1980s, I took charge to

make sure I did not get any more disease that would affect my aging.


I am 75 now and still do PREVENTION with organic foods, nutrition, and exercise.


Life is Good and full of JOY





YOU and B-12

GET YOUR B-12 tested at your next physician annual blood work exam.


Kelly Brogan, M.D. wrote an article on her website about a paper

he had red in the psychiatric literature about a 57-year-old

a woman who was treated with  months of both antipsychotics and

antidepressant medications and given two rounds of

treatment before anyone bothered to check her

vitamin B12 level.


Her symptoms were years in the making including tearfulness,

anxiety, movement abnormalities, constipation lethargy, and

eventually perceptual disturbances(hearing her name called) and

the ultimate in severe psychiatric pathology, catatonia.  Despite her

inpatient treatment, she remained suicidal, depressed, and


Within two months of identifying her deficiency, and subsequent

B12 treatment, she reverted to her baseline of 14 years previous,

and remained stable with no additional treatment.

Much of what we attribute to serotonin and dopamine

“deficiencies”  melts away under the investigative eye of a more

personalized style of medicine that seeks to identify hormonally,

nutritional, and immune imbalances that can “look” psychiatric in



B12 supports myelin(which allows nerve impulses to conduct) and

when this vitamin is deficient, has been suspected to symptoms such as dementia, sclerosis, impaired gait, and

sensation.  Clinically, B12 may be best known for its role in red

blood cell production.  Deficiency states may result in pernicious

anemia.  But what aboutB12’s role in psychiatric symptoms such

as depression, anxiety, fatigue, and even psychosis.


Also, Dr. Mercola has an article entitled Long-term use of proton

pump inhibitors and other antacids can cause vitamin B12


Dr. Mercola has some great articles on his website about B and B


Homocysteine levels have been shown from research that being

controlled might be able to reduce brain shrinkage, thereby

the slowing onset of Alzheimer’s.Elevated homocysteine is linked to

brain degeneration and B vitamins are known to suppress


A 2010 study, in which participants again receiver higher than

normal doses of B vitamins, also found that people receiving B

vitamins experienced far less brain shrinkage than the placebo



Below, is a list of benefits of vitamin B12

Healthy nerve cells, red blood cell formation, energy, and DNA


Can reduce overall severity and frequency of allergies and asthma


Dementia or Alzheimer’s


Focus and concentration

Healthy eyes

Healthy hair, skin, and nails

Healthy heart

Increased male fertility

Pain reduction


Strong bones


If ou maintain an optimal level of B12, taking more will not

increase your energy levels.

Low levels can definitely adversely affect your memory and other

cognitive functions.


B-12 should never be taken unless you have the blood work done

by your doctor or a good lab.  Know that you are deficient before

taking B-12.

Taking more B-12 than your body requires is not going to do you

any good.


Always be mindful of not having enough or having too much of



Have Joy, Be Happy and at Peace







YOU and Everything is Energy

That is a basic scientific fact.  Everything is energy.  There is a

subtle bio-energy that flows through all of life, through all the



Some people call it life force and others call it chi.  This bio-

energy ha a vibration to it.  It can be measured; it is expressed as

an electromagnetic vibrational frequency.  And so, everything has

a frequency.


Emotions have frequency and so do thoughts.  Solids have



The difference lies in the varying levels of frequencies.

Those with consciousness such as humans experience higher

energy frequency states.

Not all humans vibrate at the same levels.  And then we do not

always vibrate at optimum energy frequency states.


One main reason is because we allow our negative emotions and

limiting thoughts to be in charge.  It happens when we are easily

affected by what other people say and when we put ourselves

down by old and unhelpful beliefs.  Whether we hold positive or

negative thoughts and emotions can affect our energy state.


There have been some reports that negative thoughts lower our

frequency by 12 MHz while positive thoughts raise our frequency

by 10 MHz


Another reason is that we undertake unhealthy lifestyle choices.

Our choices are reflected in the food we eat, the harmful products

we use, and the toxins we consume daily.  Pathogens have a low

frequency.  So do pollutants, both particulate and radiation(EMF).

Processed and canned food have a frequency of zero and can

greatly diminish our frequency.


When we become out of balance excessively and over prolonged

periods of time, our body’s natural ability to heal itself declines.

We are not able to operate optimally.  Consequently, we find that

we are not in the best state to attract abundance and live the life

we desire.


Studies conducted by Eastern Washington University and using a

Calibrated Frequency Monitor developed by Taino Technology

showed the measurable influence essentials oils had on the body,

specifically focusing on Young Living.


Pure grade essential oils range in frequency from 52 to 580 MHz

A healthy body from head to foot, typically has a frequency

ranging from 62 to 78 MHz, while desease begins at 57 MHz.

A higher biometric frequency encourages our body to regenerate

damaged cells, build a higher immune defense to viruses as well

as sustain energy vitality.


John Hopkins University now implements a CFM in their study of



Dr. Royal R. Rife, M.D. (198801971) conducted research with a

machine he developed called a “frequency generator” that applies

currents of specific frequencies to the body.   He concluded that

every disease has a specific frequency.  His research

demonstrated that certain frequencies could prevent the

development of disease, and that others would neutralize










YOU and a broken spirit

None of us like to think our Spirit can be broken.  My Spirit is

strong and it will never be broken.


But, sad to say that during one’s lifetime there may be more than

once when our Spirit may be broken and we have to go on and

like they say, “Fight another day”, or do the best we can, or find

the peace and joy to move on.


Here are a few items that may break a human’s Spirit:

Destroy their self-esteem, take away their joy in life,

Their belief and joy in who they are

To take away their dreams and the life they had hoped for

To have emotionally beaten down to the point where they go from

being who they were to someone who has lost all hopes and

dreams of the person they had once been.

Breaking someone’s spirit is often done by physical, mental,

emotional or sexual abuse – or by all of these methods.

When a person’s spirit is broken, they often feel they are not

deserving of joy, or they may have even totally lost all hope or

the desire for happiness; it is a feeling of total emotional defeat.

This can happen to people in many different situations and

settings, such as a parent constantly treating their child in a

demeaning and belittling manner, or a spouse treating their wife

or husband in that manner.  It can also happen to a child who is

being bullied by other children, or to prisoners being treated badly

by the prison staff or other inmates.  A broken spirit can also

happen when a person is a victim of a violent crime.  Having a

spouse ask for a divorce or being laid off or fired from a job can

result in a broken spirit because that person may feel rejected and


Having a broken spirit can often leave the person in a state of

depression, which can also result in suicidal thoughts, because in

many cases, the person has been conditioned to believe they are

not worthy of not only happiness but also of life

The above is from Joyce Galloway Parker

But, there is HOPE – always HOPE – and always the
Sun will come out tomorrow!!!

My motto – the sun will come out tomorrow!  From “Annie”


I went through my breaking spirit period, of course, I have had

other times in my life, but I had health issue at the same time with

my hips so all in all just added to my just laying down and feeling



But, here are some natural ways to life YOUR Sprit when down:

  1. Eat often and eat light
  1. limit refined carbohydrates
  1. include a small amount of lean protein at every meal
  1. eat foods rich in omega-3 fats.
  1. Ramp up your B-12 and folate
  1. ramp up your exercise
  1. a regular sleep schedule
  1. sit outside and breathe in the fresh air
  1. listen to music you love
  1. indulge your senses
  1. do something that brings you joy
  1. play or cuddle up with your furry friend
  1. volunteer
  1. fake it till you make it
  1. create a list of natural  meals that will work for you


Have JOY in the TODAY



Healthy Nutrition




YOU and YOUR Mind and Dementia/Alzheimer Research


The prediction is that by 2030, 20% of people over 65 will have

dementia or Alzheimer’s Disease, the first symptoms of which are

depression, irritability, confusion, and forgetfulness.  However

many people wrongly assume that failing memory and

concentration is an inevitable part of the aging process.  You

can complete a free online Cognitive Function Test at the

website:  foodforthebrain.org that can give you a 10 step action

plan to reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s Disease


A recent research, from the foodforthbrain.org website, study

found that age-related decline could start as early as 45.  The

good news is that a number of encouraging research avenues

indicate that risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s could be reduced in

the early stages of a comprehensive optimum nutrition approach.

The strongest evidence to date relates to raised homocysteine

levels, which both predicts risk and can cause the kind of brain

damage seen in Alzheimer’s, caused by lack of B vitamins,

especially B12, which is increasingly poorly absorbed with age.

Other nutritional solutions which research suggest can affect

cognitive decline or Alzheimer’s risk include omega 3s(DHA),

antioxidants such as Vitamin E (due to the inflammatory nature of

ADand acetylcholine-which is a key part of memory function

(which is often deficient in Alzheimer’s cases).


Alzheimers.net say that studies have shown that while some

foods boost memory, others actually increase risks for

Alzheimer’s disease.  These same foods are linked to other

serious health problems, making it that much more important to

limit or remove them from a senior’s diet.


Brain/mind needs its own brand of fuel.  It requires healthy fats,

fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and adequate vitamins and

minerals.  Consuming too little of these foods and too many

complex carbohydrates, processed foods and sugar stimulates

the production of toxins in the body.  Those toxins can lead to

inflammation, the build-up of plaques in the brain and, as a result,

impaired cognitive function.


The above should be followed and applied to people of all ages,

not just seniors.


Below, is a list of foods that are at risk and not good for the



White bread

White flour

White rice


White sugar

Processed foods and meats

Foods containing diacetyl or nitrate


Listed below are healthy foods that will boost memory:


Leafy green vegetables

Salmon and other cold-water fish

Berries and dark-skinned fruits

Coffee and chocolate

Extra virgin olive oil

Cold-pressed virgin coconut oil


I hope in your daily life that you are eating from the GOOD list –try

to stop eating the BAD list


Sunset on Shore




YOU and how Trauma affects the Brain

Trauma disrupts the stress-hormone system.  It plays havoc with

the entire nervous system, which prevents people from processing

and integrating traumatic memories into conscious mental



Rachel’s Vineyard.org has a lot of information on trauma and how

it affects YOUR brain.


On the website, it gives very detailed information about the brain

and how it works in trauma


Trauma creates chaos in our brain:


The amygdala is a small, almond-shaped portion of the brain


It is the emotional part.  It is the primitive part of the brain


It interprets messages that there is a danger.


It knows nothing about reasoning originative functions.  It deals

with feelings and emotions


It controls emotional reactions such as fear and anger

It is the alarm portion of the brain

It becomes high active during and while remembering a traumatic


It controls our behavior.  When you have been in trauma it is

hypersensitive-overreacts to normal stimuli

Trauma freezes thinking.

It is as though the left side(cognitive) and the right side(emotional)

are disconnected from one another.


Usually, our body and emotions and thoughts are all connected.

Trauma separates these from one another

I remember when I went through trauma- loss of mother, brother,

and sister in little over 2 years, and then I was having hips

problems at the same time.  Listed below are some things that

may help you overcome trauma:


  1. Learn about causes and risk factors of trauma


  1. move frequently in ways that exercise your arms and legs


  1. make the face-to-face connection with others a priority


  1. learn about and practice things that soothe your nervous system


  1. make choices that will boost your physical health


  1. learn more by reading related articles.


Healthyplace.com talks about that:

During trauma, your amygdala is responsible for emotions and

actions motivated by survival needs.  In threatening situations:


Increases your arousal and autonomic response associated with



Activates the release of stress hormones

Engages your emotional response

Decides what memories are stored and where they should be

placed around the cortex

Applies feeling, tone and emotional charge to memory

Adjacent to the amygdala the hippocampus is responsible for the

formation, organization, storage and retrieval of memories.

Technical, it converts them from short-term to long-term, sending

them to the appropriate parts of your outer brain for storage

Trauma, however, hijacks this process; the hippocampus is

prevented from transforming the memories and so those

memories remain in an activated, short-term status.  This stops

the memories of being properly integrated so that their effects

diminish.  In some cases, when the hippocampus’ function is

suppressed it has been shown to shrink.

The blood flow to the brain is affected and trauma that is strictly

mental or emotional rather than the result of a physical injury can

manifest in our bodies in a variety of ways including chronically

restricted tissue, the shrinking or bracing of the overall structure, a

tight diaphragm and shallow breathing, cold hands, and feet—

which is the body summoning energy from the extremities to the

central nervous system and core), and strong tensions at the

base of the skull and at the bottom of the spine.


There is lots more to trauma than just the trauma itself.  Having to

get past the trauma and the effects on your WHOLE being.










YOU and Marcus Aurelius and his book “Meditations

One of the world’s most famous and influential books,

Meditations, by the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius incorporates

the stoic precepts he used to cope with his life as a warrior and

administrator of an empire.  Ascending to the throne in A.D. 161,

Aurelius found his reign beset by natural disasters and war.  In the

wake of these challenges, he set down a series of private

reflections, outlining a philosophy of commitment to virtue above

pleasure and tranquility above happiness.


Marcus wrote for himself, to improve himself, to consider what

and who he should be; as a result, he wrote a guide for the rest of

of us.


Self-perception, self-examination, and the power to make of itself

whatever it wants. it reaches its intended goal, no matter where

the limit of its life is set.  Marcus Aurelius makes comments and

points based on faith and as a believer, I like that.

Marcus Aurelius kept a diary and “Meditations” is from those

journals and writings.


There are different translations and you just have to find a

translation that works for you.  But, they all will follow the thought

process and wording of Marcus Aurelius’.


“Meditations” are unique in classical literature because it is the

personal and philosophical diary written in Greek by an

intellectual Roman emperor without any thought or intention of

publications – and remain of unique interest and relevance to the

modern world.  A lot of his thoughts and writings in the

diary is held by many when reading them today.


I loved reading his biography many years ago by Anthony R>

Birley.  I am sure there are other biographies about Marcus.

Here he was a Roman Emperor and writing about:










The following could be said by any number of motivational

speakers today:


“Do not imagine that, if something is hard for you to achieve, it is

therefore, impossible for any man but rather consider anything that

is humanly possible and appropriate to lie within your own reach



How wonderful to know that thought from a Roman Emperor?




“If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any

thought or action, I shall gladly change.  I seek the Truth, which

never harmed anyone; the harm is to persist in one’s own self-

deception and ignorance.



Here we are, how many centuries beyond Marcus Aurelius, a stoic

prince who became an Emperor, after Hadrian who as far as I have

read never thought that deeply about much except his next move

as Emperor.  And I did read a biography of him and the Hadrian

wall and all his wars and being away from Rome for long periods

of time.












YOU and Searching for a Meaningful Life


Atara Frankel is the great-granddaughter of Victor Frankel and

knew him for the first ten years of her life.  What an experience to

hear it from the actual family member of their past and history that

has affected world history for almost 80 years now.


Victor Frankl, an Austrian Jew, studied neurology and psychiatry

with a focus on depression and suicide years before being

arrested and deported by the Nazis in 1942.  He defied odds by

lasting three years in the concentration camps.  He lost his

parents, brother, and his wife, who was pregnant.  He was given a

visa but his family would not leave their home country.  Victor

worked as a slave laborer for awhile and then was able to work as

a physician until he was freed.


While in the camps he watched people that were there with him

Those without any purpose seemed to perish.  Those that

developed purpose and meaning to the harsh conditions got out

of bed every morning to face another unbearable day so they

could survive.


Read this book if you have any of the following:


Feeling scared

If you feel lost

If you are happy

If you have time

If you do not have time


Here are  some of the wonderful insights that are in this book:


“We who lived in the concentration camps can remember the men

who walked through the huts comforting others, giving away their

last piece of bread.  They may have been few in number, but they

offer sufficient proof that everything can be taken from a man but

one thing:  the last of the human freedoms-to choose one’s

the attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own



Throughout the book, Professor often quotes Nietzsche: “He who

has a why to live for can bear with almost any how.”

The book is essentially two works; his story from Nazi

concentration camp and his philosophy he called “Logotherapy”.

Logotherapy is a school of thought and in his writings, Frankl says

it is our duty to find meaning in life.  Being productive is his

message, and from my own life, it is the only way I stop on top of

my mind, body, and spirit. The one and only thing that you have

control of in the end is YOUR attitude.


YOUR attitude will make you age healthy if you use it to that end.

Read it once, and then read it again because it inspires you,

empowers you, and will likely lead you to find meaning in YOUR

life and keep developing as you age and as you develop.






YOU and a really good probiotic


Dr. Axe talks about the first and most overlooked reason that our

digestive tracts are critical to our health is because 80 percent of

our immune system is located in your digestive tract.


In addition to the impact on our immune systems, our digestive

systems are the second largest part of our neurological system.  It

is called the enteric nervous system and is located in the gut.

That is why it is called our second brain


Many people have health issues, such as thyroid imbalances,

chronic fatigue, joint pain, psoriasis, autism and many other

conditions do not realize that these illnesses originate in the gut.


If these issues and many others are connected to our gut health,

then what elements are essential for digestive health?


The statistics are staggering, yet poor gut health actually affects

much greater numbers than these statistics illustrate.

Your digestive health affects every physiological system in your



The many toxins we are subjected to today decrease digestive

function, affecting our ability to utilize nutrients and dried ourselves

of cholesterol, triggering chronic inflammation in the body, which

is the cause of many chronic conditions and diseases.

another secret to restoring your digestive health is all about

balancing out the good and bad bacteria in your gut.  If you are

going to be healthy, you must consider consuming probiotic-rich

foods and supplements daily.


Probiotics are bacteria that line your digestive tract and support

your body’s ability to absorb nutrients and fight infection.  There

are actually 10 times more probiotics in your gut than cells in

your body.


Your skin and digestive system by themselves host about 2,000

different types of bacteria.  Probiotics benefits have been proven

effective in supporting immune function and healthy digestion, as

well as beautiful skin.


Good gut bacteria are also responsible for:

Production vitamin B12

Crowding out bad bacteria, yeast, and fungi

Creating enzymes that destroy harmful bacteria

Stimulating secretion of lgA and regulatory T-Cell


Adding more probiotic foods into your diet, you could see all of the

following probiotics benefits:

Stronger immune system

Improved digestion

Increased energy

Better breath

Healthier skin

Reduced cold and flu

Weight loss


Dr. Axe continues on about the top 7 Probiotic killers are:

Prescription antibiotics



GMO foods


Emotional stress

Chemical and medications


Research has proven that there are at least 20 benefits by taking



Boosting immune system

Preventing and treating urinary tract infection’s

Improving digestive function

Healing inflammatory bowel conditions

Managing and preventing eczema in children

Fighting food-borne illnesses

And new studies are underway that may soon prove probiotics

can help with much more.









YOU and Benefits of Magnesium are endless

Information below is from website:  well-beingsecrets.com


Some of the facts about magnesium from ancient to today and

your body.


Magnesium is essential for the human body, integral for plant

Earth, and is used in many electronic today.

Magnesium reaches across many platforms of use.

Our bodies need magnesium

Earth’s crust has magnesium

Plants need magnesium

Used to construct missiles, automobiles, cell phones, and computers

Also, assists in medicine production


It is white and gray in color

Just as essential to your diet as potassium or calcium

Magnesium has an effect on more than 300 bodily chemical

reactions.  Maintain heart health, sustaining blood vessels,

boosting and maintain energy levels, product in new cells and

proteins, and enabling enzyme activity.

These chemical reactions not only affect the overall health of your

body, but your ability to perform daily tasks.

Sir Humphrey Davy discovered magnesium in 1755:  but that is

not really when people realized it’s potential –and probably in

ancient times it was part of their history.


Listed below are some facts:

Magnesium is one of the most common mineral deficiencies.

The chemical element symbol for magnesium is Mg.

The atomic number for magnesium is 12

Magnesium is essential for photosynthesis to take place

Magnesium has a boiling point of 1,091F.

Aside from sodium, magnesium is the most plentiful metal found

in seawater

Magnesium is essential for life: not only for our bodies, but for us

planet as well


10% of the Earth’s mass is made up from magnesium

the human body absorbs anywhere from 10-50% of magnesium


magnesium is essential for sleep

Listed below are some signs of inadequacies of magnesium:

Respiratory issues


Calcium deficiency

Nausea, dizziness, and fatigue

Type 2 diabetes

Poor memory functions or confusion


Muscle cramping

Irregular heartbeat

Involuntary eye movements or tremors


Loss of appetite

Panic attacks

Heart disease

Bowel disease

Blood clots


Listed below are benefits:


Bone health


Muscle building

Chronic pain

Eases muscle pain

Heart health

Insulin and diabetes





Collagen production

Bladder control


I have taken magnesium into my body for probably 15 years.  For

years I used the transdermal magnesium in my bath water, and

still love that but at the present I take magnesium along with

melatonin for my sleep and I must say my sleep pattern has never

been better.

When I used transdermal magnesium I ordered it from:

Global Light network out of San Antonio and any products they

have are A+ and probably as close to anything organic one can


Mark Sircus also has a book about “Transdermal Magnesium

Therapy” which is excellent.

Have Joy today and practice Prevention Health for YOUR aging



